The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1372: Psychological teacher

Li Zedao simply stopped the car by the side of the road, stretched out his hand, and stroked her forehead: "Sick?"

"No..." Kim So-yeon's emotions have eased a lot as he was touched by his big warm hand.

"What happened then? Tell me?" Li Zedao asked.

Li Zedao's words seemed to have given her a lot of courage. He bit her lip, took a deep breath, and mustered her courage: "You..."


"Do you... do you think I'm... dirty?" Jin Soyan lowered her head, her small face was painful, she was extremely lonely and helpless, her voice was like a mosquito, and the last word was pressed tightly in her throat, if not Li Zedao's ear power is amazing, I am afraid that he will not be able to hear.

Li Zedao understood it. This little girl remembered the dark scene again. Of course, there were other thoughts. Li Zedao also understood, but he did not understand that it was fake. Li Zedao was not the innocent little girl at the beginning. Being a virgin, he has considerable confidence in his charm.

She stretched out her hand and patted her little head gently, and said softly, "What are you thinking about?"

"Just...that's..." Jin Soyan bit her lip tightly for a long time, and she didn't know why. In that case, she didn't know how to speak, and she didn't have the courage to say it.

"It's just that you like me and because of your experience, you feel dirty and unconfident that I will dislike you, right?" Li Zedao said that for her.

"..." Kim So Yeon's eyes suddenly widened, and then she lowered her head, revealing a look of fearlessness. The feeling was as if the cloth covering the scar had been lifted.

"Then, if I tell you now, don't think too much, I don't mean to dislike you at all...Do you think I'm pitying you?" Li Zedao asked.

Jin Soyan didn't answer, nor looked up at Li Zedao, the expression on her face was even more bewildering, and her body trembled.

She felt that she was a moth now, and was already burned to death by Li Zedao's fire.

She felt painful and embarrassed. She knew she was dirty and not worthy of him. Why did she do this? He has done so many things for himself, isn't it good to be his sister? Why... not satisfied yet? Why should we be greedy?

She had an urge to get out of the car and escape far away!

Li Zedao smiled bitterly in his heart, already knowing the answer, no matter how she explained or coaxed her, she would simply tell herself that he was pitying her to say that.

Because of herself, this girl who had already walked out is now trapped again. If she doesn't deal with it well, then she will probably have to return to the dark place before.

After thinking about it, he took out his cell phone and gave He Xiaoyue a call. The call was quickly connected, and He Xiaoyue's soft voice came over: "He has a clear heart, I am thinking of you."

Seeing that Li Zedao ignored her, Jin Soyan called up, whispered, "Yes... I'm sorry...", and then got off the car.

Li Zedao grabbed her wrist to prevent her from getting out of the car, then smiled into the microphone: "Then think about it, don't stop."

"Can't stop, and don't want to stop." He Xiaoyue said ambiguously.

"I want you to be a psychology teacher." Li Zedao said, "There is something wrong with Kim So-yeon, please help her enlighten her."

"Huh? Jin Soyan?" He Xiaoyue was slightly shocked. She knew what happened to Jin Suyan, and now Li Zedao called her to be her so-called psychological mentor... The understanding He Xiaoyue already understood what Li Zedao was going to do.

"So, what she wants to have a better relationship with is that she is caught in the demon and can't extricate herself?" He Xiaoyue asked.

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao said with emotion, "Who makes me so attractive."

He Xiaoyue deeply agreed, and joked at the moment: "Of course there is no problem, but you are asking me to expose my scars, will it be too cruel?"

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry: "Sister Xiaoyue, how do I think what you want to say do you want to thank me?"

Then Li Zedao said embarrassedly: "Go back, I promise you are satisfied..."

"Stop." He Xiaoyue's pretty face was already reddened, and her body was soft, giggling and quickly stopped Li Zedao from continuing to say, "You can call Soyan."

At first, her heart was messy and miserable, but Kim So-yeon, who had no face to face Li Zedao, was even more messed up at this time. Therefore, he felt that there was a problem in his heart, helping him contact his psychology teacher?

How can you... How can you bully people like this? People are already so painful and so inferior, you still do.

Kim So-yeon is really wronged and painful, and now she just wants to run away.

Therefore, she tried hard to break free from Li Zedao's hand, but she couldn't break free, subconsciously, it didn't seem to break free.

"Don't move." Li Zedao said a little overbearing, and then handed the phone over, "Your sister Xiaoyue is a very clever doctor. She can help you."

Jin Soyan bit her lip and looked at Li Zedao pitifully, feeling aggrieved, thinking that you don't like me and you can't... bully me.

