The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1444: Beg to die

Beg him to die soon? Li Zedao was choked by this old man's words and was completely speechless

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao’s wide-open eyes and continued: “Your master is an absolutely smart person, so he has guessed many things and made some arrangements. For example, he guessed that Huang Wen was not dead. So we deliberately spread the news about Duanmu Weizhuang’s tomb and the five safe buckles, just to confirm some of his guesses. Coincidentally, we do need those five safe buckles, and we are planning to hit the safe buckles. So, I approached your master, and I told him something he didn’t know, such as fx and fc, and the importance of Huang Wen to this organization..."

Li Zedao lowered his head to drink tea and remained silent, but there was an inexplicable gloom in his eyes. He probably guessed something.

"Of course, Huang Wen was stunned by the so-called immortality in order to avenge his own revenge, so he acted unforgivably. After that, we also punish him..."

Li Zedao couldn't help but ridicule: "Punishment? That is punishment? It is said that he took the lives of many people back then, even three-year-old children didn't let it go, so he even picked up his heart to refine some immortality pills... The devil who has died hundreds of times is not too many, but has only been thinking about it for five years? Have you been thinking about it? Haha..."

Director Yang poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip and said, "Have you heard of Shangguan Qingmu?"

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly and nodded. Shangguan Aoki is Ji Yuemo's great-grandfather. Li Zedao probably knows that Huang Wen has a deep hatred with Shangguan Aoki, and he also knows that the Shangguan family was also helpless and squeezed after the death of Shangguan Aoki. The position of the top giants, of course, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and now the children of the Shangguan family are still worthy, so now the Shangguan family is still strong.

Of course, Li Zedao didn’t know exactly what happened back then. Even Ji Yuemo didn’t know too well. Ji Yuemo once asked her family members, but whether it’s her mother or anyone else in the family. I also don't want to talk more about this matter.

The feeling for Ji Yuemo was that as long as she asked about this, their expressions were a bit... embarrassing.

"Shangguan Aoki is actually your master's name." Director Yang glanced at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It means that in name, Shangguan Aoki is your master's godfather, but in fact he is not. He is your master's own grandfather."

"..." Li Zedao was a little confused.

"In fact, your master’s situation is very complicated. According to our investigation, your master is actually a person who has died once. To be precise, his real name is the same as yours, Li Zedao. After Li Zedao died, his soul was attached. In Wang Zi's body, he became the later Wang Zi. As for how he came back to life, we are not so clear."

"..." Li Zedao had an extremely horrified expression on his face. The master turned out to be a person who had died once, and had lived in the world with a different body weight, just like the current Bei?

"Of course, everyone has their own adventures and secrets, so we don't care that much about how he came alive. After all, his being resurrected again does not mean that all of us can be resurrected again." Director Yang waved his hand. "Oh, I seem to have digressed."


"You just said Huang Wen deserved to die? Really deserved to die, cruelly deprived of countless lives! In this way, Shangguan Aoki should die too. A few decades ago, Shangguan Aoki and Huang Wen turned against each other for a woman, and finally Shangguan Aoki set up a Killing Bureau, Huang Wen’s father was executed for conspiring to usurp the highest power, and he was shot quickly. The rest of the Huang family suffered even more. Even Huang Wen was arrested for mutiny. Going to jail... If you were Huang Wen, would you have revenge?"

"Yes, but..."

Director Yang interrupted Li Zedao's words directly: "Of course, you will definitely say that I will have revenge, but I will not involve innocent people. Then tell me, what are innocent people? Those who are weak, those who have no way Those who protect themselves are innocent people. Whether it is the change of dynasties, the invasion of foreign enemies, or the civil unrest, these people are the first to be deprived of their lives..."

Li Zedao couldn't listen anymore, and sneered: "If you want to say that you are weak, you deserve to die? You deserve to die? Even if the strong make mistakes, they can be forgiven... at least they don't need to be punished too severely?"

"I have never thought of this before, but in this cruel world, this is a fact." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and said, "Don't tell me that you regard the words'the emperor's crimes against the common people' as the truth. So, your lynching is also breaking the law, shouldn't you be thrown into jail now?"

