The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1357: Lone Star

It depends on the situation...Is that going to kill, because this woman would not use such ambiguous words if she really wanted to kill, so Li Zedao was a little relieved.

After all, if this woman really wants to kill, will she stop or not?

"You told me that you were taken away by Huang Wen in a certain orphanage in Phoenix. I thought you were from Phoenix." Li Zedao nodded. Of course, he said this with a purpose. He hoped that Bei could solve the doubt in his heart, but Bei just smoked a cigarette coldly and ignored him.

Li Ze said, "I'm done, let's go."

Bei glanced at Li Zedao and said coldly: "Aren't you brushing your teeth in the morning?"


I was very depressed after brushing my teeth for ten minutes. Li Zedao, who was about to break his toothbrush, walked out of the bathroom and looked at Bei, who was still sitting there. He was very upset and exposed his white teeth: "It's all right now. Right?"

Bei glanced at him like an idiot, stood up, and strode out of the room.

"This woman is so annoying." Li Zedao muttered very uncomfortably, and stubbornly followed.

Since this woman would not tell him the driving route, Li Zedao used his mobile phone to find the route of Bilin Community in Xiawanjiawan Community. It was quite far from the hotel where they were staying, and it took more than half an hour to drive normally.

After finding the route, Li Zedao started the car and drove there.

Bei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, lit another cigarette, his eyes fell out of the window, his red lips lightly opened, and he said, "Zhang Jiujiu, my dad gave me a name because it happened to be September when my mom gave birth to me. At nine o'clock on the 9th..."

It’s like talking to Li Zedao, but it’s like talking to himself, still not happy or angry, sad or happy, just like talking about something that doesn’t matter to him, but Li Zedao can feel that The emotions, anger, hatred, and thoughts that were suppressed by her.

Li Zedao glanced at her profile and said nothing.

"Zhang Guanxin was an elementary school teacher in his early years, obsessed with the Book of Changes, and even occasionally helped people with fortune-telling. When I was born, he helped me with fortune-telling. He said that I ordered a lone star and would give my parents to the relatives around me. Dead, so when I was born, he saw me as if he saw a demon, and strongly urged my parents to throw me away, as far as possible! Liang Chunhua believed in Zhang Guanxin's words and originally saw my mother I was already upset when I gave birth to a girl. After hearing that I had committed a lone star, I lost my temper even more. I was mean to my mother and divorced if I didn't throw away the child. Others harmed her son.

"..." Li Zedao's expression changed slightly.

"My dad is unwilling to divorce my mother, and it is even more unlikely that Zhang Guanxin will abandon me because of Zhang Guanxin's calculation. He had a big argument with them, and then his parents moved out and lived in that small house. , I grew up happy and happy day by day..."

The indifferent expression in the northern eyes looked a little blurred at this time. Looking outside, the voice is not sad or happy, so you can't hear her mood, but Li Zedao can clearly feel it, as if the two souls resonated Like.

"That day, they took me to Taihetian Street to play..."

Li Zedao stunned slightly, Taihetian Street? Which big mall did you go to yesterday? So, she walked from the first floor to the fifth floor step by step, actually recalling something that happened when she was young?

"When I was hitting a hamster, there was a fat boy who slapped my braids. I picked up the hammer and hit him and made him cry." Bei said, "The fat boy's father pinched my face. When my father saw this, the fat kid’s father immediately started, and the two finally fought, until the security guard pulled them away."

"I still clearly remember the face full of fierce aura. The owner of that face pointed to my dad and said, "Wait, there is something good for you! After saying this, he left. For My father was not at ease about the threats from the other party, and kept comforting me and my mother who were frightened... Mom had a heart problem and couldn't stand the shock.

"But..." A trace of murderous aura that could not be suppressed had already emerged from Bei's indifferent voice. "When we left the mall, we were stopped by a few policemen. The police said that I received a report. My father was suspected of drug trafficking... Then, my father was taken away like this, and the police went to the hut where we lived to search. Finally, drugs were found. Then, in the evening, we got news. My father was sent to the hospital, and two hours later, he died... Then, my mother couldn't bear the blow, and she, who had a heart problem, also went with him."

Li Zedao heard that he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment. He always thought his experience was miserable, but compared with the experience of this woman when she was a child, it was nothing compared to what happened to this woman, right?

