Sun Mingji didn't have the slightest mental preparation, even he just planned to stand on a line with Wei Fengsheng, interrupted this kid's hand and threw it out... After seeing the big wind and waves, his legs inevitably began to weaken at this time. .

Moreover, he naturally heard the words Li Zedao just said to Wei Fengsheng. In the Yanjing Hotel, in full view, he took away Su Xuan from the Su family who was holding the engagement ceremony with Gao Shenghan, and beat Wei Xiaobaoyi violently. After that, Wei Yaoming was beaten. Even after Wei Yaoming was beaten, the Wei family was very humiliated and even compensated for the Imperial City Teahouse...

Therefore, if he still doesn't know who he is, his Sun Mingji has been really for nothing in Yanjing for so many years!

So, is he helping his daughter out today? Sun Mingji wants to blame his daughter, why didn't you say that you know Li Shao earlier? Had you told me earlier that Dad could persecute you like that? If you find it out, Wei Fengsheng would dare to persecute me like that? He is a grandson in front of me!

"First, stay away from Feifei in the future and don't let her see your disgusting face. Did you know that when she sees your face, her stomach is always distorted and she can't eat?" Li Ze said. He looked back at Sun Lingfei and blinked.

Fucked? Sun Lingfei had an inexplicable feeling of being electrocuted, and she quickly moved her eyes away as her heart beat faster.

Wei Fengsheng hurriedly nodded madly, knowing that Sun Lingfei had a leg with Li Zedao, so even if Li Zedao didn't say it, he would never dare to provoke Sun Lingfei in the future.

"Second, your urine smells too bad, first go change your clothes, and then wait for me at the door... Don't worry, I don't want to beat you, but just happen to have something to ask you for help." Li Zedao patted him Said on the shoulder.

"Okay, Shao Li, I'm going now... I'm going..." Wei Fengsheng swallowed wildly and nodded, and then ran away from the box, even because he was too scared, he accidentally stumbled. I fell on the threshold and fell a dog to eat shit. Although it was so painful that I even had a front tooth hit and it almost fell off, I didn’t dare to scream, and continued to crawl and escape, as if Behind him, there was a ghost chasing him.

As Wei Fengsheng left, the box was already caught in a very strange death jealousy. Manager Cheng and the security guards sat in jeopardy and looked at Sun Mingji, whose expression was extremely unstable, and Sun Mingji looked at Sun Lingfei... he didn't dare. Look at Li Zedao. As for Sun Lingfei, she glanced at Li Zedao from time to time, and then quickly looked away.

Li Zedao knew that this strange silence had to be broken by himself, so he looked at Sun Mingji and said politely: "Uncle, you sit down, you sit down."

Sun Jundong, who was very doglegged, hurried forward and helped pull a chair away.

Sun Mingji felt flattered inexplicably, and he was also a big man in the catering industry, not to mention his ability, at least he had a very thick skin, and he was smooth enough to be a man. At this time, he knew that Li Zedao would not be right. He is even respectful.

Sun Mingji felt that one of the things he was most proud of in most of his life was not his career success, and that he gave birth to such a good daughter.

Of course, Sun Mingji is not stupid, so naturally he will not become arrogant all of a sudden, but looking at Li Zedao, he already showed a gentle but respectful smile, and said in a negotiated tone: "Or, let's change to another box and talk again. ?"

"Everything depends on Uncle's arrangement." Li Zedao nodded.

"Well, then go to the Yunyun Pavilion next door." Sun Mingji said.

Looking at his father, and taking a secret look at Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei felt that his cheeks were starting to get hot. How do you think this was bringing her boyfriend back to see her dad...

At the moment, Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei, and Sun Mingji came to the Yunyun Pavilion next door, and Sun Jundong left on his own with great insight.

"Li... Li Shao..."

"Uncle, I am friends with Feifei, so just call my name." Li Zedao said, he didn't believe that this shrewd and somewhat ruthless old guy didn't know his true identity at this time.

Sun Mingji was flattered once again, and this Li Zedao was so polite, so... so he was so happy in his heart that he wanted to laugh a lot.

Sure enough, she is her own good daughter, her vision is stronger than her, and she is too much stronger.

"Then I'll give it up, call your name, Ze Dao... Let's have a drink? I have a few bottles of good wine in my collection, I'll get it?" Sun Mingji asked.

Li Zedao was polite: "Uncle, don't bother."

"What you want, you did me a big favor with my daughter Feifei. Naturally, thank you very much. I will go to the wine cellar to pick two bottles, and you young people will talk first." Sun Mingji said with a smile and left. Went to the Yunyun Pavilion box and went to the wine cellar to fetch wine.

