The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1374: Pinch and count

"Brother, isn't there a saying that says that? To conquer a woman's heart, we still need to find a way to conquer her son-gong. Obviously, the kid has conquered..." Lu Xiaodong said.

This is a hint, and it hints that Cheng Yang said that you can actually do that, and then this woman will be taken.

"This is the most reasonable sentence you have ever said since we met." Cheng Yang smiled when he looked at this junior who doesn't usually have a good relationship with him.

"Fool!" Lu Xiaodong sneered in his heart, then forkped a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Fool!" Cheng Yang also sneered in his heart, who didn't know the little nine in your heart? If I didn't really catch a cold with the proud woman Xiao Mengjun, what would happen to you?

"However, before conquering her, you have to play with that kid, damn, dare you to touch the girl I like?" Cheng Yang's face became cloudy again, then he took out his phone and started the call.

Lu Xiaodong watched, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the show was about to begin.

In the middle of the meal, Kim So-yeon went to the bathroom.

At the same time, a beautifully dressed woman with a very strong perfume smell passed by Li Zedao, and finally sat down in the front seat. At this time, there was already an ordinary-looking woman sitting opposite that seat. The kind of middle-aged man who was drowned in the crowd.

Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at the woman, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He was a little familiar with this woman. When he came last time, this woman was going on a blind date with a man. After that, she planned to soak herself. She was disgusted for a few times and finally exasperated 'S left.

Now... the blind date is here again?

After the woman sat down, she glanced at the middle-aged man sitting opposite, and her eyes were no different from picking Chinese cabbage at the vegetable market.

Then, the disappointment in the woman’s eyes flashed by. She was not handsome and her body was not strong. From this we can see that the bed skills should not be good. The clothes on her body are not branded, they are ordinary, and the wrists are empty. The embellishment of top watches that symbolize the status of men and wealth, so this is a loser who has struggled for most of his life and achieved nothing!

After the label "loser" appeared in her mind, the woman's tone no longer felt any enthusiasm, saying: "Mr. Chen?"

"It's me." The man nodded, "Meet you for the first time, hello."

"Do you have a house or a car in Yanjing? If you don't have one, let's not talk about it, so as not to waste each other's time." The woman squinted at him and said, planning to end this time soon. The nutritional value of the blind date.

The woman is very depressed. She wants a face and a face, a chest, a **** and a butt. Why is it so difficult to catch a local tyrant?

"No." The man shook his head.

The woman slanted her eyes, her face was disgusting, and the decibels were a little high. Of course, she didn't realize that her voice was louder and affected others: "Sir, you come out on a blind date with no house or car? Do you know if you are the one? "

"I'm here to offer my love." The man was not angry, and said with a faint smile.

"Show love? Give what kind of love?" The look the woman looks at the man is as if she is looking at a neurosis.

"Oh, it's like this, poor... After I read your information, I probably predicted that you are a gold-worship girl. I happen to have a lot of money, so I came over and planned to give you some flowers."

The woman's face twitched: "Are you... crazy?"

"Oh, no, I'm not crazy, I'm serious." The man's expression was so serious and his tone of voice was so sincere that even Li Zedao, who was watching the excitement over there, felt that he should be a low-key invisible rich man.

The man said: "I worked in Silicon Valley before and I just returned to China, so I haven’t had time to buy a house or a car, but the house has already been selected. It is more than 300 square meters, which is not expensive. It is only more than one hundred thousand square meters. My friend went to make a reservation. I like a bigger and more comfortable one, so I temporarily ordered a Mercedes-Benz RV... As for the deposit, there are still hundreds of millions."

"..." The woman already had a confused expression on her face, so this is a bad taste... Oh, can't say that, should it be a low-key and heinous super rich?

"Boss... just now, I was actually joking. Let's liven up the atmosphere..." Soon, she reacted and said in a shameful expression, "Actually, the moment I saw you, I was emotional, and I knew that you were the one I was waiting for..."

The man was very generous and said, "Oh, it's okay, because I was joking too."

"...What do you mean?" The smile on the woman's face solidified.

"Actually, Poor Dao's job is a Taoist priest, the immeasurable Tianzun."

"...Taoist?" The woman's face was completely stiff, and then the muscles on her face twitched violently. She wondered if she had heard it wrong.

