Director Yang and Director Su are admiring that Shenwan really exists against the sky, and it can raise a person's sense of smell and vision to such a terrifying level. You know, they can't smell that in the air. The smell of blood, even if you don't get close, you can't see the small red dot on Dr. Zhao's chest that is about two millimeters in diameter. Even if you see it, you don't even think about it as blood.

It’s a pity that Shenwan is too difficult to refine. The organization has worked hard for 20 years and consumed a lot of money, material and effort, but only one is refined, and the conditions for taking it are even more demanding, this kid But after being an idiot for eighteen years, even after being an idiot for eighteen years, it doesn't mean that you can take the pills safely. It depends on whether you live or die.

In addition, Huang Longfeng is dead, and the information he left is full of ghosts and gods. It is not clear with the current scientific knowledge, so I am afraid that there is no way to refine the ghost pills.

"I haven't seen this fatal wound before. How did Director Su make sure that he died by someone else's hands?" Li Zedao looked at Director Su and asked curiously.

Su Men’s face suddenly became difficult to look at, and said: “In fact, after discovering that Dr. Zhao was dead, our first reaction was that he was under too much work pressure or some other physical illness, which caused him Died, because we can’t imagine anyone being killed in such a place."

Not only Sumen can’t imagine, Director Yang and these security personnel also have the same idea, who can sneak into this place to kill people without knowing it? nobody! Even the back-to-nature masters can't do it!

"But, soon, I found such a thing in the pocket on Dr. Zhao's chest." With that, Director Su's originally tightly clasped hand reached for the money, his fist opened, and his palm appeared A thing.

It was a piece of paper, a piece of paper that had been folded in half twice.

"Is this a note left by the murderer?" Director Yang frowned and said, his heart was violent, and he only felt that the murderer was too arrogant. He even dared to leave something like this after he killed someone. In a naked provocation!

"Just look at it, it's too hard to imagine." Su Men said with an ugly face.

Director Yang frowned even more when he saw Su Men’s reaction. He took it and opened it. He glanced at the text written on the paper, his eyes widened, and the old face was full of emotion. .

Only three words are written on the palm-sized paper: Qian Yugang!

And the characters are red, so red, as if they were written in blood, and the handwriting is so heavy that they almost scratched the paper. It is conceivable that the other party's mood fluctuated when writing these three characters. It must be great, and to be sure, it is a feeling of resentment.

"Qian Yugang? How is this possible?" Director Yang couldn't help but exclaimed, his voice was full of shock, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

Seeing Director Yang’s reaction, Li Zedao, who was there, was full of doubts. Who is this Qian Yugang? Why did Director Yang have such a huge reaction after mentioning this name?

Director Su nodded with a solemn expression of embarrassment and said: "When I saw the name on the paper, I was also shocked, and immediately let someone collect the fingerprints on the paper. There was no Dr. Zhao's fingerprint on it, let alone. It is said that Dr. Zhao and Qian Yugang don’t know each other at all. Even if they do, there’s no reason to write his name on paper and put it in his pocket, right? Besides, this is not Dr. Zhao’s handwriting. So it’s certain that this paper After Dr. Zhao died, the murderer put it in his pocket."

"But, Qian Yugang is dead." Director Yang said very hard. The old hands were still trembling slightly. The mood swings that this name brought to him were really too great, and many past events were even more so. Reappearing one by one in his mind, making it difficult for him to calm down for a while.

Li Zedao was even more curious when he looked at him. Who is this Qian Yugang and why he made Director Yang, who has always been so calm, reacted so much. Looking at his expression, there are many regrets, grievances and even resentment and the enemy. Therefore, Li Zedao had a general judgment. Qian Yugang must have been an extremely remarkable person before his death, and his relationship with Director Yang was extremely close. However, for some reason, he was killed and the person who killed him Among them, there must be Director Yang.

"Yeah, Qian Yugang is dead, so the only possibility is Qian Yugang's comrades! Ten years ago, Qian Yugang's conspiracy was crushed by us, and now Qian Yugang's comrades have sneaked in here. What kind of **** treason, it’s just that we were too strict about it. He couldn’t do anything and couldn’t steal what he wanted. So he killed Dr. Zhao directly and blocked our research. Even Dr. Zhao was just the beginning, he still If you want to kill other R&D personnel, it must be like this!" Su Men's face flushed, and he roared excitedly.

