The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1607: Who is she

Zheng Wan'er did not go back as soon as Li Zedao said, but continued to shuttle in the crowd, looking curiously and brightly at the bustling crowd and the various shops on the side of the road, as if all this came to her. They are all extremely fresh.

Soon, she walked into a store on the side of the road. The area inside was huge, and the decoration was extremely luxurious and high-end, with dazzling lights. This is a Korean fashion brand, not too luxurious, but the main fashion, very popular with young girls. Of course, the price is not so cheap. Each set of clothes is converted into about two thousand Chinese coins. Of course, there are more expensive ones.

Of course, this brand not only sells women's clothing, hats, eyes, shoes, and various accessories, but everything.

At the moment, Zheng Wan'er chose a black hat and put it on her head, and looked into the mirror.

"Oh, God, it's really good." She said psychologically.

"Dear Madam, this hat suits you very well." The waiter said politely, and already saw that Zheng Waner was from Huaxia, so she was speaking Huaxia, but her accent was very blunt and weird. Many of the customers in this store are Huaxia people who come to travel, so the waiters in the store have also passed the Huaxia language training before they start to work in order to bring better service.

Of course, the waiter's psychology is naturally extremely contemptuous. For Huaxia people, she has always been very annoying, not to mention that this Huaxia person is so beautiful, it is even more popular. The waiters have a kind of She had the urge to shave her face.

For this job, she had to force herself to show such a compliment, but she was secretly cursing the customer as a dog.

"Oh, thank you, I also think it's pretty good." Zheng Wan'er smiled and said, "In addition, helping me choose a few suits of clothes that suit me, oh, it would be better if the chest is lowered and the legs are exposed. Clothes that show my figure well, oh, the color is best to be black...oh, I don’t want it anymore. I need to be conservative and comfortable now. In addition, I also need a pair of comfortable shoes."

"Okay, dear madam, please come with me." The waiter bowed slightly and said politely. The mental annoyance for this woman has been reduced a lot. After all, this woman can bring her a fortune. Philippine rake.


Holding Bei's little hand forward for a certain distance, Li Zedao frowned suddenly thinking of something. He looked back and found that Zheng Wan'er was no longer visible in the crowd of Xixi Ma.

"Can't let it go?" Bei Sweeping Li Zedao said lightly, wanting to beat up this guy! I was holding my hand but thinking of other women in my head, it was really looking for death! If it is the other sister who is worried about, then forget it, but it is a woman who only met twice and said a few words in person.

Li Zedao turned his head and looked at a woman with a sour smell all over her body, and said with some dumbfounding: "Where do you want to go? I just think that Zheng Wan'er seems weird, and it feels a bit wrong."

Li Zedao felt inexplicably that there seemed to be something wrong with Zheng Wan'er, but Li Zedao couldn't tell what was wrong.

Bei is sure to say, "It's weird."

"You think so too?"

"The eyes looking at you are weird." Bei said, stomping on Li Zedao's instep very simply.

"Hi..." Li Zedao gasped in a cold breath.


Zheng Wan'er didn't use ink when choosing clothes, she was very simple. The waiter took a few glances and felt satisfied after recommending her clothes. She didn't try on them, so she wrapped them up.

In the end, when the waiter sent her out of the shop with an unstoppable smile, she had six more bags in her hand.

As she walked forward with three bags in one hand, Zheng Wan'er glanced behind her with the corner of her eye, and the corner of her mouth was already slightly tilted up with a very strange range.

A few minutes later, Zheng Waner left this bustling pedestrian street and came to another relatively deserted section of the road. Under the light of the dim street lamp, she continued to walk forward.

At the same time, at the intersection behind him, several young men riding motorcycles suddenly appeared, staring at Zheng Wan'er, who was slowly walking forward, with a sneer expression.

At the moment, the man in the lead waved his hand, and the roar of the noisy motorcycle sounded instantly, and these people galloped towards Zheng Wan'er.

At this moment, Zheng Wan'er turned around and looked at the speeding motorcycle with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

Soon, the motorcycle rushing in front ran straight into Zheng Wan'er. At the same time, Zheng Wan'er seemed frightened and didn't even instinctively tried to avoid it.

Just when the motorcycle was about to hit Zheng Wan'er's body, the young man suddenly braked violently, the wheels locked, and the rear wheel directly tilted up. After stopping for two seconds, there was a bang, and the rear wheel fell heavily.

