The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1517: Scared to pee

However, this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that one of his hands pinched Wei Fengsheng's neck and lifted it up like this.

Wei Fengsheng's complexion quickly turned purple, the pockmarks were so dazzling, two legs that looked like a pair of chopsticks dangling in the air, like corpses hanging from a branch.

Sun Lingfei's big eyes were full of shock. The security guards came around. She originally wanted to do it. With her knowledge of Taekwondo and the security guards dare not really do it to her, so it's okay to hit them.

However, she only felt that her eyes flickered, and then Zhou Yan, who was behind her in the last second, appeared in front of Wei Fengsheng, and overwhelmed Wei Fengsheng in such a brutal way.

Sun Mingji was even more dumbfounded. He had planned to deal with this thing that caught him off guard a long time ago, that is, to put all the mistakes on this kid, even if Wei Shao couldn't understand his hatred and wanted to play this kid, he would also Cooperation, but... what happened? Why did Shao Wei's neck fall into others' hands so carelessly?

The security guards led by Manager Cheng didn't dare to move randomly. Everyone looked at each other, and they could see the shock in the other's eyes. The speed of this movement was so fast that they didn't even understand the other party. How did it do it.

Only Sun Jundong who is standing there has pity on his face, who is not good to provoke Shao Li? Even dared to steal a woman from Li Shao? Who will die if you don't die?

"Let go of Wei Shao..."

"Zhou Yan..."

After Sun Mingji and Sun Lingfei reacted, they both spoke at the same time, both of them worried that Li Zedao accidentally snapped Wei Fengsheng's neck, which was as thin as a chopstick.

Of course, the two worries are different. One is worried that Li Zedao will kill someone by mistake, and the other is worried that he will be involved, and the end will probably be worse than death.

With a harmless smile on his face, Li Zedao looked at Sun Lingfei, then at Sun Mingji, and said, "Feifei, uncle, don't worry, I have a sense of measure and will not commit a life case."

Sun Mingji's face was drawn so badly that he wanted to yell, who is your uncle? Who is your uncle now?

Regardless of how bright Sun Lingfei looked at her, whether Sun Mingji was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, Li Zedao brought Wei Fengsheng's thin body in front of him, and said with a smile: "Wei Fengsheng, Wei Shao ?"

"Hmm..." Wei Fengsheng only felt that his breathing had stagnated, and he felt that he was suffocating to death. At the same time he was trying to struggle, his wide-eyed eyes stared at Li Zedao, if his eyes could kill people. Li Zedao had already died millions of times.

He tried hard to get Li Zedao to express how angry he was at this time and how tragic the offending off would be.

"It's a little familiar, I remember where I saw you." Li Zedao had a suddenly realized expression, "Oh, I remembered, at a certain wedding, I accidentally glanced at you, mainly you His looks are so distinctive, especially the blushing pockmark... Damn, I lost my appetite for dinner after meeting..."

"Huh...uh..." Wei Fengsheng gasped heavily in his nostrils, only feeling abnormally uncomfortable breathing. Even though the northern people pinched his neck, he didn't think that the **** dared to strangle himself, so he looked at Li Zedao's eyes more vicious and vicious.

"I've already reminded it so obvious, you still don't remember who I am?" Li Zedao looked at Wei Fengsheng, feeling depressed in his heart, and the hand holding the opponent's neck wanted to clenched tightly. I was the focus of the audience at the engagement, so you forgot me?

Moreover, I am a plague **** in a certain circle in Yanjing. Even if people in that circle have never seen themselves, they will remember their face through photos, so that if they accidentally meet somewhere later, Either hide away, or flatter, or not provoke.

The last time the Imperial City Teahouse changed ownership, the Wei family hated herself even more.

But what happened to Wei Fengsheng? He didn't even know himself? Is he still not the Wei family?

The most unbearable thing about beauties is being ignored, and handsome guys are no exception! Therefore, Li Zedao now feels so depressed and depressed.

If Wei Fengsheng had a way to speak, he would definitely yell at him. How do I know who you are? I only know that you are about to become a dead person!

He has made up his mind in his heart, he must let this guy die without a place to bury him! So he stared at Li Zedao with fierce and vicious eyes, in a posture that you strangle me to death.

Sun Lingfei looked at how bright and bright Li Zedao's eyes were, and even remembered that he had just been molested by this bastard, and his friend called herself "sister-in-law". Her complexion was hot and her heart was beating extremely, and she was also guessing in her heart. What is the origin of this mysterious Zhou Yan?

