The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1612: Violent passenger 1

Only then did Hong Hao realize that there was a kid standing there, and looking like that, this kid was actually trying to **** the woman he liked? Really do not live or die! So the originally affectionate face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes were full of threats and looked at Li Zedao.

He felt that his face was hot, as if he had been slapped a few times by his invisible hand. You know, Hong Hao is known as the love saint. When was he ignored by a woman?

Li Zedao simply ignored his existence. He had never cared about the threat of such a person.

"Sorry, you are used as a shield. His name is Hong Hao, the son of the vice chairman of our group. I haven't had any contact with him before. I don't know what his nerves are." Zheng Wan'er explained in a low voice when she walked to Li Zedao's side.

"It's okay, I'm used to it. However, his every move is like a neurotic." Li Zedao smiled and responded in a low voice.

Zheng Waner pursed her lips and laughed: "Thank you."

"What are you polite? We are friends, aren't we?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

"A friend... is a friend." Zheng Wan'er's eyes were slightly sad, and immediately all smiles.

Li Zedao's expression remained unchanged, but there was another feeling of emotion in his heart. This woman's acting skills were almost as good as her own. Whether it was her expression in her eyes or her subtle movements, she was impeccable.

There is no such thing as a fake Zheng Wan'er at all? Is she really Zheng Wan'er? She has nothing to do with the skull organization? His identity is a flight attendant? As for her horrible skill... who ruled that she can't have horrible skill?

Seeing that the kid didn't pay attention to him, Hong Hao even whispered over there with the woman he liked, his expression was even more ugly.

It's just that he didn't dare to take it rashly. After all, that kid's body is much stronger than himself. If he does it, he might suffer a loss, let alone what his identity is Hong Hao? How can one lose a share in a hands-on fight?

Therefore, seeing that Zheng Wan'er was about to get in the other's car, he sneered: "Zheng Wan'er, I hope you understand. If you get in that kid's car today, then you don't need to fly back! Think you should understand what I mean, right? If you don’t understand, it’s because you barely fell into the sight of my law. I’m trying to make it clear. If you dare to get into his car, you’re embarrassed. Yes! You know, I have that ability!"

Zheng Wan'er's body suddenly stagnated, and she looked back and looked a little ugly at this stupid who suddenly appeared and said something that made people feel disgusting. Even this stupid threatened her now. If you dare to follow him, just leave. Dried up and left.

Qi Xiaojuan hurriedly smiled upon seeing this: "Hong Shao, it's like this..."

"It's your mother, bitch, did I let you talk? Damn, you can be a stewardess even if you look like a chicken? The people in the personnel department are blind, otherwise, how can you even get such crooked melons? Also recruit in? Get away, let Lao Tzu see you, and I will let you roll up and leave!" Hong Hao pointed at Qi Xiaojuan unreasonably and cursed.

Qi Xiaojuan's complexion stiffened, and a hot temper burst into his head. He pointed at Hong Hao and cursed directly: "Damn, you are like a dog who looks more like a monkey than a monkey. Whom are you scolding for? Just what right do you have to say that you look like shit? If your old lady were you, you would have locked yourself up and dare not come out to see people!"

"..." Hong Hao was decisively dumbfounded. You must know that he has never been scolded like this since he was a child, let alone be dismissed by such a person, he is not at all in his eyes, he wants to play, he wants to be humiliated, he wants to fight, he wants to be expelled. The stewardess's scolding, so his whole person is suddenly bad.

Right now, his face was flushed, his nostrils were panting, his eyes were fiercely staring at Qi Xiaojuan, and he roared: "Sick bitch, dare you scold me?"

"I scold you... what's the matter?" Qi Xiaojuan suddenly thought of something, and suddenly felt guilty. He swallowed back the next **** he was about to squirt, and his eyes showed panic, and his heart was really panicked. Endlessly, he almost reached out and slapped himself a few times without holding back.

I simply regretted my death in my heart, so why didn't anyone hold back cursing? Although this neuropathy is indeed a curse, you can't be scolded either. Doesn't your scolding mean that you have lost your job?

At this moment, Qi Xiaojuan regretted that his intestines were all blue.

"Nima's!" Hong Hao, who was furious, rushed to Qi Xiaojuan decisively, pulled his big hand into Qi Xiaojuan's face, and severely taught this woman who dared to insult her!

Hong Hao's body was basically hollowed out, so the speed of the hand was actually not fast, so Qi Xiaojuan had a chance to escape, but she did not dare to hide, nor did she want to hide.

Hiding will undoubtedly make Hong Hao even more angry, and there will be really no room for relaxation at that time. On the contrary, now let him slap a few slaps, maybe her job will be saved.

