The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1505: Than a game

It is also recorded above that after the real person Xuanhuang ascended to heaven, he floated back one day and transformed the nameless cave into an extremely powerful formation. Through this formation, you will be teleported to an unknown place for trial. In that unknown place, no one knows what kind of danger you will encounter, but as long as you pass the trial, you will break through the shackles that mortals can reach when practicing Qi...

This is what Li Zedao summed up after reading it with a very painful look on his face. Then, he felt that the second method Qingxuzi said was really just to listen to it casually, or to understand it honestly. Book "The Scroll of Heavenly Mysteries".

After all, this is too fantasy, too mythical, so...too fake.

Okay, although I almost 100% thought that it was nonsense, but Li Zedao still had a little bit of entanglement, what if?

What if it is not nonsense, what if it is true?

Since the creation of "The Scroll of Heavenly Mysteries", my mother no longer has to worry about Li Zedao’s sleep quality. Therefore, Li Zedao doesn’t really think that he can penetrate the heavenly book, which Chen Tuan thinks is more precious than the colorful stones and Xuanyuan Xia Yujian. At least it is impossible in a short time.

This is not to say that you can perceive how smart you are, but that you need opportunities, you need opportunities, what the opportunities are, and what the opportunities are, Li Zedao doesn't know. But before this, there must be a major premise, that is, Qing Xuzi has not fooled him, and after reading this book, he can indeed spy on the secret, and the violent air in his body can be eliminated after the secret.

There is also a bigger problem, that is, who doesn't know when the **** Yin Qi in the body will erupt, so find some time to go to the Wuming Cave? Where is the eye? What dangerous place will it be transported to? What if I can't come back when I die?

Li Zedao was entangled to the death.

He squeezed out the cigarette and bounced it into the ashtray in the car. Li Zedao lit another cigarette. This was already the tenth cigarette he had ordered.

At this moment, the extremely low roar of the engine faintly came from far away. It was a low and powerful sound, so this should be a sports car. And listening to that sound, the speed is fast.

It seems that a child from a wealthy family came to this place to drag a car in idle time.

Li Zedao couldn't help but shook his head. You must know that it is now afternoon, the sun is so hot, and the hot on the road can be fried eggs. It is so hot, the tires and motors of the car have to withstand severe tests. In addition, the speed is too fast, and the car is prone to problems. At this time, drag racing, it is simply fatal.

For his own safety, Li Zedao hurriedly moved the Ford Focus that Sun Jundong had sent by the previous call to the side of the road, so as not to be accidentally rear-ended.

At the same time, the roar from behind was getting closer and closer. Li Zedao took a look after passing the time, and then vaguely saw a red figure, and then it became clearer and clearer. This Ferrari red sports car was about to catch up. .

"Whoo!" With a sound, the red sports car whizzed past Li Zedao, the slowly dangling Ford Focus, and even Li Zedao could feel a heat wave rushing on his face immediately.

But at this moment, the racing car that whizzed by was a beautiful tail flick. The whole car turned a hundred and eighty degrees on the spot, and then stopped firmly on this narrow road and stopped directly. After passing Li Zedao's path, the engine continued to roar, as if about to hit Li Zedao at any time.

"How did that guy in this car stop? Robbery?" Li Zedao was a little puzzled, but he braked, and finally Fox stopped about ten meters away from the red sports car.

At the moment he lit a cigarette again and leaned back lazily on the back of the seat, he wanted to see what the driver of a sports car like this wanted to do.

Robbing money or sex?

As Li Zedao stopped the car, the red Ferrari started walking, and instantly came to the Ford Focus, then stopped steadily. Then, the Ferrari window was dropped, and a delicate face appeared. The big bright eyes passed through the two windows and finally landed on the face of Li Zedao who was smoking a cigarette.

"Girl? Well, she looks barely enough, and why does this look look so unkind? So, this is to... catastrophe?" Li Zedao glanced at the girl and muttered in his heart.

Of course, if she really wanted to rob her, Li Zedao would not let her succeed.

"So you look like this." The woman suddenly said, her eyes brightened.

How terrifying the car is, and he looks handsome, so the woman feels very good about Li Zedao.

"Uh...what do you mean?" Li Zedao expressed doubts, and even felt that the girl's eyes were full of evil intentions, so she became more vigilant in her heart, huh, want to rob me of sex? no way!

