The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1576: problem occurs

Director Yang smiled bitterly. He didn't answer the conversation, and his standpoint was different, so he looked at the problem from a different perspective, so he knew that he could not change the boy's mind. Many things are not done when they are right. Reasonable things are not necessarily sensible. For example, the study of Onimaru is reasonable and necessary. Otherwise, you will fall behind. Being behind means being beaten. But This kind of research is unsatisfactory.

At this moment, the phone in his pocket vibrated. Normally, this number being opened means that something important has happened, so Director Yang frowned slightly while he quickly took out the phone and took it down: "Old Su...what did you say...I will go over. ..."

After putting down the phone, Director Yang's face was already gloomy, becoming dignified and ugly. He frowned and looked at Li Zedao and said, "Something happened. Dr. Zhao was found dead in his office."

"Dr. Zhao? Who is he?" Li Zedao looked puzzled. However, seeing Director Yang's expression become so embarrassing, Li Zedao knew that things might be bad, and that the deceased was an extremely important person.

"I remember I mentioned it to you before. We have been working on a security system in China for the past few years and we are almost succeeding. This security system is the famous anti-missile system'Desa' owned by the United States. Defensive, so the United States regards it as a thorn in the eye after receiving the news. After all, once this * system is successfully developed and put into use, some of the United States’ strategic deployment in China’s neighboring countries will be in vain."

Director Yang's tone was sighing, more murderous: "Dr. Zhao is one of the main engineers of this system, and he is now found dead in his office."

Li Zedao frowned: "He killed?"

Director Yang nodded with an ugly face: "It must be basically a homicide! The point is that his office is in this base, and its protective measures are the same as where we are now."

"What?" Li Zedao took a breath, his expression became solemn, let alone such an important figure, there will definitely be someone on it to protect him, let alone others in his office, and he The office is located in this base.

Even with his skill, it would be impossible to enter this place, let alone kill people in this place.

Therefore, there is probably only one truth, that is, a traitor has appeared in that team, and Dr. Zhao died in the hands of that traitor!

"Come with me." Director Yang said. At this time, this powerful old man exuded an extremely fierce **** aura. One can imagine how angry he was at this time.

If foreign enemies invade, they will be beaten away, but if they do not have a national stand for their own interests, they will stand on the opposite side of the country and destroy it for their own interests.

Director Yang knows exactly how defying Li Zedao is now. With him, he can definitely find some clues in the fastest time. Maybe he can directly find out the bold murderer.

Li Zedao nodded, saying nothing.

Soon, Director Yang with a gloomy expression took Li Zedao out of the elevator and returned to the previous office. After exiting the office, Director Yang took Li Zedao to another office in this building. The previous one was similar, with basically the same layout. There was also a globe on the desk, which was used to verify handprints.

It's just that this time Director Yang was angry and couldn't calm down for a while, so the smell from his body was different. Therefore, the elevator did not take them to the destination. After the elevator opened, they appeared in front of them. It's in the space of the iron wall.

After stepping out of the elevator, the elevator door at the back was closed, and it seemed to be a cell with iron walls on all sides. If it were really trapped here, it would be difficult to fly.

Of course, someone was watching here, so soon, the wall in front slowly rose, and a man in black appeared there.

"Director." The black-clothed man saluted Director Yang, who was also gloomy, and nodded to Li Zedao, then turned to lead the way.

Soon, the three of them came to a silver gate. The man in black swept his eyes in front of the electronic lock of the silver gate. The silver gate immediately separated into two moon buds and opened to the sides.

Then, another advanced and busy underground research room appeared in front of Li Zedao. This research room is larger than the one that Li Zedao went to before, and naturally it doesn't have those creepy things.

Similarly, the research and development personnel here are silent in their work, or sitting in front of the computer and clicking on the keyboard, or recording something in front of some instruments that Li Zedao has never seen before. Li Ze said they three After they walked in, no one looked up at the three of them.

At the moment, the black-clothed man walked straight inside with the director and Li Zedao, and finally came to an office. He opened the door and made a "please come in" gesture to Director Yang and Li Zedao. After the two entered, He also followed in and closed the door easily.