How could you dare to pinch Wei Fengsheng's neck like this if you have a small background?

Sun Mingji was full of shock. Through the other party's words, he got some extremely important information, that is, this kid knew the Wei family of Yanjing and Wei Fengsheng! And he even dared to make a move when he knew it, so...what is his background?

Wait... Sun Mingji suddenly remembered that when she was at the door, her daughter's eyes suddenly brightened when she saw the car with the special license plate of the military region. She said that the car was domineering, so... Master is the boy in front of you? Which unit is he from? In addition, Feifei dressed so carefully today to show him?

Immediately afterwards, he remembered what his daughter had said before. She said that she was okay, and our family would be okay. Your most of your life's hard work will be safe and sound, and no one will dare to ruin the idea of ​​beating our family. Up.

Thinking of this, Sun Mingji's already gloomy heart began to enter the sun again. He suddenly felt that things seemed not as bad as he thought, and even, not bad at all, very good.

Seeing that Wei Fengsheng was still staring at him with vicious eyes, so he still didn't know who he was, Li Zedao felt uncomfortable in his heart. I really wished that he could just strangle him to death with his fingers.

Now I have to remind: "More than a year ago, at the Yanjing Hotel, I was the one who took Princess Su Xuansu away on stage! The one who beat Wei Xiaobao into the hospital was also me! Oh, and Wei Yaoming, he also entered. After the hospital, your Wei family gave me the Imperial City Tea House as my mental loss..."

Li Zedao smiled, showing his neat white teeth, the hand holding the opponent's neck loosened, and Wei Fengsheng collapsed directly to the ground.

At this time, Wei Fengsheng’s pupils widened first, and then his mouth widened little by little. The pockmarks on his face were not red anymore, but all of a sudden, all turned pale, and the expression in his eyes revealed The look was no different than seeing a ghost, the forehead was even more cold sweat, and the body trembled involuntarily.

Li Zedao looked at him condescendingly, but his tone was a little gloomy: "Now remember who I am?"

"Lee... Lee... Lee..." He swallowed wildly, his tone trembling, one could imagine how much the fear in his heart was.

A few minutes ago, all his ambitions were blinded by the terrible rage. He wanted this kid to die ugly, so he didn't even want to say whether this guy came from a big background.

But now, with Li Zedao’s reminder, it’s like Daigo’s initiation. Yes, a demon suddenly appeared in his mind. What’s more terrifying is that the demon in his mind and the kid in front of him who threatened to kill each other It looks like...Wei Fengsheng was so scared that his courage was almost broken.

At the same time, when Sun Lingfei and Sun Mingji saw Wei Fengsheng trembling, they both had extremely incredible expressions. They couldn't believe what they saw.

Although Li Zedao dared to pinch Wei Fengsheng’s neck to prove that he has a great background, he didn’t even think about saying that Wei Fengsheng would have such a reaction after knowing the identity of the other party, just like seeing a ghost. It makes no difference.

Li Zedao's voice was even more gloomy, smiling like a devil, stretched out his hand and patted Wei Fengsheng on the shoulder: "You said... you want to chop off my hand to feed the dog? You want to kill me? ?"

"I..." Wei Fengsheng's body trembled violently, his horrified face was completely saturated with sweat, and in the next second, water stains penetrated from his crotch.

The expressions of Sun Lingfei and Sun Mingji were even more idiots, as if they had seen a ghost, they couldn't react for a long time.

The incredible Wei Fengsheng was shocked after learning the identity of the other party. But he actually... scared to pee?

Li Zedao was a little disgusted by the smell of urine, **** it, as the information said, this is a bully and fearful of evil, he didn't say he was going to beat him, so he was scared to pee! Now he looked at him condescendingly, and said: "Give you a chance to apologize, do you want?"

"I want...what you want, what you want... Li Shao, you have a large number of adults, regardless of the villain... From now on, I will be a dog you raise. I will bite whoever you let me bite..." Wei Fengsheng Generally received an amnesty, quickly struggled to get up and kneel, with gratitude and repentance.

Seeing this scene, Sun Mingji's father and daughter had a feeling of being chopped by Lei alive, even Sun Lingfei pinched herself secretly, she had to wonder if she was dreaming.

Even if she had prepared for it a long time ago, knowing that Zhou Yan's background is quite big, but she never expected that she would be so big that she would scare Wei Fengsheng into pee and then kneel down and beg for mercy and say that I am your dog...

The plot she had originally thought was that people at the same level would give each other face, and then the matter was forgotten.

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