"..." Li Zedao didn't react at once.

"Over the past month or so, although I am a little talented in singing, I also like it, but I didn’t have any musical foundation before. I didn’t learn stave, piano and violin from an early age like others, so I learned very well. It’s exhausting and tiring, but when I think of you, I’m full of motivation again. I... Actually, when I’m not serious in class, it’s because I think of you..."

“I’m busy studying during the day, so I think about you less, but in the middle of the night, when I lie down, I start to think, the kind of thinking I really want, I will laugh when I think about you, but more often I think about you. I cried... In the past month or so, I cried in the bed several times. Fortunately, I live by myself and no one knows... I want to say if you forgot about me, or why did you call me? Haven't a text message? Anyway, I'm also your sister, why can't you care about being a brother? Whenever you have this kind of thought, I will help you out. I will say that you are so amazing, you There are a lot of things to be busy with, your girlfriends are so many, they must be very busy..."

"So, do you know how happy and excited I am now? I just want you to bully me... bullying me fiercely, bullying you, you like me more, right?"

When she said these words in one breath, Jin Soyan's expression was already a bit embarrassed, her courage was almost exhausted, her head dropped again, her eyes did not dare to face Li Zedao.

Li Zedao swallowed, she was only seventeen years old, right? Tall, thin, and charming. The seventeen-year-old girl speaks like this, with such an expression... can't resist it.

"Go and eat first" Li Zedao swallowed and said, God knows how difficult it is for him to say this, so he feels that he is too awesome.

Is this dedication rejected? Jin Suyan bit her lip and looked at Li Zedao. She was wronged and turned into anger. She had the urge to pounce on him and bite him and scratch him like the first time she wanted to meet...

"If you don't eat, I'm afraid you won't have enough energy. I'm very powerful." Li Zedao said again.

"...Huh?" Kim So-yeon's face is already red, is there anything like this?

Not far away, in an Audi parked on the side of the road, Cheng Yang looked at the Ford Focus, which had been parked there for ten minutes, gritted his teeth and looked like fire was about to burst out.

"The car is shaking!" Lu Xiaodong expressed admiration. Even if the car is not shaking, it must be something ambiguous. Otherwise, why would the car stop there? The car can't be broken, right?

"Unexpectedly, Junior Sister Jin usually looks so well-behaved and plain, and she doesn't joking with our senior brothers, just like a saint. There are times when she is so open. It came out like this..." Lu Xiaodong slanted his eyes and glanced at Cheng Yang and said, "So, she must love her very much."

"Shut up!" Cheng Yang had sparks in his eyes. Lu Xiaodong's remarks undoubtedly irritated his nerves seriously. He said angrily at the moment, "Damn, she usually sees her as a younger sister. For sake of her, I took good care of her, but I didn't expect..."

"Brother, she didn't explicitly refuse your approach, so in all likelihood, she will use you as a spare tire, so you still have a chance." Lu Xiaodong said.

It was another sentence that irritated the nerves seriously, so Cheng Yang's face became colder, and his eyes seemed to be erupting fire: "Damn, dare to treat me as a spare tire? See if I don't play with you!"

Lu Xiaodong came to be interested and asked, "How do you plan to play, brother?"

In fact, Lu Xiaodong viewed this matter with a cynic and cynic attitude while watching the excitement. After all, he didn't have a lot of favor with the former rival in love.

Of course, he also hopes that Cheng Yang can win this Jin Soyan. Although now only he is pursuing Xiao Mengjun, Xiao Mengjun did not express his opinion when the two pursued her at the same time, but Lu Xiaodong knew that she was actually more inclined. Cheng Yang's.

If Cheng Yang fails to pursue Jin Soyan now, and in turn starts to pursue Xiao Mengjun, who knows what Xiao Mengjun will think?

After all, Lu Xiaodong doesn’t have much sense of security, so he hopes that Cheng Yang can succeed. Even if he fails, it’s not impossible to make a big mistake. For example... he did something radical to Jin Soyan. Then he will be good-looking.

Therefore, Lu Xiaodong ridiculed himself and didn’t mind fanning the flames and fanning out all the anger in Cheng Yang’s heart. He probably understood Cheng Yang’s character. He was a proud, narcissistic and extremely defiant guy. Do something as soon as your head gets hot.

Of course, he wouldn't do things like making plans, and if Cheng Yang really made things bigger in the end, he didn't want to follow bad luck or something.

Cheng Yang glanced at Lu Xiaodong, and said in a negative test: "How to play...it depends on my mood. Junior sister said before, that kid is afraid to see strangers... even if the car shakes Are people afraid to see strangers?"

