The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1506: I am a swordsman

"I really want to compete with you very sincerely, so you can make your own terms. You need me to promise you anything before you can compete with me." Sun Lingfei guarded for two days just to meet this car again Ford Focus, now it's hard to meet, naturally it is impossible to give up so easily.

On the one hand, she wanted to once again deeply understand how far she was from the other party; on the other hand, she wanted to run happily once to temporarily release the depressive breath in her heart.

Open your own terms? Li Zedao took a few glances on Sun Lingfei's chest... Is she really a woman?

"Comparable?" Sun Lingfei asked again, feeling a little annoyed. This guy looked pretty sunny, but it turned out not to be a good thing. If this **** dared to use such rude conditions, he would just get out of the car and beat people!

She has practiced Taekwondo since she was a child, and now she is a master with a red and black belt, playing like a few punks.

Li Zedao simply shook his head neatly: "No."

"Rely..." Sun Lingfei had an urge to beat others, and after looking at it, could it be better than... Do you think she is younger?

"My car skills are not for drag racing." Li Zedao said with deep eyes but grimly, and then silently said the second half in his heart: "It's used to escape."

"..." Sun Lingfei almost got out of the car and beat someone unbearably. She was forced to pretend that way.

"Are you a tortoise, are you a man? You don't even dare to drag a car with a woman?" Sun Lingfei used a radical approach.

Li Zedao glanced at her slightly flushed face, and said faintly: "Classmate, it's not necessarily a tortoise that shrinks his head."

"...What do you mean? How can something shrink its head? Snail? Bastard?" Sun Lingfei wondered.

Li Zedao's mouth twitched, his conscience was greatly condemned, and he felt that he was really a beast. Such a simple girl also molested him, it is too human.

He waved his hand to say goodbye, and then simply kicked down the accelerator, and then swayed on the road at a speed of no more than fifty miles. Li Zedao knew that he couldn't drive too fast, otherwise the chick who had obvious brain problems would definitely chase him directly.

As for if she drove around with a ghost behind her car's butt, Li Zedao wouldn't be able to control it.

Sun Lingfei looked at the fading Ford Focus through the rearview mirror, her face flushed and her heart was full of sullenness. She bit her silver teeth slightly and used her hands and feet to control the car skillfully.

With a beautiful flick of the red Ferrari sports car, it turned the front of the car one hundred and eighty degrees, and then slammed up to the Ford Focus ahead.

Hearing the roar of the motor coming from behind, Li Zedao glanced at the roaring sports car through the rearview mirror, frowning slightly.

Just when he probably guessed what the eldest lady who seemed to be very headstrong and wealthy wanted to do, the Ferrari was already screaming.

The next second "Kang Dang!" With a muffled sound, the Ferrari's front had already hit the Fordkes' butt. In an instant, the Fox's **** sank into a big hole. Ferrari was not much better. The damage was serious, but Sun Lingfei's countermeasures in the car were silver teeth. Her face was flushed, she continued to step on the accelerator, and walked forward against Fox, as if you didn't compare with me, you would stand against you.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly in his heart, this simple woman is really capricious, and just begged to run with her, but now she is in a posture to kill you.

When the brakes were lowered, the wheels clasped tightly, but because they were being driven by Ferrari, the wheels rubbed on the hot asphalt road, giving off a pungent smell, as if they were about to burn anytime.

At the same time, Sun Lingfei also found that the other party had stepped on the brakes, and her expression was a little smug. If you don't compare with me, I will kill you! As for whether the other party would be angry about what she did to her, Sun Lingfei didn't even think about it. On the one hand, she was extremely confident in her own skill, and it was not certain who did what to whom.

On the other hand, the woman's instinct tells her that this guy is not a bad person, or just a bit annoying.

At that moment, Sun Lingfei also stepped on the brakes and stopped her car, and then backed up, making a turn. The car was side by side with Li Zedao's Ford Focus, looking up at the other party's speechless face, and said : "Give me the account, so I will give you a transfer of 200,000 yuan in the past, and lose your car. After the loss is over, should I compete with me?"

Li Zedao was even more speechless: "Classmate, you are quite courageous, you are not afraid of what I will do to you?"

Classmates? This title is quite unique, so he is still a...student? Sun Lingfei muttered in her heart, and then said: "I don't think you are a bad person."

Li Zedao was speechless again, who would put the word "bad guy" on his face.

"You know the Tiandao Foundation? Donate 200,000 yuan to that organization. I'll talk about the rest later." Li Zedao said, picked up a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

"Huh?" Sun Lingfei was stunned, so, is he going to donate all his compensation to the Tiandao Foundation?

