The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1340: The bitterness of the old Zhaotou

Li Zedao resisted the abnormal turbulence in his heart at this time, and patiently waited for the old man to continue speaking.

As for what the old Zhao Tau will say next, he is already more than just curiosity. After all, for Chen Tuan, he has some awesome deeds about this man who has been deified and is like a god. Li Zedao is too familiar.

It’s said that he created a quick method for the inside. With that method, anyone can practice internal power to become a martial arts master; he also found the tomb of a generation of ghost doctor Duanmuweizhuang, and even he planned to soak in Duanmuweizhuang’s Widow...Of course, it is not clear whether it is true or not. Li Zedao is not sure; then, I don’t know what method he used to divide the colorful stone that even a master like Huang Wen can't do, and finally polish it. It became five safety buckles.

Li Zedao could see that Huang Wen had his eyes on the top, and he only admired the man who was full of bugs in his master, but he admired Chen Tuan with admiration.

Therefore, Li Zedao was really curious. After Chen Tuan saved General Wolf back then, did he leave something for General Wolf to guard, and finally hand it over to the man appointed by God who had Fuxi bones and both hands...

Li Zedao thought for a while, isn't the man appointed by heaven alone? Otherwise, why does this old head of Zhao look at his own face and his palm, and then he is so excited that he has eaten bee **** and said that this has been for thousands of years and finally waited for you, what else has he accomplished? of?

The old Zhao had a good wine. After the two big bowls were two catties of his 50-year-old daughter, he was not satisfied at all. On the contrary, he hooked up all the wine bugs and wanted to open the cork. For a bowl, I thought for a while, reluctant to hold the wine jar and got up.

"Uh... why didn't you say it?" Li Zedao asked.

"Suddenly I want to drink plum wine." Old Zhaotou said, "I'll change a jar of plum wine."


Soon, the old head of Zhao came back with a wine jar in one hand and poured a large bowl by himself. Of course, he knew that the kid in front of him didn't drink, so he didn't mean to help.

This time he didn’t dry it in a bowl, but took a sip of the hot and sour plum wine in his mouth, and continued to open the chatterbox: "In those days, my ancestor General Wolf was chased like a dog by chasing soldiers. When..."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, thinking that if the majestic wolf general knew that there was such an unfilial descendant like you who dared to bury him in this way, I am afraid he would be so angry that he would survive right away?

"At this time, the master wearing a wolf mask turned up. He beat dozens of chasing soldiers three or five times, then led the way, and finally led General Wolf and his party to this cave." The old Zhao said, his head slightly raised forty-five degrees, and he glanced at the cave a few times, his face was full of gratitude, as if he was General Wolf, not General Wolf’s grandson. Grandson's grandson...

"After that, the wolf face master took off the wave mask on his face, revealing the face under his mask. My ancestor General Wolf recognized him instantly. This is not Chen Tuan and who it is. When Zhao Kuangyin visited Chen Tuan in Huashan for the first time, my ancestors followed him and had a relationship with Chen Tuan, so my ancestors recognized him, but what Zhao Kuangyin did when visiting Chen Tuan My ancestor, General Wolf, is not very clear. Naturally, Lao Tzu is also not clear." The old Zhao's head was afraid of Li Zedao's inquiries, so he came and directly blocked Li Zedao's words.

Li Zedao nodded slightly, and muttered proudly in his heart: "I know what Zhao Kuangyin wants to do with Chen Tuan."

"After that, General Wolf repeatedly expressed his life-saving grace to Chen Tuan. Chen Tuan asked him to be polite...just let my ancestor do a favor." Old Zhao said, looking at Li Zedao, "The savior has offered to help. General Wolf naturally nodded and agreed. Afterwards, Chen Tuan gave General Wolf something and told him that one day in the future, someone would show up here. Then he only needs to give him what I gave you... …"

"What's that thing?" Li Zedao asked, looking at Old Zhao's head eagerly, swallowing drool.

Old Zhao’s head was like he hadn’t heard Li Zedao’s words. He picked up the wine bowl and drank a sip of plum wine. He said with infinite emotion: “After giving the thing to General Wolf, Chen Tuan expressed embarrassment. That person may be very capable. It will be a long, long time later, but he will definitely appear one day in the future! General Wolf quickly said that if I didn’t wait, I would give the things to my son, and my son would give it to my grandson... In this way, a thousand years have passed, and this thing is now in my hands. A thousand years have passed, and we can be regarded as repaying Chen Tuan's life-saving grace.

