Taking a sip of the cup of black tea in front of him, Li Zedao continued: "Entering the Demon Cave Forest is not just to prepare in advance. I also want to enter the library in the grave again to see if I can find it from those classics. For information about the Wuming Cave, I also want to borrow that sword. With that sword, even if the body of a perfect genetic superman is as hard as a diamond, it can easily be split in half."

With that said, Li Zedao also remembered that when he and Bei were trapped in the nameless cave before, if he had that sword in his hand, digging a passage would be a very easy thing, right?


At the entrance of the coffee shop, Vice President Yang, whose face was turned into a bun because of pain, was quickly helped up, but his body was trembling and he could hardly even stand.

"Lao Yang, are you okay?" Mr. Huang asked concerned.

Vice President Yang gritted his teeth and gasped. He couldn't say a word in a daze. When he saw how painful he was, President Huang was inexplicably painful. Although the place is fragile, his foot is also heavy. ? Otherwise, how could Lao Yang hurt so much that he couldn't even speak?

"Lao Yang, I will send you to the hospital first. As for that bitch, I will make her kneel in front of you and kowtow to admit her mistake." Mr. Huang looked at the woman sitting there through the glass door. At the first glance, the child almost couldn’t move his eyes away, because there was a foreigner sitting in front of her. She was so beautiful, her eyes were so sacred and intoxicating. It's blasphemy.

Zhao Ping’an looked over, and the whole person was stunned, not only because another beauty appeared, but also because Li Zedao, who was ridiculed by him a few minutes ago, actually sat with these two beauties, look They are so intimate.

Soon, the group first helped Vice President Yang to go outside and put him on the car. One of the men took him to the hospital for treatment.

At this time, Zhao Ping'an cautiously came to Mr. Huang and lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Mr. Huang, I know the man sitting in front of that bitch..."

"Slap!" With a crisp sound, his face was already slapped by President Huang.

"You can call a bitch?" Mr. Huang said with a sullen face.

"President Huang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..." Zhao Pingan quickly admitted his mistakes with a panic expression, and realized that he had said something wrong. With Huang's **** and domineering, he might have thought it a long time ago. Those two women belonged to him, and now he says his woman is a bitch, what is this not looking for death?

Then, Mr. Huang slapped him again, Zhao Ping'an didn't dare to hide, and even tried his best to meet his face, so naturally, he slapped again.

"You know that kid? So, do you want to intercede for him?" Mr. Huang said grimly, taking the tissue that his bodyguard handed over and wiping his hands, as if Zhao Pingan’s face was dirty .

"No, no, Mr. Huang, I don't know him at all, I...I just want to remind Mr. Huang that that man is very good at fighting..." Zhao Ping'an explained cautiously.

Although this old guy’s body was basically hollowed out by the wine, so the strength is not so great, but after being slapped twice, Zhao Ping’s mind was also dizzy, and he cursed in his heart, **** guy, dare Beat me? Remember first! When Lao Tzu develops in the future, I will definitely give it back to you!

"Really? How can you fight?" Mr. Huang's expression softened slightly, and he put the wiped tissue into the pocket of Zhao Pingan's suit. As a successful and qualified business person, Mr. Huang never No littering.

Zhao Ping'an said quickly: "I once saw him beat up twenty little gangsters who were going to trouble him in just two minutes, and he had nothing to do."

Zhao Ping'an had lingering fears, Li Zedao of such a cruel scene, every time he remembered afterwards, the fat on his body would tremble, even though the fat on his body was less now, the skin on his body was still twitching.

Mr. Huang was also shocked when he heard it. He smashed twenty gangsters in two minutes alone? So cruel?

He glanced at the kid just now, and his first imagination was that this kid looks like a human, and because of his professional habits, another idea appeared in his mind. , This kid seems to be very suitable to play the actor Qin Feng of "The Fate of the Sword", at least more suitable than the popular little fresh meat Li Feng that has been set.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Huang remembered the scene of Lao Yang being severely kicked by that woman. Even if the woman attacked and Lao Yang was careless, it can be seen from this that the girl who was so beautiful was like Some evil.

At least her performance is extremely unscrupulous, as if she is not afraid of making things worse, so the background is not small?

Yanjing is the power center of China, so the relationship here is complicated. Without knowing the other party absolutely, you can't offend anyone casually, otherwise it is very likely that the guy you offend is a small role in your opinion. I don't know what senior official Lao Tzu is.

