The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1365: Weird scene

"Yeah, expert Zhang, please, I must save my grandson, the old man kneeled for you." Zhang Guanxin's blessed body struggled and was about to kneel.

Except for Li Zedao, everyone, including Dr. Zhao and even Zhang Guanxin himself, thought that this expert Zhang would be polite, hurry up and support the old man, and then said with a serious expression that it is the doctor's duty to save the dead and heal the wounded.

However, expert Zhang did not, she just looked at Zhang Guanxin indifferently and watched him kneel down.

After Zhang Guanxin knelt down, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was really wondering that he was just doing it, so why did he really kneel down?

Then, these people were a little stupid, and their eyes alternated back and forth between Expert Zhang and kneeling Zhang Guanxin. For a while, the scene was a bit strange and embarrassing.

Li Zedao quietly took a step back and stayed a little farther from the north...In any case, this is disrespectful. He was going to be struck by thunder. He was afraid that a sky thunder would come down and smash this woman, which would hurt himself. What should I do?

Then, Bei's voice broke the weird silence.

Her indifferent eyes were taken back from the kneeling Zhang Guanxin and fell on the old lady, saying coldly: "Let go."

As if holding a hot potato, the old lady quickly let go of the young expert, and she didn't know if her expression was embarrassing or something. In short, it was wonderful.

"...Old sir, you don't need to be like this, this is what we should do..." Doctor Zhao quickly reached out and helped the old man with the same wonderful expression.

"You, go out." Bei looked back at Doctor Zhao and said coldly.

"Uh..." Doctor Zhao's face turned red for an instant, and then forced a stingy smile on his face, "Then... Then I'll go out first."

After speaking, quickly leave this ward with a strange atmosphere.

Li Zedao seemed to have nothing to do with himself. He grabbed a chair and walked to the door of the ward and put it down. Then he took out a cigarette and a lighter, a little bored, lit one and lit one. Up.

Then the old couple and the younger couple are tired again... How can the doctor smoke in the ward? And seeing his posture, how does it feel like watching something lively?

Zhang Guanxin thinks he should say something, at least can't let him smoke here, right? But I didn't dare. This is an expert, a life-saving straw, and a hope for his precious grandson to stand up again.

Zhang Chunchao also felt that he should say something. After all, this scene... is too weird. The two so-called orthopedic specialists, a man and a woman, are too weird, with weird expressions and weird behaviors... But, I don't know what to say.

As for Liang Chunhua and Zhang Chunchao's daughter-in-law, they are all people who are afraid of her husband's own opinions, and their men haven't said anything, so naturally they didn't dare to say anything.

Therefore, the ward fell into a very strange dead silence again. The family of four with four pairs of eyes alternated back and forth between Li Zedao and Bei. The expressions were very wonderful.

Bei walked slowly to the ward, looked at Zhang Xiaoyang's tragic face, and swept the thick gauze wrapped around his legs and arms. He looked back at Zhang Guanxin and said coldly. : "Old sir, I heard you can tell a fortune?"

"Ah..." Zhang Guanxin was shocked, how could this expert know about this?

Zhang Chunchao hurried over, touched the shoulders of his dazed father, and gave him a few glances, so he didn't feel dazed and cooperated quickly. Zhang Chunchao couldn't understand what the female expert was doing, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. After all, the attending doctor Dr. Zhao had no reason to find two people to fool them.

Before, he secretly gave Dr. Zhao a big red envelope and asked him to help as much as possible. Now that the expert is here, it must be the red envelope that worked.

The old man reacted and nodded and said: "I have studied the I Ching for decades, and I have a little understanding of the hexagrams based on the phases."

"Then do the math for me." Bei said.

"... That... Expert Zhang's birth date?"

After reporting his birth date, Bei said coldly: "Old sir, I'm in trouble."

"Yes, it should be." Zhang Guanxin said quickly.

Then he narrowed his eyes slightly, muttered something in his mouth, and pinched his fingers in a pattern, the whole person was no different from the old gods on the side of the road.

Li Zedao, who was sitting there watching the excitement, almost didn't laugh, pretending! Then install! The idiot knows that, next you must talk about Expert Zhang, you are the life of a wealthy man.

Then, face!

Then, what made this family's eyes widened again was that Expert Zhang also took out the cigarette and the lighter, and then lit one coldly and coolly.


Zhang Chunchao wanted to say, how about a slap? Nima's, play Laozi, right? However, he glanced at his son on the hospital bed and abruptly suppressed the anger in his heart.