Therefore, she bit her lip and closed her eyes, intending to abruptly take the slap that the other party drew, and the next few slaps or even a few feet after that slap.

"Xiaojuan, be careful..." Seeing that Hong Hao was angrily planning to do it, Zheng Wan'er was startled and exclaimed, and subconsciously raised her hand to smash the bag in her hand at the **** **** to attract His attention.

At that moment, Li Zedao, who was standing in front of Zheng Wan'er, rushed towards that Hong Hao, and moved extremely fast. The protruding hand quickly clasped Hong Hao’s wrist, making Hong Hao’s The skinny hands abruptly stopped in the air, and there was no way to continue to draw towards Qi Xiaojuan's face.

"Let go!" Hong Hao looked back, staring at Li Zedao fiercely and roared.

"Excessive, right?" Li Zedao said lightly.

"Nima’s, it’s your ass." Hong Hao scolded very uncomfortably, and then turned his head and stared at Qi Xiaojuan with a fierce look, "Smelly-bitch-bitch, you are fine, fine, I will do it right now. Tell you, you were fired, and if you want to fly back, you can buy your own ticket!"

Qi Xiaojuan listened, her face changed wildly, her brain buzzed, and she didn't know what she was in. She said that she was grateful to Li Zedao, and there was more or less. After all, as a woman, she subconsciously wants to be protected by a man, Li Zedao I grabbed Hong Hao's hand, naturally protecting her.

But there is also the feeling of disgusting that this guy is nosy, after all, she has decided long ago to make Hong Hao spit out nasty anger.

"It's over, my work is gone." Qi Xiaojuan turned around, wanting to cry without tears.

Zheng Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly stepped forward to drag Qi Xiaojuan aside, and asked with concern: "Xiaojuan, are you okay?"

Xiaojuan's face was gloomy, and she said weakly: "Wan'er, do you think I'm okay like this?"

"Uh..." Zheng Wan'er felt that Qi Xiaojuan was not only in trouble, but also a major one.

Suddenly thinking of something, Qi Xiaojuan raised her head abruptly, staring angrily at Hong Hao, whose face was already flushed, and pointed at his nose to curse: "Hong Hao, I'm **** it, you're a bastard. Egg, why didn't your ugly dad shoot you on the wall? Why? My mother was wrong? Don't look at my mother with such a look. My mother is afraid of having red eyes! You're a beast! It's disgusting to even want to pretend to be a polite lover..."

Anyway, the job is gone, so Qi Xiaojuan feels that he should scold him enough, otherwise it would be too bad.

"Bitch-bitch, you stinky-bitch-bitch..." Hong Hao was trembling with anger. He only felt that the whole person was not good, and his eyes were bloodshot. He felt that the world was gray and that everyone was Against him, they are all bad guys! At the same time, he tried harder to break free from Li Zedao's hand, but naturally ended in failure.

He just felt that his wrist was tightly clamped in a vise, and it was about to break.

At the moment, his murderous scarlet eyes glared at Qi Xiaojuan fiercely, then looked back at Li Zedao and shouted: "You bastard, if you don't let go, I promise you will die in a foreign country. of!"

He didn't think he could beat a kid who was much stronger than him. Similarly, he didn't think he could beat the **** who was still attacking him with vicious words, so he swears, as long as this kid gets a little bit more acquainted. Let go, he immediately rushed to Qi Xiaojuan and said that he must make this **** pay a terrible price!

As for this kid and Zheng Wan'er, it's not too late to settle accounts slowly!

"Pop!" Li Zedao slapped Hong Hao's face with a sharp and clean slap.

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped Hong Hao's face again.

"Bang!" Li Zedao kicked out, Hong Hao's thin body flew high, and finally fell heavily on the stiff ground. The sound of his body hitting the ground violently made people listen. It hurts.

This is not over yet! Li Zedao strode to the front, stretched his hand and grabbed the bewildered Hong Hao by the collar, and then dragged it to collect the apartment as if pulling an animal. The big trash can of domestic garbage walked over, came to the front, and directly stuffed Hong Hao's whole body into the garbage dump that was already emitting a strange smell, and then clapped his hands like an okay person, turned and left.

Zheng Wan'er was stunned, but there was a brilliant sparkle in her eyes.

Qi Xiaojuan's eyes widened and her mouth wide open. She looked at the scene in front of her with a look of disbelief. She had known that the passenger was not afraid of making troubles at all, otherwise she would not help Zheng Wan'er follow along on the plane. Another passenger got on.

But she never expected that he would be violent to such an extent!

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