"So, what is that...?" Li Zedao swallowed again.

"Boy, at this time, the most important question you should ask shouldn't be...Why does Lao Tzu think that person is you?" Old Zhao asked.

"...Because I have Fuxi bones, my hands are broken..." Li Zedao said, please, you were so obvious just now, so do you need to ask?

Old Zhao nodded: "Yes, General Wolf asked Chen Tuan back then, what kind of person is that? Chen Tuan said that he was a man who had Fuxi bones and both hands were severed! Later, Chen Tuan taught. My ancestor General Wolf’s simple physiognomy, at the time of parting, also pinpointed, said that you will definitely go down the mountain to build a small village to live in. When the village is destroyed by fire and water at the same time, it will appear quite. The vision, that is to say, someone who has Fuxi bones and both hands have broken palms has already appeared..."

"Uh..." Li Zedao's face was drawn badly. I read less, so don't lie to me.

"So, General Wolf waited and waited, until his old man's hundred years later, he still didn't see that person, so he left a last word to his son before he died, and then his son waited and waited. Just waiting for my much bitterness, how much expectation, oh, don't mention it..." The old Zhaotou went down a big bowl of plum wine, and it seemed that all the bitterness was in this bowl of wine.


"All in all, the village has been flooded several times in the past thousand years, and there have been fires, but it has been flooded and fired again. It really hasn't happened!"

Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao with a smug expression: "So, why do you think I agreed to let the donkey eggs be resettled* and blow up the dam of the deep pool on the mountain and let the flood wash the whole village? This way? As soon as it comes, there will be water and fire? The village is gone... Then this proves that the person we have waited for thousands of years is about to appear?"

So... can this be done? Li Zedao only felt that his face was drawn abnormally. It turned out that it was for this reason that the old man allowed his grandson to destroy the entire village. In fact, he really wanted to ask a question. What if he doesn't have a Fuxi bone and his hands are not broken?

"If Chen Tuan, the old guy who has pitted us for a thousand years, didn't brag." Old Zhao Tau added.


Old Zhao said with infinite emotion: "Why didn't you think I hadn't thought of it for a long time? If you take the initiative early and destroy the village by water and fire, won't your kid appear? You have waited for so many years."

"..." Li Zedao's face was drawn even more severely. You hadn't been born yet at that time.

"Sure enough, your kid appeared. I don't need to guard this ruined place and wait for you to come. You can move away from this ghost place with peace of mind. The poor place in Xijo Township is better than here. Ah, at least there are more people, electricity, and bicycles. Unlike this place, everything is the most primitive." The old head Zhao said, taking a gulp of the bowl of wine.

Li Zedao understood. This old man had already thought of taking the people from the village to move out of this ghost place. It was just that because of the promise and the last words passed down from generation to generation, so he was forced to endure... It's General Wolf, a general who speaks for nothing, this has been passed on for thousands of years, and the generosity of the soldier and the gene for his promises are now well extracted from Old Zhao.

So, when he did show up, he was so happy and so excited.

Of course, in the previous generation, that gene has basically disappeared, and it has become sinister and cunning.

"So, what Chen Tuan gave to General Wolf is..." Li Zedao swallowed again and asked, this is what he cares most about.

The old head of Zhao looked at Li Zedao with his already faintly drunken eyes. After a drunken hiccup, he put his hand in his arms and touched it. Finally he found out a small black box the size of his hand. After coming out, he threw it towards Li Zedao and said, "The thing Chen Tuan gave to General Wolf is in this box. Look for yourself."

As he said, the old Zhao let out a sigh of relief, and even his sore nose, he almost cried, finally letting go of the heavy burden on his shoulders, so that he can take the bear away from the village. There are more blind people than people.

This is a great thing and must be celebrated! Therefore, he simply lifted the entire wine jar, raised his head, his mouth opened wide, and the silver wine was continuously poured into his big mouth, like a waterfall.

On the other hand, Li Zedao was looking up and down at this old wooden box. Of course, it was not made of any good wood except for a long time. The craftsmanship is not that sophisticated, rather rough, presumably It was Lao Zhaotou's grandfather or grandfather's grandfather who made it by himself, just to store the thing Chen Tuan gave.

He took a few deep breaths, calmed his mood, and then slowly opened the box, and then his eyes widened suddenly, like a ghost.

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