There are two things in the box. One of them is a stone. The stone is shining with the kind of strange light that is familiar to Li Zedao. The light is pure blue. Therefore, this is the remaining multicolored stone from Nuwa. Leftovers from the pure cyan part? According to Master, the pure cyan part can blend into human eyes, and it can make people possess super spiritual ability. To put it plainly, they can control something with their minds.

As for the other thing, it was something similar to a medicine jar thick with two adult thumbs.

"This is..." Li Zedao reached out his hand and picked up the medicine jar, and looked at it. Judging from the appearance of this gadget, it should be a small jar, and it was cold and heavy, and it seemed to be cast iron.

As for the stone that shone with blue light, it was a double-edged sword. The integration of a yellow stone made him completely infertile. Master collected five safety buckles and integrated four of them into his body. It was burned out quickly, so Li Zedao felt a little scared and resisted inexplicably. After being shocked, he put it aside for the time being.

The old Zhao, who had filled most of the jar of wine in one breath, burped heavily, his eyes were blurred, he was already a bit drunk, and his tongue began to grow bigger. He slanted his eyes and looked at the dark thing in Li Zedao's hand. At a glance, he said, "It should be a pot of medicine? As for what material it is made of, it's just... uh... I don't know, I tried it, and there is no reaction at all when approaching the magnet, so it's not iron... and for sure, inside... …There is something, but the cork is weird, it can’t be opened at all, as if the cork and the bottle body are actually connected together, but the key is that it allows you to see that this is a bottle Plug, it's just too much in..."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. He carefully observed the mouth of the bottle. Sure enough, he found that the mouth of the bottle was tightly plugged with a stopper made of a substance that looked like the bottle body. He wanted to pick up the cork, but followed There was no place to grab it. I put the medicine bottle next to my ear and shook it gently, vaguely, when I heard a "chacha" sound from inside, it was obvious that there was something inside.

"Chen Tuan didn't say anything when he left these two things?" Li Zedao asked, looking at the head of the old Zhao, and his heart was full of helplessness. This old guy is not kind. If you want to drink, you have to wait for everything. Drink it after you say it, you can see that the drink is high now... Li Zedao is really worried that this old man will forget something important.

Old Zhao patted his head: "What to say... What to say... Oh, what he said... Because... Because General Wolf was afraid of forgetting it, I recorded it, and passed it down to Lao Tzu from generation to generation. Here, for more than a thousand years, I usually take out that piece of sheepskin... after a few glances, the back of the sheepskin looks like a flow... Uh... after Chen Tuan gave these two things, he said... said... oh, that... …"

He pointed to the swarthy thing in Li Zedao's hand and said, "Oh, there is no way to open this bottle with external force... that, because... because this bottle is locked..."

"...Is it locked?" Li Zedao said that you were joking with me.

"Yes...I was locked. Chen Tuan told General Wolf that the bottle was locked... Oh, it was locked by the sky lock."

"Tiansuo?" Li Zedao's muscles twitched again, and the old man became more and more ridiculous.

The head of old Zhao looked at Li Ze drunkly and said, "Boy, do you know what... is the sky lock?"

Li Ze Daoxin said, I only know that you drank too much, and immediately answered at will: "The lock in the sky?"

"The lock in the sky? Childish!" Old Zhao gave Li Zedao a glance, then bent over, hugged another jar of wine in his arms, and continued with a burp, "Chen Tuan is... with General Wolf Explain that the sky is locked... He said that the sky lock was invented by the Huangdi who is regarded as the "first ancestor of humanity" in China, the head of the five emperors of China. The more amazing thing is that you know that it is a sky lock, but you don't even see it. To that lock..."

Li Zedao was trampled on by a large group of grass and mud horses, what is this? Then he said cautiously: "Grandpa, how take a break first?"

"Why, you kid think I'm drinking too much nonsense?" At Li Zedao's words, the old head Zhao was very dissatisfied, and waved his hand, "Tell you, drunk, that's it. Can wine make Lao Tzu drunk? Don't even think about it... tell you, Lao Tzu once drank... hiccups..."

"Well, let's continue talking about Tiansuo." Li Ze said helplessly.

"However, Lao Tzu also thinks that Chen Tuan probably drank too much to brag, what shit? Why didn't I see it?" The ancestors have been in this place for thousands of years. The resentment is obvious, and the tone is not so respectful, especially after drinking.

"That Chen Tuan said, what...that...oh, what sky locks said, in fact, it is a lock made by Huang Di with his mind, and it is said that it can lock anything."

