The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1430: Car accident

After walking out of the funeral home, the rain that was not too heavy at this time had a tendency to fall and become heavier.

This unfortunate thing happened to my own closed disciples, which made Teacher Li Gu feel extremely bad. Just like this bad weather, it was dark and humid, and naturally he was not in the mood to go to class. So he asked these students to leave on their own. I need to go back to school and have a day off tomorrow.

After briefly explaining some things, he got into a black car alone and left. Then these students left either alone or by appointment.

Kim So-yeon had already seen the pervert waiting there, and after saying goodbye to the classmates, she walked towards him under a small umbrella.

Lu Xiaodong originally wanted to invite her to no one’s corner and begged for a few words, even kneeling down, but someone was already waiting for her over there, and that person seemed uncomfortable. He swallowed that thought back, and seemed to have to find another opportunity.

I can only comfort myself in my heart with helplessness. If the other party is looking for trouble, I am afraid that they will lack arms and legs, and even go with Cheng Yang. Therefore, I am very safe. Yes, don't scare yourself...

"Sister-in-law..." Seeing Jin Soyan coming, the pervert flicked off the cigarette **** in her hand, said hello, and quickly helped open the back seat door.

"Perverted brother." Kim So Yeon nodded in response.

Although the pervert has been said several times that it is enough to call me pervert, Kim So-yeon is a good and polite boy. Every time the word "brother" is added, the pervert is called by her.

Of course, in Kim So-yeon's heart, she does treat perverts as if she were her brothers. Since she was a child, she has particularly envied those classmates who have brothers.

"Sister-in-law, go straight back? Where do you want to go?" The abnormal started the car and asked.

"Well, it's still early, and I want to go back to school to practice piano." Kim So-yeon said softly, looking at the sparse raindrops outside the car window. A tall and handsome figure appeared in his mind.

Recently, she is habitually in a daze. All she thinks about is the same person, thinking about his various goodness, thinking about his handsomeness, thinking about the violent beauty when he hit people, thinking about every word he said, and thinking about him. His... Kim So-yeon's cheeks were a little hot, and she quickly threw the messy thoughts out of her mind.

Pervert didn't tell his sister-in-law about the boss calling him. After all, the boss must have contacted his sister-in-law before calling him. What can I say? If the boss didn't call his sister-in-law, then he would definitely want to surprise his sister-in-law. If he said that, it would have broken the boss?

At the moment, I am driving the car very diligently, without saying a word... Have you ever seen those cold bodyguards say something when you watch a movie?


He used to be perverted and didn't understand why those bodyguards didn't speak, but now that he became a bodyguard, he understood why they didn't speak, because once they spoke, they seemed to be less compelling!

Of course, the perverted mind was not idle, and his thoughts were light. He remembered the young and beautiful girls he saw at the school gate when he sent Jin Soyan to school in the morning.

What a beautiful girl, that figure, that face, that long legs, that smile... The pervert quickly wiped her saliva, glanced at her sister-in-law through the rearview mirror, and saw that she looked outside with a dazed expression. Pay attention to yourself, so you can relax. What if you make a misunderstanding when you see her drooling?

In giving ten courage to the pervert, he did not dare to have any disrespectful thoughts towards his sister-in-law.

The rain is getting heavier and the sight is quite bad, so even if the pervert thinks the car skills are very good, but he dare not drive too fast, everything is based on the safety of the sister-in-law

When the car was driving to a certain intersection, just as he turned the steering wheel abnormally and was about to turn right, an earth-moving truck suddenly rushed over and slammed into the right side of his car.

"Sister-in-law, be careful..." he shouted while his face changed wildly. He stepped on the accelerator and tried to avoid it, but it was too late.

Unprepared, the two off-road vehicles that Pervert and Kim So-yeon were in were hit by the earth-moving vehicle that suddenly rushed out.

An earth-moving vehicle versus an off-road vehicle is equivalent to a master like Ice and Snow versus a master like Huang Wen. The only result is that Huang Wen has no backhand power at all and was killed in seconds.

So, the only result now is that the entire off-road vehicle was knocked out very simply, the body crunched, the front of the car shook and tilted violently, and then the whole body rolled up in the middle of the road, the hard iron skin was even There was fierce friction with the asphalt ground, sporadic sparks appeared, and they were simply extinguished by the downpour.

"Pala pala..." The rain was urgent and heavy, as if there was a deep hatred for everything that grew on this earth.

