The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1497: Enter the magic cave

Bei didn't wait for a while, and even continued to move forward without stopping for a while. She clearly felt that someone was catching up behind her, and it was also clear that the person who was catching up was talking to her, but no matter what purpose the other person had, she didn't have any interest.

The only people she cares about now are Li Zedao and those around him, as for the rest, she is lazy to even look at it.

"Beauty, please wait..."

Seeing that the other party didn't mean to stop, Vice President Yang thought that the other party hadn't heard it, so he quickened his pace and strode forward, immediately blocking the way to the north.

Bei stopped and looked up at the smiling middle-aged man who stopped in front of her, frowning.

"Beauty, I'm so sorry to disturb you." Vice President Yang expressed that he was not a bad person with an elegant smile, and immediately explained his intentions, because he found that the face of this beautiful and inhuman girl was cold. So he instantly concluded that this is not a too patient girl, or is it broken in love or the aunt is here?

In short, the girl's mood is not very good now, but Vice President Yang believes that once he explains his intentions, the girl's mood will suddenly become very good.

"Oh, that's it, my name is *, and I am the vice president of Passage Entertainment. We are planning to invest in the filming of the super big ip "Fate of the Sword" movie. We feel that you and the heroine of "Fate of the Sword" dream Qiangu is very similar, I don’t know if you are interested in participating in our movie..."

"Get out!" Bei planned the other party's words simply and neatly.

"..." Vice President Yang opened his mouth wide, the muscles on his face twitched and he almost choked to death by the temperatureless word "roll".

The plot shouldn’t be like this. In the past, young girls of this age were green, naive, and prone to temptation and deception. When they asked them whether they wanted to be the heroine, they all nodded with excitement. They just laughed silly and even spoke uncomfortable words, and even a glance that didn't need to be too obvious, they would take off their clothes obediently.

Moreover, "The Fate of the Sword" is a super big ip, extremely popular, and has a huge fan base. After the news of the remake into a movie version came out, it received great attention and became the most anticipated movie of the year. ,none of them! It can be said that this is a movie destined to be a big hit! Many people in the circle have found themselves secretly, hoping to play one of the roles.

And there are many popular female stars competing for the role of female one.

The loudest voice is Gao Mengjie, who is now super popular, but Gao Mengjie said before that she now wants to devote all her thoughts to the new album and has no plans to shoot movies and TV series.

But Gao Mengjie's lack of interest does not mean that other female stars are not. During this period, there are no fewer than five first-line female stars who take the initiative to undress in front of him. As for the female stars who are looking for Mr. Huang, there are even more.

And now, they take the initiative to send such a role to this girl. As long as the movie is shown, it will definitely be an instant hit without even thinking about it. By then, the heroine of this movie will definitely become popular too. Those who are purple will surely receive countless honors after being sealed, and the stars will shine from now on!

But what's the matter with this girl? She is unhappy? Not accept? What is even more exaggerated is that she still let herself...get off?

Vice President Yang worked hard to find an excuse for the girl, thinking that the other party might not have heard what she just said, or thought she was a liar? So he spoke again: "Beauty..."

"Fuck!" Bei's brows wrinkled even more. What she always hates most is the guy who likes ink... Oh, except for Li Zedao.

It was the words that made Vice President Yang want to go crazy, but he didn't know, didn't know the horror of this woman, didn't know that this woman had lost the little bit of patience.

"You..." Vice President Yang abruptly lowered the pressure of his already emerging fire. After all, this woman is President Huang, and she might become President Huang's woman later, so I have to give some more now. Face, otherwise who knows if he will wear shoes for himself in the future.

So I forced myself to explain patiently: "I..."

Then he suddenly heard a "bang!" sound like something was breaking. In the next second, a pain that seemed to come from the depths of the soul swept across his body, causing his face to jerk. She was pale, her eyes protruding and she looked at the girl with a cold face in horror.

"Oh..." In the next second, a screaming scream came out of Vice President Yang's mouth, and then he covered his lower body with his hands, his knees softened, and he knelt there directly.

Bei retracted his feet, passed Vice President Yang with an indifferent expression, ignoring the strange eyes projected from the surroundings, and stepped directly into the cafe.

