The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1547: Sprinkle dog food

So Li Zedao felt a little helpless in his heart. Sun Lingfei’s bravery is of course a good thing, but the point is that her taekwondo tricks are still somewhat inadequate in front of the cruel ones. It seems that afterwards, let Sister Bei teach her some real self-defense. Kill it, it's much more useful than fancy taekwondo.

"Give me things and help Feifei..." Su Meng looked at Li Zedao and said quickly, and was about to pick up the things he was holding.

"No, I just hold it." Li Zedao smiled at her.

Seeing such a smile, Su Meng had an inexplicable feeling of being electrocuted. After oh, she quickly moved her eyes away, cleared up her mood, and looked at Sun Lingfei in front of her nervously.

When he came to the front, the old man pulled up the young man who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and told him to step back. Then, while shaking the dagger in his hand, he looked at Sun Lingfei viciously and said, "Little girl, you are brave. The big one."

"Are you old? In broad daylight, dare to steal in the street, and even want to hurt people with a knife?" Sun Lingfei snorted, her body already exuding an invisible sense of justice. At this moment, she felt that she was a fighter, specializing in fighting evil forces. Fighting fighters.

"In broad daylight?" The old man said with a cold smile, "Will the moon come out? Uncle, I'm giving you a chance to turn around and leave. Otherwise, don't blame me for slashing a knife on you, or even if you accidentally do it. When it comes to that face, I'm really sorry."

The old man thought for a while, but still didn't want to make the matter big. Theft and hurting people in the street are completely different in nature. There is really no need to put himself in for such a small-minded and brainless woman.

Sun Lingfei thought for a while and turned around, but she didn't leave. Instead, she looked at Li Zedao in a pitiful manner and said, "My dear, this dead old man says he wants to scratch someone's face. You help me beat him."


Not only was the old man stunned by Sun Lingfei’s pitiful request for help, but Li Zedao was also shocked. He originally thought that Sun Lingfei would have to fight the other party for whatever he said, and he was also ready to take action at any time. Thinking of Sun Lingfei, she didn't even plan to do anything, but directly asked for help.

Seeing that Sun Lingfei blinked at herself, Li Zedao walked towards her with a bit of dumbfounding. It seems that this little girl is not so innocent. She knew from the beginning that she was not the opponent of the old man, so she had already I want to leave the old man to myself.

"Hehe, you beat him, I will help you carry things." Sun Lingfei smiled like a flower, Li Zedao looked at him and wanted to die in the dimples on her face.

"It's quite heavy, I just hold it. Besides, dealing with this kind of old man is not difficult, just kick it out and it will be solved." Li Zedao smiled slightly, and then looked at the old man with disdain.

The old man listened, that face was almost faint, and I really wanted to vomit blood. What happened today? How come you encounter such a kid who likes to pretend to be a calf one after another? Do you know who the uncle is? Did you know that the uncle was even scared of himself when he did it?

"My dear, you are so handsome and domineering when you say this." Sun Lingfei looked admired, and her lips leaned forward, making a slap in Li Zedao's face.

"Here too." Li Zedao smiled and pointed to his other face.

"I hate it." Sun Lingfei smiled shyly, and kissed Li Zedao on the other side of the face.

"It's also here." Li Zedao muttered his own mouth.

"Go to hell..." Sun Lingfei was too shy, but she still stood on her tiptoe and stamped Li Zedao's lips again.

So the original drama of acting bravely turned into a man and a woman showing affection and spreading dog food and pretending to be a calf...Many onlookers around were covering their faces and couldn't stand it anymore, thinking that this man and woman was really It's too much. Even if they are thieves, they have dignity. Is this really good for you?

Su Meng's face was also blushing and weird but she wanted to laugh inexplicably. She felt that Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao were too bullying and didn't take other thieves seriously.

She could see that Li Zedao really spoiled Sun Lingfei, he almost spoiled her, and he is a person who understands the taste... Although that kind of taste is more often a shame, it looks like a child, no wonder Feifei face The sweet smile on my face has never stopped.

I sighed slightly in my heart, why do I like such a scumbag because my life is so bitter and blind?

"I said you two, that's enough!" The old man was so angry that the muscles on his face were twitching violently. He had seen arrogant things, but he had never seen this kind of thing. The one who was gritting his teeth, clenched the knife in his hand, He rushed towards the damned young man and woman who was still showing affection.

It's not that I'm slowly approaching and putting pressure on the other party to show that you are not going to leave your uncle, I will be rude, but the speed is so fast, seeing that he has already rushed to the front, the knife in his hand is about to hit Li Zedao's body.

He wanted to let this kid know that pretending to be a **** is a painful price.

