The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1555: Distorted Classmates

Qian Xuemo, who has an enviable handsome appearance and a very good job, is naturally favored by many girls, but he has always been single over the years and has not accepted any girl because he has been living in his heart. A girl, the girl he fell in love with when he first met.

It's just that Wei Fengsheng in the same class is too domineering, and Qian Xuemo can't afford to provoke him, so he can only keep this love in his heart silently.

And now, if Sun Lingfei's boyfriend is Wei Fengsheng, that's fine. What Qian Xuemo can do is continue to bury that love in his heart.

But it was not Wei Fengsheng, but a kid who didn't know where he came from, and from the perspective of what he was wearing, the kid's life was naturally very bad.

How could such a person bring happiness to Feifei?

The most important point is that this poor boy is in love with Sun Lingfei, but he is still alive. He has no arms or legs. The face that can be seen is not smashed. So the only explanation is that Wei The wind no longer disturbed Sun Lingfei, and he no longer treated it as his own personal property very overbearing, so Qian Xuemo's thoughts became completely active, and he decisively believed that the best opportunity for himself to express his love to Sun Lingfei had arrived.

Therefore, Qian Xuemo took this opportunity to quietly express his feelings in the ears of the poor boy, and to be more precise, he was writing a letter to the poor boy.

As for how this poor boy would react, Qian Xuemo was quite expecting it. When his expression changed, he yelled at him and even acted directly? Or did you smile as if you didn't hear it, but you were seriously hurt and irritated in your heart? Or was he shivering but he didn't dare to say a word, and then he quickly found someone to take Sun Lingfei away?

Of course, no matter what the boy’s reaction is, Qian Xuemo’s expectations are expectations, but in fact he doesn’t care that much. In any case, his goal has been achieved. He just wants to use this boy’s mouth to think of Sun Lingfei to express himself over the past five years. Love that has never changed.

Even if the kid was too suspicious and asked Sun Lingfei what Sun Lingfei thought Sun Lingfei had with him, and then had a big fight, it would be even better. It was this result that Qian Xuemo wanted to see most.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth curled up slightly. It's fine to judge people by appearance, why should they judge people by clothes? Is it that the clothes that are worn the next time can not survive rather than low-key? It’s not just for comfort? How many feet should be ridiculed and looked down upon? I was told that you can't raise your woman so I'll help you raise it?

Li Zedao thinks that this honest guy is really stupid. He even said in front of the boss that the boss is too poor to support a woman or I should raise it... Li Zedao was looking forward to it when he learned that he was How would this guy react when he was the boss behind this resort hotel?

But no matter how he reacted in the end, Li Zedao felt that he should be fired. This guy is so good, it is really a shame to let him stay here.

At this moment, Qian Xuemo, who sneered in his heart, did not know that his enviable and satisfying job was gradually leaving him.

"Thank you for your invitation." Li Zedao smiled and nodded and said politely.

Didn't hear what you choose to do? Qian Xuemo smiled, eyes flashing with inexplicable gloom. He felt that there must be a hideous mask hidden under this mask that seemed like nothing happened.

But in this case, this is indeed the most reasonable approach.

"Have fun for a while, don't be too formal, everyone is friends." Qian Xuemo pointedly said, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

"Yes." Li Zedao smiled and nodded in response, with his eyes facing him. Naturally, he could clearly capture the provocation and disdain in his eyes. If you sneer in your heart right now, don't provoke me, otherwise you will cry. time.

Li Zedao probably guessed that this guy had already planned to make himself ugly.

Qian Xuemo smiled, and then symbolically clicked on his name. All he had contacted in the past few days has arrived. In addition, Li Zedao, who is actually not that popular "uninvited guest", has a total of 18 people, just nine men and nine women.

Qian Xuemo led the way, and the group of people got on the elevator and went to a big box in the magnificent banquet room on the second floor. At this time, on the big round table, there were already a row of rows that looked delicate and delicious. There are delicious dishes, and there are also a variety of beverages.

The table is very large, so eighteen people don't feel crowded at all.

As if to take special care of Li Zedao, the only "outsider", Qian Xuemo warmly greeted Li Zedao to sit next to him.

Li Zedao was polite and did not touch Qian Xuemo's "good intentions". He sat down in the position next to him. Sun Lingfei naturally sat next to Li Zedao, while Su Meng was next to Sun Lingfei. The others also found their own seats.

