The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1625: A woman dedicated to art

In less than half an hour, Li Zedao drove to the single apartment where Zheng Wan'er lived, and then dialed Zheng Wan'er's phone number.

A joyful voice soon came: "Ze Dao, are you here? When I get down, I will go down soon."

"Don't worry." Li Zedao smiled.

"Who said that? I'm very anxious, okay?" Li Zedao heard such a mutter that was almost inaudible, and called this enchantment in his heart. He is really a performance maniac, even this can reflect the little girl. That kind of expectation, the kind of muttering that longed to see the boy she liked earlier, she showed perfectly.

Had it not been for Li Zedao's horror who had seen her a long time ago, I am afraid that he would start to feel uneasy now? Feeling that I was so awesome, I captured a girl's heart in a snap of his fingers.

In less than two minutes, a beautiful figure quickly walked out of the apartment and appeared in Li Zedao's line of sight. After seeing Li Zedao, he waved his hand at him with a little excitement and trot over.

"Don't run so fast, what should I do if I fell?" Li Zedao grabbed her little hand and rebuked.

This kind of reproach with great concern undoubtedly made Zheng Wan'er extremely useful. She smiled and said, "How can I be so stupid? When I was in school before, the school had a sports meeting, and I signed up to participate in track and field competitions, both sprints and long-distance races. The ranking is not low, even I have run a marathon."

"It is true?"

"Of course it is true, dare to doubt me?" Zheng Wan'er scolded with a smile, and patted Li Zedao on the chest.

Li Zedao smiled, holding her little hand, body slightly close, head close to her ear, and said with an ambiguous expression: "Get in the car, I can't wait to see you in a swimsuit."

"Ah, I hate..." Zheng Wan'er was shy and impatient, her heartbeat started to accelerate, her ears were red, and her body was trembling slightly.

"Tell me first, what color? One-piece or three-point style? I like three-point style." Li Zedao continued to ask ambiguously.

Ah, you are so disgusting, I didn't expect you to be such a serious person..." Zheng Wan'er was even more ashamed, her head was slightly lowered, her eyes didn't dare to meet Li Zedao's ambiguous and expectant eyes, and she whispered. "You... what you like, okay? "

Li Zedao still had an ambiguous smile on his face, stretched out his hand, and gently held up the chin of the small face that was close at hand because of his shyness, which was even more beautiful than anything else, and then confronted the other's shy eyes.

"Look at me," he said, his voice overbearing but magnetic, irresistible.

Those words were just foreshadowing, and Li Zedao was going to fight it out now.

"You... what do you want to do?" Zheng Wan'er's voice trembled softly.

"What are you talking about?" Li Zedao smiled, his voice was full of magnetism, and the heart that thought that even Taishan collapsed before suddenly shrank, his other hand suddenly hugged. After staying at the other party's *, her lips were printed on Zheng Wan'er's lips.

At the same time, Li Zedao was ready for "shock changes"!

Because the female Maori Kogoro of Sister Kita has reasoned, this woman's mouth is likely to hide the so-called flaw, and this flaw will be exposed as long as she kisses her on the mouth, and then her true identity will also be revealed. It will be exposed!

And once her identity is exposed, what awaits her next will be this woman's terrifying and unusual attack.

Therefore, Li Zedao had to be solemn, he felt that he was using his life to kiss.

But... there seems to be no flaws! And her mouth doesn't smell at all, it smells good. Her lips are so delicious, the mouth is smooth and silky, like the best chocolate in the world.

Is it because the kiss is not warm enough? So there is no way to expose the so-called flaws? So Li Zedao was heartbroken, and the kiss became even more ardent, holding her lips, like a baby sucking, sucking hard.

Of course, for the sake of his own life, Li Zedao didn't dare to stick out his tongue casually, otherwise, if he was bitten off by the other party, wouldn't it be a tragedy?

At the same time, Zheng Wan'er seemed to be completely stunned by Li Zedao's actions, her pupils dilated and her lips slightly opened. Despite Li Zedao's frivolity, she did not react at all.

