The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1618: Human darkness

"Slap!" Ming Hao's face was slapped again.

"Baga, shut up for Lao Tzu, I cut your tongue in the whispering Lao Tzu!" After a man with a vicious expression gave Wan Minghao a slap, a bright knife swayed in front of him. .

Ming Hao shut his mouth angrily, his eyes and staring at Li Zedao, he really hated the bastard, and prayed that the fat pig would never agree, otherwise he would have a miserable end.

Fujii’s originally small eyes were already completely narrowed into a line, staring at the black card in Li Zedao’s hand with dim light. Of course he didn’t know exactly how much money was in this card, but at least He still knows how much money he has.

"You seem to be very confident?" Fujii asked, his eyes gleaming with greed, this card still attracts him greatly.

More importantly, he doesn't think he will lose. After all, he is a master gambler with a four-of-hearts poker card in his hand. He is a recognized gambler in the world! Moreover, he is very familiar with those gambling masters, and there is no such person in it, so even if this kid has a good hand, it is impossible to compare to himself, so Fujii is confident that he can completely suppress him.

As for whether or not he will come out, how could he not be able to tell with Fujii's eyesight? Then I'm really sorry, leaving the card is one thing, and you have to keep your arm.

"I can’t talk about self-confidence, but I’m a perfectionist, so I want to take people away from this place intact, instead of waiting for him to lose an arm before taking him away. That’s not perfect for me. "Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Also, to be honest, I don’t know him well, so it hurts me to spend 200 million island currency for him, even if I loan him temporarily, who knows? Could he be an old Lai who just didn't pay back the money? That's why he wanted to see if he could get a chance to win, so that he could take them away without spending money. Wouldn't it be perfect?"

Hearing Li Zedao say this, Ming Hao was so angry that the muscles all over his body were twitching. If it weren't for the fear of getting his face still, or even having his tongue cut off, he would like to curse.

"Okay, I'll gamble with you. You can bet whatever you want." Fujii nodded and said.

Ming Hao's face turned gray, and the eyes that looked at Li Zedao were full of hatred. At this moment, he really hates this bastard. It can save his life. Why should he do this? He couldn't imagine what would happen if he lost.

"Then dice, I'm quite good at it, and simple." Li Ze said after thinking about it.

Fujii looked at this confident boy and sneered mentally. It just so happened that I was also quite good at it. When he stood up, the fat body trembled, and there was even a horrible oily glow floating on the surface. The big chubby hand Waved and shouted: "Get the dice."

As soon as the voice fell, two men hurriedly moved a table and placed it in front of Fujii. They also placed a chair on the other side, and placed two dice cups on the table. Each dice cup has Each has five identical dice.

"Please!" One of the younger brothers made an inviting action to Li Zedao. This kid stupidly sent money, so for the sake of money, this kid's attitude is pretty good...for the bet of sending money to the door Customers, their service attitude is very good.

Li Zedao smiled. Just about to walk over, the clothes behind him were pulled off. Turning around, I saw Zheng Wan'er looking at herself with worry.

"Don't believe me?" Li Zedao smiled and said, "Don't worry, it will be resolved soon, and then go to Disney, oh, you have to invite me to dinner tonight."

"Ah? Well, I believe you." Zheng Wan'er nodded heavily and said, there was already a smile in the corner of her eyes.

At the same time, seeing that things really have not returned to the point, Ming Hao and Zheng Xiaojuan are in a fiery heart, especially Ming Hao, really wishing to choke this kid to death, all he can do now is pray, and the other is silent in his mind. Greetings to this **** family woman!

Li Zedao sat down on the chair, glanced at the five dice lying in the dice cup, and then looked at Fujii and said, "Mr. Fujii, let's shake each one. Let's directly compare the size. The one with more points wins. , If there is a tie, continue, okay?"

"No problem." Fujii waved his hand indifferently, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, tied? This possibility does not exist.

"You come first." Li Zedao nodded and said.

Fujii glanced at Li Zedao, didn't say anything, and threw five dice on the table, then the dice cup shook, and the dice automatically entered the dice cup.

It's a perfect fairy jump! There is no way to do it without super high technology! Therefore, the eyes of the little brothers around are full of fierce worship. At the same time, they looked at Li Zedao with disdain and sneered, thinking that this kid actually offered to compare the dice with their Lord Fujii, which is equivalent to a little lamb facing a fierce one. The lion’s challenge is really ridiculous.

