The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1559: Very caring monitor

"Your annual salary is more than 3 million. You own a house with a large area. You also have a car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. You have a lot of savings. Even, Mr. Qian, you can take over the value of your father if you want An industry of hundreds of millions...So, you are a rich person, so it is very easy for you." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Of course, if you really like to go on stage and dance striptease, I will look forward to it even more. , And I'm ready to cheer for you."

"Or...Mr. Qian, are you willing to gamble, but are you unwilling to concede?" Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "That's up to you, anyway, I am a poor boy who can only wear cheap sportswear. Me, that's normal."

Sun Lingfei became more and more convinced that Qian Xuemo must have said something to Li Zedao when she came on stage to sing. The look in Qian Xuemo's eyes was even worse, and her tone of voice was not so polite. He took Li Zedao's words: "Qian Mr. really intends to fall back on the bill? Is this okay?"

The other classmates looked weird for an instant, mainly because Sun Lingfei's words were too rude, which was equivalent to breaking the classmate relationship with Qian Xuemo.

Qian Xuemo only felt that his face was so stiff that he didn't feel anything, his eyes were red, and his whole body was going to be frantic, so angry that he was about to faint alive.

"How can you do this to me?" he growled in his heart.

After taking a few quick breaths, he stared at Li Zedao firmly, and said hoarsely, "Give me five minutes."

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded and smiled.

Qian Xuemo didn't say anything, and turned to leave.

Deng Sisi gave Li Zedao a bad look and stomped after Qian Xuemo. She knew how proud Qian Xuemo was, and now his pride was severely stepped on by that **** guy. On the ground, Deng Sisi was afraid that he could do something out of it.

The few remaining boys looked at Li Zedao with extremely unfriendly eyes, and left one after another, unwilling to stay with him.

"Is that guy bullying you?" Sun Lingfei swept Qian Xuemo's back and snorted coldly.

Li Zedao chuckled, and briefly talked about Qian Xuemo pretending to be a calf in front of him. Sun Lingfei was stunned, and then laughed with his stomach.

Su Meng on the side laughed uncontrollably as she listened. She really didn’t expect that the wise Qian Xuemo would still have such a stupid time to say that to Li Zedao, although she I don’t know the real situation of Li Zedao, but he can scare a young man like Wei Fengsheng to pee. Naturally, he has a terrifying background. Qian Xuemo’s behavior is like an ant stretching out a leg and telling a passing elephant to be careful. Uncle tripped you...

Su Meng suddenly felt that Qian Xuemo was pitiful and stupid.

What’s more stupid is that Qian Xuemo hasn’t realized this until now. He just thinks that Li Zedao is a poor student with no money and no background, and he doesn’t want to think that if he is really a poor student, how could he not blink his eyes. Just let the five million donate to the foundation?

"So, you just stretched out five fingers to him, so that he is donating five million to the Tiandao Foundation?" Sun Lingfei asked with a smile.

Li Zedao was very moved: "Although your squad leader likes to pretend to be a calf, he is actually a very caring person."

"Go to hell." Sun Lingfei couldn't laugh again.

When Sun Lingfei curled up in Li Zedao's arms and smiled brilliantly, Qian Xuemo came back. His face looked a little normal. Of course, there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes that could not be covered.

"It's been transferred. This is the transfer record." He pointed the screen of his mobile phone at Li Ze.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Of course I believe in Mr. Qian. How can you put this little money in your eyes?"

Small money? This **** said little money? Qian Xuemo only felt that his blood pressure had soared, and what made him almost black in the next second was that his hand was pointing to his mobile phone screen when the bastard's mouth said so, and it counted a few zeros.

"Mr. Qian, I won't let you go on stage to dance any striptease. Let's squat on the ground and sing "Conquer" with both hands pulling my ears." Sun Lingfei hummed, thinking that this **** was so hateful to Li Zedao. She felt very angry when she dropped the money to let Li Zedao leave her, so she didn't mind continuing to rectify him.

As for the classmate love...Go to hell.

The muscles on Qian Xuemo's face twitched violently again, his hands trembling, and he almost couldn't hold back and slapped this **** woman directly.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Then perform as our family Feifei said. If you can't sing "Conquer", you can sing "Two Tigers"."


Su Meng sighed softly, she felt again that Qian Xuemo was too pitiful.

At the moment Qian Xuemo had to squat down with his ears pulled, and then as if his throat was blocked by thick sputum, he sang a few words of "Two Tigers" in a hoarse and low voice, then got up, looked at Li Zedao with red eyes: "Assemble at the door of the Di Bar in half an hour. Let's go back to the hotel and rest early. There will be another arrangement tomorrow."