"Let's compare it." The woman said again.

"..." Li Zedao was even more puzzled. This girl is planning to find herself... Drag racing? Are you kidding me?

Sun Lingfei likes racing cars. After her father gave her this Ferrari red sports car on her eighteenth birthday, she liked this kind of speedy game.

My mother died young, and my father was very busy every day. In this case, the only one who can accompany her is this car. In the past few years, whenever she drove her car out and dragged people, she The mood will be much easier, and all grievances and dissatisfaction will be wiped out.

During this time, because her father, who had always been extremely doting on herself, forced herself to do something she didn't want to do at all, she was extremely depressed, so she raced more frequently.

On the big night two days ago, when she was racing with a few friends, suddenly a car caught up behind them and overtook them directly. At that speed, she couldn't see each other clearly. The license plate number, not even the car model. When she found out, there was only a residual red shadow of the taillight.

In the end, she and her friends were shocked and unconvinced, so they chased desperately, but it didn't take long to chase them, and they couldn't even see the other's taillights.

They were completely dumbfounded and they were still behind. One of the cars was equipped with a driving recorder, so they captured some pictures. They were shocked to find that the car that surpassed them was not a supercar, but a... Ford Fox! A Ford Focus that is not worth one-twentieth or even one-thirtieth, one-fiftieth of those sports cars!

They were overtaken by a Fox? Driving a supercar and being overtaken by Fox is equivalent to being overtaken by a motorcycle on a bicycle. Can you stand it? So Sun Lingfei told her friends who were racing to take it that they couldn't accept anything. They could only comfort themselves one after another and said that the car must have been completely remodeled.

On the other hand, because the Ford Focus was so fast, it roared past like a ghost, so the driving recorder could not record the license plate number of the car, so if you want to find the owner of the car, undoubtedly a needle in the sea. , The same Ford Focus of the entire Yanjing adds up, probably close to six figures, right?

Sun Lingfei knew that the remaining bright red shadow had already made her throb, how could she be so fast? So there is such a fast speed?

Therefore, for the past two days, she simply stayed on this road just to be able to meet the ghost-like Ford Focus again.

Fortunately, a Ford Focus appeared, and Sun Lingfei stopped it neatly. At the same time, the woman's instinct told her that this was the Ford Focus that night!

Therefore, she directly challenged!

"I want to drag racing with you." Sun Lingfei said again.

"Uh...I have poor driving skills, and my car is borrowed, it is very expensive, and I can't afford it if it crashes." Li Zedao decisively shook his head, although I don't understand why this woman wants to drive with him. But he didn't have time to do such a boring thing. There were still three women in the family waiting for him to return.

And you are driving a sports car worth millions of dollars to race with me in a car worth hundreds of thousands... Does it hurt your conscience to make such a rude request?

Sun Lingfei frowned. It was beyond her expectation that the other party rejected it so simply. After all, she is also a beautiful woman. In the past, those men who didn't have their eyes bright after seeing him took a few more glances. Looking for various reasons to get closer?

This guy was fine, but he refused.

And he said he has poor driving skills? Sun Lingfei wanted to curse, but the one that can drive that broken car out of that terrifying speed is called poor skill? He also said that the car is expensive? Sun Lingfei wanted to curse even more.

"My feeling is right, it's you." Sun Lingfei said.

"What is me? I don't remember that I knew you." Li Zedao felt helpless.

"In the second half of the night two days ago, you drove this Ford Focus over us." Sun Lingfei gave an expression that I wouldn't believe you if you don't pretend to.

"Uh..." Li Zedao just remembered. The night before two days ago, he was in a hurry, so he really surpassed a few sports cars that were racing, and then dumped them out. It seems that the girl was there at that time, so This is overwhelmed and I feel uncomfortable, now planning to find the place?

"It was accidentally crashed. I will pay you a new one. Is it the head office?" Sun Lingfei said, "Or I can give you two hundred thousand now, which is enough to buy a car of yours, and it is still the best. The best match."

Li Zedao sighed that being rich is self-willed. He shook his head and wanted to drive away: "Forget it, I'm not free, and the weather is so hot, the car is prone to problems, go home quickly, don't worry about your mother."

"My mother is dead long ago." Sun Lingfei said, her expression sullen.

"Uh... I'm sorry." Li Ze asked if he wanted to change his words and say don't worry your dad?

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