"The murderer must be hiding among the R&D personnel outside now." Sumen said again, his eyes suddenly showing anger, his expression distorted.

You know, he is the person in charge of security here, and the security here is so tight, it's harder to get in than to get in!

But now there are people who unknowingly kill Dr. Zhao, who is extremely important to the country, in front of them. After killing someone, they put such a note in his pocket... Naked threats and provocations! This is hitting him in the face of Sumen! After that, he couldn't escape the blame, so needless to say, the main reason was that his face was lost.

What is even more difficult to calm is the three big blood-red characters "Qian Yugang" on the paper. This name can be said to be taboo for the entire fc, and it can be said to be a shame! But now, this name has appeared, or in such a way!

I don't know, I thought he had been wronged by Qian Yugang. This is coming back for revenge! But knowing that this is a provocation, this is a declaration of war!

The reason why Sumen said that the murderer was hiding among the scientific researchers outside was because the security personnel responsible for the security here were all his confidantes, and they have been together since morning until now. There is no one. Leave alone, besides, the range of activities of their security personnel is outside the research room. When Dr. Zhao is in the research room, they will not appear around him.

On the one hand, if their security personnel are dangling in the research room, it will affect the attention of the research and development personnel inside. On the other hand, if personal protection is needed in such a place, it is undoubtedly superfluous, even if If someone sneaked in and wanted to kill someone, they had to kill their security personnel first, and step over their bodies to get into the research room.

But unexpectedly, there was an internal error.

Director Yang nodded and agreed with Director Su's opinion. At this time, the old man exuded a very fierce murderous aura and said: "Then keep him, if someone is killed, or let him leave like this. For us, that is a shame!"

"Naturally can't let him leave, but what should we do?" Sumen asked, "Would you like to find a reason to call them all in for a chat? Lao Yang, look at the side too? If we find a suspicious person, we will immediately He won?"

Speaking of Director Su, he also took a look at Li Zedao, thinking that with the observation abilities of Li Zedao and Director Yang and their powerful skills, it shouldn't be too difficult to find and control such a person.

Director Yang shook his head and rejected the suggestion: "No, if you really do that, it will only let the other party know that we are messed up, see our jokes. Moreover, since the other party can hide us from being a member of those researchers, then It proves that the other party is very good at hiding and forbearing. We call people in one by one. He knows what our purpose is, and he can't show his feet, so he may not be able to catch them."

Director Yang’s expression was full of dignity: “In addition, Dr. Zhao will die if he doesn’t make any noise. It is conceivable that the other party’s skill is good, especially when it comes to hidden weapons, whether it is played with equipment. Or he is a hidden weapon master himself, which can make Dr. Zhao die without pain. The only explanation is that the hidden weapon is extremely powerful! I am worried that we will make too much noise. The other party will come to a fish to die and continue to kill. Every research here Anyone who has an accident is a huge loss for the country, and it is also hitting us in the face, so there can be no mistakes."

Director Yang said that nothing is allowed in the casualties of researchers, otherwise the country will suffer huge losses, not to mention, his old face will be completely lost, and FC's deterrence will also drop to the bottom.

"That..." Director Su followed Director Yang's gaze, and finally fell on Li Zedao, who was staring at the corpse. It was already clear in his heart. It seems that Director Yang brought this Li Zedao here to let him handle this unexpected and bad incident. , After all, this Li Zedao had been transformed by Shen Wan, and his penetration and reaction ability were above those of them.

Even according to Director Yang, this Li Zedao is already a master of returning to the basics! If possible, Sumen would want to fight him. He wanted to feel how terrifying a master of returning to nature is.

"Ze Dao, I can only trouble you. I think only you can find the murderer in the shortest time." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and said.

This is the truth, so Li Zedao didn't mean to be humble, nodded and said: "I think that too, otherwise I won't come."

Director Yang is helpless, can't you kid be humble?

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