The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1548: Skull and Crossbones

To be precise, it can’t be wrong, but Su Meng knows very clearly that this kind of caring words should not be said from her mouth, especially in front of her girlfriends. This will cause unnecessary suspicion and Misunderstood.

Although Sun Lingfei usually has a carefree personality, this does not mean she is a fool. On the contrary, she is very smart and sensitive to certain things.

So Su Meng looked at Sun Lingfei nervously, and quickly explained: "Feifei, I...I'm not concerned, I'm..."

Sun Lingfei looked at Su Meng, who was the leader of the two teams, her eyes rolled, and she seemed to be joking and reminding something: "What is it?"


"That' won't immediately have a new goal and plan to grab a man from me as soon as you lose love?" Sun Lingfei blinked and continued to tease.

"Ah..." Su Meng was upset, straightened out, and admitted generously. You can say that she is joking, or that she is so serious: "Huh, I didn't expect to be caught so quickly. You found it, so be optimistic about your husband and be careful to be snatched away by me."

"Go to hell, if you can really **** it, I will give it to you." Sun Lingfei waved her hand and blinked, "I'm serious."

"It's weird if you believe it." Su Meng rolled her eyes and said angrily, then her eyes fell on Sun Lingfei's chest, "However, I really don't think this dress is suitable for you. Wearing this kind of dress is just to highlight your chest... unless You stuff two buns in front of your chest, otherwise you won't be able to support it."

"Go to hell..." Sun Lingfei rolled her eyes, "This lady is not going to wear it now, this lady is going to wear it for the future, you don't know, I am getting older day by day."

Sun Lingfei is a girl with a sense of crisis. In just a few days, her **** are a lot bigger. In a few days, won't they be bigger? What if I don’t have any clothes to match? So buy some clothes now, so that I can match them when I get older.

"Yes, yes, at this speed, sooner or later I will surpass me." Su Meng exclaimed, "but your husband is really amazing, and he still has this skill."

Su Meng thought that Sun Lingfei would be like this in this life, unless she had breast augmentation surgery, but she did not expect Li Zedao to achieve such remarkable results only through acupuncture and massage. The most important thing is that this is only a few days.

Sun Lingfei said proudly: "That is, can the man I am looking for be worse? So, you quickly use all your body skills to **** him away, put on your **** pajamas and jump in front of him in the middle of the night than today dance……"

"Go to hell... go, let's continue to try other clothes, and show me the other clothes you bought."

Seeing that Sun Lingfei's attention was successfully diverted, Su Meng was a little relieved, but she didn't dare to look at Li Zedao more. She felt that the boy was a tempting mystery, and the more I watched it, the more people would want to come forward. Go and untie it.


The old castle, the fireplace, the jumping candlelight, it feels like this is the place where the vampire lives.

There were people sitting around the rectangular dining table. There were men and women. The men wore decent suits or tuxedos. Women also wore long skirts or evening dresses. It is conceivable that they took the party so seriously.

And the clothes they wear have one thing in common, that is, there is such a hideous skull embroidered on the chest.

They seemed to be waiting for someone. Although the food and wine in front of them exuded an attractive aroma, no one moved the golden knife and fork placed on the plate.

No one whispered and laughed, and there was no sweet light music. These people sat there with such serious expressions, and they didn't even blink their eyelids for a long time, as if they were made of wax.

After a long time, the sound of such a quiet and loud "puff puff" made by a footstep on the wooden floor sounded, so people stood up almost at the same time and cast their eyes on the door.

Then, soon, the door was pushed open, and a tall figure appeared there.

This is an old man full of energy, handsome face, and meticulous silver hair! The old man was wearing a fitted green military uniform. On the left chest of the military uniform, he wore a dense number of various medals. Counting them, there were at least ten. The right chest was embroidered with a skull like those waiting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long." The old man smiled slightly, and then slowly walked to the front seat, glanced at these people, and waved his hand to signal everyone to sit down , I just sat down and said, "Oh sorry, I have a private matter so I am late. Before we pray, please allow me to tell you a sad thing, so that everyone will pray to the Lord for a while. At the time, we can pray to our lord for his forgiveness and forgiveness, and bless us to succeed in the next mission."