The people around who accidentally saw this scene were naturally dumbfounded. Especially Huang and Zhao Ping, who were standing there waiting for Vice President Yang, were stunned, their eyes almost protruding and falling to the ground. The mouth is big enough to fit a tennis ball.

After Vice President Yang walked over and stopped the girl, their attention was always there...Of course, their attention was actually always on the girl, but Vice President Yang walked towards the girl. After that, their attention has more reason to fall on that girl.

So they all clearly saw that the so beautiful girl suddenly kicked out-and kicked directly under Vice President Yang's crotch. Then, Vice President Yang knelt down and wailed in embarrassment. .

Mr. Huang’s forehead was already inexplicably cold sweat, and he only felt that his hips were chilly. Although he didn’t understand how the girl started, after all, the distance was a bit far, so he could not hear what Mr. Yang said. It made the girl put such a heavy foot on him, but if she went out on her own before, would it be the same end? Good risk, good risk!

After being shocked and rejoicing, his face was darkened bit by bit. After all, the shame is his person and one of his capable officers, so Vice President Yang is now kneeling over there and slaying like a pig. He also felt that his old face was hot, as if he had been slapped several times.

He is very hot now! He felt that he must help Lao Yang find his place!

"Don't hurry up and help Old Yang?" He looked at the coffee shop with an unquenchable anger in his voice.


When the faceless Bei came over, Miss Mitty grinned, Li Zedao hurriedly got up to help pull a chair away, and laughed: "Sister Bei, I have worked hard, so I can sit down and have a cup of tea. Take a good rest, do you want to massage your feet?"

"Get out!" Bei said, but a soft smile appeared in those originally indifferent eyes.

She knew that she just kicked the lower body of the guy who stopped her from going on the way. Li Zedao must have seen it. After all, it happened at the door of the coffee shop, where they were sitting. It is possible to see the scene at the door. For example, as soon as she turned her head, she could see that a man had already appeared there and was trying to lift the man who was lying there wailing.

And with Li Zedao's abnormal ear power, he must have heard the **** that guy said.

Of course, for Bei, kicking someone's **** with one foot is really a very trivial thing, and it's over after kicking, so this thing was thrown aside in an instant, looking at Li Zedao and asked: " What are they looking for you?"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Do you still need to ask? It's nothing more than to remind me that two months are almost here...Of course, even if they don't find me, I have to go to them and give them the information I know. Who will let me have it? What about a sincere patriotism?"

"Tell them you have nothing to gain?" Bei directly filtered Li Zedao's boasting.

"Do you think that shameless old man who I say that would believe it?" Li Zedao sighed and sighed with emotion, "Sister Bei, let me tell you, Miss Mitty, you also listen... if a person is too good, it's really not A good thing, just like me..."

Miss Mitty smiled ambiguously and nodded in agreement: "Oh, yes, dear."

As an absolute fan of Li Zedao, she feels that Li Zedao is just that kind of person. Even, what he says now is not enough to tell his kind of excellence, so Miss Mitty is obsessed with it, and Fragrant Lips are even more of the past. A bite was printed on Li Zedao's face.

"You can say the point." Although Bei was used to Li Zedao's shame, he couldn't listen anymore.

"Three days later, I will take them into the magic cave and have a good time." Li Zedao's voice was slightly lowered, and there was an inexplicable gloom in his eyes, "They will feel relieved to get what they want."

Bei's brows frowned: "Do you think he can believe it?" After all, entering the Devil's Cave Forest at this time, he didn't meet the back-to-nature master, isn't it too strange?

Why was the whole army wiped out last time but now I haven't even seen any ghosts? This alone makes it difficult for you to lie.

In addition, there is no medicine left by Duanmuweizhuang in the tomb. When the time comes, the dark emperor cannot doubt whether the medicine was swallowed by Li Zedao before.

Li Zedao shook his head: "Of course he doesn't believe... at least, he is absolutely skeptical! But even so, he will still cooperate. On the one hand, the cave is too mysterious, so they want to enter the cave to find out. , He understands what I mean, no matter whether there is that kind of magical medicine in the Devil's Cave Forest, I am ready to shoot, so I'm just cooperating with me in acting."

"Of course, I still have to prepare a bit, so I will enter the Demon Cave Forest in advance these two days." Li Zedao said.

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