The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1619: You're too old

"Oh, they are two extremely stupid and disgusting guys." She muttered mentally, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

Fujii's eyes were full of contempt at the guy lying on the ground. He hated the guy who couldn't afford to lose the most in his life. Then he looked at Li Zedao and said coldly: "Although he doesn't seem to need you to save him, the gambling has already begun. If you want to withdraw, it means you have lost the gambling."

Hearing this, Ming Hao and Qi Xiaojuan’s strength seemed to be drained in an instant, so this matter is irreversible, so they are really dead this time! So both of them were like ghosts, staring at Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er with vicious eyes.

"I know, and I didn't say that I want to withdraw from this bet." Li Zedao looked at the five dice on the table and said, "Maybe I'm lucky and shake a leopard."

After taking a cigar, Fujii smiled coldly: "Then you pray that the goddess of luck will just stand by your side." Of course he didn't believe that the calm boy in front of him made him feel a little flustered can really shake out a leopard. Look at the way he holds that dice cup, no matter how you look at it, he is a rookie.

Under the gaze of many eyes, Li Zedao took the dice cup and started to shake it.

In the next second, Fujii's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the scene in front of him with a look of disbelief, and a sudden cold breath came out of his mind, and he had an unpleasant feeling. .

Because, when the kid who was so unfamiliar when he took the dice cup before, when he shook the dice cup, his movements were so sophisticated. It gave people a feeling of such a master. At least the movements when he shook it were not at all. This kid is smooth and beautiful.

The others were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect to say that this kid could still be swayed in a decent way, and the grid was full. They thought this kid would be clumsy and even shook the dice inside. That's it.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao slammed his hands heavily on the table, then looked up at Fujii and smiled: "Mr. Fujii, come and drive, lest you say what I did after losing. "

"..." How did Fujii feel familiar with these words.

For a time, all eyes fell on the dice cup, some nervous, some praying, some disdain, and even hatred.

With a pale face and a trembling body, Minghao is groaning psychologically, bastard, you'd better pray that you can win, otherwise I will not let you go as a ghost!

Fujii looked up at Li Zedao's face with a faint smile, and the bad feeling in his heart became even worse, and he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water. Could it be that this kid said he was good at dice, not just casually, but really good at it?

So Fujii suddenly regretted it. Why didn't he shake it well just now? If a leopard had just been shaken out, even if the **** Chinese pig also shaken out a leopard, it would be a tie and not lose.

Gritting his teeth secretly, he stretched out his hand, trying to calm his inexplicably tense heart, then slowly removed the dice cup buttoned on it, fixed his eyes, and then his eyeballs a little A little bit bigger, in the end, two eyeballs seemed to roll down and fall into the dice cup.

The five "six" points were lying side by side and making faces at him *naked.


Fujii's mind set off a wave that was 10,000 times stronger than before. He was short of breath, his face flushed, and he looked like he had committed high blood pressure.

This **** Chinese pig actually shook out a leopard! This is the biggest point that a Sic Bo game can win! So, he lost a little! Therefore, this time he is not interested at all, he thinks it is a gambling battle of strength, he lost!

Others also had a **** expression, their eyes kept changing back and forth between Li Zedao and the dice, the expression was so wonderful, they didn't even think about it, Mr. Fujii, a gambling master holding a four of hearts playing card, actually lost. Such a kid, this is too ridiculous, too unimaginable.

Therefore, Mr. Fujii released the water... This kind of conscientious speculation made them feel so guilty, because they knew exactly how strong their Mr. Fujii was.

For a while, the entire office fell into a very strange dead silence.

" won, you really won..." Zheng Wan'er's surprised voice rang, breaking the silence in this room, she looked at the back close at hand with excitement and said, even like Excited and impatient, he was about to hug the back, but thinking of something, the outstretched hand hurriedly shrank back, and there was already a seductive blush on his small face.

"Of course, how could I lose against this kind of shrimp?" Li Zedao turned around and blinked at Zheng Wan'er.

Zheng Waner smiled sweetly and was very happy: "I knew you would win."

"Really?" Li Zedao's expression was a little playful, "Then why were you so worried just now?"

"Ah...You are really annoying." Zheng Wan'er blushed, and gave Li Zedao a blank look, but there was a lot of joy in her eyes.