Looking at Zheng Wan'er, she seemed to be really frightened, still motionless.

The young man rushing from behind, directly slowed down, and when passing in front of Zheng Wan'er, he raised his hand and pulled off the white hat on Zheng Wan'er's head.

The hat was the one that Zheng Wan'er bought in the store before, and she kept wearing it without taking it off.

At the moment, the young man shook his hat with a wretched smile, then slowly continued on his motorcycle. After riding for more than ten meters, he suddenly braked and flicked and rode back again. Came straight to Zheng Wan'er.

In the end, the car stopped only two or three meters away from Zheng Wan'er, and then the roar of the engine became louder, and the exhaust pipe made repeated blue smoke. The car leaped towards Zheng Wan'er little by little, as if, Suddenly the next moment he could fly up and directly crush people.

As for the remaining ones, they kept circling Zheng Wan'er here, turning left and right, laughing and whistling in their mouths, watching Zheng Wan'er's eyes have a lot of **** in them.

"Oh, you are really not gentlemen at all. A gentleman would not tear off a lady's hat so rudely." Zheng Wan'er's face didn't have any special expressions and looked around at these men in extremely fluent island Mandarin, her mouth curled up. There was a trace of extreme disdain.

Seeing Zheng Wan'er's reaction, the men stiffened slightly. They looked at this woman in an unbelievable manner. In their opinion, this woman should be pale with fear when facing such a situation. Shaking and making a sharp cry for help or pitifully kneeling down and begging to let it go...Of course, they couldn't easily let go of this **** Chinese woman anyway, and they made their three brothers still lying there. Can't get up, the most serious one even had a severe concussion. They couldn't find the trace of the woman who could do it, so they planned to put all the accounts on this woman's head.

They vowed to make this woman pay a painful price!

But now, how could she be so calm? Even... disdain?

Yes, from the look in her eyes and the width of the corners of her mouth, these motorcyclists clearly felt that they were seriously ignored by this woman.

Right now, the man in the lead had a gloomy face, looked fiercely at the woman whose reaction was completely beyond his expectations, and cursed: "Baga, **** bitch, go to hell!"

Then, when the gas was slammed, the car sprinted forward, and Zheng Wan'er, who was still standing motionless, was knocked into flight.

Zheng Wan'er still didn't mean to dodge, and even a very inexplicable sneer crossed the corner of her mouth. The next second, her long leg suddenly lifted up, and then she kicked directly against the headlight of the motorcycle. !

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, the headlights of the car had already been kicked to pieces by Zheng Wan'er, and the rear wheel of the motorcycle was also flicked, and it went straight backwards and finally fell to the ground and slid violently, even on the concrete floor. The friction sparked, and the rider on the car was thrown out of the car without being able to prevent it. He rolled to the ground heavily, screamed sternly, and couldn't get up.

Looking at Zheng Wan'er, she slowly retracted her long legs like a okay person.

The air seemed to freeze all at once, and the surroundings became quiet! The rest of the riders looked at the woman standing there with stupid expressions, their brains roaring, and they couldn't believe what they were seeing now! This woman actually kicked a motorbike away?

You know, this motorcycle weighs five or six hundred catties, and with the people sitting on it, it is even heavier, not to mention the force of the motorcycle galloping forward.

But now, such a motorcycle weighing more than seven or eight hundred catties driving forward was kicked, as if it hit a super large spring while it was driving, and then was ejected. Went in general! So, how strong is her kick?

Is she really a woman? Or is she really alone?

No, this is a coincidence, it must be a coincidence! The rest of the people said they didn't want to believe that this extremely weak woman in their eyes would have such terrifying power.

At the same time, in a dark corner, a pitch-black figure perfectly blended with the surrounding darkness, even as if it had no breath, so it would be difficult to see with the naked eye unless it was very close. At this moment, those slightly squinted dark eyes stared at the scene that took place 100 meters away, and there was a lot of amazement in their eyes.

That is not a coincidence, but a real head-to-head! In other words, the woman understated the strength of the kick that kicked out, at least about a thousand pounds! If she tried her best, would it be so terrifying? Not only that, her skin, flesh and bones are extremely hard, after all, most people have long been exposed to such an impact and even their bones are broken.

Is she really Zheng Wan'er? Who is she?

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