The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1358: Law of the Jungle

Bei picked up a few lottery tickets at random, scanned the winning instructions on the back of the lottery ticket, and then threw them back. She still knows how low the probability of winning this thing is.

She just wanted to know how Li Zedao would do what he said just now if she didn’t hit it. He just said that with the good luck you brought me, I would definitely win the prize...

What if you didn't win the prize? I'll beat you up if I don't win the prize.

At the moment, Li Zedao's eyes widened, and finally picked out three scratch cards from it. He looked back at Bei and smiled and said, "You also try?"

Bei looked indifferently and shook his head indifferently: "Naive!"


"Then I can shave myself, don't say I didn't leave it to you for a while." Li Zedao said, starting to shave, and soon, his eyes brightened, and his expression of excitement was like eating bee shit, "Ha... ...I won the prize, I won the prize..."

"It's true? How much?" Bei Leng stunned, and he was a little interested.

"Two yuan!" Li Zedao was very proud, and shook the scratch card in his hand in front of Beiyan like a show-off.

The corner of Bei's mouth twitched, and he almost kicked this guy to death. Your sister, you are so excited for two dollars! Did this guy forget that he bought this scratch card for ten dollars?

Those onlookers around me almost vomited blood after they heard that they had won two dollars. Nima’s, you were so excited about two dollars. I thought it was a few thousand dollars?

Li Zedao still looked excited and said: "A lot, I have never been hit before, you really brought me good luck."

"Continue to scrape!" Bei said coldly.

"Sure." Li Zedao continued to scrape, took a look, and exclaimed in excitement, "Look, you see, it's hit again, this time it's a thousand."

Bei's eyes widened slightly, and he rushed to take a look, and sure enough, he got a thousand! Is this guy really so lucky? Or... Did you really bring him good luck?

For a while, Bei's heart was crisp and numb, and the feeling was as if sunlight had finally come in from a long dark corner; the dry and cracked land was nourished by clear water.

When people around heard that they had won a thousand this time, their minds instantly became active. Although this kid only won two yuan for the first time, but the second time he was like a rocket, he won a thousand. What is rare is that he has won twice in a row. That can only explain one thing. Today, the God of Fortune is taking a nap at this stall, and a few people who are eager to try are also planning to get a few.

"You come for the last one." Li Zedao smiled and passed the last scratch card in his hand.

Bei looked at him for a few times, hesitated, reached out and took it, then lowered his head and slowly scraped it, scraped it, glanced a few times, raised his head, and said, "Five thousand."

" much?" Li Ze thought he had heard it wrong.

"Fifty thousand." Bei repeated with wide eyes.

Obviously, she didn’t believe that Li Zedao would have such good luck. She won fifty thousand. Of course, it’s rarer than fifty thousand. He only bought three, but all three won. With hands and feet, what luck does it take?

So, he has the kind of see-through eyes in the novel, can see through the silver paste coating on the scratch card? Bei quickly denied this idea. After all, if Li Zedao really possessed such a defying skill, it would be impossible for Huang Ye to not know! Besides, his reaction just now suffocated, proving that he didn't think about it so much.

So, really luck?

Li Zedao took a look and heard the sound of drooling all around. After the sound of drooling, he started to chatter.

"There is another prize winner! What a good luck!"

"Yeah, so good luck, have you gone out to read the almanac?"

"Boss, give me two too, maybe God of Wealth is really here!"


"Okay, boss, we won't play anymore." Li Zedao pushed the three scratch cards to the disabled boss.

The boss was completely convinced by this young man’s unpredictable luck. At the moment he accepted the scratch card with a smile on his face. He was not afraid that Li Zedao had so many of them. Instead, he wanted to thank him for attracting a large group of people. His business this day will definitely be much better.

One piece of fifty thousand, one piece of one thousand, one piece of two yuan, the boss with good mathematics figured out the total amount all at once: "Congratulations, the total is fifty thousand and two yuan."

The boss is an honest person who is sincerely happy for the young couple, but when he said this, all the onlookers present couldn't help but take a breath.

This is more than 50,000. Although some people who watch the fun are not short of money at home, more than 50,000 is not a small sum. What's more, those who are greedy to set up breakfast stalls to make money? More importantly, they didn't forget that these two people made so much money in just a few minutes. .

For a while, everyone looked at the handsome and beautiful pair of eyes with surprise and other complex expressions.

"Tsk tsk, Lame Zhang, you can't **** fool me, right?"

