The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1440: Director Yang wants to see you

When the group of people walked out of the crematorium, Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly. He already saw the man standing in the hospital lounge two days ago who tried to attack North and was hit by a punch by himself and broke several teeth. In front of a black buggy.

When the man saw Li Zedao and his party coming out, he grinned at Li Zedao and looked a little ill-intentioned... At least he felt that way for Li Zedao. He showed his teeth when he laughed... His teeth that were smashed by Li Zedao's punch were already It's made up.

"Laughing at your sister, what's so funny? Believe it or not, I will break your tooth again in a while?" Li Zedao muttered uncomfortably in his heart.

Of course, the appearance of the man was within Li Zedao's expectations. After all, he showed the kind of strength that is no less than Huang Wen last time. It is impossible for fc to ignore it, and it is impossible not to change another attitude to face him.

As for FC's doubts about what happened in the Devil's Cave Forest, he even suspected that Huang Wen was killed by him... Then doubt it, Li Zedao didn't care that much either.

If you speak nicely, he has a clear conscience; if you speak arrogantly, what can you do to me? Besides, you have no evidence that Huang Wen was killed by me.

Right now, Li Zedao looked back at Bei and the others and said, "You go back first."

Beiyan glanced at the man indifferently, nodded slightly, and said nothing. She knew that Li Zedao would not be in any danger, and fc would not attack Li Zedao. They could not, nor did they dare.

Even for such a huge organization, they dare not easily push a master with Huang Ye's skill into anxious, because the consequences are not affordable to everyone, let alone Li Zedao is still hiding, he kills Huang in seconds The text is not a problem.

They asked Li Zedao to pick up Li Zedao because they wanted to completely use such a talent for their own use. In these years, waste is a shameful thing, especially a waste of talent.

After watching Bei and the others get in the car and leave, Li Zedao only then walked towards the man waiting there.

"Hello, I am dark, Director Yang asked me to pick you up." The man politely stretched out his hand towards Li Zedao, with a trace of awe in his eyes.

As a member of the fc organization, he of course has heard of Li Zedao, he has heard of Li Zedao who was transformed by the Shenwan who was finally successfully refined by Huang Wen for nearly 20 years, but he did not Just take it to heart.

But now, he has to look up.

Looking at the entire Huaxia, and even, looking at the entire world, the skill can match Huang Wen, yes, but it can be counted with a slap, but now this kid is capable of matching Huang Wen, and the organization can't help but pay attention to it.

"Hello, I'm Li Zedao." Li Zedao stretched out his hand and shook his hand.

Secretly helpless, I really want to say that of course I know you are Li Zedao, I want to say that even if you burn to ashes, I recognize you... Secretly is a stingy person, so he clearly remembers how this guy hit with a punch On his face.

"Who is Director Yang?" Li Zedao asked.

"The one you saw in your courtyard that day was Director Yang." said secretly.

"Oh, I don't know." Li Zedao said, his tone inevitably ridiculed. That old man’s "business affairs" attitude that day, Li Zedao was actually a little unhappy in his heart. After all, he was not a member of the fc organization controlled by fx. Why are you like the superiors asking the subordinates? of?

If it weren’t for my kind heart, you wouldn’t even find their bodies, okay? If it wasn't for my kind heart, don't you think about getting the yellow stone again, OK?

Of course, Li Zedao didn't think so much at that time, and he reported it "on business affairs"... Now that I think about it, Li Zedao felt that he was really a bit shameful at that time.

Now, Li Zedao really does not want to have any contact with fc or even the fx behind it. The previous contact was forced at all, or it can be said to be passive cooperation. Li Zedao now does not allow such passive things again. Happened to myself.

As for whether after fc will continue to refine ghost pills, research genetic people and so on, Li Zedao can’t control so much. He even turns one eye on the top, and even secretly supports him. What storms can ordinary people make?

The muscles on the dark face twitched, trying to get angry. But when I remembered that his skill was there, I remembered that I was beaten by others with several teeth before, I remembered that before he set off, Director Yang asked him to have a better attitude...Of course, I also felt that his attitude should be better. Otherwise, with the shamelessness of the other party and beat yourself up, who will you cry?

Therefore, he had to forcibly suppress all the anger in his heart, and said: "When you see him, you will know each other."

"I don't want to know him." Li Zedao said with a big wave.

