Then the game continued, but as if cursed, when the three boys who Li Zedao didn't know turned the bottle, the mouth of the bottle was pointed at Qian Xuemo.

Of course, they didn't make excessive demands on Qian Xuemo, and let him go easily.

Qian Xuemo was naturally depressed or depressed in his heart at this time. He was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. He wanted to yell at him. Why is it that every time the mouth of the **** bottle is aimed at himself instead of that **** bastard?

When it was Su Meng's turn, the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Sun Lingfei. Sun Lingfei looked at Su Mengqiu to let her go. Su Meng smiled and asked Sun Lingfei to kiss her.

Then it was Sun Lingfei. Under her prayer, the mouth of the bottle really pointed at Li Ze.

Qian Xuemo looked like he wanted to scold his mother, why is there five people on his side, no one can turn the bottle mouth to Li Zedao, but when it was Sun Lingfei's turn, he turned to it.

At the moment, Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with a smirk, and hummed: "Hmph, you are dead."

"Beauty, please let it go." Li Zedao said pitifully.

Sun Lingfei smiled even more triumphantly, and patted Li Zedao on the shoulder: "Then...look at me with a serious face and said to me, Beauty Sun, I am your slave..."


So Li Zedao looked at Sun Lingfei earnestly, and said very numbly that Dame Sun, I am your slave, and also said a lot of love words very numbly, so that Sun Lingfei was too embarrassed to hurry up and stop. Stopped Li Zedao's mouth.

As for the others, they all had goose bumps, and they were disgusting with Li Zedao's love words.

The game continued, and it was Li Ze's turn.

Li Zedao put his hand on the bottle, but raised his head and glanced at Qian Xuemo, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Qian Xuemo's heart had a bad feeling inexplicably, it was actually the first five times, except for himself, no matter who turned around, the mouth of the bottle pointed at himself at the end. This is very strange, just like What kind of curse was hit.

So, this time the mouth of the bottle will not point to yourself, right? If that's the case, with that **** of bad water, can't you play to death?

Li Zedao smiled, his hand gently moved the bottle, and then the bottle began to rotate quickly on the table.

Qian Xuemo's eyes were staring at the rotating bottle. He who had never believed in ghosts and gods now began to pray, hoping that the mouth of the bottle would not point to himself in the end.

The mouth of the bottle turned slower and slower. When he was about to turn over Qian Xuemo and then point to Deng Sisi next to Qian Xuemo, it seemed as if he was going to exert too much force. The mouth of the bottle came back again and pointed straight at the eyelid. Qian Xuemo leaping forward.

Other people looked at Qian Xuemo with weird expressions, mainly because this was too terrible, weird, and incredible. Except for himself, five of the remaining seven people turned their bottle mouths towards him. This How many wicked things have to be done in your life to be so unlucky in this generation?

"Mr. Li, what do you want me to perform?" Qian Xuemo tried very hard to keep the muscles on his face from twitching, but after working hard for a while, he found that he couldn't do it. He was already in anger, he wanted to curse, he still wanted to hit someone! He never knew that there would be a day when he was about to lose control of his emotions.

Then, everyone's eyes fell on Li Zedao, wondering what program he would ask Qian Xuemo to perform.

Even with the exception of Sun Lingfei and Su Meng, who didn’t know it, the others were really embarrassed. They originally wanted to join forces to play this kid, but they didn’t expect that the end result was that Qian Xuemo fell into the hands of others. I still can't do it, otherwise it's not that it won't report but the time has not come.

Li Zedao grinned, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth, which looked so sunny, but it also gave people a very dangerous feeling, so a very bad feeling was already in everyone's heart, especially money. Learning ink, I just feel that my heart is about to jump out.

Li Zedao smiled, watching Qian Xuemo licking his lips and said: "Then please trouble Mr. Qian to go on stage and do a striptease... Oh, in order not to affect the appearance of the city, you are allowed to leave a pair of underwear."

"..." The eyes of several other people, including Sun Lingfei and Su Meng, were widened. They never thought that Li Zedao would play so hard. This is simply to make Qian Xuemo lose face and take his All dignity is stepped on the ground, which is equivalent to saying that he intends to completely offend the money to learn ink!

Sun Lingfei glanced at Li Zedao who was grinning, and remembered that when she was singing on stage before, she seemed to see Li Zedao and Qian Xuemo whispering over there.

"So, this **** fellow Qian Xuemo bullied our dear? Otherwise, how can our dear, kind and loving person, make him so embarrassed?" So Sun Lingfei looked at Qian Xuemo's eyes not good. Up.

