Because of the tight time, Li Zedao did not deliberately feel whether his body has changed, but when he ran down the stage, he was surprised to notice that compared with before, his speed Earth-shaking changes have taken place.

His body became extremely light, even... off the ground.

So, instead of running down, it is better to float down.

"I have broken through that level? I am a master of returning to innocence?" Li Zedao couldn't stop his ecstasy at the same time, he was already "floating" down the stairs, and a stone gate appeared in front of him.

According to Qing Xuzi's description, after pushing open the stone gate, you can enter the main tomb.

Of course, there are no such so-called institutions in this tomb. They were all made up by the life soul of Duanmu Weizhuang after taking control of the concubine.

"Uh...why can't my body stop?" Li Zedao's muscles twitched.

He just became a master of returning to nature, so he is not yet familiar with how to control his strength, so after "floating down" the steps, he did not have time to control his own strength.

and so……

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao's body slammed into the stone gate, and even directly knocked the stone gate open, and his body rolled in like a ball.

Immediately got up, and simply looked at this small main tomb room.

I saw that there was a stone inscription of gossip hanging on the wall directly in front, and other places were empty.

A sarcophagus that is about two meters long and one meter wide, on a dusty surface with no patterns carved on it is not too delicate, is placed in the middle of the tomb.

Li Zedao also took a special look at the side of the sarcophagus, and sure enough, there was a gossip on it.

While taking a deep breath, Li Zedao quickly walked to the sarcophagus.

"The Immeasurable Heaven..." After he muttered such a boring sentence, then he stretched out his hand, placed it on the stone cover on the top of the coffin, and pushed forward suddenly.

The coffin board is very heavy, and it seems that there is resistance in the invisible, so even if Li Zedao is now a master of returning to the basics, it is not so easy to open it.

"The Immeasurable Heavenly Sovereign...Go on, there's not much time..." Liu Zedao gritted his teeth, using more energy.

"Boom..." The entire sarcophagus began to make a dull sound, and along with the sound, the thick and heavy coffin lid was removed little by little.

Finally, when he pushed halfway away, Li Zedao didn’t continue to waste his energy, because, enough, he was able to see that the thick sword lying quietly in the coffin had many similar lines on its body. Of the ancient sword.

"This is the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword that Qing Xuzi said? It's... too unremarkable, right?" Li Zedao muttered, reaching into the coffin, holding the cold sword hilt, and then grabbing this one. Shen's sword was taken out.

After taking a few glances at this not-so-obtrusive sword, Li Zedao thought for a while, and put his head into the sarcophagus, making sure that there was nothing in the coffin except for a gray robe that had not rotted after being folded over a long period of time. Item, only then is willing to believe that this inconspicuous sword is that Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword.

Then he held the sword in his hand and took a step back, staring at the gossip on the sarcophagus.

"The Immeasurable Tianzun, please... let your soul fly away." Li Zedao said, raising the sword, and he was about to slash it with a sword.

At this moment, a voice sounded as if from Jiuyou Hell: "Put down the sword, otherwise, she will die!"

Li Zedao turned his head, his face instantly turned ugly. He knew that after Duanmu Weizhuang made such a sound, this woman would immediately get rid of Qingxuzi’s entanglement and rush back, but he did not expect her speed to be faster than she had imagined, and he did not expect that she would play so mean One out.

Her pale, sleeve-length hands were pinching Bei's throat, as long as she tried a little harder, Bei's neck would be snapped very simply!

What makes Li Zedao feel very helpless is that this is already the case, and Bei still has the same indifferent eyes as before looking at him... Li Zedao wants to say that the eyes that should be at this time should not be gentle and chuchu. Are you pitiful?

"Put down the sword and I will let you go." Bingxue stared at Li Ze with his eyes firmly, and said again.

She clearly felt that this man had broken through now and was in the same realm as her, so she was not sure to stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

However, people all have weaknesses, brother is his own weakness, and this woman is his weakness.

"Okay." Without any hesitation, Dao Li Ze loosened his hand, and the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword he was holding slipped from his hand and fell to the ground with a harsh muffled noise.

