Li Zedao saw that Bei was about to start his hand, and quickly whispered in her ear: "Being sister, there is a sledgehammer, don't use it for nothing."

"Swordsman?" Bei glanced at a man not far away from the corner of his eye, understood, and immediately put down his already raised foot.

Huang Han was directly amused by Li Zedao's such arrogant words. He has lived for most of his life and seen a lot of arrogance, but he has never seen this number, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense. He waved his hand: "Hand, break my leg. , Suck your mouth!"

"Wait..." Li Zedao said quickly.

Huang Han sneered: "What? Afraid? I can give you a chance to kneel down and kowtow to Lao Tzu to admit my mistake. I can consider breaking your leg less."

"Afraid? My bodyguard is very powerful, okay?" Li Zedao looked at Huang Han with no difference from looking at an idiot, then looked forward, waved his hand, and shouted arrogantly: "Hey, Don’t you come here? Didn’t you see anyone trying to trouble mom?"

There are bodyguards? Huang Han and his party were shocked and looked back, their eyes all falling on a man in black standing in front of a Maserati not far away.

The muscles on the black-clothed man's face twitched slightly, and he wanted to cry without tears. He actually wanted to say, eldest brother, I brought the car here, and I will leave when I hand the car keys to you.

I want to say, eldest brother, it really insults my identity to act on such people.

He originally had an attitude of watching the excitement. Who would have thought that Li Zedao would have played this game and sent him a "seek help" signal. It really wouldn't work if he didn't show up, he could only walk over with reluctance.

Huang Han glanced at the so-called bodyguard. He was a shriveled guy. I was afraid that the wind would blow him away. He laughed extremely arrogantly and mockingly at the moment. Nima’s, he thought it was a big battle. Only one person, this kind of stuff, damn, this kid is really incorrigible.

Looking back at Li Zedao, his expression looked a bit lonely and pitying, as if Li Zedao could be wiped out with the click of a finger. He raised his hand and pointed at the boy's face: "Boy, I think there is a line that is particularly suitable. you."

"What lines?" Li Zedao still looked very arrogant.

"Men like to pretend to be coercive, but when they pretend to be wrong, they become stupid. Men like to be cool. If they are wrong, they become cruel." Huang Hanyu said earnestly.

"I think this line is more suitable for you." Li Zedao looked at the other party's pie face and said with certainty.

Huang Han’s expression suddenly became cold. He stepped back a few steps before letting his two bodyguards stop in front of him to make sure that the opponent’s fists would not fall on him when he started fighting. After all, according to Zhao Ping’an According to the statement, this guy was very cruel, and then waved his hand: "Do it!"

As for the so-called bodyguard who was already close to him, he simply ignored him. In Huang Han's view, the threat posed by that bodyguard was not as good as the boy in front of him. After all, according to Zhao Ping’an, this boy is fine. In just two minutes, he played more than 20 punks, and more importantly, he was not injured after the fight.

As soon as the voice fell, Huang Han's subordinates suddenly revealed the blunt objects hidden on their bodies, or they were throwing sticks or iron bars, and there were also those skilled in playing with Swiss army knives.

The man with a stern face closest to Li Zedao suddenly raised the iron rod in his hand, and was about to draw at Li Zedao's face that looked very unbeatable.

Li Zedao didn't dodge, he looked as though he was scared and stupid and couldn't react.

At this moment, the man only felt that his hand was numb, and the stick in his hand was gone. He looked up, but he saw that the bodyguard who was walking slowly before did not know when he had appeared in front of him, and his The stick fell into the opponent's hand.

In the next second, a scene that made everyone stunned appeared. The bodyguard was holding the two ends of the stick with both hands and pressing hard, and then the swinging stick was bent and turned into a "U" shape.

"Give it back to you." The bodyguard said.

The latter's mouth was wide open, his pupils swelled, and he obediently let the bodyguard hang the iron rod that had turned into a "U" shape around his neck.

"Get out of here." The bodyguard glanced at these people and said impatiently, too lazy to act with such a weak person who is indistinguishable from an ant in his eyes.

The people who came up didn't go away, after all, the boss didn't let them go! Besides, so many people are scared away by the other party's words. If this is spread, wouldn't it be ashamed? However, they all stepped back involuntarily, each looking at the bodyguard who had severely stimulated their nerves with horrified eyes.