"Hey, take it." Li Zedao said.

Good... These words directly caused Jin Soyan to lose her resistance, her mind was a little dizzy, and she looked at Li Zedao with a pitiful expression, and her trembling little hand took the phone in Li Zedao's hand.

"Hey..." Her voice was shaking.

"Sister Su Yan, hello, I am He Xiaoyue, one of Ze Dao's women." He Xiaoyue said. She didn't say "your brother", naturally because she already knew that this little girl didn't want to take Li Zedao as her brother.

Jin Soyan bit her lip and glanced at Li Zedao, and whispered: "You...ok, sister Xiaoyue, I..."

"Don't listen to Zedao's nonsense, I'm not a psychiatrist." He Xiaoyue said, "but some of my own experiences can help you untie those psychological knots... You know how old I am this year, How did you meet Zedao?"

Before Jin Soyan could say anything, He Xiaoyue continued: "It's almost thirty, almost forty."

Jin Suyan stunned and looked up at Li Zedao, who grinned at her, so she hurriedly bowed her head again.

"We met in an island country..." He Xiaoyue briefly talked about her acquaintance with Li Zedao and the things she had done before. Her tone was relaxed and calm, as if she was saying something very interesting. Yes, not about the darkness she used to be.

Therefore, Kim So-yeon was already surprised.

"So, So Yeon, don't think that you are dirty or something, otherwise, sister, I will have no place to show myself." He Xiaoyue smiled, "Ze Dao, he will not care about your past, he will only care about what he sees in front of him. Of you."

"Also, I have to fight for my own happiness. Although he has more women, he is much stronger than the average man. It is worth your life. So if you like it, you should confess it and act like a baby. It's very easy to win. He doesn't have much concentration when facing a woman he has a good opinion of... He must have a good opinion of you, otherwise he won't call me and let me enlighten you."


"Understood?" He Xiaoyue asked with a gentle smile.

"...I understand, sister Xiaoyue, thank you." Jin Soyan bit her lip, looked up at Li Zedao, and whispered. She finally understood why Li Zedao had to break through that layer of paper so simply, to say that kind of thing, to help herself find the so-called psychologist.

"En, then... come on." He Xiaoyue smiled and hung up the phone.

At the moment, Jin Soyan looked up at Li Zedao, then continued to lower her head, as if she had made a big mistake. Of course, the look of bewilderment and pain on his face and the darkness in his eyes have disappeared, and the blush on his cheeks is very embarrassing.

"Do you know where I am wrong?" Li Ze said a little amused when she saw her like this, "You shouldn't think of me so unbearably."

", I just think..." Jin Suyan's voice was like a mosquito, her eyes afraid to meet Li Zedao.

"What do you think?" Li Zedao asked.

Jin Soyan didn’t say that her heart was disturbed. Of course, it was not the previous chaos. She is now willing to believe that Li Zedao doesn’t care about her past and is willing to believe that if Li Zedao likes her, it is definitely not because she is pitying her... , Does he like himself?

Although on the phone, He Xiaoyue told her very clearly that Li Zedao liked her, but Li Zedao didn't say it personally, and there was no bottom in her heart.

"I was thinking when you talked with your sister Xiaoyue just now." Li Zedao said.

"What do you think?" Jin Soyan looked up at him hard, then lowered her head again.

"I'm thinking, I'm young and golden, good-tempered, kind-hearted, and handsome... Oh, this is not my boast, you go to the University of Phoenix and ask, everyone knows that the campus of Phoenix University is Li Zedao. Everyone knows that the most popular student at the University of Phoenix is ​​Li Zedao. In addition, he appeared by your side in a timely manner when you were most difficult... So you should have successfully captured your heart, right?" Li Zedao The shyness of his face was like a little virgin with a new love.

Kim So-yeon's expression is slightly frozen, it turns out that he has such a narcissistic time.

"Then, when I saw your brother, do you know what I was thinking? I thought, fucking, I wanted to chase my sister? I didn't chase you and chase you! Besides, if I chase, What's the matter with you? So, stay cool over there!"


"So, Miss Jin Soyan, can I chase you?" Li Zedao said, looking at Jin Soyan seriously.

This is... confession? After a few seconds, Jin Suyan looked up at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao was full of disappointment: "Not willing?"

"...I am willing, why would I be willing?" Kim So-yeon said, "I just...feel like a dream." Then, she pinched her face, it hurt, so she didn't dream.

So, she looked at Li Zedao, took a few deep breaths, and then said bravely and firmly. Instead of calling his brother, she called her name: "Li Zedao, let's go to the hotel, you bully me..."

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