Li Zedao looked at his face that smiled like a dog's tail, thinking that this guy might have misunderstood something, right? Your daughter and I are innocent, and nothing happened. Okay? Moreover, it can't happen, it can't happen!

When I remembered that Sister Bei said that she dared to mess around, she would be squeaky, Li Zedao's crotch shrank, as if a stray wind was blowing.

Looking back, she found that Sun Lingfei was looking at herself with wide eyes. Li Zedao had nothing to say: "Well, your dad is very hospitable..."

"Who on earth are you...? Didn't you tell me that your name is Zhou Yan? You are a swordsman? How come you become Li Zedao now?" Sun Lingfei felt a little bitter, feeling that she was cheated, and she was well dressed up. After he saw it, his eyes didn't light up, even the one who didn't even look at his chest a few more times... White squeezed, white dew!

Or is he still too young? At this moment, the grudge in Sun Lingfei's heart, who had known Xiao Su a long time ago, stuffed two steamed buns in it!

Li Zedao smirked: "Learn from Lei Feng, do good things, leave no name... leave a name and leave a fake name."

"Fuck you." Sun Lingfei was amused again, revealing two deep dimples.

Li Zedao felt that the atmosphere seemed a little wrong, so it was better to flash first, and said: "Then I will go first, let your father relax. From now on, Wei Fengsheng will not dare to make small moves in secret. Of course, he dare not appear in front of you. If you accidentally encounter it, you will obediently detour."

"You... are leaving... Oh, I mean, goodbye." Sun Lingfei's heart suddenly went empty.

"Well, goodbye." Li Zedao forced himself to harden his heart, pretending not to see the other's small face that was momentarily depressed, waved his hand, turned and left the box.

He really didn't want to provoke him. Of course, he couldn't provoke him. Naturally, he wasn't really afraid of being cut off by the north. It's that he could die at any time now.

A few minutes later, Sun Mingji returned to the cloud box with two bottles of red wine, but he saw his daughter holding her cheeks in her hands, staring at the front with a blank expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Feifei, where's Zedao?" Sun Mingji smiled and looked at his daughter, with flattery, more guilt and apology, then put the wine on the table and sat down on the chair in front of her.

"Let's go." Sun Lingfei didn't even look at her father, and said lightly, her mood was getting worse, worse than the mood when she wanted to eat with Wei Fengsheng.

"Ah? What did you say?" Sun Mingji was taken aback, and some did not understand what Sun Lingfei meant.

"Go, I said he is gone, do you understand this time?" Suddenly, Sun Lingfei was furious, and suddenly got up, with aggrieved expression, inexplicable loss and helplessness, and scarlet eyes.

She knows what her father is thinking, so now she can't help but want to hit him hard: "He is not a boyfriend. I just met him and have nothing to do with him. Do you understand this time? Also, Dad , I am your daughter, not your bargaining chip to cling to the powerful and keep your career! No! No!"

Then, he grabbed the expensive bottle of red wine on the table and slammed it on the ground. In an instant, the bright red wine splashed around.

"Fei Fei..." Sun Mingji looked at her daughter who was completely lost in a daze. He felt as if he had been stabbed by a needle and felt very distressed.

"I decided to hate you for three days, don't talk to me these three days!" Sun Lingfei said panting, then turned and left in strides.

Sun Mingji looked at her daughter's abnormally lost back with a wry smile, and his heart was full of self-blame. It seemed that he was not only wrong, but also wrong.

Just, why not? How can it not? Or... the young couple have a conflict?


Angrily walked out of Zheju, Sun Lingfei saw that the car that Li Zedao was driving was gone, and gritted her teeth aggrievedly: "Asshole...I will show it to you and scare you to death!"

Then, her little face was already full of loss. He lowered his head and forced himself not to cry. He walked out of the small courtyard of Zheju and came outside, planning to stop a taxi.

She wanted to get her sports car whose front was not fixed in time, and then find a place to drink. She wanted to get drunk severely.

At the same time, there was a short man not far away, who stared at Sun Lingfei with small evil eyes, and then walked towards Sun Lingfei.

A taxi stopped in front of Sun Lingfei. The moment Sun Lingfei pulled the door into the car, the man's hand suddenly stretched out and his fingers flicked.

In an instant, a silver light slammed at Sun Lingfei, who was bent over and was about to get into the car, at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye. While breathing, it directly shot into Sun Lingfei's straight buttocks, and then disappeared suddenly.

Looking at Sun Lingfei, her expression was still lost. She didn't seem to know that a silver light had penetrated her hips. Even after she got into the car, she didn't have any unusual expressions other than loss.

Under the street lamp, the short man looked at the taxi that was going away, his mouth was slightly cocked with a strange width.

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