Suddenly, it doesn't matter if you stretch out your hand and take the stick away, but you can bend the stick so easily... That's solid, it's made of stainless steel, it's very hard.

"Aren't you rolling?" The bodyguard looked at Huang Han, frowning.

Huang Han stared at the bodyguard in a daze, swallowed, and said with difficulty, "Brother, how much will the other party pay you? I will pay, triple the money..."

Li Zedao patted the bodyguard on the shoulder, and said a little gloating: "He is insulting you."

The muscles on the bodyguard's face twitched, he turned his head and took out the car key and handed it over, with a wry smile: "Shao Li, you can actually do it yourself." With the corner of his eye, he glanced at the breath behind Li Zedao not weaker than his own. Mysterious woman, I want to say that even if you are too lazy to do it, she can do it.

Li Zedao took the car key and smiled: "It's too weak, it really insults my identity to act on them."

"..." The bodyguard felt like he was insulted to death.

At the same time, Huang Han thought that the other party didn't care about him because of the lack of money, so he continued to raise the price: "Or...four times? Five times is also negotiable."

The reason for his persistence is that on the one hand, he has such a strong bodyguard, and his safety will be more guaranteed. On the other hand, he used money to smash the bodyguard and let him deal with the **** kid after turning back. Still a problem? Wei Shao was watching in the car, and Huang Han didn't want to lose face in front of Wei Shao.

The bodyguard turned his head sharply, his face instantly cooled down, looking at Huang Han as if he was looking at a dead person, and it’s okay to be humiliated by Li Zedao, who made him the kind of desperate powerhouse ? Who makes the whole fc rely on him now? But what are you? Do you dare to insult me?

Huang Han was really startled by such indifferent eyes, and then he said, "Six...six times..."

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, his fat body flew out directly, and finally hit his Mercedes-Benz heavily, and then rolled to the ground. The whole person was silent. Looking at the door of a Mercedes-Benz car as if it were dead, a big hole was directly recessed.

The bodyguard drew his feet back, facing the guys who were looking at him with a dull face, said faintly: "Take your boss away and get out."

"Wow..." All of a sudden, these people got pardoned, and even crawled into the car they drove. Of course, they didn't forget to put Huang Han, who didn't know whether he was dead, into the car. The cars screamed but left slantingly. One can imagine how uneasy they were at this time.

"The car arrived, and I'm leaving." Before Li Zedao could say anything, the bodyguard hurriedly left without looking back. He was afraid that Li Zedao would continue to insult him.

In the RV, Wei Yaoming watched this scene, really frightened, and filled with rejoicing. Fortunately, he was in the car. That **** violent man didn't see him, otherwise he couldn't be beaten again?

"Let's go." Wei Yaoming quickly told the driver, this place is very dangerous.

Soon, a RV and several luxury cars left under Li Zedao's nose one by one. Li Zedao glanced at the RV, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The car key in her hand was given to Bei to let her drive, and the three of them got on the Maserati parked there.

As soon as he got in the car, Li Zedao immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call. The call was quickly connected. Director Yang's extremely surprised voice came over: "Don't wait until three days later? Can you leave now?"

"You think too much." Li Zedao despised an old man, "There is a very important thing, I think I have to tell you."

"You said it." Director Yang said tightly, expressing his importance.

"I think I saw Gene Superman again." Li Zedao said.

On the other end of the phone, Director Yang's expression suddenly stiffened, and he asked aloud, "Where?" He originally thought that Li Zedao's so-called very important thing was nothing more than that he wanted to be a petty blackmailer, but he didn't expect him to be. It must be one thing to burst out so important.

"Just after leaving the airport, it was a Chinese woman who was staying with Wei Yaoming from the Wei family. I have secretly taken a photo and will send it to you in a while." Li Ze said.

"Are you sure?" Director Yang's breathing was short.

"It's not so sure, but it's correct in all likelihood, because I can't feel her breathing...a person can walk without even breathing. All I can think of is Gene Superman." Li Zedao said "If she is true, she must be more perfect than the genetic superman I met before. Of course, she should not be the most perfect."

Director Yang's expression is already full of calmness. Gene Superman actually appears in China, what is the conspiracy? And is the Wei family involved? Are they trying to... treason?

"As for who the genetic superman listens to, and what purpose does it have, whether the Wei family is caught in or is being used, you need to investigate by yourself." Li Zedao said again.

Director Yang took a deep breath and said, "We need your help."

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