At the same time, the earth-moving vehicle that suddenly rushed out after knocking over the abnormal off-road vehicle did not turn around and left, but continued to hit the off-road vehicle, the motor roared, and the tail pipe was even worse. Braving the strong black smoke... the driver in the earth-moving vehicle has already maximized the horsepower of the vehicle.

He wants the people in that car to die!

Then there was a muffled noise again, and the earth-moving vehicle slammed into the body of the SUV that was still rolling.

After another heavy blow, the off-road vehicle rolled more and more, and finally slammed into a small car parked there. It was a very difficult four-wheeled stop.

I saw that the whole body of the off-road vehicle was recessed at least halfway, and it was visible to the naked eye that blood came out of the gap and mixed into the rain.

The door of the earth-moving truck was pushed open, and a figure jumped out of the car, rushed into the rain curtain, and quickly disappeared without a trace.


Fashion label, this is a large-scale beauty salon not far from Shengli Garden.

After the calm and the waves, Li Zedao wanted to hold that sweet body on the bed. Bei disagreed. He kicked Li Zedao out of bed and ordered Li Zedao to clean up the bed... She didn’t want the girl named So Yeon. When the child comes back to see this scene, she will be...shy.

Moreover, that senior who has lived for a thousand years still retains his virgin body... Li Zedao seriously doubted whether Duanmu Weizhuang's body had a problem, otherwise he would not eat the one with such a stunner next to him.

When Li Zedao proposed his conjecture, Bei Leng said coldly: "Because he is not a beast."

After Li Zedao had cleaned up, Bei Cai didn't care that the rain began to fall heavily outside, so he directly dragged Li Zedao out, looking for such a beauty salon, intending to dye that long white hair black.

The one who entertained Beibei was a handsome stylish guy named joke, the art director here...All employees of this beauty agency use English names, which makes the company a little higher-grade and in line with international standards. His hair is also white, of course, he is dyed, and Bei is pure and natural.

When Bei walked in, Joke's eyes were as straight as the others.

Yanjing, an international metropolis, has never lacked beauties, but the one who walked in was so beautiful and so beautiful that people wanted to commit crimes without any thoughts of crime. It's really rare...No, no, never I have seen it, at least Joke Zhang is so big, I have never seen it before.

And her hair is snow-white, just like herself... If it wasn't for a man behind her, joke would want to say if the girl came to soak herself, after all, this kind of thing has not happened before, it happened before. Some girls once said that they came to the hairdressing salon but they actually came to soak themselves.

Joke, the chief art director, personally received this beauty...Of course, others also wanted to receive this beauty, but it's not easy to grab guests from the director.

Joke tried his best to squeeze the most handsome smile on his face: "Hello, beauty..."

"Dye my hair black." Bei Jian didn't give the director a chance to say any more, and simply interrupted him.

"...Okay, please here." Joke wondered, isn't he handsome enough today, otherwise why this beauty is not willing to look at herself more?

"Sir, please go to the rest area to take a rest." Joke said to the beautiful male partner politely.

Li Zedao smiled, nodded, and then the phone in his pocket rang.

At the moment, Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and walked to the rest area.

The caller was an unfamiliar number. Li Zedao pondered and picked it up, but a familiar voice came over: "Shao Li?"

It was Shangguanpeng's voice, but there was tension and doubt in his voice, so Li Zedao frowned slightly: "It's me, Uncle Shangguan, what happened?"

Shangguanpeng was obviously relieved: "You are fine. I just received a call saying that there was a car accident at the intersection of Sihai Road. An off-road vehicle was hit by an earthmoving vehicle. The car that God left Shao Li for you... so... you're fine."

Li Zedao's heart trembled, and a very bad feeling suddenly surged, because he left the car to be perverted so that he could pick up Jin Soyan back and forth.

"What happened to the people in the car?" Li Zedao Hansheng asked.

Hearing that Li Zedao's tone had changed, Shangguanpeng knew that this matter was no trivial matter. It was the people close to Li Zedao who were hurt.

He hurriedly said: "There was a man and a woman in the car. The man died on the spot, and the woman was taken to the hospital... I will investigate the specific situation clearly.

As soon as Shangguanpeng received the call and heard that the man died on the spot, he thought Li Zedao had something wrong, so he quickly called him, so he did not know much.

Li Zedao's complexion instantly became extremely gloomy, and a very strong violent aura was already surging from all over his body, so he was dead? Kim So Yeon was seriously injured?

"Which hospital?" He was like a wounded beast, with scarlet eyes that made everyone in the store look at him.

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