Huang is always a cautious and suspicious person, so at this time it is inevitable that he will want to say whether the other party's backing is very big, if it is not small, then this matter... can only be wronged to Lao Yang.

After hesitating, Mr. Huang looked at Zhao Pingan, who was the only one, and asked, "Do you know the background?"

"He is a classmate of my high school, his family is in Phoenix, and he is now a student of Phoenix University. As for the background... he seems to have grown up with his family, and his dad seems to be working on the construction site." Zhao Ping'an said quickly. I don't mind using Mr. Huang's hand to give Li Zedao a bitter taste, so naturally he can't say Li Zedao too arrogantly. Otherwise, what if Mr. Huang, who has always been cautious, dare not do anything to Li Zedao?

Of course, in Zhao Ping’an’s view, Li Zedao suddenly changed his mind from a scumbag to a school tyrant, and from a pig to a school tyrant. He was a powerful person, but his origin was really nothing remarkable.

Father working on the construction site? That's migrant workers. People are gathered in groups. The beautiful girl is with the son of a migrant worker, and she is also dressed in ordinary, so naturally there is no great background. As for that beautiful and outrageous foreign girl... is an overseas student?

After pondering for a while, Mr. Huang came to the conclusion that these three people should all be students of Phoenix University. This is an appointment to visit Yanjing or why.

As for the man who can beat so much... the son of a migrant worker has a little bit of strength and limbs, that is excusable, isn't it?

As for the woman who dares to be brazen, dare to slap such a heavy hand... a calf! Too calf! Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! She thought she would be fine if she looked good?

This is Yanjing, my site for Huang Han! Now you have moved my Huang Han's person and want to leave safely? No doors! What to say, I have to spend a few days with Laozi?

"Can you two stop that kid?" Huang Han asked the two bodyguards who looked back at him.

After the two bodyguards glanced at each other, one of them shook his head and said solemnly: "If he can really beat more than 20 punks in two minutes, the two of us will join forces... ."

The combat effectiveness of the punks is naturally nothing in the eyes of professional bodyguards like them, but there are more than two dozen punks, plus they will all be beaten within two minutes. They think they have no such ability... Minutes? And it's impossible not to be beaten a few times.

"It's true, it's true, I saw it with my own eyes, and I didn't exaggerate it at all." Zhao Ping'an said quickly.

Huang Han looked at the two bodyguards, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his face was full of gangsterism: "Trash, even a kid can't stop him. Why do I raise you? Why don't you call someone over and leave me here? It's blocked, as soon as they come out, the man breaks his leg, and the woman...don't get slapped, then put them all in the car and take them back to the company.

Such a beautiful face, Huang Han felt that his heart would hurt to death if he was beaten up, and he also planned to use that woman to please Wei Shao.

One of the bodyguards quickly took out his cell phone and started the call.

"You, go and hold them, don't let them leave the airport so early." Huang Han looked at Zhao Ping'an and said.

If the three guys were planning to leave the airport before his people arrived, Huang Han would really not dare to stop, the point... can't stop it, his two trash bodyguards have said it, and they may not be able to stop it together. The other party, what if that kid turned around and beat him up in a hurry? The injury is minor, and more importantly, it is ashamed. How can you be mixed in Yanjing in the future?

"If they leave before Lao Tzu's people arrive, you kid will **** Lao Tzu, don't show up in front of me in the future." Huang Han said fiercely.

"Yes, President Huang...I will go now. I will definitely try my best to hold them and not let them leave easily. Don't worry, President Huang." Zhao Ping'an nodded and bowed, vowing a promise.

Zhao Pingan wanted to use Huang Han's hand to give Li Zedao a severe lesson. Naturally, he could not leave the airport so easily, so even if Huang Han didn't say anything, he would take the initiative to ask for it.

After all, he was a classmate and had been his little brother for a few days, so in Zhao Ping'an's view, it was not too much of a problem to find him to tell the old stories and talk nonsense.

After explaining the matter, Huang Han checked the time and quickly entered the airport again. The flight Wei Shao was on was about to land, and he had to greet him.


"Then you go over now, I will go to So-yeon with Mitty in a while." Bei said, looking at Li Ze, "Don't worry about our safety."

She didn't worry about Li Zedao's safety at all. She believed that even if he faced the perfect genetic superman, Li Zedao could deal with it. The only thing she worried about was the violent aura in Li Zedao's body, so after listening to Li Zedao's plan to enter the library in the grave, she could find information about the nameless cave. Naturally, she wanted Li Zedao to rush over.

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