After a while, Zhang Guanxin looked at Expert Zhang who was indifferent and smoking cigarettes and said: "I have calculated it, Expert Zhang, you are... the life of a rich man, whether it is career or life, everything is smooth ,That one……"

Bei slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and his voice was cold and low: "Really? Are you doing the calculations? If you make a mistake, your grandson is not just going to walk on crutches, but his other one. Legs must also be scrapped, and then you can only use a wheelchair."


"What do you mean? Ah? What do you mean? Tell me clearly, otherwise you don't think of this door today!" Zhang Chunchao, who is usually flattered and irritable, was blown up all at once. A few **** experts slapped, "Are you **** a doctor? Threatening? You **** still smoke? Are you **** looking for death..."

"Chun Chao...shut up!" Zhang Guanxin hurriedly stopped his violent son, "How did you talk to Expert Zhang? Go away!"

Liang Chunhua hurriedly grabbed her son with anxious face to prevent him from messing around.

Zhang Guanxin looked back at Expert Zhang, and accompanied an old face with a smile: "Expert Zhang, my son apologizes to you on behalf of my son. He is that bad temper... I'm really not wrong, you are indeed a rich man. Life……"

Bei squinted his eyes and glanced at him: "Rich rich and rich? Shouldn't it be... a lone star who kills the dead?"

"..." Zhang Guanxin moved down.

"I clearly remember that when I was just born, you told me fortune-telling and said, I am the fate of a lone star, and I will kill you!" Bei said again, and there was a taunt in his cold voice. In it.

"..." Zhang Guanxin's eyes widened suddenly, that old face was full of horror, and the fingers that pointed at Bei trembled visible to the naked eye, ""

" are Zhang are Zhang Jiujiu?" Zhang Chunchao's eyes rounded suddenly, and he shouted. He finally knew now, why when this female expert entered the door, he had a familiar feeling when he saw her, that was because she and his dead sister-in-law had a close acquaintance.

But now the more I look at it, the more I feel that she is a replica of the sister-in-law, the more she looks, the more she looks like it. The only biggest difference is that the sister-in-law is a cowardly personality, which belongs to the kind of resignation, and this woman is too cold and too defiant, just like a piece The ice was standing there.

"Nine-Nine...You...You are Nine-Nine...Broom Star..." Liang Chunhua's eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

Only Zhang Xiaoyang’s stepmother who was confused about the situation muttered in her heart: "Zhang Jiujiu...who?"

"Old gentleman, did you calculate it wrong back then, or do you do it now?" Bei asked coldly.

Zhang Guanxin was speechless, and the old face was even flushed red, as if there was a pair of big hands invisible and slammed his old face fiercely. His expression was quite wonderful.

He didn't expect...or rather, he didn't count that the granddaughter who was rejected by him at birth or even wished her to die sooner, now appeared so powerfully in front of them.

It's no wonder that her expression and the state of her whole person are so wrong, it's totally different from other doctors... She's getting a face.

He looked at the strange girl, and squirmed his throat hard: "...Nine-nine, back then... Grandpa was sorry for you back then. If you want to blame, you must blame grandpa. This is the same as your uncle's family, and you are the same. Brother is okay... Grandpa begs you, you must save your brother anyway..."

So, this is playing a family card? I don't know why, Bei feels very sick and feels vomiting.

"...Grandpa...I'm sorry, grandpa was too confused back then..." Zhang Guanxin knelt down again, and tears were still in his hands. "Grandpa knelt down for you, and I apologize for you..."

"Nine-nine...Nine-nine, my dear granddaughter...grandma also kneeled down for you...grandma please, save Xiaoyang, what he is saying is your brother..." The old lady was also shaking The blessed body knelt down and pleaded with tears in regret.

Bei is even more sick, who just said the three words "broom star"?

Beiyan looked at the two elders who were kneeling in front of him indifferently, and said coldly: "I'm very sorry, I can't heal his injury, his leg is abolished, and I am here today because I just want to humiliate. It's all about you."

"..." The expressions of the old man and the old lady froze in an instant, and Zhang Chunchao, who was standing there, had a gloomy expression.

"It can't be cured?" Zhang Guanxin was obviously not giving up.

"It can't be cured." Bei Leng said coldly.

Then, the old man got up from the ground trembling violently, his face flushed, and he pointed to the north with excitement, and shouted: "Broom star! You are the broom star! I'll just say, my dear grandson Why did you end up with this disaster? It's because you're get out of me...get away...get away..."

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