The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1613: Violent Passenger 2

It is even harder to believe that what is happening now is Hong Hao who was thrown in the garbage. He still suspects that all of this is his own dream, after all, he has had dreams of being bullied before.

But the hotness on his face, the pain from broken bones all over his body, and the pungent odor around him were ruthlessly telling him that this is true, this is not a dream!

He was severely beaten, and even more insulting, he was also thrown in this smelly garbage dump as rubbish!

However, Hong Hao did not dare to move, pretending that he had fainted. There was nothing he could do. He was afraid. He knew that the kid would be better than himself when he started, but he didn't expect that he would be so much better. There was no room for resistance and he got down.

If he moved, would he continue to beat himself? But the stench twisted his stomach, as if something was about to squirt out, so he could only close his mouth tightly, and then his cheeks became bigger and bigger. He couldn't close his mouth anymore. With his mouth open, a lot of vomit had already emerged from his mouth.

Seeing these two girls staring at themselves with stunned eyes, Li Zedao smiled and said, "Wait for me, I'll make a call and let someone deal with the garbage."

In Li Zedao's opinion, that guy is no different from garbage, so he threw him into the garbage.

Qi Xiaojuan looked away from him with great difficulty, then glanced at Hong Hao in the garbage dump not far away, rubbed her astonished face severely, and whispered very hardly: "Wan'er , I'm not dreaming?"

"No." Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao's colorful back and said softly, "Don't worry, he will take care of it, and you will not be expelled."

Zheng Wan'er was so sure that Qi Xiaojuan was taken aback again, and once again fell on Li Zedao who was calling not far away: "He has a big background?"

"Although I am not very clear about his specific origins, do you know what I saw yesterday?" Zheng Waner said in a low voice, "The convoy of six Lexus Lx and a Les Royce luxury car arrived at the airport. Came to pick him up, do you think his background will be small?"

"Ah?" Qi Xiaojuan looked at Li Zedao's back, with a face full of disbelief, and whispered, "God, is it possible that he is the kind of bossy president in the legend? Wan'er, you have to hurry up with such a boy. If you are robbed, you will lose a lot."

"What are you talking about? I and him are at most...friends, not as complicated as you think. I invited him to dinner to thank him for his help." Zheng Wan'er whispered with some guilty conscience, and then her tone was inevitably sad. He already has a girlfriend, very beautiful."

"Ah? Have a girlfriend, and she's still pretty? Real or fake, have you seen it?" Qi Xiaojuan was stunned. Doesn't this mean that he has finally found the treasure but was told that the treasure belongs to the country?

Zheng Wan'er nodded: "You have also seen that, the female passenger sitting in front of him on the plane, that is his girlfriend."

"Is it her?" The enviable face appeared in his mind, Qi Xiaojuan's mentality was already full of powerlessness.

"Wan'er, you should change your goal." Qi Xiaojuan sighed slightly, patted Zheng Wan'er on the shoulder and said, "The opponent is too tough. Although you are my good sister, I really don't think you have any chance of winning. I don’t think you have the ability to draw that man away from her. Her beauty... really makes you jealous even if you want to be jealous."

Anyway, if Zheng Wan'er could **** Li Zedao from such a woman in the end, Qi Xiaojuan said that he would not believe anything, unless there was a miracle, such as Li Zedao's eyes are really blind, then there is nothing to say, but how is this possible?

"Go to death, I've said it, it's an ordinary friend." Zheng Wan'er said dumbly, but there was a strange feeling in her eyes flickering.

After Li Zedao finished the phone call, he turned and walked back. He looked at the two girls and said, "I happen to have an elder who is one of the shareholders of the airline where you work. I just called him and briefly explained the story. Don't worry, he will come forward to deal with it, and you will definitely not be expelled."

"Really?" Qi Xiaojuan's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he felt that his tone was obviously questioning the words of the domineering president, and quickly explained, "That I am not something I don't believe, I just want to ask, you That elder is... Oh, I just want to find time to thank him."

Li Zedao can't laugh or cry, why don't you believe this sentence?

"Oh, my elder is called Baili Changhe." Li Zedao did not hide it either.

"Hundred miles of rivers?" The two girls were shocked, obviously they knew exactly what the name meant.

After getting in the car, Zheng Wan'er obviously hadn't reacted from the shock. It took a while before she glanced at Li Zedao's profile and said with great difficulty: "I didn't expect Mr. Baili to be your elder..."

