Foot-to-foot, deliberately attacking the embankment, plus the strength of the two people, so Zhu Canghai could not take advantage of it, and Yu Fandong did not get any hidden losses.

"Bang!" The two of them smashed their calves together, and then each took a step back, grinning, and staring at each other with murderous eyes.

"What do you mean? Didn't you just say to stand and let me kill?" Yu Fandong asked with an extremely ugly face.

His lungs are about to explode, this liar! Fortunately, I know him too well, knowing that this **** is deceiving most of the time, and then be careful, otherwise he kicks his ill-fated bastard, and he will not completely become Lamb to be slaughtered?

Zhu Canghai looked at Yu Fandong coldly and said, "Why didn't you die?"

"You said you were going to die."

Zhu Canghai responded coldly: "It's you who **** it! If you weren't surprised at the beginning, could you have today?"

With that said, Zhu Canghai also glanced at Li Zedao from the corner of his eye. He was here vaguely trying to remind Li Zedao that the root of the error lies in Yu Fandong, and it was this guy who was impressed.

How could Yu Fandong fail to understand Zhu Canghai's good intentions? The same sneer: "It sounds like you didn’t see any surprises. The slap on her face that made her almost into a coma was not what I slapped... Also, this time you instigated me to attack Kim So Yeon. ."

"You hired the killer..."

"If I were you, I'll do it quickly, because there are still two minutes." Li Zedao interrupted their words, he was smiling, but the smile was so cold and weird. Anyone who sees such a face will think in his mind. The three words "neuropathy" emerged.

The "brain-depleted" conversation between Yu Fandong and Zhu Canghai completely aroused the anger in Li Zedao's heart. From these few words, he can imagine what kind of extraordinary torture Jin Soyan suffered that day.

Zhu Canghai gritted his teeth and rushed towards Yu Fandong, and Yu Fandong did the same.

Then, the two big men wrestled together. You punched me and I punched you too, both trying to kill each other.

It's just that the two of them are half a catty, and the lower body has been severely injured before, and the serious injury has not been healed, so the fists that are punched out basically have no strength. Such a fist makes a person completely painful, let alone killed someone. So it's hard to understand for a while.

Zhu Canghai knew that this was not the way to go, so while trying hard to press Yu Fandong under his body, he slammed down his neck in one bite, like the zombie in the movie was biting the neck of a living person. .

"Ah..." Yu Fandong made a screaming scream, struggling desperately, his knees directly against Zhu Canghai's crotch.

Zhu Canghai's pupils widened suddenly, but he didn't scream, but bit harder.

"Go to hell..." He roared in his heart, only to feel that there was a foreign object in his mouth.

It was a piece of **** meat, the meat bitten off from Yu Fandong's neck!

Yu Fandong's screams were even more tragic, and his dying struggle was even stronger, and another knee was pressed against Zhu Canghai's crotch.

pain! Heartache! The pain was so painful that Zhu Canghai couldn't stand it anymore, he opened his mouth and screamed, then rolled off Yu Fandong, clutching his lower body, and rolling on the ground.

Yu Fandong opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth, one hand tightly covered the blood hole in his neck, the other hand hardly supported on the ground, he staggered up, and then struggled to pick up the fruit on the table. Knife.

Then, his wide-eyed eyeballs fell on Zhu Canghai who was rolling on the ground, clenched the fruit knife in his hand, knelt down on both knees, and then stabbed him over.

"Puff!" This fruit knife, which is actually not too sharp, was simply stabbed into Zhu Canghai's stomach.

Zhu Canghai's originally rolling body suddenly stiffened, and then his wide-open eyes looked at Yu Fandong, scarlet.

In the next second, without knowing where the strength came from, Zhu Canghai's hands suddenly hugged Yu Fandong's neck, and then the **** mouth directly bit into the corner of Yu Fandong's mouth. It was very crisp. The meat bit off a big piece...

These are not two people anymore, but two dogs biting each other in a crazy state.

The scene was ugly and bloody, and the blood was so **** that Li Zedao couldn't stand it anymore. He got up from the sofa, went up the stairs, and walked to the second floor.

Soon, angry roars and tragic howls were left in the huge house, and then I don’t know how long it took before the house fell into a weird silence...

That night, Yu Fandong's mother drove to the Shengli Garden Community because Yu Fandong did not answer the phone and worried that something might happen to her son.

Mother Yu found out that the light was not turned on in the house, so the son was not there? out? Or... what happened? After suffering such a severe physical injury, Yu's mother was worried that her son would not think about committing suicide. Although she knew that her son was not the kind of person who would commit suicide, mothers always like to think about it.

