The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1606: Hero saves beauty

"Instead of this, it's better to stay in Qingyun Building to help you protect Xiaoyue Sister, so that you can reduce your worries, so that you can deal with them more safely, right?" Bei said.

Her strength is indeed not bad, but compared with Li Zedao, it is really a burden. If she accidentally falls into the hands of a skull, it will only bring more trouble to Li Zedao, so Bei actually wanted to Well, on the one hand, she came to the island country not to be separated from Li Zedao, but on the other hand, she came to protect He Xiaoyue, so that Li Zedao had less worries for the future instead of wanting to act with Li Zedao.

"We must protect ourselves even more." Li Zedao looked at this sensible woman with a serious expression.

"Of course, what accident really happened, I will save her when I make sure that my life is safe, and I won't lose my life for Sister Xiaoyue." Bei's eyes softly looked at Li Ze and his tone was beyond doubt. "She is not you."

"Cough..." Li Zedao coughed with a weird expression. Apart from coughing, he didn't know how to answer this. He Xiaoyue would be very sad if he heard these words.

Seeing such a reaction from Li Zedao, Bei's mouth was slightly tilted, and she felt that such Li Zedao was very cute.

"Walking around?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei nodded: "Let's go around."

The night view of DJ is still very beautiful, but Bei knows very well that Li Zedao's purpose is not to go shopping, but to go around the green building as the center and make two circles around the periphery to see if the suspicious person can be spotted.

Li Zedao didn’t believe in Skulls and didn’t know that he had arrived in Tokyo, nor did he believe that Skulls had not sent someone to monitor him in secret, but when he was at the airport, he did not find any suspicious characters. He was unexpected and solemn.

Surprisingly, Skull and Crossbones may not have sent people to monitor him. The reasonable explanation for this situation is that the Skull and Crossbones did not put Li Zedao in their eyes at all, and felt that there was no need to engage in those small actions... Of course, this possibility is still relatively good. small.

The solemn thing is that if someone is already lurking in the dark, but with Li Zedao's ability, he can't feel the aura of the other party, then the lurking person is undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

Right now, Li Zedao took Bei's little hand and strolled around the road, like a sweet little couple. Unknowingly, the two came to a nearby commercial street.

This commercial street is quite famous in DJ. With a certain railway station as the center, it is divided into three commercial areas: the east exit, the south exit and the west exit. There are very dense commercial facilities, brand-name shops, Department stores, electrical appliances streets, drugstores, 100-yen shops, discount stores, trendy clothing stores and more.

At this time, all kinds of people come and go on the street, it seems very lively.

For businesses, girls and children are always the best money to make, because they all have one thing in common, that is, they cannot resist temptation.

Of course, the old people are also making good money now, especially in the * area. On the one hand, because they all think that they eat more salt than young people eat, they will not be deceived at all. On the other hand, it is inevitable that people will have problems with their physical functions when they are old. Habits, so they are basically caught.

Bei, who was holding a small hand by Li Zedao, looked around indifferently at this time, but there was no special expression on her face. She was not that cold for the shops with tangible goods around.

Li Zedao glanced at Bei with emotion. If all the women in the world are like Bei, I am afraid that the economy will go backwards a lot, right? Yes, it is so scary! It is not an exaggeration to say that a woman's love of beauty, vanity, and comparison have supported many industries!

Of course, this is undoubtedly the gospel of all men in the world.

"Whatever you like to buy, we will buy it back." Li Zedao said with a lot of money. He brought out a card. The money in it said to buy all the goods in this commercial street, which is naturally an exaggeration, but It is basically enough to buy half.

"Get out!" The norther said with a glance at Li Zedao, she really has nothing to buy. Good-looking clothes, no interest, good-looking bags, even less interested, Bei has never been in the habit of carrying bags. Good-looking accessories and the like are not needed. As for cosmetics, Bei never makes up.

How about... Find a place to buy a whip and go back like that little witch in the shadows and give this pervert hard? Bei was a bit resentful about Li Zedao helping the flight attendant find a place on the plane, because there was a flight attendant on the plane, and Li Zedao didn't even have to take a shot.

At this moment, Bei saw three young boys from the island country who looked exaggerated in their hairstyles and dresses not far in front, and surrounded a girl.

The three young people all smiled with grandiose expressions and grumbled something in the island's national language. There was even a young man with red hair stretched out his hand and touched the girl's face.

