The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1443: Beg him to die

Director Yang himself gave the answer: "You won't, because they hurt the people you are close to, so you don't treat them as human beings. If you kill them, you won't feel that three lives are lost."

Li Zedao glanced at the old man with a look of embarrassment, and said nothing.

Director Yang continued: "This country always needs someone to give, or to give up their own youth, or their own wisdom, or even their own life! Moreover, things always need someone to do, those The people who died because of our refining Ghost Maru and studying human genetics are those who gave their lives for this country, and we are those who have given a lot of effort, youth and wisdom... I don’t know if I say this, you will not Will it be more comfortable?"

"..." Li Zedao felt very uncomfortable.

"Moreover, we are not as cruel and casually harvesting lives as you imagined. At least 90% of the souls used to make ghost pills are collected by specialists from all over the country or even the world. Or hospitals where people die every day, or battlefields... You should know that the Middle East has been in a state of scuffle over the past few decades, so many ghosts can be collected in such a place."

"As for living bodies, most prisoners on death row, or soldiers who voluntarily become human subjects..."

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao earnestly and said, "I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe it, I have nothing to do."


Li Zedao turned his head against the guests and started making tea with his kettle. The main reason was that Director Yang didn’t know how to treat guests. His teacup was empty long ago, but he didn’t fill up. More importantly, Li Zedao I feel that making this tea at his level is an insult to this tea.

After making it, I took a sip of the tea I made myself, full of tea fragrance, and sure enough, my level was much better than this old man.

Director Yang didn't care when he saw this kid making tea and drinking tea on his own, and he didn't know how to pour his own cup of tea with respect for the old and the young, and he didn't care, but looked at Li Zedao with a calm expression on his face.

He knew that this kid wasn't really that firm, even though his skill and IQ were there, he was still too soft after all, so he didn't think this kid was too difficult to convince.

"It doesn't matter at all whether I believe it or not." Based on the principle that it can't be wasted since it has been brewed, Li Zedao even drank a few cups of tea and said, "Besides, it doesn't matter to me?"

"Why is it okay?" Director Yang denied Li Zedao's idea aloud. In his opinion, this idea is naive, perfunctory, and extremely irresponsible... It doesn't matter if I personally go over and treat you Please come here? Don't care about me, so you look at your boy's face here? I am guilty of idleness and nothing to do?

Director Yang is really aggrieved, even Huang Wen dare not show his face like this, this kid is fine.

"What does it matter?" Li Zedao asked rhetorically.

"We need you, this country needs you." Director Yang said.

"Don't make me so great, I'm just a handsome and good little common man, so what you said really makes me feel ashamed." Li Zedao took another cup of tea.

Director Yang also wants to drink tea. If you don’t drink tea, I’m afraid you will be unable to suppress the depressed fire that has already emerged in my heart. If it is not true that there are urgent things that need to be done by this kid, and it seems that only this kid is possible. To do it in the shortest time, Director Yang has already started.

Do you think you are as powerful as Huang Wen, so I am afraid of you? Did you know that I was even afraid of Huang Wen when I started the fire? Even the hands of your master God have to weigh?

A beating cannot be beaten, let alone a threat... At least it is not yet threatening, and there is still room for negotiation. Threatening is a last resort, and is the next strategy.

Although threats are useful, they will eventually make people feel resistant. If you are not sure about the degree, I am afraid this kid will directly rebound.

So what Director Yang can do is to persuade, Xiaozhi persuades with emotion and reason: "I just said that this country always needs someone to pay, or pay for their own youth, or pay for their own wisdom. , Even giving your own life...Of course we don’t want you to give your own life. We need you to give your wisdom and help us..."

"There is always something to pay for." Li Zedao looked at Director Yang and said.

Director Yang waved his hand, with a strong posture: "As long as you promise to cooperate with us, you can mention anything you ask."

"You are misunderstood. I mean, giving always has to be rewarded, either by reaping fame or reaping benefits." Li Zedao's calm face showed a slight sorrow, "But, my master is for this country A lot of hard work, right? Why did you end up like that? Let’s not talk about it after death. He was ruined after death. He became a stinky mouse and a traitor... He treason? Take him The ability, if he really wants to treason, just hook up with a country that doesn't deal with China, I'm afraid China has already fallen into an extremely passive state?