There were already several people in this room at this time, and there was also a dead person who was too dead to die.

"Old Yang", an old man with a short stature but a very sturdy body looked at Director Yang and said hello. He glanced at Li Zedao a few times and nodded slightly. His eyes did not see the surprise of strangers. , He knew Li Zedao.

"This is Director Sumen Su, the person in charge of security here." Director Yang briefly introduced Director Su's identity to Li Zedao, then looked at Sumen and pointed at Li Zedao and said, "Li Zedao, you know."

"Hello, I'm glad to meet you." Su Men reached out to Li Zedao. He who is not low in the fc organization naturally knows Li Zedao, and can even be said to be quite familiar.

"Hello." After Li Zedao and Director Su, who felt that his strength was not as good as Director Yang but not much worse, shook hands, his eyes fell on the white coat lying on his office chair. A dead person who is asleep.

This was an ordinary-looking man in his fifties. From the surface of the corpse, the expression of the deceased was calm and painless, as if he was asleep, and there was no sign of poisoning from the skin color.

In Li Zedao's view, it cannot be ruled out that some hidden body illness in his sleep directly killed him.

If it was killed, then the murderer's shot speed was extremely fast, the method was fierce and effective, and the target could be killed in an instant, so there was no pain on the face of the deceased.

Of course, Li Zedao knew that Director Su and the others must have mastered something that was invisible from the surface of the corpse, and only then did they conclude that the deceased was killed.

At this moment, Li Zedao's heart rippled slightly, no, it smelled of blood! Although the smell was extremely weak, almost negligible, his nose was so sensitive that he still smelled it, so he squinted his eyes and stared at the corpse carefully.

"Surely he killed it?" Director Yang was also looking at the corpse, his face pale and ugly, and he was really distressed. The death of Dr. Zhao was undoubtedly a huge loss for the country, and even the research on the * system is very good. It may also have to be blocked.

Sumen looked angrily: "Although the specific cause of death has not been found..."

Before Director Su could finish his sentence, Li Ze pointed to the corpse's chest and said, "Open his clothes. If nothing happens, there should be a wound on the chest, probably the size of a pinhole."

Director Yang, Sumen, and the others were shocked when Li Zedao said this, their eyes all fell on Li Zedao’s determined face, and then on the corpse, or were shocked by it. How could the kid know so clearly, he could know it by just taking a few glances at the corpse, even if he was three or four meters away from the corpse, he didn't even look closely.

Of course, there are also a few who expressed disdain in their hearts, thinking that this guy who didn't know where he came from was talking nonsense.

Director Yang and Director Su looked at each other, and the two of them stepped forward at the same time and tore off the clothes on the corpse, exposing the chest of the deceased. Upon closer inspection, their expressions changed.

Sure enough, just as Li Zedao said, there was a tiny red dot on the chest that you couldn't see if you didn't look closely at it. It was an extremely fine blood drop that had penetrated from that tiny wound.

"If I'm not mistaken, the murderer used some method to pierce the deceased's chest with a very thin and extremely hard steel needle and pierce the deceased's heart, which led to the death of the deceased." Li Zedao said Out of my own opinion, "As for that method, maybe some kind of equipment was used, or the murderer himself is a master of hidden weapons, no matter which kind, it is extremely dangerous."

Director Yang and Su Men looked at each other, and both could see the extremely solemn face of the other party.

"How did you know?" Director Su asked very hard, worried that the other party would think too much. He added, "I mean, you didn't approach the corpse for examination. How did you know that the deceased had such a wound on his chest? "

"I smelled a faint smell of blood, and there was a small red spot on the chest of his clothes. It should be blood? Plus he died so fast, so it's not difficult to guess." Li Ze said Out of my own opinion.

Except for Director Yang and Director Su, the others looked at each other. When they looked at Li Zedao one by one, their expressions were full of horror and shock. You should know that they are all elites, and they have all undergone the most cruel training. They all have very different noses. Ling, their eyes are very bright, but now, they can't smell the blood at all, but this guy can smell it, and he didn't notice the blood that is almost invisible to the naked eye, but this guy does I saw it.

Who is he?

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