Just when some people were so scared that their faces were bloodless and even closed their eyes, and Su Meng's heart was violently pulled and was about to exclaim, only a muffled sound of "bang!" was heard, the old man unexpectedly It flew out at a faster speed, and finally fell heavily there, with a mouth open, already spitting out a mouthful of blood, and that pale old face was full of shock.

The expressions of those watching the excitement were stunned, and they didn't understand what was going on, why the old man flew out by himself. But the old man himself clearly understood that he was kicked.

Just as he was about to slap his knife on this kid, a dangerous feeling arose spontaneously, but after he reacted, it was too late, and the opponent kicked him directly.

Even, the old man knew very clearly that the other party was showing mercy, otherwise he would not just vomit blood.

"Let's go." Li Zedao did not take another look at the old man, but took Sun Lingfei away.

He didn't want to continue to trouble the old man. After all, the old man just threatened again and again and didn't do it immediately. Just now, Li Zedao also found out that the old man just wanted to teach himself a little lesson, and put some color on it. Nothing, there is no real killer.

Regardless of whether the old man is unwilling to hurt people out of his own intention or is afraid that the impact will be too great, in short, the old man is merciful, so Li Zedao naturally also merciful.

As for the fact that this old man is a habitual stealer, Li Zedao didn't want to be nosy. He won't be held accountable for being stolen and he won't call the police.

As the arrogant couple left, those who watched the excitement disappeared. No one dared to take a look at the old man sitting there, fearing that the old man would spread resentment on them in anger.

"Master..." Seeing that the old man was kicked flying, the young man in green clothes endured the severe pain and helped him up. "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." The old man took a deep breath and shook his head. He coughed a few times. He looked at Li Zedao's fading back, his eyes were a little complicated, and he said in a voice that only he could hear: "Does that kind of breath appear? If so..."

"Go, go back." The old man said with his eyes closed and looked at the young man, with an inexplicable gleam in his eyes.

The young man thought that the master was afraid of the police coming, and quickly nodded. The two, the old and the young, quickly got into the crowd and could not find a trace.


After putting the harvest of the afternoon back in the car, Su Meng found a western restaurant that tasted very good and invited Li Zedao and Sun Lingfei to dinner.

Still worried about this girlfriend who had just suffered emotional injury, she was afraid of her pain or even thinking about it, so after the meal, Sun Lingfei asked Su Meng to go back with her.

"Ah, then... okay?" Su Meng glanced at Li Zedao, a little hesitant, thinking that he was a high-power light bulb after passing.

"What's wrong? You sleep with me and kick him into the living room to sleep on the sofa." Sun Lingfei was carefree, and most directly helped Li Zedao and Su Meng make the decision, and there is no room for rebuttal.

Sun Lingfei did not ask Li Zedao to go back to Bei them, because when she was shopping in the afternoon, she received a text message from Bei. Bei told her that there was something wrong with them and asked her to take care of Li Zedao for two days. Sun Lingfei suddenly felt that that looked so indifferent. Bei is the most enthusiastic person on this direct.

"Okay, you... won't you be unwelcome?" Su Meng looked at Li Zedao and asked, seeing others spread dog food over there when she just fell in love. This is undoubtedly a painful thing, but I don't know why , But deep down in my heart, I didn't want to refuse.

"Dare he?" Sun Lingfei gave Li Ze a cold snorted look.

Li Zedao touched his nose and said, "Of course I dare not, of course welcome..." Anyway, Sun Lingfei can only watch but not eat, so even if there is an extra light bulb now, Li Zedao doesn't have too much grudge.

After the group of three returned to the small apartment where Sun Lingfei lived, Sun Lingfei and Su Meng couldn't wait to sort out their spoils after shopping for a whole afternoon.

Li Zedao could only sit there alone pitifully, thought for a while, took out the "Paradise of Heaven" that he carried with him, and read it.

Ziyue learns the new by reviewing the old! In addition, this is at stake for his own life, so Li Zedao didn't want to be bothered to read word by word to see if he could comprehend it.

It's just that, as before, I felt that I was reading a book from the sky at the same time, and my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. I put the book away in a daze, collapsed on the sofa, and fell asleep.

"Birds, do you think I look good in this... uh, fell asleep?" Sun Lingfei walked out of the room when she put on the clothes she bought in the afternoon. Seeing Li Zedao lying there sleeping like a pig, she was slightly shocked. Down.

"I wandered around for the whole afternoon and brought so many things. I guess I'm exhausted. Let him go to sleep. Don't wake him up." Su Meng who followed out said that he looked at Li Zedao and whispered, and then suddenly Wake up, what I said is wrong.

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