Then, several people who had an excellent relationship with Qian Xuemo immediately followed Qian Xuemo's gaze and looked at Sun Lingfei with an inexplicable smile. Qian Xuemo liked Sun Lingfei, they knew.

At this time, Sun Lingfei didn't even hear what Qian Xuemo was talking about, nor did she notice that she had already had a few eyes on her, but she was holding it with one hand and looking sweetly at Li Zedao, who was still eating. The expression in his eyes... Qian Xuemo only felt that his heart "Kang Dang!" A crack appeared when he looked at him. What is so good about this hillbilly that it is worth watching him with such a look?

"Fei Fei... Fei Fei..." Qian Xuemo looked at Sun Lingfei and shouted. Although his heart was depressed and he wanted to vomit blood, the smile on his face was still bathed in spring breeze.

"Huh?" Sun Lingfei looked up afterwards and looked at Qian Xuemo, "Call me?"

"I still remember when you celebrated the school, you sang "One Thousand and One Wishes" on stage on behalf of our class. That voice, I believe many students still can hardly forget, and want to hear your singing once. ...Everyone said, isn't that?" Qian Xuemo smiled.

"Yes..." So everyone started booing again and asked Sun Lingfei to sing the song "One Thousand and One Wishes" that was sung at the school celebration that day.

"Go, I want to listen too." Li Zedao raised his head and looked at Sun Lingfei, who was obviously a little reluctant. In fact, when Sun Lingfei came to the stage, it was also embarrassing. Sing on stage on behalf of the class.

"It depends on your singing level, is it half of mine."

"Go to hell, this young lady's singing is definitely at a professional level, even better than the big star Zhou Xiaolu, don't be scared." Sun Lingfei said proudly.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, wondering if he told you that Zhou Xiaolu was also one of your sisters, would it scare you.

At the moment, Su Meng went up to help Sun Lingfei order "A Thousand Another Wish", and also helped her order a song "Unfortunately Not You" for herself. This song naturally fits her current mood perfectly.

Then, as the music sounded, Qian Xuemo sang very generously.

I have to say that Qian Xuemo’s singing skills are very good. This classic love song was perfectly interpreted by him. Even Li Zedao thinks this guy is really not easy, only from the perspective of singing...Of course he can. Throw him a street, but he can also throw other ordinary people a street.

Of course, Li Zedao's heart is still somewhat uncomfortable, you sing and sing, don't let your affectionate eyes fall on my woman from time to time, my heart is actually small, is it jealous, OK?

At this moment, Li Zedao firmed up the idea in his heart even more, that is, to fire Qian Xuemo after turning around.

After Qian Xuemo finished his song, he received a lot of applause, cheers, and the glamorous eyes of a few women.

After giving Sun Lingfei the microphone with a slightly ambiguous smile, he returned to his position and sat down beside Li Zedao, with a faint smile, but his eyes looked hot at Sun Lingfei who was about to sing. , And then lowered his voice to Li Zedao, who was still eating with his head buried by the side, and said, "Mr. Li, what I said to you just now is serious. I really don’t think you can bring happiness to Feifei. Even you and her Being together is holding her back."

Li Zedao looked up at Qian Xuemo's handsome profile face, smiled, swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Are you not afraid of me beating you?"

The smile on Qian Xuemo's face even worsened: "You can beat me up." He couldn't wait for the kid to beat himself up quickly, and then had a big fight with Sun Lingfei.

In addition, this kid is going to be really hands-on. Qian Xuemo has a way to get him to stay in the detention center for a while, or even be sentenced to jail.

"Forget it, there is no sense of accomplishment in beating you." Li Zedao curled his lips.

Qian Xuemo ridiculed: "Is it dare not, or is there really no sense of accomplishment? Anyway, reality is reality. With your current ability, it is impossible for you to live a good life for Feifei. You are with her. Hurt her."

Li Zedao smiled: "The ability you said refers"

"Yes, it's money!" Qian Xuemo said, giving people a high-spirited and coaxing taste. "Although talking about money is very vulgar, but the facts are like that. I have an annual salary of more than 3 million yuan, and I have a set A house with a large area, a car close to one million, and a lot of savings. In addition, if I want to, I can take over my dad’s multi-billion-dollar industry..."

Qian Xuemo glanced at Li Zedao from the corner of his eye: "What about you? Judging from the information obtained from the chat just now, you are just a student who has not graduated from school, and your family is not that rich. You have not yet entered the society, you do not know the sinister and reality of this society, you do not know that happiness is actually accumulated with money... You do not understand the vanity and comparison of women, of course, I am not saying that Feifei is the kind of vanity woman. , But do you want to see her suffer with you? Wear this cheap sportswear together?"