Li Zedao knows very clearly that his giving up is equivalent to releasing a demon. After that, many people may die. Even, China has fallen into an unprecedented chaos, and the whole world will immediately fall into chaos. Status... If Duanmu Weizhuang's ambitions are really so big.

But even so, Li Zedao released Xuanyuan Xia Yujian. He didn't want to see Bei suffer any harm. It was as simple as that... Afterwards, there were infamy and consequences. He would not escape and was willing to bear it.

Bingxue's expression remained the same, but he felt a little relieved. As long as he survived this time of at most a quarter of an hour, the senior brother would be completely safe. This grave, this formation would completely lose its effect on his soul.

Bei's indifferent eyes changed, she looked at Li Zedao in a daze, and then tears fell.

"How can you... do this?" she cried.

Yeah, how could he do this? How could he make such a stupid choice? What's the difference between making this choice and the so-called traitor to the enemy in order to keep their loved ones alive?

At that time, if Duanmu Weizhuang went out to make the whole China a bloodbath, how would the people who finally knew the truth treat him? How would you scold him? I'm afraid I can't wait to eat his meat, drink his blood, and gnaw his bones, right? He will become a sinner through the ages!

He should be the kind of great hero who silently sacrifices his ego to complete the greater ego. How can he bear the eternal infamy for himself?

This is a completely different north from the previous north, but Li Zedao, such a north is the real north, and the previous indifference is nothing more than a camouflage on her body.

Li Zedao smiled and said softly: "Why can't it be like this?"

"You can't do this, really can't, but...but...I like you so much... So you care about me so much..." She let her tears slip and watched Li Zedao with what she had never shown. Said in an extremely soft tone.

"You are my woman, how can I not care about you?" Li Zedao smiled and said in a relaxed tone.

"But... I can't be so selfish, can't let you release that demon for me, can't let you bear the world's reputation for me... You should be a great hero who has saved many lives, and... …I also swore an oath, I swear that I will dedicate everything I have to this beautiful country..." She said in her heart with tears.

"Why are you crying? Moved? Don't be aggressive to me in the future, don't always beat me." Li Zedao said with a grin.

"No..." Bei said. Because, I have no chance to be harsh to you, and no chance to beat you.

Li Zedao didn't know what she was thinking, and thought that because she was so touched by her actions, she planned to modify and abandon the original high-cold route and change to a gentle one.

"I, love you..." Bei said, looking at Li Ze.

A woman who used to be so cold and inaccessible to say this to you in such a gentle tone, Li Zedao only feels that her heart is already floating, and she is as shy as a young virgin who is in love: "Thank you for your love, I... I love you too..."

"You're saying it again...I like to listen." Bei said.

Li Zedao once again confirmed that Bei this really intends to change to the gentle and ambiguous route, and now very seriously and softly said: "I love you..."

"One more time." Bei said with tears, even with a hint of coquetry in his tone.

This woman can be so soft and charming, Li Zedao almost can't hold it anymore, nodded and said seriously: "I love you..."

With his hands clasped on Bei's neck, seeing the couple express their love to each other in this situation, there was an uncontrollable blush on the pale face.

Although she has lived for thousands of years, she is still a big girl in the end. Thousands of years ago, she and her elder brother had a love for each other, but they had never made any overstepping. Sometimes she touched her hand and was immediately ashamed. Let alone speak such blatant and shameless love words.

"These two people are too embarrassed to know." She said in her heart.

"One time," Bei said.

Li Zedao smiled: "I love you..."

"Bang!" An extremely dull explosion sounded, and it simply interrupted Li Zedao's words.

I saw Bei's entire head suddenly exploded, and the blood, water, brain and pulp instantly splashed, as if a rain of blood had fallen, and the air was filled with a strong smell of stench!

Although Bingxue is a master of returning to nature, he has been trapped in this misty place for thousands of years, and has long been derailed from the society outside.

How could she know that there is a kind of* that can be put into a person's body, just bite the detonator hidden in the teeth, the body will explode?

So at a moment when she was embarrassed by these explicit love words of these two people, she instinctively felt danger, but she never thought that the danger came from the one who was pinched by her neck. An ant-like woman, she felt that the danger was because she should come from the man who was in the same realm as her, so she stared at him coldly to prevent him from sudden trouble.

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