"Also, the people around you, the killers of the killer, the mercenary group of the mercenary group, the robbers of the international thieves, none of them have few lives in their hands? Those who were killed by them are damned. The punishment they received was too light, right? Oh, no, they didn’t receive any punishment at all. Instead, they followed you to eat spicy food and slowly bleach their identities."

"..." Li Zedao wanted to hit someone very much. I said that but you don't mean that I can't beat you. I'm a real master, OK? I'm afraid you will have to accompany Huang Wen as soon as I do it.

"Why can they get away with it? That's because they are yours, so you think they can forgive. Similarly, Huang Wen is also ours. Can't we forgive him?"

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, it seemed to make sense, he didn't know how to refute it.

In fact, the same is true. People are always subjective to themselves and objective to others. They make mistakes. There are thousands of reasons for forgiveness. People who make mistakes are usually not treated rationally. Mistakes, but use their own ideas to criticize and attack.

"You are very kind, but we are not bad guys, just the way we think about things and our stand is completely different." Director Yang said, "I just want to say that you can look farther at the problem."

"No, I'm short-sighted, I can't see that far." Li Zedao took a deep breath and said, "I only know that I dare to move anyone who dares to move the person next to me, and whoever bullies is seen by me, I dare to move him. To bully, whoever needs help, I will try my best to help the other person... That is the life I want, the real sunshine and not much dark life."

Director Yang took a sip of tea and said, "So, even if your master is so good, we didn't want him to be one of us, including Yan Huang. The sense of justice in my heart is too strong to let them know something. It might be bad in the end."

"...What do you mean?" Li Zedao's face looked a little ugly. They didn't know anything because the sense of justice in their hearts was too strong. I knew everything. So I am different from Master and Yanhuang. I am with you. Same, I have a black belly? Damn, who is like you?

Li Zedao had a feeling of being insulted to death.

"Of course, you are the same as them, so we didn't want you to know everything about fc, but God's will is so, some of our actions must be coordinated by you, so..." Director Yang took a sip of tea again, and he realized. "I seem to have digressed again."

"..." Li Zedao got up and left. Zai didn't want to say a word of nonsense to this old man. Of course, he didn't forget to take away the small pot of tea on the table.

He still had that attitude in his heart. He didn’t want to destroy some of the projects that were secretly supported, such as the research on Ghost Maru and genetically modified people, but he didn’t want to be one of them, taking the lives of others at will. The development of the motherland dedicated my life...

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao's back and said faintly: "I came to your master that day and beg your master to die."

Li Zedao's body stopped, then turned around and returned to his previous seat again, and continued to make tea.

"This kid, the cheeky is thick enough." Director Yang commented on Li Zedao in his heart, "I told you something about Master, including some of the plans initially formulated by Huang Wen. Your master finally nodded, he Saying that he is going to die anyway, then he is doing something within his power for this country."

"So, my master actually knows that after he dies, he will be completely discredited?" Li Ze asked, if this is the case, he can feel relieved in his heart.

Li Zedao probably knew that when Director Yang went to see Master, Master had already left the USB flash drive with Stevenson, and also explained the shadows. He might be lazy later, so he didn’t retrieve it. The U disk I left for myself didn't explain the shadow again. Of course, there may be no time.

Director Yang nodded and said: "He naturally knew what happened afterwards. I think you probably knew it. Your master led people to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, where he killed many Rothschilds and The good players brought by Ito Junichi were aimed at weakening some of their strengths, but they let Luciano and Huang Wen send off those good players. At most, they were seriously injured. Your master said at that time, according to the plan. Proceed, you will probably chase the princess of the Luciano family, so the Luciano family is not enough, and it is very likely to become an ally... Now, it looks like this."

"So, your master died voluntarily and was completely discredited to cooperate with our plan after voluntarily dying, but only a few people know about this."

"Where are my two uncles?" Li Zedao asked. He didn't believe that after the Master decided to cooperate with the action, he did not make some arrangements and would allow them to be massacred.

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