The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1364: Counterattack! Slap!

"First try to slap yourself a hundred slaps." Bei said, there was no human emotion in his voice.

Yang Kaimu slammed, then... smiled. Maybe it was because I felt that the other party’s words were really funny and amused, or maybe a smile could relieve the fear in my heart. Yang Kai backlashed and didn’t know why he laughed. He just laughed, but he was willing to swear. The most vicious oath, if he knew in advance that the consequences of his laugh were so serious, he promised not to laugh or to suffocate.

Unfortunately, he didn't know!

At the moment he showed a smile, Yang Kai only felt a flower in front of him, and then he was shocked to find that the woman had appeared in front of him.

In the next second, he seemed to hear the sound of a broken egg. Then, his face was completely frozen, his hands subconsciously covered the lower body that had been severely injured in the previous second, and then his body knelt heavily. On the ground full of broken glass, the knee was pierced instantly and bleeding came.

However, the pain in the knee is nothing compared to the pain under the crotch, or the crotch is too painful, so instead of feeling the pain from the knee.

"Um...ah..." He let out a terrible scream.

Bei's foot was picked on the ground, and a stick that one of the younger brothers had dropped there had already jumped up and fell into her hand.

Li Zedao turned his head and covered his face, as if he couldn't bear to keep watching.

Bei raised the stick and slammed it at Yang Kai's face without hesitation.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the stick smashed Yang Kai's mouth severely. Yang Kai's wailing sound was beaten back into his stomach, and his body fell backwards. At the same time, blood He vomited out of his mouth even more vomiting, and he also carried several teeth that had fallen out. The whole person looked miserable.

"Laughing, what's so funny? Why don't you pull your face? Stupid!" Li Zedao muttered with emotion after hearing the movement behind him.

"Is it funny?" Bei Ju looked condescendingly at Yang Kai who was vomiting blood, and said coldly.

Yang Kai did not answer. The pain that seemed to come from the depths of the soul had already made him lose most of his hearing and vision. Therefore, now his eyes were blurred and his ears were buzzing, and he could not see clearly. The woman in can't hear what she is talking about.

"Not funny!" Bei gave the answer himself, and then stepped on Yang Kai's arm.

"Kacha!" Yang Kai's arm was broken by her.

Then Bei stepped on Yang Kai's right knee again

"Kacha!" Yang Kai's right foot sounded a crisp fracture.

He was already so painful that the screams of his face were released, that **** face was turned into a bun, and his body was twitching violently involuntarily.

"It's not funny," Bei said.


Not long after leaving North and Li Zedao, several police cars screamed, and the policemen in uniforms with live ammunition rushed out of the car, and rushed into the bar bravely, as if there were some heinous criminals stubbornly fighting inside.

Soon, the wounded lying on the floor were pressed into the police car one by one, and then the police car whistled away again.

In the car not far away, Li Zedao looked at the police car roaring away, feeling a while, sure enough, right is a good thing, no, after a call from the north, these policemen rushed to the scene immediately.

As for the explanation of the scene inside, the criminal gang headed by Yang Kaiwei had a fight in their bar due to uneven distribution of the spoils...

Therefore, this time, Yang Kai was not only disabled, but also had to go to prison to eat free meals for decades.

"Feel me cruel?" Bei glanced at Li Zedao and asked coldly.

Li Zedao gave her a funny look and said, "Do you care about what I think of you?"

"..." Bei stopped speaking, his teeth were itchy, and almost rushed towards him without holding back, biting him hard.

"Drive!" Finally, she said coldly.

"Where to go?" Li Ze asked.

"Hospital." Bei Leng coldly responded, and there was already an extremely fierce murderous expression in his eyes.

Li Zedao thought that this woman returned to the hospital because he wanted to abuse Zhang Chunchao like Yang Kai. After all, her uncle in name is also a beast, and she did such a kind of disgusting thing to her mother, and then she was cruel. Zhang Guanxin slapped a few loud slaps on the old couple, making them ashamed and wanting to die, even kneeling down to admit their mistakes.

But unexpectedly, Bei made a few phone calls in the car. After she arrived at the hospital, the hospital's dean and several department directors actually greeted her personally, and also took a bite from Director Zhang.

Bei said coldly: "Have you received the call?"

"Received, received." The dean said. They did receive a call from the Department of Health, saying that a young orthopedic expert with the surname Zhang, who is very authoritative in orthopedics, will go to your hospital to prepare for reception. The expert is going for a patient named Zhang Xiaoyang. .

