The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1501: Li Zedao, a man

Li Zedao's attention fell on the young woman following Wei Yaoming. The woman dressed in professional attire looked tall, **** and fashionable: "Look at the girl following him..."

"Why, I once had a leg with you? I won't want you anymore?" Bei said, focusing on the woman, "Well, compared to before, your taste has improved."

"Oh, I think so too." Alice said with a charming smile.

Although this woman looks fashionable and sexy, pulling a woman out of the villa is enough to kill her.

Li Zedao really couldn't laugh or cry: "Where did I want to go? I have nothing to do with her. This is the first time I saw her today."

"Is that a fancy?" Bei wanted to beat people, dare to look at other women in front of me?

Li Zedao was even more confused, and said helplessly: "Sister Bei, you are insulting my taste."

Then his expression was solemn, and he lowered his voice and said, "It's weird, I can't feel her breathing."

As a master of return to innocence, Li Zedao's current perception ability is extremely powerful, and under his repeated confirmation, he really did not feel the woman's breathing.

The occurrence of this situation naturally made his heart "cock", and he felt a bad feeling. He could still look like a living person without breathing. There is only one situation that Li Zedao can think of.

Bei thought of something, his face changed in an instant: "You mean... Gene Superman? She is Gene Superman?" Beautiful eyes fell on the woman's back, her eyes full of incredible strength.

"Not sure, after all, it's not the same as the genetic superman I met before. Although I can't feel her breathing, she looks like a normal person, and her eyes are not that scary green." Li Ze said slightly. She shook her head, but her expression became even more solemn. If she is really a genetic superman, then her perfection or intelligence should be more than the one encountered in Dickon Manor.

Also, if she is really a genetic superman, why would she be with Wei Yaoyang? What is the ulterior purpose? What secret connection does Wei Yaoyang and the Wei family behind him have with the Rothschild family and even the general Moore of the Skeleton Organization?


Huang Han nodded and bowed to lead the way. The group of people had just walked out of the airport. Just then, a few cars roared and the doors opened, and a dozen people who looked grim-faced jumped out of the car.

The eyes of Wei Yaoming's four bodyguards narrowed slightly, and they immediately protected Wei Yaoming behind them.

"Wei Shao, my people are here." Huang Han explained quickly, motioning to his men who rushed over to stand there.

He glanced vaguely at the bodyguard who had been guarding this exit. The latter shook his head slightly, and Huang Han knew, so he was still in the airport.

"It seems that someone who doesn't have eyesight offended Uncle Huang." Wei Yaoming said with a slight smile.

Huang Han smiled and said: "It's just a chick who doesn't have long eyes. I saw her with an indescribable beauty. Just like a fairy, people don't want to look away at first sight, so I plan to invite her to play me. The female number one in a new movie that started filming, she didn't expect that she didn't accept it. She even kicked a vice president of our company with a kick. She seemed to have practiced taekwondo for a few days."

While talking about Huang Han, he was paying attention to Wei Shao's eyes. Sure enough, seeing his eyes light up slightly, he secretly slandered in his heart. He was a pervert, and his eyes brightened when he heard of a beautiful woman.

"Uncle Huang, there really is something you said... unspeakable beauty? Like a fairy?" Wei Yaoming asked with a slight smile. Wei Yaoming naturally likes beautiful women, but he doesn't care about Huang Han's description. In these years, there are very few or it can be said that no woman can make him unable to remove his eyes.

"Really, Shao Wei." Huang Han tried to describe the feeling that woman brought to him. "I have countless women, and I have never seen anyone who looks better than her. In fact, the appearance is second. It's mainly the kind of temperament, just like non-eating fireworks, pure and unsullied, and it makes people feel blasphemous at first glance... Let's put it this way, Liu Feifei, who is known as a fairy in the circle, compares with her directly I have become a local chicken, where is there any immortality? I think Wei Shao will be shocked after seeing it, but his temper is too bad, and he is too cruel. I guess the one from my company I'm afraid the vice president will stop thinking about being a man in this life."

"Then I really want to meet." Wei Yaoming smiled. He had the appearance of being overwhelmed with the country and the city, and the temperament of a fairy, but his behavior was so vulgar, he would abolish a man's **** with one foot...interesting, too interesting, it must be cool to conquer.