As he said, he looked at Sun Lingfei, who was singing affectionately, with hot eyes.

"Thank you for turning the table for me, I want to eat that dish." Li Zedao looked at Qian Xuemo and said.

"..." Qian Xuemo looked back at the smiling face of the author's counterpart, and inexplicably felt a punch on the cotton.

It seemed that this kid had a thicker skin than he had imagined, and he was more tolerant than he had imagined.

At the moment, Qian Xuemo didn’t use the glass, instead he reached out and picked up the fish and put it in front of Li Zedao. He smiled and said, “Eat more. This fish is one of the hotel’s signature dishes. Just this one. It costs thousands of dollars, and you can't eat it outside."

Li Zedao seemed to be unable to hear the teasing and sarcasm of the other party, and said with a smile: "That's really a lot of food." Then he unceremoniously clamped most of the fish to the plate in front of him.

Then, Qian Xuemo felt like punching the cotton with a punch again. If he wasn't self-holding, he would want to yell at him. Nima’s, I’ve hurt you so much. You lose your temper quickly. Hit me, how can you be so silly?

"Just tell me, how much are you willing to leave Feifei?" Qian Xuemo changed another plan, ended the cynicism, and started the transaction directly. When he saw the guy who was eating the fish, his eyes were bright. Looking at himself, he knew that his approach was correct and the most practical.

"How much can you give?" Li Zedao asked.

Qian Xuemo stretched out his index finger and said with great wealth: "One million, plus after you graduate, I can help you arrange an easy job with an annual salary of over 10,000 and promising future development. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can also come. Look for me, I won't frown if I can help."

Li Zedao smiled, raised his head and glanced at Sun Lingfei, who was singing a song seriously, and said, "In your heart, Feifei is only worth one million?"

"Of course it's more than one million..." Qian Xuemo said. He actually wanted to say what I meant was that you are worth one million at most. "Moreover, I can help you a lot later."

"It seems that from Mr. Qian's point of view, you can help me far more than this million?" Li Ze asked.

"Of course, we will be friends by then, and my ability can help you a lot." Qian Xuemo said. This kind of account is too easy to calculate, Qian Xuemo doesn't believe it, this guy who has a kind-skinned realm will not calculate this account.

"Friends?" Li Zedao smiled, "I want to have friends like me, in your opinion, Mr. Qian is an insult."

Qian Xuemo smiled and wanted to say, I really agree with you.

"So, don't be friends anymore, and I will be too far in the future. My vision is short, I can only see tomorrow, so convert your so-called follow-up help into money." Li Zedao said.

Qian Xuemo's mouth curled up with a slight disdain: "Five million...The follow-up help value is almost four million, and people should not be so greedy."

Naturally, these words have a threatening taste. Qian Xuemo feels that he is fully capable of taking care of this kid. If he is willing, he can even make this kid's end very tragic. The lack of arms and legs is all light.

Li Zedao glanced at Qian Xuemo, put down his chopsticks and said, "Sun Lingfei is about to finish singing that song, and I'm full."

"Give me an account." Qian Xuemo said with a smile, and then took out his mobile phone, intending to help Li Zedao transfer money immediately.

After one minute, the transfer is complete.

Of course, most of the other people’s attention was on Sun Lingfei, who was singing over there, and the remaining few people were saying something red, so no one noticed that these two people were doing such a "dirty" "Transaction.

Qian Xuemo looked at Li Zedao and smiled: "Since you are full, go back early. After all, our classmates reunion, you are also embarrassed here. I will give the hotel driver a call and let me send you away. ..."

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Mr. Qian, you are so polite, thank you for taking care of my emotions, but I am not embarrassed, really... come, I will toast you."

Li Zedao held up the glass of beer in front of him: "I cheers, you are free."

Qian Xuemo stunned slightly, and suddenly realized something, and then his face suddenly became cold: "What do you mean?"

At this moment, fierce cheers and cheers sounded, and Sun Lingfei stepped off the stage with a little triumph. Li Zedao directly put Qian Xuemo, who had already turned ugly, on there, and stood up and greeted Sun Lingfei.

"Singing is very good, absolutely professional level, I am almost moved to death." Li Zedao looked so moved.

Sun Lingfei hugged Li Zedao’s arm, and smiled triumphantly: “That’s right. I don’t even look at who this lady is. I actually wanted to enter the Conservatory of Music at first, but later I thought it was not interesting to be a star, so I did not go ,Do you think."

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