Su Meng had another idea in his mind, that is, Qian Xuemo looked at Sun Lingfei with hot eyes from time to time, so Li Zedao couldn't stand the jealousy, so now he seized the opportunity and retaliated directly.

It’s no exaggeration to say that once Qian Xuemo does take a striptease on stage, he will be boiled in the disco, so it’s needless to say. If it is recorded and posted on the Internet, he is likely to become an Internet celebrity. Even if the hotel’s leaders saw it, would they think that Qian Xuemo’s doing so was personal freedom and power, but it would eventually damage the image of the hotel, so he would be expelled directly?

In short, Qian Xuemo's former male **** and successful business person's personality will completely collapse, and his face will be lost.

The muscles on Qian Xuemo's face were almost twitching, and he said diligently in a negotiating tone: "That... can you change it?"

"But, I really want to see you dance a striptease. Mr. Qian, you must be very **** when you dance a striptease with such a good figure." Li Zedao said with a smile, but his tone was very hard and there was no room for discussion.

"..." Some people have gotten goose bumps, does this guy have any special hobbies?

Qian Xuemo's heart twitched violently, as if a knife was stabbed in the head. There was really a saying that mmp should not be said properly.

He found himself in an awkward situation.

Shame or even frustration and rage, that is to draw his own face fiercely. After all, he emphasized that before playing. If you are willing to gamble, you will lose. If you don’t want to perform, don’t blame yourself for turning your face, but now It was himself who didn't want to perform.

Striptease on stage...It is even more impossible. He is a successful person, he is a super white-collar worker, he is a male god, he has pride, he has self-esteem, how could he come on stage to perform striptease in front of so many people?

Qian Xuemo looked at Sun Lingfei and tried to send a distress signal. If Sun Lingfei could persuade the **** guy to change his mind for the sake of classmates, then he wouldn't have to be ashamed.

But what made Qian Xuemo's chest feel like a knife again is that Sun Lingfei looked at him so uncomfortable, as if there was some hatred.

He could only look at Su Meng and continued to send out the distress signal. Su Meng shook his head in embarrassment and apologized, saying that he was helpless. Su Meng did not want to upset Li Zedao because of Qian Xuemo.

After all, Li Zedao helped herself, and because of Sun Lingfei, she had to stand on the same line with them, and more importantly, the feeling in her heart for Li Zedao was very special.

Qian Xuemo only felt that his body had become a volcanic crater, and something was about to spew out at any time, and he silently greeted the eighteenth-generation ancestors of these two **** at the same time, his eyes returned to Li Zedao, working hard. Makes his expressions seem to be joking with each other: "Um... if you don't change one, I'll... be anxious with you..."

Li Zedao smiled: "Why are you anxious with me? Scold me? Roll up your sleeves and hit me?"

Then looked at Sun Lingfei pitifully and said, "Honey, does he want to hit me?"

"Dare he?" Sun Lingfei snorted coldly, looking at Qian Xuemo's eyes even more cold, even her fists were already clenched, and she was about to punch her at any time.

The others looked weird and felt that this Li Zedao was too shameless. As for Qian Xuemo, he wanted to pick up the **** bottle on the table and greet the bastard's head.

Li Zedao smiled, and stretched out five fingers towards Qian Xuemo and said, "Forget it, because you and Feifei were classmates in our family, if you turn once, then I can change one."

"You..." Qian Xuemo's body was trembling with anger, and that face now became very ugly. He understands what Li Zedao meant. This **** is asking him to donate five million to the Tiandao Foundation. Does he really consider himself a money printing machine?

He is rich. His annual salary is more than three million, but he doesn’t have enough money to throw ten million out. In other words, the previous five million is already his limit. Now, he almost knocked out his deposits. The cash he has on hand now is actually not that much!

As for the others, they didn't understand the meaning of Li Zedao's five fingers stretched out and the sentence, but seeing Qian Xuemo's face became so ugly, they already knew that it was not a good thing.

Deng Sisi and several other classmates looked at Li Zedao and looked at Li Zedao. They felt that this guy was really bullying, but he was not good at accusing each other. Before playing, there was no rule that he could not let each other perform striptease.

In addition, they actually thought about it before. When it was their turn to turn the bottle, the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Li Zedao, and he was asked to take a striptease on stage, streaking, or shouting that I was gay...Anyway, all kinds of dead people. They thought about the show, but they didn't expect that Qian Xuemo was the one who got the trick.

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