China pig is China pig, always like to do such ridiculous things.

Kneeling there, Minghao saw the eyelids beating wildly, and his heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

He had won a lot of money with a thousand money before, but he was seen through by this dead fat pig, so of course he knew that the dead fat pig’s gambling skills were not bad, but he didn't expect it to be terrifying to such an extent. With such a clever technique, it is impossible for him to lose, so... Ming Hao couldn't help but greeted this **** whole family more fiercely, and hated Qi Xiaojuan on the side. , Had it not been for this brain damage to find this bastard, would his situation be so tragic?


Fujii is very energy-saving, or he is too confident in his gambling skills. It can also be said that the opponent is too weak and it makes him unable to boost his strength. If it were not for the temptation of the money in the black card, he would I'm too lazy, after all, it's natural to win, and lose... how is that possible?

So, I shook it a few times, and then with a muffled "bang!", he buckled the dice cup on the table, and then the fat finger hooked back.

Immediately, a little brother with a face full of admiration hurried forward, gave a good cigar, and then helped light it.

Fujii took a cigar, and looked at Li Zedao coldly and said, "Come on, lest you say something about me after you lose."

Li Zedao was not welcome, smiled and stretched out his hand, and opened the dice cup. For a while, many eyes fell on it, wanting to see the points thrown by Fujii for the first time.

Then four "six" points and one "five" point appeared in front of everyone.

Fujii looked at and narrowed his eyes slightly. Although this number was only a little less than that of the leopard, he was still not satisfied, because he could easily shake out a leopard according to his level, but he just couldn't afford too much. The interest shook casually a few times, and he didn't use his full strength.

Of course, dissatisfaction does not mean that you can't accept it. Anyway, you will win, unless the kid can shake the leopard out... how is it possible? Just let him shake the dice all day or even in the end, he couldn't shake the leopard out.

Li Zedao looked at the points, and his mind was slightly shaken. He is indeed a gambler holding a four-of-hearts poker card. He still has some skills. You can shake this kind of points with a single shake. This is already very strong. Up.

Zheng Wan'er looked at her, her face paled, looking at Li Zedao's back, her small face was already worried, her small hands clenched into fists, and she cheered Li Zedao silently, and at the same time, she prayed silently.

As for Qi Xiaojuan and Ming Hao, their eyes were rounded, especially Ming Hao, with a gloomy expression, and the whole person was directly weakened, as if half-life was lost.

"No... I beg you, this **** bet with you but it has nothing to do with me, I am willing to pay 200 million and you cut off one of my hands, please, I don't bet anymore, no I gambled..." The extreme horror of psychology and the suppression of hopelessness made Ming Hao go crazy all at once, struggling desperately at the moment, begging for mercy with his nose and tears, while using it full of viciousness. He stared at Li Zedao with hostile eyes, and if he could, he wanted to die with him.

"No... I don't bet anymore... Wan'er, you told him to stop betting, woo..." Qi Xiaojuan was also very frightened, watching Zheng Wan'er pleading, if he didn't bet, at most Minghao broke one arm, and she would be safe and sound. , But if you continue to bet, God knows what will happen? Will she really be caught to shoot AV?

"You bastard, why take the life of Lao Tzu to bet, your damn...Zheng Wan'er, you bitch, stop him quickly..." Ming Hao's emotions were completely out of control, and his expression was terrifying. It's no different from a mad dog, "Qi Xiaojuan, you bitch, I asked you to move the soldiers, what do you think you found?"

"Wan'er, hurry up and stop him, hurry up, do you want to kill me? I'm so good to you... hurry up..." Qi Xiaojuan screamed at Zheng Wan'er, who looked pale but motionless.

"Baga! Shut up!" Seeing that the man and the woman were out of control and yelled, the men hurriedly pressed their bodies and simply covered their mouths, even one of the men. He even kicked Ming Hao's stomach altogether, causing his face to be horribly contorted.

Zheng Wan'er's expression is extremely embarrassing, and she is really disappointed with Qi Xiaojuan and Ming Hao's reaction. This is the so-called darkness of human nature?

She naturally understood why Li Zedao had gambled. He was not reluctant to lend the 200 million island currency to Ming Hao, nor was he worried that he would not repay the debt later. He just didn't want Ming Hao to break an arm, but the two men obviously I can't even think of it there, I will just blame it blindly.

Will he lose? Will not!

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