After speaking, turned and left, those scarlet eyes flashed with cold light.

At this moment, Li Zedao had to admire a little bit of studying ink in this money, at least his face is thick enough, the surface skill is very good, now it is like this, he still has not forgotten that he is this classmate The organizer of the party, and the responsibility of the organizer.

Half an hour later, these people walked out of Di in twos and threes. Some of them were obviously drinking too high, and they were unsteady on the road, and they needed someone to help.

Deng Sisi stared at Li Zedao with bad eyes from time to time. Of course, he also hated Sun Lingfei and Su Meng by the way.

The eyes of several other classmates looking at Li Zedao were also full of hostility. If it weren't for some scruples, even a man who had a good relationship with Qian Xuemo wanted to punch someone.

As for Qian Xuemo, at this time, the whole person seemed to have completely forgotten the humiliation, still with the same smile as before, as if bathing in the spring breeze, and from time to time he made some jokes with this classmate and classmate.

After gathering, everyone, led by Qian Xuemo, returned to the hotel lobby again.

At this time, Qian Xuemo had booked nine rooms in advance. He held a room card in his hand and looked at these classmates with ambiguous eyes, saying that two people should be in one room, free to combine. After the combination, he asked him for the room card.

As a result, these people understood in seconds, let alone drank a little wine, they became more courageous, so when three of them had eaten before, they started to scrambled and asked for a room card from Qian Xuemo.

Sun Lingfei didn't want to leave Su Meng alone. After all, it was affected. Sun Lingfei also discovered that the eyes of Deng Sisi and the others who looked at Su Meng were not friendly, so she always said it was impossible for Su Meng to follow them. Together.

Therefore, she can only apologize and kick Li Ze aside, and she asks for a room with Su Meng.

Su Meng glanced at Li Zedao, and smiled apologetically.

The remaining four girls, also paired up, asked for a room.

As for the remaining six boys, including Li Zedao and Qian Xuemo, the other four boys are naturally reluctant to join Li Zedao and combine them separately, so only Qian Xuemo and Li Zedao are left.

At this time, Qian Xuemo seemed to have forgotten what happened before. He looked at Li Zedao with an enthusiastic expression and said, "Mr. Li, I have my own place in this hotel, so this last room card is for you."

With that, he took out the last room card from his pocket and handed it to Li Zedao.

"Thank you." Li Zedao smiled and took the room card. I am quite satisfied with the fact that I live in a room. If I share a room with someone else, Li Zedao can't guarantee at all that the other party will do anything to him, after all, he looks so handsome.

Even if you share a room with Qian Xuemo, this guy can't sneak up in the middle of the night and wipe his neck?

The most important thing is that he can let Sun Lingfei come and stay with him in his own room, and let Su Meng sleep by himself.

At this moment, Li Zedao felt that Qian Xuemo was really a good person, and he even let people do a striptease... It was too much, it was too much.

After allocating the rooms, Qian Xuemo confessed a few more words, if you go back to rest early, call him anytime if you have any problems, and said that they will gather at five o’clock tomorrow morning, and everyone will go out and climb the small mountain bag behind the resort. The sunrise can be seen on the mountain bag.

It's naturally a bit early to get up at 5 o'clock, but everyone is out to play, so no one objected to say anything and actively participated, saying that they would definitely not sleep in and gather on time.

After disbanding, everyone returned to their room according to the room number on the room card. They were basically on the same floor. Even Li Zedao's room was adjacent to that of Sun Lingfei and Su Meng.

"Fei Fei, or if I sleep alone, you can join Ze Dao." Su Meng looked at Sun Lingfei and said, she was a little bit sad after taking apart the couple, and she knew very well, even if she didn’t. Feifei Sun will definitely meet Sewangyou if she takes the initiative.

Sun Lingfei was worried about who Xiao Su was being bullied in the same room, so he kicked Li Zedao to be with Xiao Su, but now it was Li Zedao who was alone in a room, so he asked Xiao Su to do it alone. Nodding: "Then you close the door of your own room, call me if you have any problems."

Su Meng smiled ambiguously and said: "Don't worry, there is something going on in this hotel, and flirt with your husband, bye."

He glanced at Li Zedao, waved his hand, Li Zedao smiled and nodded in response, then opened the door and entered the room, turned on the lights, and said goodnight to Sun Lingfei, and he was about to close the door.

"Don't sleepwalking." Sun Lingfei said with a smile, "Otherwise, if you open this door in a daze, maybe many people will see it."

"Go to hell." Thinking of something, Su Meng's pretty face was hot all of a sudden, and she quickly closed the door.

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