Li Zedao smiled and said nothing more.

"This time you helped me and Xiaojuan a lot. It seems that it is not enough to invite you to a meal." Zheng Wan'er said jokingly.

"Then ask for a few more meals?" Li Zedao responded with a smile, and his tone was also joking, "I'm afraid that I will be poor. I have a lot of appetite."

"Haha, you can eat as much as you can. The big deal is to find someone to borrow money." Zheng Waner said with a smile, "I'm afraid I will ask you out at that time, you don't have time."

Li Zedao smiled and did not respond.

"By the way, let's throw him there, is it okay?" Zheng Wan'er asked worriedly. She got into the car on Li Zedao, and Zheng Wan'er stopped a taxi and left. As for the Hong Hao, he was lying in the garbage dump very poorly.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure and can't die. Besides, I think his old man should contact him soon and let him go back?" Li Zedao said indifferently.

Zheng Wan'er nodded in agreement. After all, Baili Changhe had come forward, and even Hong Xiutian, who was the vice chairman of the group, had to sweat in a cold sweat.

"Where to go?" Li Zedao asked as the car was driving on the car for no purpose. Of course, Li Zedao's heart has always been extremely vigilant, after all, this woman's skill is probably not under him, and if it is too careless, it may be a big loss.

"Turn right at the intersection ahead, I'll take you to a sushi restaurant to eat sushi...Of course, if you don't like sushi, we can change to a separate place to see what you want to eat." Zheng Wan'er said with a slight smile.

"I'm not picky about what you eat. Do you like sushi?" Li Ze said.

"I like it very much." Zheng Waner said, licking her lips cutely, "Every time I fly to the island country, I will enjoy it. Unfortunately, there is only one day off today and tomorrow Flew back."

"Tomorrow." Li Zedao nodded, thinking that if she really has a problem, she will do it today? Or is it to find a reason to ask for leave and continue to stay in the island country dj?

Li Zedao's heart became even more vigilant as soon as he thought about the possibility that the other party would shoot.

"So, I will eat a lot in a while, you can laugh at me then." Zheng Wan'er said.

Li Zedao laughed and said, "I am ugly, I am afraid you will laugh at me."

"That..." After Zheng Waner smiled, she hesitated, and still asked in a joking tone, "If you come out to eat with a girl, your girlfriend won't get jealous, right?"

Li Zedao glanced at her with a smile, and said with certainty: "No, she is used to it."

"Get used to it?" Zheng Waner was taken aback. "In other words, do you often eat with girls?"

Li Zedao touched his smooth chin, and said in a foul, "Of course, let's not tell you, I am very popular with girls, and many girls are waiting in line to invite me to dinner."

Zheng Wan'er was happy, and laughed like a silver bell and said: "Well, I can barely believe what you said is true.

"It was true." Li Zedao said helplessly.

In the next journey, as the two became familiar with each other gradually, the topic became more casual and natural. Li Zedao deliberately asked a lot of Zheng Wan'er about some work and life matters. Zheng Wan'er did not hide anything, and briefly talked about the situation at home and Some strange people and interesting things encountered at work.

As for Li Zedao, he also briefly talked about his own situation. A sophomore majoring in archaeology at Phoenix University, his family is doing business. As for coming to the island country, it was because a friend had something to do in the island country, so he came to help solve it.

Finally, the car slowly stopped in front of the sushi restaurant that Zheng Wan'er wanted to go to. Li Zedao looked at the restaurant and was slightly shocked.

He is very familiar with this restaurant. When I first came to the island country before, Gao He Ying came to this sushi restaurant. For the shadow, this sushi restaurant has many good and bad memories.

Noting Li Zedao's gaze, Zheng Wan'er asked: "Have you been here?"

Li Ze said with a smile and nodded: "I visited once before, and the sushi in it really tastes good."

Zheng Wan'er nodded and smiled: "I've been here once before and thought it was good, but... the price is much more expensive than other places. I don't have the money to come to this place often to eat sushi."

Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao and stuck out her tongue cutely.

Li Zedao laughed and said, "How do I feel that you are suggesting that I remember to pay after eating for a while?"

"How can you be so blunt? Besides, give you a chance to be a gentleman, okay?" Zheng Wan'er chuckled, and then walked in toward the sushi restaurant.

The situation in the sushi restaurant is no different from when Li Zedao came. The environment is quiet and elegant, and it is very emotional.

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