"Uh... won? He really shook out the leopard?" Ming Hao and Qi Xiaojuan who were lying there were also dumbfounded, and immediately both of them had expressions of excitement, so they could leave this ghost place. Up.

"Baga, do you dare to come out of the old man?" Fujii's eyes looked at Li Zedao suddenly turned cold. He said that he didn't want to believe that this kid could shake a leopard, even if his luck was against the sky. It might have been shaken out in one fell swoop, so there is only one explanation, that is, he is out of a lot of money... although he didn't even notice that he was out of lot of money.

Then, the dumbfounded men around also reacted, and directly surrounded Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er, once again surrounded Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er. The man who took the gun once again pointed his gun at Li Zedao, waiting for Fujii’s. With an order, he pulled the trigger and smashed the kid's head.

At the same time, the surprised faces of Ming Hao and Qi Xiaojuan directly solidified, and their hearts sank to the bottom again. Yeah, even if the other party really loses, how could they leave them easily?

The development of things is like a roller coaster, so Minghao is going to be tortured crazy, his spirit is already on the verge of collapse, but all he can do is to scold this **** again in his heart. Before, people said that he would give him 200 million. And just one arm can go, why do you want to pretend to be a bully? why?

"Out of the old man? Are you sure?" Li Zedao looked at Fujii and smiled.

I don't know why, when Fujii faced such a smile, his mind was a little hairy, and then he was even more angry. He was shocked by this **** Chinese pig, which is really shameful. But how could he lose to such a kid? If this spreads out, how will he mess with it in the future? Besides, how could he watch the money that was about to be put in his pocket unexpectedly flying? Therefore, he must be a thousand years old! He must be an old man!

"Boy, what is going to happen to the old one in my casino, I think you should know, so..." The cold voice stopped abruptly, and even a cold sweat broke out on Fujii's forehead, because of his The forehead was actually held up by the cold muzzle.

At the same time, the guy holding the gun against Li Zedao’s head only felt that his hand was empty, and the pistol in his hand was gone as if it had disappeared out of thin air. The eyes widened at the moment, and his eyes were so confused, I Where's your pistol? Where's my pistol? My pistol...Huh? The pistol with the muzzle on Mr. Fujii's forehead looks so familiar.

Then, his eyes widened. Isn't that his gun?

The reactions of other men were similar to him, with a look of horror on their faces, and their minds were 10,000 times stronger than when they saw this kid shaking the leopard. They didn't expect this kid's hand. There is an extra pistol in there, and what is even more unacceptable is that the muzzle of the pistol is still on Mr. Fujii's forehead!

Mr. Fujii was actually shot against his forehead with a gun on his own territory!

"Ba... Ba Ga... Do you know what you are doing? I advise you to put down your gun immediately, otherwise you don't want to leave here!" After Fujii reacted, he was furious, his eyes filled with murderousness.

What a shame, he felt that all the insults he had received in his entire life did not add up to as many as he has received in just a few minutes! First, he lost to this kid inexplicably, and now he is still held to his head by a gun. If this is passed, he will not need to be in the gambling world or in the underground world of the island country. He does not deserve to have that special poker. If the card is lost, even the entire Sumiyoshi Club will become a laughing stock.

Therefore, no matter what the background of this kid is, how big the background is, and the price is too painful, Fujii did not intend to let him go, he must be left behind! He wants to make him pay a painful price, and he wants to wash his own humiliation with the other's blood.

At the same time, the gang members also reacted. They all stared at Li Zedao with extremely cruel eyes, and they were going to chop the other party into flesh if they didn't agree with each other. .

"Baga, **** Shina pig, put down the pistol..."

"Baga, you are provoking our powerful Sumiyoshi Society..."

The plot has a big reversal again, so Ming Hao and Qi Xiaojuan are dumbfounded once again. Li Zedao's shaking out the leopard has greatly exceeded their expectations, and now Li Zedao even pointed the gun at the big The heads of the gangsters...They only felt that their heads were roaring, and they were really shocked.

"Mr. Fujii, isn't it good to act according to the rules? Why do you have to say that I'm a thousand-year-old after losing?" Li Zedao ignored the men with fierce expressions around him, smiled at Fujii and said, for this guy. He was really dissatisfied with this method of Fat Pig.

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