Li Zedao clearly felt that the body wrapped in the building suddenly tightened, and then as if adapting quickly, he slowly relaxed.

At the moment, Li Zedao gently leaned the next bar on her shoulder, and said softly: "Promise me, I won’t be allowed to do that kind of thing in the future, you don’t know, at that moment, I was an idiot, I hurt I'm almost dead, I treat you and you all as my most important person."

He was really scared, this woman stupidly ended her life once again.

The head of the beloved woman exploded directly in front of you, blood splattered, and finally turned into a headless corpse. Such a picture is too terrifying. Even if Li Zedao is so strong in his heart, he thinks it is a nightmare. Let alone those ordinary people, if they encounter this kind of thing, they should not be directly confused?

"No, it's enough to do that kind of thing once." Bei responded softly. Feeling the panic of Li Zedao, she was full of apology and guilt at the moment. She only thought that she could not let the demon out, and that she could not let Li Zedao carry that kind of sin for herself, but she didn't think much about the impact of her actions on him. .

If it weren't for the luck of being reborn again, the kind of shadow in the heart that was no less than that caused by the hatred and rejection of both parents and relatives would have to accompany him forever?

Because of guilt, she wanted to make amends, so she felt that she should do something, so she placed her hand gently on Li Zedao's arm around her waist, and whispered: "I'm very lucky, to that senior It is also full of gratitude, allowing me to have life again, and I can again...see you, touch you...I...want you, I want you to love me so much..."

Almost uttered the last three words with qi, fearing that Li Zedao would not understand, so it was very difficult to add: "The vicious ‘ruthless’..."

The roots of her ears became hot all at once, and her face flushed.

"..." Li Zedao was stunned. He knew that being stunned at this time was a very stupid behavior, but he couldn't help being stunned.

He was killed in seconds by the north.

He didn't expect that when this woman of Bei could still be so attractive, it would be normal if Nintendo said such things, but who is she? She is Bei, cold, and murderous Bei.

In Li Zedao's view, her style should be to look at you coldly, and then say "Lie down, or I will kill you!"

Then, Li Zedao lay down obediently.

"Take off your clothes, or I will kill you!"

Then, being chastity in the face of death is a fart, Li Zedao gritted his teeth and took off his clothes like how wronged...

Just like the one that happened at the Buddha Temple a few days ago, after Li Zedao became sober, Bei gave a simple order: "Get down and continue, otherwise, I will kill you..."

Then Li Zedao quickly continued.

After being confused, Li Zedao smiled, because he couldn't help it.

Hearing Li Zedao’s laughter, Bei was very embarrassed, and directly broke off Li Zedao’s hand that was holding her waist, and then pushed him away. He turned his head and stared at the beast with angrily. Asshole, isn’t it? To...please...comfort you?

Li Zedao laughed and wrapped her facelessly again, and asked, "Sister Bei, where did you learn this from? What else did you learn?"

"Fuck!" Bei said coldly, his hot ears pressed against his strong chest, listening to the powerful heartbeat, and then...the body began to get hot and shy inexplicably.

In front of this man, Bei couldn't keep himself at all.

"Sister Bei, don't be so stingy, let's talk and communicate together."

Bei raised his head, glared at him, and quickly said: "Online...just before you came...boring and just watching what you saw accidentally."

Li Zedao's expression was playful: "I saw it by accident?"

"...Beast." Bei was angry, didn't this ask knowingly?

"What else do you remember?" Li Zedao took a deep breath, the smell of the body was tangy, this was his familiar taste. In other words, although Bei changed her body to live again, the taste on her body was the same as before.

Bei bit her lip lightly, and then said: "g me...c kill me..." She loved this man so much, she wanted to spoil him.

In addition, Bei also wanted to take a sample. It was said on the Internet that men would basically be unable to carry it as long as they heard such words. She wanted to see if Li Zedao could carry it... She thought it was very exciting and fun.

Then, the result was obvious. Li Zedao couldn't hold it anymore, his breathing became rough and messed up.

These two words are naturally not high-end at all, they can be said to be very vulgar, but they can seduce men's desires all at once, let alone such words are spoken from the mouth of such a woman, and the impact is even greater. Big.

Li Zedao hugged her tighter, and said in her ear as if giving an order: "I still want to hear the last two words you said."

"...Beast..." Bei said, and then quietly, slowly, but clearly repeated the two words.