No one spoke, everyone looked at the old man quietly and religiously.

"A few hours ago, General Moore sent me a message saying that our plan for China has failed again. Yes, this plan failed before it even started." The old man took a sip of the glass of red wine in front of him. "The woman named Li Mengyao, because of her special body, became the most successful genetic superman in our skull organization since we started to study genetic superman! We originally wanted her to secretly enter the mysterious forest of the magic cave in China Check it out, and look for the opportunity to find that mysterious cave without a name..."

"Oh, God, but when I got off the plane, an accident happened. She was discovered and suspected by Li Zedao, the **** apprentice of God's hand, and was under close surveillance. Minister Wei of the China Division of our Skeleton Organization tried to kill Li Zedao and The whole fc was disturbed, but the plan still failed. Minister Wei is dead. We have to detonate the most perfect genetic superman so far... Oh, God, to create such a perfect genetic superman, at least It will cost us 300 million U.S. dollars. This is the second thing. The most important thing is that our plan is blocked. Oh, that Li Zedao is really a bastard!"

"So..." The old man took another sip of red wine from his glass, then glanced at everyone, "Who can tell me how we can get rid of this bastard."

"Hua Xia has an old saying that we know ourselves and our enemies will never end in battle. So I think we need to understand his weaknesses." A man said, "Once we can get his weaknesses, then we can quickly erase them."

"Oh, yes, Wade, I think you are right, although that is nonsense." Another blue-eyed blond woman said with a cold smile, "You have read about him, what do you think he has Disadvantages? Loyal, brave, extraordinary skill... Oh, I should say horror. Two consecutive genetic warriors are folded in his hands. What is horror? I can't see any shortcomings in him."

Wade glanced at this woman who always liked to show himself up, and said coldly: "Miss Maya, are you sure he has no shortcomings? I don't think so, I think he has shortcomings."

"Oh, Mr. Wade, you said." The old man looked at Wade with a faint smile and said, "This is really good news."

"He is lascivious, he is a lascivious. From an intelligence point of view, he is surrounded by at least 20 women in all shapes and forms, including the Luciano family who is known as one of the most beautiful women in the world. Miss Mitty," Wade said.

Miss Mia sneered: "Laughter? Oh, I don't think he is horny, but the charm of this man is too great, otherwise how could it be possible to attract so many outstanding girls to like him? If he and Mr. Wade You are the same... Oh God, I think only blind girls will like you."

"You..." Wade was so depressed, he wanted to roll up his sleeves and give a severe lesson to this reckless woman.

The old man and others have long been accustomed to these two people being there. Now the old man smiled and said: "Wade, you mean, we choose a beautiful and attractive woman to get close to him and get his love. Did he kill?"

"Oh, yes, sir." Wade nodded, "I think this is the best way."

Of course, they can also secretly control Li Zedao’s woman and threaten him to do something, but this is obviously not an unwise move. After all, this way, it is likely to completely irritate the other party. When the time comes, if the other party is desperate Skull and crossbones retaliate. Faced with such an enemy, skull and crossbones will have a headache.

In the absence of 100% certainty that the opponent will be killed, the Skeleton Organization is unwilling to take any risks.

Miss Mia carried it again: "Dear Sir, I don't think this is a good method."

The old man smiled: "Oh? Miss Mia, please tell me your objection."

"First of all, I don't think the looks and charm of the women we sent out can match the noble Miss Mitty, so I don't think Li Zedao, who is used to seeing beautiful women, will be tempted; the most important point is that the boy is too good and too good. Charm, I am worried that the woman sent out by Zhemen will be conquered by him in turn."

Wade sneered: "What if the woman we sent out is Miss Elena?"

"Elena..." The expressions of the people including the old man and Miss Mia were slightly moved, because they knew what the name "Elena" meant.

"Oh, God, Miss Elena is about to wake up?" the old man asked.

"Yes, dear sir, according to our research and observation, Miss Elena, who has been sleeping for centuries at most for a month, will be awakened with the help of our skulls and will do exactly what we ordered, and At that time, as long as she can successfully bite that Li Zedao..." Wade laughed.

The old man laughed and said, "Oh, I think Miss Elena will definitely say, God, this is so delicious."

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