Although the above said that the expert was a female and very young, the dean never expected that he would be so unreasonably young, and...however he looked like a doctor.

The doctors are all dressed in white and are called angels in white. What about her? He was black and leather, and that face was even colder. How could it look like an angel? Obviously the **** of death.

But can you question the above? Can't!

Therefore, it is only as if this so-called expert is related to Zhang Xiaoyang who was sent to the hospital in the morning. After learning about Zhang Xiaoyang's injury, he rushed over, and he was ready to receive him anyway.

"How is Zhang Xiaoyang now?" Bei asked.

The dean looked at Dr. Zhao, the attending doctor who performed the operation on Zhang Xiaoyang. The latter quickly said: "The injury is very serious, and the chance of recovery is basically zero."

"Help me and my assistant prepare a suit, and take me to see it." Bei said coldly.

Soon, two sets of white lab coats were delivered, and Bei and Li Zedao put them on, and then followed the treating doctor Dr. Zhao and walked towards the ward.

"What do you want to do?" Li Zedao lowered his voice and asked helplessly. Or an orthopedic specialist? Can you cure? Li Zedao suddenly remembered that this woman is a Doctor of Insects. She might have broken her legs with cats and dogs. She might really be cured.

"Counterattack! Slap in the face!" Bei gave him a glance and said.


Li Zedao thought for a while and reminded him in a low voice: "The two elderly people seem to be in poor health."

"What does it matter to me? I only care about the people I care about." Bei looked at Li Ze and responded coldly.

"Did you include me?" Li Ze said shamelessly.

Bei didn't say anything...That was acquiescence, at least Li Zedao thought so.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoyang, who had undergone the operation, was sent back to the ward a long time ago, but because of the anesthetic, he was temporarily in a state of lethargy.

Zhang Chunchao sat there with scarlet eyes and brutal air on his face.

Ten years ago, his elder brother and his sister-in-law died. After the broom star they gave birth to was far away from Rong City, Zhang Chunchao began to prosper. For so many years, he has completely stood firm in Rong City, no matter how black and white it is. They both gave him a little bit of face, especially the black ones. He and Yang Kai were the best in Rong City.

Therefore, for so many years, they have always been the only ones who bullied people. When did they get bullied like this? Now, he doesn't hold any hope that his son will not be disabled. He only hopes that Yang Kai can quickly find the two bastards, and then return them ten times or even a hundred times.

A woman with heavy make-up was cautiously standing beside him. This woman was Zhang Xiaoyang's stepmother. She knew that Zhang Chunchao had a grumpy temper, especially in this case, so she didn't dare to say anything more, so as not to catch fire.

Zhang Guanxin and Liang Chunhua, who had been treated urgently, were also in this ward. The old man's face was flushed and gloomy, while the old lady was wiping tears and said, "Oh, my dear dear grandson...", Then he wiped his tears and cursed the assailant viciously.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and the attending doctor Dr. Zhao walked in, followed by two young...interns.

Zhang Chunchao stood up to greet him, and the old man and the old lady also stood up.

Although the doctor could not heal Zhang Xiaoyang's injury, they were all reasonable, so naturally they would not blame the doctor for the poor medical level of the hospital.

Zhang Chunchao’s attention was mainly focused on the young female doctor behind Dr. Zhao, not only that the face of the female doctor looks better, but also because the female doctor felt a little familiar to him. As if I had seen it there.

"I would like to introduce to you, this is Zhang Zhang, an expert in orthopedics who has absolute authority. It is...Our hospital invited the patient to look at the injuries. Next to her is her assistant, Dr. Li." Dr. Zhao helped. The two behind him were introduced to the patient's family.

Then, Zhang Chunchao and his parents were all stuck. They thought this young doctor was here for an internship, but unexpectedly he was an expert in orthopedics... Is it too young? After all these years, you don’t have a big beard and white hair. You are ashamed to say that you are an expert?

But Doctor Zhao didn't need to lie to them, so this is true.

Of course, the old man and the old lady didn't recognize that the young man and woman went on the elevator with them in the morning. After all, memory was not enough when they were old, and they were all in a hurry at that time. Are there any thoughts?

Then, I hoped to burn in their hearts all of a sudden. The old lady staggered and ran to her, grabbing Bei's arm and begging: "Expert Zhang, I beg you, you must save me. My dear grandson, he's still young, he can't just be ruined like this..."

Bei didn't hide, letting the old lady grab her arm, she looked at this old face indifferently.

"At that time, I was only five years old, younger..." she said in her heart.

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