After speaking, Li Zedao's whole figure seemed to be ignited, and Bei also felt that she was ignited, and her hand was also tightly wrapped around Li Zedao's waist, and her whole body was pressed tightly against him.

Uncontrollably, Bei said the last word slowly in Li Zedao's ear with a gasp...

The house is full of spring.


Dongjiao Funeral Home, where Cheng Yang's funeral was held.

At this time, the sky was gloomy, and there was still not too much rain, which added a bit of sadness.

Some people say that if it rains at this time, it means that the deceased died too much, too worthless, too tragic, and so on. Even the gods can’t see it, and they are crying...Of course, this is. Nonsense.

The identities of Cheng Yang’s father Cheng Dagang and mother Li Ping were placed there, so naturally many people came to see off... Mainly few people knew that the deceased Cheng Yang and Li Ping had offended people who could not offend, and even finished his son’s After the funeral, they will leave their previous jobs, otherwise the number of people will be at least half.

After all, this is a world that relies on interests to maintain the relationship between each other. The rights you have at hand and your ability can bring benefits to the other party. The other party will naturally deliberately approach you, and even if your family is dead, he will be sad. It's as if your father is dead.

Li Ping’s tears were already dry. At this moment, she sat there paralyzed, her face haggard and godless, like a soulless walking corpse, no matter who said to her, she did not respond, even, He didn't even look up.

The son is a jerk, he is still a son after all. Therefore, Li Ping's emotions are on the verge of collapse. After all, this white-haired person sending a black-haired person is not something ordinary people can bear.

Four enlarged and bold **** characters flashed repeatedly in her empty mind: revenge, blood and hatred!

Although the investigation results of the car accident have come out, his son was driving while drunk, driving in the reverse direction, and was speeding. This was the result of a collision with the earthmoving vehicle that was too late to brake. Therefore, the deceased had to take full responsibility, even, If he does not die, he will be held criminally responsible, detained and revoked his driving license.

Even if the evidence was in front of her, Li Ping still didn't believe it. She felt that her son was killed by the **** Li Zedao. Otherwise, when would he not have a car accident, why did he have a car accident that morning?

He hasn't been drunk-driving before, and hasn't he lived well?

He also caused his other son to break his leg, and now he is still on crutches, and he also caused himself to break his official career. From then on, she is an ordinary old woman, not the awesome person The head of the flattering personnel bureau...

And that **** woman, it's your blessing that my son is fond of you...she also damn, damn!

Teacher Li Gu took his students to the funeral home and laid a wreath to mourn. Looking at the handsome and young face in the portrait, he felt slightly emotional: "This is a good seedling, come here if you study hard. The future is limitless. What a pity, God is jealous of talents."

When Lu Xiaodong looked at the image, he felt a sense of horror. Although it was raining, the temperature was obviously not cold, but his legs were shaking.

To be honest, Cheng Yang himself was not only speeding while driving under the influence, but also hit him to death. He didn't quite believe it, he was more willing to believe that he was killed, and he was involved in that matter. Now When Cheng Yang is dead, will he also be punished?

Therefore, Lu Xiaodong has spent the past few days in extreme panic. When he walks, he is afraid that something will suddenly fall off his head. When eating, he is afraid of poisonous food. When he takes a bath, he is afraid of being electrocuted and sleeping. When he was afraid of being wiped his neck... He felt that his nerves were going to be confused.

Lu Xiaodong secretly glanced at Jin So-yeon, who was standing there with a little sad face. In these days, he really wanted to find a chance to kneel in front of her, confessing and begging for mercy, but he didn’t dare. He was afraid that he would die in this way. Faster.

She glanced at Xiao Mengjun secretly again. The woman's eyes were flushed, and her body was trembling slightly. She was the only one who wiped her tears among these seniors.

So Lu Xiaodong understood the status of Cheng Yang in her mind, so he felt...I should stay away from her in the future.

Lu Xiaodong vowed that if the tough man Jin Soyan didn't **** him, he would be a human being with his tail clamped in the future, and would never be cautious or even wicked again.

After the mourning, Teacher Li Gu led the students to Li Ping, who was paralyzed there like a corpse, and sighed slightly, "Sorrow."

Li Ping did not make any response.

Teacher Li Gu sighed and left with his students.

Li Ping's head lifted up like a machine, and his eyes stared viciously at the thin back for an instant, as if a poisonous snake was staring at his prey.

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