Just imagine, a five-year-old girl lost her parents overnight. What kind of experience was that? Not to mention, she was still considered by her grandparents to be a lone star, so she didn't wait to see her at all.

Bei turned his head and looked at Li Ze, "Do you know how he died?"

Li Zedao looked at these big gloomy eyes full of gloomy and decadent aura, feeling distressed inexplicably, and shook his head.

"I was shot in the abdomen." Bei said.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly.

"They said that when my father was under trial, he grabbed a knife on the table and scratched a policeman. He also held the policeman hostage and planned to escape, so they shot him down... autopsy report It came out soon, and my father took drugs."

Bei lit a cigarette again, and after slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, he continued: "Zhang Guanxin, Liang Chunhua, and those relatives and friends, they don’t want to say how unreasonable this thing is, and they don’t want to say anything. To ask for justice, they counted the deaths of my parents on my head. It was I who had committed the life of a lone star and killed them. Even, in the hospital, in front of my father's body, Zhang Guanxin was fierce. Give me a slap in the face and let me go away..."

"The next day, the grandmother and family who got the news came to Chengdu from Phoenix City. Finally, my grandmother took me back to Phoenix City... But, not long after, my grandmother died of a heart attack... Then, whatever Whoever it is, I believe that I have committed a lone star, and that those close to me will be killed by me. Those relatives and friends are not willing to adopt me. Finally, I went to the orphanage..."

Bei looked up at Li Ze and said, "Why did you stop the car?"

"You first pinch out the smoke in your hand." Li Ze said.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Bei asked coldly, but Yiyan also squeezed out the cigarette in his hand and threw the cigarette **** into the ashtray in the car.

Li Zedao stretched out his hands and gently wrapped the icy body and said, "If you don't stop the car or let you squeeze out the smoke, how can I hold you...I'm afraid you will take my body As an ashtray."


For the rest of the story, I just need to continue listening. With the current methods and the rights held by Beibei, none of the creators and participants of this tragedy back then is expected to end well, especially in shopping malls. The man who left her cruel words after working with her father.

Li Zedao now also understands, when he was in the mall, which day Bei said was.

"I'm not afraid that I will kill you? Or... to kill you?" Bei's tone was still cold, but he did not resist, but quietly put his head in his arms, listening to his powerful heartbeat. She looks like a little woman with a little bird.

Li Zedao thought, don't think I can't see that you already like me, how could you kill me? Kill me... that's even more impossible, it's not always possible to kill me!

Of course, I can think so in my heart, but naturally I can't say that, otherwise it will be a manifestation of low emotional intelligence, and even this woman will be violent.

Therefore, Li Zedao said: "Last night when we went back to the hotel and I took a bath, I had nothing to do and bought a lottery ticket. In the end, I won five yuan. This is not my first purchase, but It was my first time."

"……what do you want to say in the end?"

"I want to say that you not only can't kill me, but you also bring me good luck." Li Zedao said.

"..." Bei only felt that the stagnant water in his heart was being violently stirred up, and he knew that Li Zedao's way of comfort made her fall even more completely.

"There seems to be a small stall selling scratching music. How many are we going to scratch?" Li Zedao asked, "With the good luck you brought me, I will definitely win the prize."

"...Okay." Bei said. She originally wanted to push him away and let him go, but in the end it came out with such a word. She found that she could no longer refuse him.

At the moment, after Li Zedao parked the car in a temporary parking space behind the roadside, the two got out of the car and walked straight over.

This squeegee stall is a charity car for the disabled. A man on crutches sits in the car. On the table in front of him, there are full of instant squeeze lottery tickets.

"Handsome guy, beautiful girl, try your luck, choose a choice, the highest prize is 200,000, and there is 500,000!" When the business came, the owner of the lottery booth stood up on crutches and greeted enthusiastically Tao.

There is a stall for breakfast next to the stall. Many people are eating breakfast there. After seeing such a beautiful handsome and beautiful woman, they swept their eyes over, even some people simply put down steamed buns and soy milk. , Also came over, pretending to also want to buy scratch cards to try his luck.

"Uh... so many, uncle, how are these things played, and what are the rules?" Li Zedao looked at the various types of lottery tickets in front of him, suddenly feeling a little dazzled, rubbing his hands, his expression was excited.

Bei Sweep on the side glanced at Li Zedao, who was listening to the uncle's talk about the rules of lottery winning, and three large characters in enlarged and bold appeared in his mind: Little boy!

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