"Pan Dao is a Taoist priest, immeasurable Tianzun." The man nodded seriously, then took a piece of yellow paper in his pocket, and put a piece of yellow paper in front of the woman, saying, "Donor, I have a chance to meet from a thousand miles. There is no chance to meet each other without fate, you and I are sitting here, that means fate, so this is for you, it can eliminate calamity... The old way of counting, you have a **** disaster today."

"..." The muscles on the woman's face were twitching even more, not only because the man said nonsense, but also because she clearly saw that it was a symbol on which I didn't know what was painted on it. paper.

Li Zedao, who was drinking the lemonade, almost couldn’t help it, so he sprayed the water out of his mouth. Because the contrast was too great, Li Zedao believed it just now. He really just resigned from Silicon Valley. The super-rich who returned to China in a low-key manner to interrupt his entrepreneurship, unexpectedly, he turned out to be a...

Taoist priest? What are you kidding?

"You... are joking with me... aren't you?" The woman said very hard, and she continued to smile abruptly. She was more willing to believe that this is the super rich and this is for her again. The test is very weird and weird.

"No, Pindao is serious, I really am a Taoist priest, the son of Pindao Qingxu, the Immeasurable Tianzun." The man showed a compassionate smile.

"I... Are you crazy?" The woman couldn't stand it anymore, and pointed at him angrily.

"I am not crazy, I am a Taoist priest."

"I..." The woman was going crazy, and she immediately picked up the glass of water in front of her, and slammed it at the man's face.

"Pop!" The man's face was splashed upright, but he was not angry or anything, he still had a peaceful smile.

"The Immeasurable Tianzun." He said.

"I... Nima's, neuropathy... neuropathy..." The woman yelled and felt that she was going to become neuropathic too, so this disease is contagious! At the moment, he smashed the cup heavily on the table, then grabbed the so-called talisman that can eliminate calamities and crumpled it into a ball, then slammed it at the man's face, picking up the bag set aside in a desperate manner. Pack, get up and leave.

"The Immeasurable Tianzun...female donor, you really have a **** disaster..." The man's voice came from behind.

"Insane..." The woman staggered and almost fell to the ground.

At the same time, Kim So-yeon happened to come back from the bathroom and met face-to-face with the furious woman who was about to leave.

"Go away, didn't you see my old lady going over?" She was very upset now, so she simply cast her anger on Jin Soyan.

In fact, the aisle is quite wide. She only needs to turn her body slightly to pass, but her lack of patience and reason has long been worn down by that neurosis, and now she is full of anger.

Jin Suyan didn't understand what was going on at all, but after realizing it, she looked at the woman in front of her blankly: "Huh?" Then she looked at Li Ze.

"Let you go away, didn't you hear me?" The frustrated woman raised her hand very simply to draw it towards Kim So Yeon's face.

Behind him, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "Do you dare to touch her, I promise you will be carried away from here."

The voice was too cold, so I felt a tremor in my heart. The slap that had already been raised was no longer able to move forward.

Her neck was stiff like a robot. When she looked back, she saw the owner of the voice, her eyes widened.

Some people have a popular face, and you will not find it when you fall into the crowd. Even if you see this face again after you have seen it several times, you will feel that this face is very strange... such as that crazy!

However, some people, as long as you meet them once, you can firmly remember him... such as the boy in front of you.

The boy and the woman have only been seen once before, and they are also in this restaurant, and they have firmly remembered.

She planned to take the initiative to attack him. She was afraid of playing* and even the money she paid for the house, which was also profitable. After all, this boy is too handsome, and the kind of aura and temperament on his body is fascinating, but in the end, she was severely beaten. After a "humiliated" meal, he flees in despair.

"Go!" Li Zedao said coldly with a calm face. I was really wondering in my heart. If you are angry, you continue to look for the so-called Taoist priest. What is the matter if you find my woman?

Being stared at by such eyes, the woman's heart trembled again, she didn't dare to say anything, she hurriedly walked around Jin Soyan on her side and left quickly.

However, perhaps it was because Li Zedao’s expression and tone of voice frightened her so that her legs became weak, or the height of hatred on her feet was too high, or she walked carelessly. In short, she didn’t move forward. After walking a few steps, he slammed his feet, "Ouch!" He knelt directly on the ground, and his forehead made intimate contact with the leg of the table beside him.


"Ah..." She screamed, bleeding from her forehead.

Upon seeing this, the waiter in the store hurried over to help her up: "Miss, are you okay?"

"Go away, you are the miss, and your whole family is a miss..." She pressed her forehead with a crying voice, pushed the waiter away, limped and ran away from the restaurant, so she didn't have the face to stay.

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