The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1516: Angry Wei Fengsheng

Fortunately, on the way to Yunyun Pavilion, such terrible things did not happen... Sun Lingfei did not do anything extreme.

But Sun Mingji’s heart was always hanging, and he didn't dare to care about it. After all, his daughter’s actions and reactions at this time made him feel too abnormal. For example, Sun Mingji had never had a **** dress before. Think she was planning to seduce which man.

In addition, she actually smiled at Wei Fengsheng and said that he was handsome... This gave Sun Mingji a feeling of being struck by lightning. It would be so much against her conscience to endure how much nausea to say this. Come on.

And now, she is actually looking around with her big eyes open, every time she passes by a box, as long as the door is not closed, she cranes her neck to look inside, and even passes by those who cover the door, she even has it. The urge to push the door open... What is she looking for?

After passing the Xingyue Pavilion in front, Yunyun Pavilion is the largest and magnificent box in Zhejiang Curie. This is a box used by Sun Mingji to entertain guests. It is not normally reserved for outsiders.

At this time, the antique wooden door of Xingyue Pavilion was not closed. Sun Lingfei glanced inside. When she saw the familiar side face sitting inside, her eyes widened suddenly, and her cheeks were already on her cheeks. Two intoxicating dimples appeared.

"Zhou Yan..." She stood there, her beautiful eyes filled with smiles, and she shouted at Li Zedao, who was immersed in the image and was eating and eating.

She didn't even know about it, her smile, twitching, and anticipation were as if a girl who had fallen in love met her boy.

"Zhou Yan?"

Sun Mingji and Wei Fengsheng, who were walking in front, heard the extremely happy voice of Sun Lingfei, and they all stopped and looked back at Sun Lingfei who was standing at the door of the Xingyue Pavilion box.

Especially Sun Mingji, seeing his daughter like this, he felt even more stunned. He suddenly seemed to understand why his daughter was so abnormal today, and he seemed to understand what his daughter was planning to do.

Sun Jundong in the box looked back at Sun Lingfei standing at the door. He was amazed and a little confused. Isn't this beauty the wrong person? There is no one named "Zhou Yan" here.

Li Zedao raised his head and saw that it was Sun Lingfei, with a faint smile on his face, and pointed to Sun Jundong beside him: "Would you like to come in and eat together? He treats you."

"Okay, I didn't eat much at noon, I almost starved to death." Sun Lingfei smiled.

Sun Mingji is about to explode. How do Sun Lingfei's tone and expression look like she is acting like a baby with her boyfriend, so now he can be 100% sure of his guess, really anxious, trying hard to give his daughter one The look in your eyes, I want to tell her that even if you want to find a shield, don't block Wei Shao's face. With Wei Shao's careful eye and fierceness, it will be deadly!

Wei Fengsheng's face also suddenly became cold, and there was an inexplicable fierce light surging in his eyes.

What made Sun Mingji want to jump like thunder was that Sun Lingfei ignored his eyes at all, and seemed so impatient to step into the box with a brisk pace, as if a bird had returned to the nest.

At this moment, Sun Mingji only felt that his heart shrank suddenly, and his face was ugly to the extreme, as if he had been a heart attack.

In the box, Sun Jundong understood it all at once, so Zhou Yan was the pseudonym used by Shao Li when he picked up sister! At the moment, he quickly got up and helped this beautiful girl pull away the chair in front of Li Zedao, accompanied by a smiling face and said, "Sister-in-law, sit down, and I will call the waiter. Let's order some dishes..."

"Sister-in-law..." Sun Lingfei's face was hot instantly, but there was an inexplicable sweetness in her eccentricity. She glanced at Li Zedao in a panic and quickly moved away, "You... don't yell, I am not with him. What about this relationship..."

Then, an extremely unhappy roar came over: "Nima’s, boy, what are you screaming at? Am I your eldest brother? Who do I know you are? Do you believe this young master let you take you? His mouth smashed and pulled out your teeth one by one?"

Wei Fengsheng came in, looking at Sun Jundong with extremely unkind eyes, and then fell on Li Zedao, who was sitting there as if nothing had happened, his eyes were even worse, the cold sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, the flushed pockmark, cooperate The look in the eyes looks really scary.

His chest is ups and downs extremely, one can imagine how angry he is now, even he wants to kill someone!

He just felt that his head had an extra hat, and that hat was still green!

"Feifei, what are you doing? You... come here!" The face of Sun Mingji who came in immediately became cold and full of anger. He was so stupid by his daughter. The behavior is so angry, you think you find a shield to show that we are in love with each other or even pregnant or something, Wei Fengsheng will give you up and bless you wisely?