At the same time, I slammed my heart and quickly took out the spare key to open the door. When the door opened, a very strong **** smell in the darkness instantly hit, making Yu's mother's stomach abruptly pumped out, and then, what was in my heart This feeling is even worse.

The smearing hand stretched out and turned on the light on the wall, the light was turned on, and the room was bright.

Yu's mother's eyes fell on the floor in front.

"Ah..." She screamed like a ghost, and then she fainted directly in front of her eyes.

Yu Fandong died miserably, he was killed alive by Zhu Canghai.

Zhu Canghai was also dead. His lower body was severely wounded and the blood flow continued. The knife on his stomach was also a fatal wound... Of course, his death is much more beautiful than Yu Fandong, at least, there is no scary blood hole in his neck. The flesh on his face was not torn apart.

Of course, Yu Fandong told Zhu Canghai's family that he didn't want to believe that the two had an excellent relationship since childhood, and they would kill each other. They seriously doubted whether someone killed them and then put up a false impression.

However, the police simply failed to find a trace of the third person at the scene. With a lot of hard evidence in front of them, the two people hurt each other to death. The two families could only accept it if they were unwilling to accept it.

Mo Ya, the killer who used people's money to eliminate disasters, also died. He was hit by a car and died tragically. The perpetrator abandoned the car and escaped. Moreover, the car was stolen, so no one knew who the perpetrator was.

As for Li Ping, Li Zedao finally let her go. Before letting her go, Li Zedao calmly said to her, "Isn’t it OK to be a good person? Why do you want to hurt others? Oh, yes, you have a son. ."

This is a reminder or a threat. Remind that you still have a son, you should take good care of him and take good care of him, and don't want to trouble others like your second son. Threatened that if you still want to mess around, I don't know if anything unfortunate will happen to your other son.

"I still have a son...I only have one son left." This is Li Ping's response.

Li Zedao understood that she was a compromise and a guarantee.

"You don't need to resign. Although you are not a good official, the crows in the world are generally black. If another person sits on your seat, it may not be as white as you." Li Zedao said, "I will talk to District Chief Sun later. Come on."

Li Ping looked at this young man who had both powerful methods and a rare but soft heart, and nodded slightly and said, "Thank you...I will try my best to do my job in the future."


In the hospital morgue, Li Zedao once again lifted the white cloth covering the abnormal corpse. Looking at the terrible corpse, Li Zedao said sadly, "I have already helped you take revenge."

"Cry if you want to cry." Bei said, standing behind Li Zedao.

After receiving Bei’s encouragement, Li Zedao re-covered the white cloth, then turned around and put her in his arms, pressing her face tightly on her chest... so that she could not see when she was crying Li Zedao knew how ugly when he started crying.

Bei lay quietly in his arms, listening to his powerful heartbeat, like a little woman with a little bird.

"It's great that I'm still alive," Bei Zai said in his heart.


From the previous chats, Li Zedao learned that perverts like the sea, and he even has a great ideal in his heart, that is, to throw his ashes into the sea like the respected great man after he died.

Li Zedao naturally satisfied his wish, so soon, the abnormal body sent to the crematorium turned into a handful of ashes. There is no sea in Yanjing, so Li Zedao planned to bring the perverted ashes back to Phoenix City.

Looking at the little urn, Kim So-yeon, who was sitting on the wheel and being pushed by the north, was already crying into tears.

"Brother Zedao, let me hold it." She cried and said, "He is my brother, my brother."

Li Zedao looked sadly and handed over the small urn, Jin Soyan reached out and took it, but there were more tears, dripping on the ashes.

After Wu Huo received the call from Li Zedao, he also rushed over from Phoenix City. He came to send the pervert for the last time, also to take over the pervert, and then stayed in his eyes to continue to protect Jin Soyan's safety.

Looking at the urn held by his sister-in-law, the man's eyes were already red.

On the surface, he doesn't deal with metamorphosis so much, mainly because he can't get used to the kind of metamorphosis, but in fact, he, metamorphosis, and the flying foxes and the crow mercenary group have always been commensurate with brothers. Now that the pervert is dead, I feel really uncomfortable.

In addition, Li Mengchen and the others also called Li Zedao when they got the news, especially Li Mengchen. The pervert had secretly protected her for a long time under Li Zedao's instruction. She easily arrested many suspects, but it was actually the pervert who helped secretly. , So on the phone, she also cried into tears.

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