"There is a problem?" The girl's eyes made Li Zedao feel dangerous.

"Uh... of course it's okay. It's your business how you want to deal with your money." Sun Lingfei shook her head, picked up the phone placed aside, and quickly entered the official website of the Tiandao Foundation and got the donation account. , Then looked up at Li Ze and said, "What's your name?"

She wants to send money under Li Zedao's name.

"Zhou Yan." Li Zedao said casually, thinking that he was too noble, and that he didn't leave a name for doing good deeds. Moreover, he took care of his little brother in this way. He was really a great brother of China.

"Zhou Yan..." Sun Lingfei chewed the two words, as if to keep the name firmly in his heart.

Not long after the remittance was completed, Sun Lingfei raised the mobile phone in Li Zedao: "Okay, can you compare me with it?"

"It can be, but I don't have much gas in my car, so I can't run too far." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, an expression that I could not help. His original plan was to call Sun Jundong and ask him to pick him up.

"Huh?" Sun Lingfei didn't feel that the other party was lying to herself, and said in a deep thought, her eyes gradually lit up, "Well, let me call a trailer for you to pull your car away, and you can run my car as much as you want. I feel the speed."

Driving a broken Fox can run at such a terrifying speed. If you replace Fox with a Ferrari like her, that speed... Sun Lingfei can't imagine it, so the look in Li Zedao's eyes should be as bright and bright as possible. Because of the excitement, his little face flushed, like a ripe red apple.

Of course, Li Zedao didn’t want to take a few bites. If you see more beautiful women, she naturally has a strong immunity to beautiful women. There are enough “harms” and she will die at any time, so for this girl, there really is nothing. Unnecessary thoughts, he slowly spit out a puff of smoke and nodded: "That's don't need to call a tow truck. If I make a call, someone will come to pick up the car."

He gave Sun Jundong a phone call, told him that he was down, and asked him to let someone come and take the car.

Then he squeezed out the cigarette butt, picked up the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword on the back seat, pushed the door and got out of the car.

At the same time, Sun Lingfei also got down from her Ferrari with its deformed front, intending to give up the driving position to Li Zedao. Looking at the ancient sword covered with green patina in Li Zedao's hand, her eyes widened slightly. Said: "Are you a tomb robber?"

"...I am a swordsman." Li Zedao said grimly.

"Puff!" Sun Lingfei was happy at once, two more intoxicating dimples appeared on her cheeks.

"Get in the car," she said, "the sooner the better."

"Don't blame me for vomiting." Li Zedao said indifferently.

Sun Lingfei smiled and said nothing, but opened the door of the co-pilot and got into the car.

Li Zedao got into the car, first put Xuanyuan Xia Yujian away, and then glanced at Sun Lingfei who looked a little excited: "Are you sure you don't wear a seat belt?"

Sun Lingfei blinked: "You haven't done so, have you?"

Li Zedao didn't say anything anymore. He looked ahead, and then Ferrari began to make a pleasant roar, and bursts of blue smoke came out of the exhaust pipe, mixed in the hot air, as if on fire.

Then, the car rushed forward. At the same time, Sun Lingfei's body was shocked, and her back was directly and heavily pressed against the seat back. At the same time, that little face was already full. It was shocked.

fast! So fast! She was so fast that she had always been in pursuit of speed, and her heart trembled.

Glancing at Li Zedao from the corner of his eye, that delicate profile is so serious, his eyes are shiningly staring forward. But those seemingly slender hands are not guided by eyes, they can always appear in the most suitable place at the fastest speed, and their movements are dazzling.

What almost caused Sun Lingfei to exhale was that this guy's legs had been stepping on the accelerator. Accelerate continuously, accelerate again. The brakes seemed to have never existed in his eyes before, and he didn't mean to step on it even when turning forward.

Then, as the speed increased, her shock turned into horror, and finally, she suddenly had an urge...she wanted to wear a seat belt.

But just now the other party reminded myself to wear a seat belt, but my reaction was so disdainful, so if I can't do it now, I can't be laughed at by this guy?

Sun Lingfei bit her silver teeth. Although she was inexplicably frightened, she was not wearing a seat belt, but her two little hands could not help but grasp the seat.

There is a ninety-degree corner in front, but the speed of the car has not dropped at all, it even seems to be accelerating.

Sun Lingfei's face turned pale, and her hands tightened. At the same time, she suddenly found her head dizzy and her stomach twisted.

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