The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1418: Three no drugs

The ultimate goal of Qing Xuzi is to attract Bingxue, a master who is so desperate, so as to gain a favorable environment and time for Li Zedao...Of course, there is also a little selfishness. He wants to take a look at her. , Two eyes are fine, three eyes are even better, keep watching forever... Qing Xuzi felt that this was a dream.

However, Bingxue didn't know this. She thought this cruel, despicable and shameless Second Senior Brother wanted to suppress the Senior Brother once again, so she appeared and blocked his way.

This time, saying that nothing will make the thing that happened in the millennium happen again, and he must also pay a painful price for what he did in the past!

Looking at this face that can be touched but looked so unreal as soon as he stretched out his hand, and at the long silver hair without a single impurity, Qingxuzi's nose was sour and almost crying.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he is not sad.

For a time, my thoughts fluttered, and the scenes that had happened have appeared in my mind, so clear.

"Junior Sister..." Qingxuzi's throat squirmed very hard, and finally said these two words in a voice that even felt strange to him.

For this woman, in addition to the unchanging love for thousands of years, Qing Xuzi was left with unchanging guilt for thousands of years...very strong kind of guilt.

For more than a thousand years, he blamed himself all the time.

If it weren't for him, how could this girl who was in the best state of life at the time be trapped in this misty place without seeing the sun? And this difficulty is more than a thousand years.

It was also because of him that that long black hair became white silk overnight...

Is she wrong? She just loves the wrong person. Why should she be punished like this? Chen Tuan felt that if Junior Sister could keep her eyes brighter and liked herself instead of her brother Duanmuweizhuang, then she would definitely not have to be trapped in such a dark place for thousands of years. She and him would definitely become one. For the enviable couple...

Qing Xuzi began to imagine the kind of life like a fairy.

Bingxue's words without any temperature interrupted Qing Xuzi's somewhat dirty thoughts: "Senior brother asked me to tell you that he has missed you for a thousand years."

Although the voice was icy, it was still so beautiful, just like the dingdong of spring water and the lark.

"You... have nothing to tell me?" Qing Xuzi said very hard. Although Junior Sister's eyes were so cold, as if she was looking at a dead person, Qing Xuzi still worked very hard to look at her... it's good to look more.

As for what Duanmu Weizhuang wants to say by himself... Immeasurable Tianzun, what a **** about the poor!

"Yes." Bingxue said.

"You say, you say..." Qing Xuzi quickly said with an idiotic smile, his heartbeat speeding up inexplicably. Thousands of years ago, every time the junior sister talked to herself, his heart beat faster. Now that thousands of years have passed, he has changed his body, but that feeling has never appeared before.

"Now, wipe your own neck and don't dirty my hands." Bingxue said.

"..." All the expressions on Qingxuzi's face were frozen. He never knew that Junior Sister was also a master at telling cold jokes.

Then, he clearly felt a very strong murderous aura rushing toward his face.

This liar, didn't he say to give me some time to clean my neck? Why directly hurt the killer?

Although Qing Xuzi was extremely sad, he didn’t leave any spare energy and quickly retreated. He didn’t mind dying in the hands of the younger sister. In this way, he didn’t know if the guilt in his heart would be less, but he knew that the younger sister’s heart must be It will be more comfortable.

However, the mission is, so why have to hold her for a while before death?

However, he still underestimated the speed of a back-to-nature master, even if he was defensive, even if his speed was very fast, but at the moment his body retreated, he only felt a very strong wind. It hit his chest hard.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, as if something exploded.

Then, Qingxuzi went backwards faster, just like a kite with a broken line. At the same time, he opened his mouth even more, and a mouthful of turbid blood was sprayed out.


"Gudong..." Li Zedao resolutely swallowed the Sanwu products into his stomach, and then felt the changes in his body.

Ten seconds later, maybe the time was even shorter. Li Zedao suddenly felt that his lower abdomen was suddenly cold, as if someone had put a snowball in it. Then, this cold breath used the most Swim across his body at a fast speed, and then Li Zedao only felt that his whole body was like falling into an ice cave.

An unprecedented pain sensation hits immediately, the feeling is as if there are countless bright needles piercing your soul.

Li Zedao couldn't move, otherwise he would be trembling even if he rolled on the ground without pain, right?