With a cold face, the girl patted the young hand off, but there was panic in her eyes.

He turned his gaze back, and looked at Li Zedao. The latter smiled bitterly: "That's all from Huaxia. It doesn't seem to be good if you don't help solve the trouble?"

"I can save the United States." Bei said, and then strode towards the few people.

Li Zedao looked at her charming back, a little bit dumbfounded, thinking that other girls like to be jealous, maybe you are the one who likes to be jealous the most? Of course, he didn't have the guts to say this in front of Bei, otherwise Bei would show his dagger, right?


The flaming red-haired young man's hand was slapped off by the other party, and he was not angry. Instead, he smelled his hand with a frivolous expression: "Oh, it's so fragrant." Even, his tongue was stretched out, and he licked it a few times. Both of his accomplices let out a wretched and sharp laugh.

And Zheng Wan'er, who was surrounded by them, looked even more ugly when she saw it, and said in extremely fluent island Mandarin: "You get out of the way, otherwise I will call the police."

"Call the police? Hehe, beauty, don't you know that the Maori sheriff who manages this street is my uncle?" The red-haired man said with a smile, "Besides, we are very kind to invite you to a bar for a drink. That's it, it's cruel that you refused to give us face, and for those who don't give us face, even if she is a delicate little beauty...Ah!"

Before he could finish the arrogant and domineering remark, the red-haired man screamed simply.

I saw a soft hand that pulled his red hair from behind him, and the strength was so great that the red-haired man felt so painful that his scalp was about to be pulled off. Yes, even almost crying.

But this is not over yet!

In the next second, these bare hands used more strength, and they pulled abruptly.

"Bang!" The red-haired man fell to the ground altogether, and the back of his head hit the concrete floor. After everyone heard a crisp sound, the red-haired man tilted his head and closed his eyes quietly, lying there. Still motionless, I don't know if he pretended to be dead or was really thrown to death.

The sudden change made the remaining young people dumbfounded, and Zheng Wan'er, who was molested by the three gangsters, was also dumbfounded. All three of them opened their eyes and opened their mouths to look at the person standing indifferently, but they were so good-looking. Literate woman.

It is really hard for them to imagine that such a woman's shot could be so cruel, and all of a sudden, the life and death of a man would be unclear.

And just when the two young men were in a daze, Bei's long legs suddenly lifted up, and his feet went past again.

Then, the remaining two punks also lie down, clutching their stomachs neatly.

Bei glanced at Zheng Wan'er, who was staring at her in a daze, nodded slightly, and turned around to leave.

"Wait...Wait..." Zheng Wan'er reacted and hurriedly stopped her.

"Something?" Bei turned his head and responded faintly.

"That...I haven't thank you yet." Zheng Waner said a little embarrassingly. This beautiful woman's attitude like a thousand miles made her feel uncomfortable, and she already saw her coming. Li Ze said, his eyes lightened slightly, and then he fell dejected.

"Hello, see you again." She nodded to Li Zedao, her expression embarrassed and a little bit of joy.

Li Zedao smiled and responded, "Is it all right?"

Zheng Wan'er shook her head and said that she was okay. Then she looked at the three on the ground in a panic with two of their faces twisted into buns. There was also a man who simply didn't know his life or death. She was thankful and grateful: "Fortunately, I met you. Otherwise, I don't know what to do..."

"The law and order here is not as good as Huaxia. There are many members of the small gang, so things like yours happen frequently, so there is nothing wrong with it. It is better to go back early. If you want to come out, find two more people to accompany you, or you can go to Qingyun Building. Ask for help, as long as it is from Huaxia, they will provide help." Li Zedao reminded.

"Okay, thank you, I will go back now." Zheng Wan'er said gratefully, and then pointed to the three people on the ground with a worried expression, "They..."

"Don't worry about it. Someone will come and clean them up later. There will be no trouble after that. Don't worry." Li Zedao gave the other party a relieved look, "Then go back early and see you later."

"That's good, goodbye." Zheng Waner said with a smile, her eyes somewhat sad.

Li Zedao didn’t say anything anymore, holding Sister Bei’s hand and turning away, Zheng Waner watched his back for a while, then turned and walked in the opposite direction. The moment she turned, her expression suddenly changed. He laughed a little weirdly, even his tongue stuck out and licked his lips.

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