The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1342: Adventurous spirit

Looking back, Li Zedao stared at the pure cyan stone in the box, thought about it, took it out, and gently stroked it in his hand.

How about... let it fit into your own eyes?

As soon as this "terrible" thought occurred in his heart, Li Zedao's calf was shaking and his expression twitched, his hands clenched his fists tightly, and two different voices were constantly clashing.

"This is a rare opportunity to cause bugs in your body. This pure cyan stone can make your mental abilities reach the top level, allowing you to control those things with your mind, such as the next time the woman in the north is unlucky again. The **** is blooming, and you don’t need to use a knife at all. You just need to stare at the stone in the wound and say it out, and then the stone will come out by itself... So, quickly put it into your eyes!"

"No, no, this is a double-edged sword. Have you forgotten the huge harm that yellow stone brings to you? It makes you infertile, but it is infertility! It's more infertile than impotence-dysfunction..."

"Isn't that great? From the environmental protection point of view, it saves the set, and from the point of view, that..."

"Birds, you can shut up! In short, you must not blend in. God knows what kind of side effects it brings? Maybe, as soon as you blend in, you start to burn your vitality!"

"Hey, can you be a little adventurous? Besides, Chen Tuan has already counted this point. Naturally, I hope you can open the lock that day and get the thing in the medicine jar that might save the world... Go ahead. , Boy, quickly put it into your eyes to get that super mind control ability, and then open the sky lock, get the contents of the medicine jar, and save this already dire world..."

"Save the ass, what if the body functions are burned out quickly like a master after melting into the eyes?"

" don't seem to be able to control your own life right now? You might even hang up directly after entering the Devil's Cave Forest, and getting the contents of the medicine jar might save your life, who knows? Besides, didn’t Huang Wen say it? After entering the magic cave, he has a way to remove the yellow stone that blends into your tongue to restore your fertility. Then let him help remove the pure blue stone..."

"It still doesn't work, it's too dangerous...ah..."

This voice let out a wailing, and it simply "beaten Li Zedao to death".

As the first voice said, his life is completely in the hands of Huang Wen, and he cannot escape his control at all. Besides, he will enter the Devil's Cave Forest afterwards, although he knows whether it will be directly after entering. It's hanging up like this, so...Is the so-called side effect brought by this pure blue color into the eyes still considered a thing? The most important thing is that I have such a stone in my arms. If Huang Wen finds it, will it be snatched away?

Moreover, the instrument in the north hand seemed to be able to detect only yellow stones...

No matter what, let it fit into your own eyes quickly!

After a very boring ideological struggle, Li Zedao cautiously took the stone and placed it on his right eye.

Soon, the pure cyan stone emits a frightening cyan light, and then the cyan light disappears quickly, and with the disappearance of the cyan light the stone is also gone.

"This... melted into the eyes?" Li Zedao thought and blinked, but there was no special feeling.

Thinking about it, Li Zedao's gaze fell on the medicine jar he put back in the box. He couldn't wait to take the medicine jar and feel what the lock was this day, and then see if he could open it quickly.

The next second, a magical thing happened. When the thought of "I want to take that medicine jar" appeared in Li Zedao's mind, the medicine jar seemed to be held by an invisible hand, slowly drifting to his. before.

"This... is the so-called mind? So against the sky?" Li Zedao widened his eyes with an incredible expression on his face.

Then he turned his gaze to the **** bowl again, and the thought of "I want that bowl" appeared in his mind. Soon the **** bowl floated gently in front of him, and the medicine jar was It fell to the floor with a "clang" as if losing control.

Then, Li Zedao came to understand that this "thought" is controlled through the eyes.

At the moment Li Zedao picked up the medicine jar and looked at it carefully without turning his eyes, and then his eyes were getting brighter and brighter... The head of the old Zhao was right. There was really a lock on the medicine jar, one of which was like gold The lock passed through the mouth of the medicine jar! But when you touch it with your hand, you can only touch the cold bottle. This feeling is like the kind of scene often seen in ghost movies... You can clearly see such a ghost standing by you. In front of you, but when you stretched out your hand, that hand passed through the ghost's body, and you couldn't catch the other person at all.

This lock is exactly that!