"Mind?" Li Zedao frowned and his eyes fell on the blue stone in the box. Once this stone fits into your eyes, wouldn't it allow you to have super powerful mental abilities, and then use your mind to control some things?

"That old guy Chen Tuan...bringed that cowhide to my ancestor General Wolf... he said...hiccup... According to legend, when a person's spirit reaches a very high state, he can use his mind. Control some things, for example, if he wants to drink, he only needs to look at the jar of wine on the table, and the jar of wine will automatically float in front of you for you to drink... The same is true for Tiansuo. The Huangdi wants something to hit No, he added a sky lock with his super strong mind, so that no matter how powerful the outside world is, you don’t want to open that thing... You kid, tell me, is this bragging? is not it?"

"Bringing!" Li Zedao echoed. When a person drank too much, you must not refute anything with him, otherwise he might fight you desperately.

At the same time, Li Zedao's eyes alternated back and forth on the pure blue stone and the medicine jar in his hand, his brows were already slightly frowned.

So, this medicine jar is really locked by an invisible sky lock made with the so-called Huangdi's idea? So Chen Tuan left this pure cyan stone in order to let you have a strong mind and then open the lock that day to get the things inside?

"Grandpa, what did Chen Tuan say about this stone?" Li Zedao asked.

"Stone... stone..." The old man shook his dizzy head, then smashed his mouth, touched it in his arms, and finally took out a small piece of black leather or something. The thing threw it towards Li Zedao, "This... the sheepskin is handwritten by General Wolf... handwriting, if this is spread, it will be worth a lot, a lot of money... You kid... see for yourself, I want to drink. No... I have no time to talk to you... Boy, don't turn around in front of Lao Tzu, it makes Lao Tzu's eyes dizzy..."


Then, the old Zhao's head was extremely heroic and pulled out the wooden stopper from the bottle mouth, then raised his head and continued to pour it.

A few seconds later, "Kang Dang!" The wine jar slipped from Old Zhao's hand and broke instantly. Looking at Old Zhao's head, the whole person was already lying there, unconscious.

Li Zedao looked at him helplessly, then opened the small piece of sheepskin, frowning and looking at the writing on it.

The font is not beautiful, it is in traditional Chinese characters, but Li Zedao still barely understands it. The above records are some things that Chen Tuan explained to General Lang.

Of course, Old Man Zhao basically said all these things. For example, if a village was destroyed by fire and water at the same time, it was a symptom of a predestined person with Fuxi bones and broken hands. He also mentioned the sky lock on the medicine jar. It is also mentioned that the destined person can naturally open it...

Fart, Li Zedao's heart is full of helplessness, I can't open it... Am I not destined? Are you kidding me?

It is recorded above that the sky lock is an invisible lock made by the Yellow Emperor with his mind. It must be a person with extremely high mental abilities to see the lock, and it must also be combined with a spell handed down by the Yellow Emperor to remove it. turn on.

"Spell? Pineapple jackfruit?" Li Ze twitched.

At the same time, the record of this pure cyan stone only said that it was a piece of jade, which could guarantee safety.

"Could it be that Chen Tuan is guarding General Wolf how much? I am afraid that General Wolf will learn that this stone possesses the god-defying power, so he will take it for himself and say that on purpose?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart, "In addition, he is right. I am a destined person with Fuxi bones and broken hands that will appear and be familiar with the pure blue stone? If that is the case, Chen Tuan is really more powerful than he thought."

I read the words on this small piece of sheepskin from beginning to end again, and didn't see the so-called description of spells, so Chen Tuan didn't say it? It's impossible. Since Chen Tuan can count what happened a thousand years later and left all the pure cyan stones, how could he not leave a spell?

General Wolf forgot to record? It shouldn’t be possible. The general who kept his promise would definitely remember every sentence and every word Chen Tuan said. So, it’s very possible that he has actually said the spell, and it’s hidden in the words he explained. in.

So what is it?

He frowned and scanned the sheepskin for a few more times, but still couldn't see what the spell was, and even after the stone was in the eyes, it was one thing to see the lock that day, so Li Zedao had to give up temporarily.

After thinking for a while, folded the sheepskin, then got up and helped the old Zhao, who was lying there, who was already unconscious, put the sheepskin back into his arms.

Sitting back on the rock, Li Zedao looked back subconsciously. There was no one around. Obviously, the old head of Zhao has a very high status here, so he said that people should not be disturbed, and other people did not dare to approach here. .

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