Just as the onlookers were envied or jealous by Li Zedao and Bei for such a bonus, a strange sound of yin and yang sounded, and then the crowd of onlookers stepped aside, and the corners of the mouths of five venting youths With a cigarette in his mouth, he walked over with slanted eyes.

The headed one, with golden hair, is very Han Fan, and it is him who just spoke.

As soon as Zhang Lizi saw these people, his face suddenly appeared again, and he smiled: "Brother Ming, which one of me fooled you, look, is there any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstood Nima!" Brother Ming's face, which looked a little immature, was extremely old-fashioned. "My brothers came to shave more than 20 sheets in the past two days. Yesterday, did they shave more than a dozen sheets? Yes, I didn’t even hit one! Now it’s a wicked one, this kid and this beauty have shaved three of them, and they all hit it? The amount is still...50,000? Is there such a coincidence? It’s not that you are Zhang Cripple looking for I ask to perform a show so that I can make my booth business better?"

He looked at Li Zedao with disdain, and then looked at Bei greedily, the lustful light in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

As soon as this remark came out, the onlookers immediately resonated. They felt that this young man made a lot of sense. If he bought more than a dozen and only got two, it would make sense, but only three. Zhang actually won...too unreasonable, so it must be a trust.

Zhang Lizi looked panicked and quickly explained: "There is no such thing, there is no such thing. The two are really lucky. They are not the trust I found, and the lottery tickets are covered with silver paste. I just want to cheat and cheat. Isn't it?"

While panicking to explain, there was unavoidable misery in my heart. Don't look at the old-fashioned boys, they are actually all kids under the age of eighteen. They are students from a technical secondary school nearby who are famous for fighting. Don't be frustrated, the stalls around here have been ruined by them.

For example, at his lottery booth, he gave you a ten-yuan lottery ticket and took several lottery tickets to scrape off. For example, the pancake booth at Lao Li’s house. It’s common to eat pancakes on credit.

They are all honest to do a small business to support the family, so under normal circumstances, let alone speak, dare not be angry.

"Really?" Brother Ming raised his brows and said coldly, "Do you think I will believe it?"

Turning her back to look at the cold and abnormal North, she glanced at her chest tightly wrapped in black North leather, and said with a grin: "Beauty, do you think you are supporting...tsk... what."

Bei didn't even look at him, and whispered in Li Zedao's ear: "You said that this kind of guy who specializes in bullying the weak, is the greatest value of existence to serve as the raw material for Ghost Maru?"

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled bitterly, but he had to be a little sure that what Bei said was right. If there are fewer or no such people, then the world must be very peaceful.

"Also, the law of the jungle, the weak eats the strong, the weak is a sin... The stall owner is too cowardly, if he has the courage to throw a fist, would these people dare to be so arrogant?" Bei said.

"I know what you want to say." Li Zedao responded in a low voice, looking at Bei's shiny earlobe, there was an urge to take a mouthful, "The law of the jungle, the weak eats the strong, the weak is a sin... this is the truth. , But, not everyone can bear the consequences of throwing a fist... For example, think about your father. If he admits counseling at first, will there be something later?"

Bei Na's eyes looking at Li Zedao narrowed slightly, and he was silent.

"Like me, I'm begging Huang Wen for everything, don't you think I'm too cowardly and should punch him?" Li Zedao asked again.

Bei Leng shook, and then shook her head slightly. She felt that Li Zedao's compromise was a very wise choice.

When Brother Ming saw that he had said the molesting thing, the beauty didn't even react at all. Instead, she murmured something to the kid on the side, her face stiffened, and then she smiled exaggeratedly.

"Ignore Brother's existence? It's so characteristic, I like it!" He said, and then reached out to lift Bei's chin and teased her! Don’t all the gangsters in the movie have this action? He's so handsome, so Ming brother has learned everything!

Every time he saw a beautiful woman, he molested it like this, and then saw the beautiful woman running away in disgrace, he laughed triumphantly in the back, really enjoying it.

"What I want to say is, you must first see the situation before you throw a fist. For example, now, you can naturally throw a fist." Li Zedao said, and then he punched out, hitting the unsuspecting Zhengyi directly. With a wretched smile, his hand stretched out to the face of Brother Ming in the north.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Brother Ming flew out directly, and then lay heavily on the ground, looking at his face, his nose had already collapsed, and blood was constantly emerging from the corners of his nostrils and mouth.

Everyone was dumbfounded and watched this scene in a daze. No one thought that this little handsome guy who had only won more than 50,000 shots suddenly, and the shot was so heavy, he punched the nearby young man. It's not like an adult.

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