Extremely naive! Extremely stupid! Extremely reckless!

Sun Jundong, who didn't understand the situation so well, stepped aside after receiving Li Zedao's blazing eyes. Without any instructions from Li Zedao, even if the other party spit on him, he could not react.

" yell at me?" Sun Lingfei looked dumbfounded at her violent father, feeling wronged. In her impression, her father had never spoken to herself in such a harsh tone. He spoke softly as if afraid to scare him. , But now... he actually yelled?

"Come here, do you hear me?" Sun Mingji's voice became louder and stern, his face flushed, his blood pressure was soaring, and he stared at Li Zedao with an extremely unkind look, the kind of expression in his eyes. The threat is clearly undisguised.

"No! Nothing!" Sun Lingfei red eyes and covered her ears, and she responded loudly in anger, and then sat down heavily on the chair that Sun Jundong had pulled away.

"You..." Sun Mingji was trembling with anger, and he was about to spew out blood, "You are going to **** me off, right?"

Li Zedao seemed as if nothing had happened. He always had a calm face. He even reached for a pair of unused chopsticks and handed it to Sun Lingfei, whose chest was undulating sharply. He even patted the other hand. After knocking Sun Lingfei's back a few times, she said softly: "Feifei, eat something first, and I will take care of the rest. I promise, I will make my uncle like me, so I can safely give you to me... …"

Sun Lingfei looked at the other's affectionate face, directly... dumbfounded! Completely dumbfounded! Fang's heart was even more violent, and the other party's sudden tenderness and ambiguity caught her off guard, so this elaborate dressing was not in vain?

Naturally, Wei Fengsheng and Sun Mingji were caught off guard.

Wei Fengsheng is a very small-minded person. He always has defects that must be reported, so he doesn’t think about whether this is because Sun Lingfei found a shield to perform a show to watch with him. He 100% thought he saw him. All she was thinking about was the truth, so Sun Lingfei was betraying herself. She had found a little white face for her cuckold, and she even dared to talk to Xiao Bai face in front of her.

Which is tolerable or unbearable! Wei Fengsheng, who has always liked wearing a green hat on other men's head most, dislikes the fact that his head also has a green hat. Therefore, he is angry. The pockmarks on his face are even more red. He He stared at Li Zedao viciously with his eyes full of canthus, and roared heartbreakingly: "Boy, do you dare to touch her? I will definitely chop off your hand. I will definitely make you die ugly. of……"

Sun Mingji's face became pig liver-colored, and his body trembled. He turned around and shouted at the people in the box: "Xiao Cheng, call the security guard over."

The boss roared, and Manager Cheng of Zhejiang Ju quickly showed up with a few security guards.

"Give him to me...please go out!" Sun Mingji pointed at Li Zedao and said loudly, although he was angry, he did not lose his reason.

Looking at Li Zedao, his tone was stiff and cold: "Zheju doesn't welcome you, please leave, this meal, count me!"

"Wait." Wei Fengsheng lost his reason, pointed at Li Zedao and shouted, "You should cut off his left hand for Lao Tzu first!"

He really hated the bitch's left hand in front of him, so he dared to touch his woman's back? He has never touched it! It must be chopped, then chopped and fed to the dog!

Sun Mingji gritted his teeth, knowing that if he did not follow Wei Fengsheng’s words, he was afraid that he would completely offend Wei Fengsheng, so he was full of anger: "What are you doing in a daze? Don't do what Wei Shao said. His hand interrupted me!"

The only thing he can do now is to stand in line with Wei Fengsheng 100% and let him know that he doesn’t know it, and he has to let him know that they are acting, not really... He knows Wei Fengsheng’s IQ In all likelihood, it is impossible to see that Sun Lingfei is looking for someone to cooperate in acting.

"Dad..." Sun Lingfei was anxious, and suddenly got up and stopped Li Zedao behind him. Although she has seen Zhou Yan's car skills, Zhou Yan still claims to be a swordsman, but this does not mean how fierce he is in fighting. If these security guards are really allowed to do it, I am afraid he will suffer a big loss.

"Shut up, I don't have a daughter like you, you pull her away from me... do it" Sun Mingji shouted.

"Quickly, cut off his hand to Lao Tzu, hello..."

Before Wei Fengsheng had time to say the last "dog", his voice stopped abruptly.

Then, everyone stopped moving, each staring at the scene in amazement.

I saw that Li Zedao didn’t know when he actually appeared in front of Wei Fengsheng...This is of course terrifying. After all, the distance between Li Zedao and Wei Fengsheng is at least five meters. More importantly, there is still a big table between the two, but everyone I didn't see that Li Zedao appeared in front of Wei Fengsheng like this.

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