Then, Qian Xuemo, the organizer of the party, got up and said a few words that were not nutritious. After pouring the wine and toasting everyone, everyone started to talk while eating and drinking, and toasting each other, while Qian Xuemo drifted away. Personally, the one who chats a few words, the other one who talks a few sentences, also controls the atmosphere of the scene very well, so that it will not be cold.

At the beginning, I was talking about the beauty of the past, but as I went to the back, my mind seemed to be controlled by alcohol. My tongue became bigger, and the topic of the conversation changed. There were some jokes with yellowish jokes. 'S girl smiled gorgeously and patted him on the shoulder a few times to let him die, or was struggling to change the car and fell in love with a Mercedes-Benz or a BMW and didn't know which one to buy, or said her boyfriend was right She is so kind, and gave her an lv bag the day before yesterday...

In short, the people present were normal, only Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei, Su Meng, and Qian Xuemo, who was in charge of controlling the atmosphere of the scene.

The classmates brag over there. He agreed with a smile, and the girl winked at him. He accepted with a smile, and he could see that he was drinking very well. He had drunk a lot and his complexion was still normal. It doesn't mean too much.

Sun Lingfei, who was sitting next to Li Zedao, whispered emotion in Li Zedao's ear. She knew it would be like this. People who were once pure are no longer pure, and those who were once pure are no longer pure.

"Look at that girl, what it seems to be called... Forget it, forget it, anyway, she is very quiet in the impression, but now..."

Li Zedao glanced at the girl Sun Lingfei was talking about, and she recognized her. She was the girl who had revealed to everyone that Qian Xuemo was the deputy manager of this five-star resort hotel and had an annual salary of several million. His face was flushed, the coquettish smile continued, and all kinds of winks were thrown, especially at Qian Xuemo who threw no less than ten. Qian Xuemo was still calm, but the other few were directly fascinated by her. upside down.

"And that boy, what's his name... I forgot..."

"..." Li Zedao was really worried. If these people knew that Sun Lingfei would forget their names at all, would they roll up their sleeves and hit someone?

"Anyway, in the impression, he is very upright and despise Wei Fengsheng's kind of wealthy and powerful family, but now, alas..."

At this moment, when Qian Xuemo banged a cup with the boy, the smile on the boy's face was so flattering, he nodded and looked at what Qian Xuemo was saying without thinking about it. It was hoped that Qian Xuemo would help. Introduce a better job. After Qian Xuemo smiled and nodded, the boy was so excited that his face blushed, letting Qian Xuemo feel free, and then he offered three glasses of wine.

Of course, some people came over during this period and planned to have a drink with Sun Lingfei. Sun Lingfei smiled politely and said that she should not drink with a stomachache, so she replaced it with fruit juice.

She is a beautiful woman and was once the president of the Taekwondo Association of the school. In addition, she used to give them the impression that Sun Lingfei has a bad temper and will really hit people, so no one babbled about changing drinks. .

As for Su Meng, the reason she found was the same as Sun Lingfei. She was not feeling well and was not suitable for drinking. With Sun Lingfei testifying, no one embarrassed her either.

As for Li Zedao, the "outsider", apart from Qian Xuemo's enthusiasm from time to time, he chatted with him a few words that Li Zedao did not seem to be nutritious, toasting a glass of wine, and spent most of the other time eating all kinds of things that Sun Lingfei helped him pick up. Good food, and then Sun Lingfei looked happy and took a paper towel to help him wipe off the greasy corners of his mouth.

The scene where Li Zedao bury his head and eat like a starving ghost fell into the eyes of these people. Naturally, it was contemptuous and disdainful. Where did the hillbilly come from, it was embarrassing here.

And when he saw that Sun Lingfei was so happily helping the hillbilly wipe his mouth, the boys, including Qian Xuemo, felt upset, and they all felt that a good flower was stuck in the cow dung.

Su Meng spends more time sighing, envious, thinking wildly, secretly turning his eyes around Sun Lingfei and falling on Li Zedao, knowing that it is not possible, there will be no results, but...many times, people just control I can't help myself, I always want to do something that I know is wrong and will hurt myself and others.

Halfway through the banquet, Qian Xuemo turned on the KTV song order system in the box in order to make the atmosphere sublime, and he was ready to start karaoke.

"I'll take the initiative, come first, the other class cadres will follow, and then whoever wants to sing, come and order the song by himself." Qian Xuemo said with a faint smile.

"Papa..." Everyone started applauding and cheering.

"Then come here... "Just Love You"." Qian Xuemo said with a smile, but his deep gaze was like instinct, falling on Sun Lingfei.

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