This is the sky lock made by Huangdi with his mind? Li Zedao stared at the lock, there was an inexplicable gloom in his eyes, and his thoughts were surging, but how to open it?

The sheepskin in the arms of the head of old Zhao recorded what Chen Tuan said. There are two conditions for using this sky lock. The first is to reach a very high level of spirit, such as his current state. In this way; the second is a spell left by the Yellow Emperor...that is to say, after having this spell, he can control the sky lock, that is, he can open the medicine jar!

But what exactly is the spell?

Just now, Li Zedao stared at the content on the sheepskin, read it several times, but after all he could not see any clues.

"Pineapple jackfruit..." Li Zedao muttered as he looked at the medicine jar and swallowed.

The sky is locked tightly, indifferent.

"I knew that jackfruit was not the so-called spell." Li Zedao muttered immediately, but his heart was a little irritable and disappointed. This Chen Tuan is also true. Can you just say the spell directly?

"Fuxi bones? Broken palms... Eighteen palms of the dragon descending..." Li Zedao was a little bored and continued to try, anyway, it was still too early for the two hours that Bei said, so I was idle.

Of course, without exception, they all failed.

At the moment, Li Zedao was already a little discouraged, and he carefully put the medicine jar away, then got up and planned to leave first before talking, and then just look for opportunities to try slowly later.

At this moment, it seemed as if a light suddenly shot into his mind, so that Li Zedao's expression was already slightly sluggish, and he quickly took out the medicine jar that had been collected.

It suddenly occurred to him that according to the records on the sheepskin, when Chen Tuan gave General Wolf these things back then, he said that when the village was hit by fire and water at the same time, the person who had broken hands with Fuxi bones would naturally appear. A destined person can naturally open it, so... a destined person... the spell will not be the three words "destined person", right? Otherwise, why should Chen Tuan emphasize it?

Try? At the moment, Li Ze Daoqiang held down the excitement in his heart, and then looked at Tiansuo eagerly and said: "Actually, I am a destined person..."

Tiansuo was still locked firmly, indifferent.

"Uh... I know I still think too much." Li Zedao's original hot heart was instantly poured into a basin of cold water, and it was cold, and he comforted himself with a dry smile.

After thinking about it, he was still unwilling, so he coughed twice and said: "I am a destined person..." He simply removed the word "actually", knowing that his approach was actually stupid. , But I feel a little unwilling to do so. I always want to try it. What if it succeeds?

There was still no such thing as a golden light flashing in my imagination, and the sky lock was still firmly locked.

"Well, someone who is destined..." Still nothing happened.

"People who are destined..." Li Zedao was helpless, his tone was full of low, and he was already ready to give up.

In the next second, Li Zedao's voice stopped abruptly, his mouth was big enough to swallow a tennis ball, and his round eyeballs stared at the medicine jar in the palm of his hand with a **** expression on his face.

He could see clearly, as if an invisible hand appeared out of thin air, that invisible hand was still holding an invisible key, and the invisible key was still in the keyhole of the sky lock , And then... the sky lock is unlocked!

The sky lock is really open! The spell turned out to be... a destined person!

Li Zedao quickly woke up from the shock, because he saw that the sky lock had become transparent little by little, and finally disappeared.

The medicine jar is still the same medicine jar. The difference is that this time there is no longer the sky lock that ordinary people can't see with the naked eye.

As for where Tiansuo went, Li Zedao couldn’t figure it out. Of course, he didn’t have the mind to think about this kind of thing, because now that Tiansuo is gone, it means that the medicine jar will be opened, and the medicine jar is opened. I can get the thing that is likely to be used to save the world...

At the moment, Li Zedao threw all the messy thoughts out of his mind, then exhaled deeply, and then his eyes fell on the mouth of the medicine jar, which was being made of a substance that looked like the bottle. The plug is tightly stuffed.

Previously, the cork could not be taken out entirely because it was locked by the sky lock. Now that the sky lock has disappeared, it means that the cork can be easily taken out, right?

Right now, Li Zedao watched the stopper secretly give the stopper a command to "come out". Soon, the stopper seemed to be fiddled with by an invisible hand, gradually emerging.

And as the stopper left the bottle little by little, Li Zedao's heart also rippled up. He couldn't wait to know what was in the medicine jar.

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