"Oh, by the way, there is a foreign girl with her. Tsk... That woman is also the best-looking foreign girl I have ever seen, especially the aquamarine eyes. People are obsessed and fascinated. Those beauty pageants from abroad are just scumbags in front of her." Huang Han cheered up, and wanted to let these two women sleep with him at the same time. That scene...Tsk, it’s worth death. what. "

Wei Yaoming smiled and didn't respond. He has never been too interested in foreign girls. He likes Asian girls. Among them, the women from the island country are his favorite... at least for now. Their kind of licentiousness, kind of softness, and kind of inborn skill in bed made Wei Yaoming simply want to stop these days in the island country, and he didn't want to return to the country anymore.

"The other two chicks are also accompanied by a kid. I heard from one of my subordinates that that kid seems to be able to fight." Huang Han said again, as an indirect explanation of why he wanted his men to come over, but Wei I don't think I called so many people here to deal with two little beauties.

Wei Yaoming smiled: "Uncle Huang, you are busy first, I will get in the car and wait for you."

"Okay, okay, Wei Shao, please, I think the two girls will be out soon, and they won't delay too much time." Huang Han nodded and said with a bow. Would you like not to contact Zhao Pingan, so that he should not stop him and let people come out?

Naturally, Huang Han didn't know that Zhao Pingan was not only beaten to death, but even taken away by the police. It would be light if he was kept for a few days.

Long before Wei Yaoming’s flight landed, there were several luxury cars waiting at the airport gate. At the moment, Huang Han hurried over to help Wei Yaoming open the door of one of the RVs. Wei Yaoming got in the car and followed him to the RV. There was also the woman whose Li Zedao couldn't feel her breathing, and the remaining people got in the other two cars.

Being able to get in the same car as Wei Yaoming, one can imagine how special this woman is.

After nodding and bowing, waiting for the woman with indifferent expression on her face to get into the car, Huang Han helped to close the door of the RV, turned around, looked at the exit, her eyes flashed with inexplicable light.

Just trying to make people contact Zhao Ping’an inside, Huang Han’s eyes straightened, with an idiotic expression. He had already seen the two faces of trouble for the country and the people appearing in his line of sight, following them. It was the dog he raised and said that he was a migrant worker who could beat him.

When these two beauties appeared in his sight, they were almost involuntary. He had imagined the scene of pressing these two women under his body at the same time in his mind. Huang Han felt that his nose was instantly hot, and his nosebleeds would be necessary anytime. Squirting out.

He wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, made a gesture, and said imposingly, "Go."

Huang Han's subordinates took the order, immediately stepped forward, and immediately stopped the three of them from going. Then, Huang Han licked his dry lips and walked towards the three with a sneer.

In the RV, Wei Yaoming focused his attention outside the window as soon as he got in the car, so when Bei and Miss Mitty walked out, he saw it all at once, and then he already had an idiotic expression.

At the same time, the * in my heart burned instantly, and there was a voice deep in my heart: "These two women, I am going to make a deal!"

However, when Li Zedao from behind appeared in his sight, Wei Yaoming's idiotic face became even more idiotic, and that fiery heart was instantly extinguished. In an instant, the humiliation suffered before was one by one. It rushed to my heart, and the muscles on his face twitched unnoticeably, and his eyes were round, suddenly turning scarlet.

"Li Zedao!" He gritted his teeth and squeezed out these three words.


Li Zedao glanced at the ten menacing men in front of him, and took a big step forward. A very masculine posture stopped the two women behind him, and then he looked fearlessly: "Who are you? What do you want to do next?"

The corner of Bei's mouth twitched, and he wanted to kick this guy's ass, whispering ass, so what kind of **** can he play directly? Are you annoying?

Miss Mitty had an ambiguous smile on her face. She thought that Li Zedao like this was too cute, so cute that she wanted to throw him down and kiss him hard.

"Who are we? Humph! Ask the woman behind you, what has done too much to my friend?" The crowd averted, Huang Han appeared there with a gloomy look, and glanced at Bei and Mitty. , His eyes almost couldn't move away, and the saliva flowed out uncontrollably.

"No matter what excessive things she did to your friend, it must be your friend who made the mistake first." Li Zedao's tone is affirmative, his expression is arrogant, "So, don't think of revenge, go away, otherwise You will regret it."

Looking at the trace of transparent liquid at the corner of this cargo's mouth and the straight eyes, Bei's brows wrinkled, and he wanted to pass by.

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