At this time, his handsome face was already tightly twisted into a ball, and the body began to emit white mist, the eyebrows, the hair, and the lips could be seen by the eye that there was already frost on the top, and then immediately above it. There is also an extra layer of hoarfrost that can be seen with the naked eye.

But even if the pain became like this, Li Zedao still clenched his teeth, not letting himself make any noise, lest he "disturbed" the Duanmuweizhuang who was standing there with hot eyes staring at the opening of the hole, otherwise What did he find out? What should he do if he called back the terrifying woman with a shout?

Of course, compared to the statement that the ghost pill that Duanmu Weizhuang refined in those years began to play its role, so his own body will have this situation, Li Zedao is more willing to believe that this is eating three no food... accurate It was said that he was poisoned after the three no medicines. The toxicity of this poison was so overbearing, even if his tongue had already melted into the yellow part of the colorful stone, it was useless.

Duanmu Weizhuang still noticed the changes in Li Zedao's body. It was not because he saw Li Zedao's abnormal body, but because he first felt a cold breath that seemed to be unearthed, and then he turned his attention from the grave Moved away from the entrance and fell on Li Zedao, who was fixed there by the younger sister.

Then, his whole person went down all of a sudden, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Ghost pill? The ghost pill I refined thousands of years ago? You ate the ghost pill I refined thousands of years ago?" Duan Mu Wei Zhuang stared at Li Zedao's frozen body, and said with difficulty. Although his life and soul only retained part of his memory, wisdom and thoughts, after all, he spent a lot of effort and refinement thousands of years ago. He is very familiar with its properties and the body's reaction after taking it. So, he felt it all at once.

Then, suddenly thinking of something, his face suddenly changed wildly.

"Junior Sister..." he shouted with all his strength, his voice urgent and stern, if hell.

At the same time, "click!" With a crisp sound, the layer of frost on Li Zedao's body suddenly cracked, and then quickly evaporated, as if it had never appeared before.

Then, Li Zedao found that he was able to move. It was too late to think about it. It was too late to feel whether he had evolved into a back-to-nature master. He didn't even take a look at Duanmuweizhuang. He simply bent over from the grave. The hole drilled into the tomb.

", come out...come out..." Duanmu Weizhuang roared, and his body trembled involuntarily.


Qing Xuzi's upside-down body finally slammed into a tree with the thickness of a bowl.

"Kacha!" The tree broke directly, and Qing Xuzi also fell heavily to the ground.

Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth without his control, and his body was trembling. What's more, his chest and breastbone were shattered. The blood had already stained his clothes red.

Qing Xuzi opened the eyelids that looked like heavy rocks with great difficulty, and then her figure appeared in his sight, a face that could not be forgotten even after a thousand years.

"It's great... I can still take a look at you..." So, the corners of his mouth curled up with satisfaction.

"Returning...returning to the basics...The master is really strong..." Qing Xuzi said with difficulty. On the one hand he wanted to say a few words to her, on the other hand... it would be good to hold her for a few more seconds.

Immediately afterwards, my heart was filled with that extremely strong sense of guilt again, because he couldn’t and couldn’t let the junior sister leave the misty place, so she could only continue to live here until she died. Only one day can get out of this place.

Bingxue's expression and voice have no temperature, which makes people feel desperate: "Death is not your end, your soul is scattered, and you can never live beyond life."

"...You just...hate me? I...what did I do wrong?" Qing Xuzi said very hard.

Bingxue didn't answer, and then raised her brows slightly, already feeling something, her body flashed and disappeared there.

"Junior sister, don't go...I...I still want to take a look at you...I listen to your voice once..."

Another mouthful of blood spurted out, Qingxuzi gasped for breath, looked sadly at the sky, and muttered to himself: "The Immeasurable Tianzun, the benefactor, the poor Dao can only fight with you by this time... Come on..."


Li Zedao headed into the dark tomb. Of course, his eyesight was there, so wherever he looked, it was no different from daylight.

After entering, Li Zedao already saw a dead bone lying there.

He knew that this was the skeleton of Duanmu Weizhuang who was trapped here a thousand years ago and waited to die.

However, there was no extra time to stay or anything at all, so Li Zedao simply stepped over the skeleton and ran down the steps at the fastest speed.

As Qing Xuzi described before, the structure of the entire tomb is not too big. Going down the steps is the main tomb. It contains the clothes of the ancestor Xuanhuang Zhenren of the Kaizongli school and the omnipotent first sword in the world. The sarcophagus is in the main tomb.

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