Director Yang looked at this young face earnestly for a long time, and finally sighed softly, "Your master is a hero, a hero of the country."

Li Zedao sneered, why does this sound so harsh?

"Heroes of the country? That's how you treat heroes?" Li Zedao's voice had a violent atmosphere, and he couldn't suppress it no matter what.

"Actually, before your master died, I met your master once." Director Yang decided to zoom in. He felt that there was no need to threaten to convince this kid that it was because he knew something that this kid didn't know.

Sure enough, he saw this kid's eyes widened slightly.

"To be precise, we had a fight." Director Yang said again.

Li Zedao's eyes widened again, and his expression was a little surprised. He knew that this old man was not bad at his skill, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful that he could live well after a fight with the master.

Li Zedao estimated that the master's strength should be about the same as that of Qing Xuzi. He has entered the realm of returning to the original and returning to the truth with one foot. So, is this old man too? Compared to Huang Wenlai, is his skill only higher?

Seeing that Li Zedao didn’t mean to pour tea for himself, Director Yang came by himself, reached out and picked up the justice cup to help himself pour a cup of tea, and after taking a sip, he continued: “I know your master, or the entire senior management of China, the whole fx No one in the organization doesn’t know your master, but your master doesn’t know me. He has never even heard the words fx and fc... plus the identity of "Director Yang". I know my identity. It's just a professor of genetics at Mizuki University. It's normal for your master not to know me."

"In fact, apart from these two, I have another identity, and that identity is even less known." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and said, "But to show my sincerity, I think it is necessary to let you know..."

Li Zedao hurriedly said: "In fact, your identity has nothing to do with me, really."

Li Zedao originally wanted to plug his ears and say loudly, "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen...", but after thinking about it, it was disgusting, so he gave up.

"Of course, you really want to say that I won't stop you, after all, I'm not such an unreasonable person... The big deal is that I just didn't hear it."

Director Yang rushed past millions of alpacas in his heart, calming his mind, he still said, "You must have heard of the dark team? I am the leader of the dark team of the Shenlong organization, and my code name is Dark Emperor. "

"..." Li Zedao widened his eyes and widened his mouth, with an extremely unbelievable look. He never expected Director Yang to say such an identity.

"Are you the leader of the mysterious dark team? The leader of the dark team responsible for protecting the safety of the chief?" Li Zedao asked very hard.

It was the first time that Li Zedao knew that there was an organization such as the "secret group" from the engineers. According to the engineers, the main task of the secret group was to protect, and it was more of the bodyguard task of ordinary soldiers. A strong force value requires keen insight and excellent marksmanship. Of course, fighting skills are also necessary. In other words, the engineers feel that when it comes to fighting alone, people in the bright team can kill the dark team.

Then Li Zedao also knew that the dark group has a research and development department, which specializes in the development of military high-tech products, such as the artificial mask, and the watch worn on the shadow's wrist that emits a strong current.

Later, Li Zedao learned from Yanhuang that some people in the dark group have a great relationship with the fc organization. After all, it was discovered that a certain department of the dark group has always been responsible for talents and training talents.

Later, Li Zedao learned from Bei that although both the Ming Group and the Dark Group belonged to the Shenlong Organization, in fact the Dark Group did not belong to the Shenlong Organization, but belonged to fx, the weakest member of the entire Dark Group. Not under the north, the people in the Ming group are all left behind in the dark group and then assigned to the Ming group.

Bei also said that this is the country's top secret!

At that time, Li Zedao felt that he had risen up all at once, because he actually learned the state’s top secrets, and felt that the engineers were really ignorant and terrible. The members of the Ming group were obviously left behind by the secret group and arranged to go there. However, he is stupid to think that the members of the bright group are better than the dark group...

Director Yang nodded: "I am."

Li Zedao's brows frowned slightly: "What are you going to do with my master? Kill him?"

"I can't kill him." Director Yang said, "Even if I join forces with Huang Wen...Of course your master can't be matched, but if he wants to run, we can't catch up. I just ask him for something."

"What's the matter?" What made Li Zedao stunned was that the dark emperor, who was the leader of the dark group, used the word "beg" unexpectedly. He actually had something to ask Master?

"I beg him to die early." Director Yang took a sip of the cool tea and looked up at Li Ze with a calm expression.

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