Lu Xiaodong smiled. He knew that Cheng Yang was in a bad mood right now. This was going to do something, so he just had to stay and watch a good show. Now he said: "That's what I am looking forward to. I am looking forward to how you can play it, brother. That kid, this is the city of Yanjing, brother, you want to play such a small crouch is not a matter of a word?"

"No, I can't compare the energy in Yanjing to you." Cheng Yang looked at Lu Xiaodong and said, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "Who didn't know that your parents are famous singers. During the Spring Festival Gala, the song "Singing the Motherland" that your parents sang was really heart-warming, and it made people feel extremely emotional."

Lu Xiaodong quickly caught the ridicule, and smiled at the moment: "Maybe, that kid's background is also very big. Brother, when you went up to teach him a lesson, he suddenly appeared. Out of a scary identity... Junior brother is worried that you kicked the iron plate."

Cheng Yang listened, his mouth curled up with a hint of disdain. What energy can a guy driving a broken Ford Focus have? Play him for a minute.

"It seems that the brother is 100% sure to play him to death..." Lu Xiaodong first passed by, and then said, "It seems that I guessed right, the energy of the brother's family in Yanjing is very big. , Which line of business did you do? Maybe I’ll beg your brother one day."

For a long time, Lu Xiaodong was actually very curious about Cheng Yang's background. When the two were pursuing Xiao Mengjun at the same time, he actually thought about playing yin in the dark, but he didn't know the back of the other party, so he didn't dare to do it rashly.

"It's nothing, my dad is a soldier, my mom is a public servant of character, but it's not as good as your parents are big stars." Cheng Yang said casually, saying that his parents are not as good as Guo Nu who is a star. Parents, but there is no "incomparable" attitude on their faces.

"Haha, soldiers are great, and public servants are great." Lu Xiaodong said with a smile. For Cheng Yang's answer, he is still very satisfied. Although his answer is so general, soldiers and servants of the people, if he doesn't have a certain level, he dare to be so arrogant in front of him?

So, the background is really not small!

I was secretly grateful at the moment, and I left someone who didn't play yin on him before, otherwise he would be overturned in the gutter.

"Don't mind Junior Brother, I will follow the show, right?" Lu Xiaodong asked.

"It's up to you!" Cheng Yang stared gloomily at the Ford Focus that was still parked in front. He seemed to see that the car was shaking, and his expression became a bit darker now.

As for letting Lu Xiaodong follow, he really doesn't mind. There is nothing wrong with showing his energy in front of him, so that this kid always thinks that he has parents who are singers, so he will be like two hundred and five!

After stopping for nearly twenty minutes, the Ford Focus in front finally started again and continued to drive forward.

"Damn, twenty minutes, it's all done, even if it's a little bit faster, it's enough to do it twice." Cheng Yang was itching with hatred, so Lu Xiaodong on the side drove to follow.

Finally, they saw the car stopped in front of a very romantic western restaurant. Then, they saw the dog and the man in the car getting out of the car. After getting out of the car, their little sister took the guy’s arm. The two of them walked into the restaurant, and they could clearly see her blushing and shy face, so... this is just the passion that hasn't completely subsided!

When Cheng Yang watched, he was even more angry.

"Fuck!" He cursed fiercely, and said to Lu Xiaodong on the side, "Let's go in for dinner too."

"I thought, brother, you are going to do it." Lu Xiaodong said.

Cheng Yang glanced at him with slanted eyes, and said faintly: "Just be your driver and watch your excitement. You don't have to worry about other things."

This was taken advantage of, but Lu Xiaodong seemed to be unaware, and said with a faint smile: "I can't wait to see how you play that guy, brother."


This very stylish, romantic and warm restaurant is suitable for couples and also for those on blind date. Li Zedao visited it once before.

At the moment, under the leadership of the waiter, they found a place and sat down.

The ordering is handed over to Li Zedao. Jin Soyan looked at Li Zedao with a smirk but shyly, and said, I will eat whatever you eat. She also said that you look good and you are full, so you are not hungry.

She looked at Li Zedao shyly, but she still had to eat, otherwise... it would be bad if she doesn't have energy for a while.

Li Zedao listened, only thinking that he really was... a beast!

Not far away, Cheng Yang watched the two people flirting over there, and was so angry that he could not wait to grab the steak in front of him and slam it on the kid's face.

"Huh, she usually looks like a jade woman, now you look at her lustful look..." Cheng Yang looked back at Lu Xiaodong who was cutting the steak leisurely and said with a sneer.

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