"..." Secret almost pulled out a knife and killed someone who couldn't hold back. You know, Huang Wen was even polite to see Director Yang, but what kind of attitude is this kid? Do you really think that you can be arrogant and unscrupulous if you have Huang Wen's skills? Do you really think no one can stand you?


Secretly and unceremoniously put this label heavily on Li Zedao, and then, he was very sad to find that he still had to bear it, he couldn't bear it!

"Director Yang wants to talk to you." He took a deep breath and said.

Li Zedao frowned and looked at this guy, and asked, "Do you think that Director Yang wants to talk to me? It's a great honor for me?"

The man wanted to say, isn't it a great honor? Who do you think Director Yang is? Can anyone meet him? But he still said: "I didn't think so. I was just completing the task that Director Yang gave me and sending you to see him."

"It seems that your task will not be completed." Li Zedao looked dark, shrugged, and said with some regret.

"What do you mean?" The dark eyes were slightly fascinated, and his heart burst into anger. He thought that Li Zedao let his people leave first and walked towards him. This was going to go with him. Now, it doesn't seem like that time. Matter.

"It doesn't mean anything." Li Zedao said lightly, "He asked you to pick me up and meet him, so I have to follow you? Why? If he is my leader, I can get a salary increase? Control my life and death? Or, do you plan to use people around me like Huang Wen to continue to threaten me to do something I don't want to do? He wants to see me, you let him come and find me in person!"


Li Zedao's head lifted slightly, his face in the noon sun shining like a sacred cloak, and his voice cried and said: "Otherwise, don't go... Oh, it's almost noon, I I'm hungry. I forgot to bring my wallet today. Would you like to invite me to dinner?"


He drove away in secret. The black off-road vehicle he was driving almost hit the trunk and protective belt by the road several times.

Li Zedao sighed softly. He was really a stingy guy. Wouldn't you let you have a meal? As for the escape?

Thinking of the pervert, it is inevitable to feel heavy for a while. Although he helped him get revenge, the pervert cannot survive and continue to behave with himself.

When I walked to the main road and stopped a taxi, Li Zedao once again came to the stylish restaurant I had visited twice before, planning to have an afternoon meal.

The first time I came here by myself, the second time I brought Jin So-yeon over. Both met the extremely snobbery woman who was eating blind dates, and the second time they met Qing Xuzi.

It was precisely when he met Qingxuzi that Li Zedao was able to understand those things that happened thousands of years ago, understand Duanmu Weizhuang’s ambitions, and finally successfully shattered Duanmu Weizhuang’s plan, giving his soul with a sword. Split up, to prevent him from finally messing up the entire China again.

Moreover, it was precisely because of Qing Xuzi that he was able to become a master of returning to nature.

What makes Li Zedao a little speechless is that he actually saw the woman in this restaurant again, is he really eating blind dates? However, this time I didn't bother to raise my ears to hear what the woman sitting not far from him said to the extremely strong-looking man who was on a blind date with her, but buried her head and chewed on the steak delivered by the waiter.


"You said you opened a gym?" The woman's peachy eyes looked at the man sitting in front of him with some light. Appearance, satisfaction, figure, satisfaction, money... The gym should be quite rich.

The man smiled and nodded and said, "Well, Wanmin Fitness Club... I don't know if you have heard of it."

The woman's eyes brightened, and she nodded hurriedly: "I've heard it, how come I haven't heard it? I'm still a member of the gym, and I go every weekend."

The size of the gym is clear to women, so this is a rich, it should be said that a successful man!

"Really? That's a coincidence," the man said.

"Yes, it's a coincidence. I didn't expect you to be the owner of that gym." The woman's eyes were not only bright, but also hot.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" The man's expression became tender and affectionate, and he looked at the woman and said, "I believe, so when I see you, I think you are the woman I'm looking for...Is it too Obtrusive? Will it embarrass you?"

The woman shook her head slightly shyly and said, "I believe it too. When I see you, I also feel very special."

"Are you willing to be the boss of my gym?" the man asked.

"I...will..." The woman's voice was like a mosquito, her expression was unusually shy.


When Li Zedao was immersed in the steak chewing, he suddenly found someone stopped in front of him. When he looked up, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Isn't this the blind date girl who has been in the same place for eight lifetimes? Oh, she was holding that strong man's hand, so... this time the blind date was successful?

Li Zedao looked into the man's eyes, he wanted to see if he was blind.

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