After a full minute, Zheng Wan'er began to react. Her hands were hesitant and trembling, and then she gently hugged Li Zedao's neck, and then hugged them tighter and warmly to cater to Li Zedao.

Even the tongue that Li Zedao didn't dare to stick out, she stuck out, and went directly into Li Zedao's mouth.

As a result, Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, feeling the hot but fragrant foreign body in his mouth, thinking that this woman is really... emotional? Or is it not hesitate to make such sacrifices for a more perfect interpretation, and to dedicate himself to art?

Even at a certain moment, Li Zedao wanted to say whether or not to bite it down, biting her tongue off and giving her a fatal blow.

It's just that Li Zedao didn't do that after all. He was reluctant or afraid to irritate this woman completely, he didn't quite know.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, this is a pair of sweet lovers who are crazy and enthusiastic, sprinkling dog food like no one else, but DJ is a very open city, and this kind of lovers embracing and kissing on the street can be considered a frequent occurrence, so Those passing by didn’t think there was anything, and they wouldn’t be so boring to take out their phones and shoot them and post them to Moments. After all, even more exciting scenes happen from time to time. This kind of kiss can only be regarded as small. Scenes.

However, I have to admire the breath of these two people. It has been so long, and it can continue without the slightest end. I have to say that kissing is also a technical job, and I want to kiss enough. If you have a long time, you have enough breath, otherwise I'm afraid you'll be dizzy.

Zheng Wan'er was out of breath first, and then let go of Li Zedao's neck, her eyes dodge a little, her pretty face was reddishly beautiful, as if to relieve embarrassment, she changed the subject and whispered: "Forget to talk to you Let’s just talk about one thing, Xiaojuan is going back to China, let’s give her a go? Let’s go to Kasuki Island after the delivery, it’s still early anyway."

Li Zedao smiled and nodded and said: "Send it." At the same time, he secretly breathed a few sighs of relief. You know, he was ready just now for this woman to jump and start a murder. Said that this was the most embarrassing one of the kisses, this is simply kissing with life, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it was a walk in front of the ghost gate.

"Sister Bei, you liar, you have no flaws, and you were kissed. This is a big loss." Li Zedao was crying mentally.

"Then I will give Xiaojuan a call and tell her that we will wait for her below. When I came down, I told Xiaojuan that I would send her off. Xiaojuan said no." Zheng Waner said with some emotion, the relationship between the two is also There is no way to be as intimate as before, and it is inevitable to be a little embarrassed.

"Moreover, she has scars on her face. It looks very serious. I guess she was beaten by her boyfriend Ming Hao. It seems that Xiao Juan asked to break up Ming Hao and refused. But when I asked her, she didn't want to say , I cried." Zheng Wan'er shook her head, even more embarrassed, with sympathy in her eyes, then opened the small bag she was carrying and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

Beaten by that guy? Li Zedao shook his head, feeling inexplicably, for a woman, vision is really important. If you find a man like yourself who is so good and loves a woman, how can there be so-called domestic violence? It's too late to hurt them, how could you beat them... Of course, spanking doesn't count.

How could you be wronged... Li Zedao began to feel guilty and smiled bitterly in his mind.

It seems that he has caused all his women to be wronged, and it is undoubtedly a kind of harm to the other girls in the villa that he takes a girl back to the villa.

Moreover, he is now making sister Xiaoyue wronged, but he has no good solutions.

Although He Xiaoyue hides herself very well, Li Zedao understands the contradictions in her psychology, those pain points, those loss, and those bitter grievances, and she can feel it clearly. For example, when He Xiaoyue asked him in the morning Go out? Li Zedao nodded with certainty and said that he had made an appointment with Zheng Wan'er to go diving. Li Zedao actually understood well that He Xiaoyue asked this question in order to stay with her in the Qingyun Building, even if he did nothing, everything Not to mention, just stay there like a woodcarving.

But Li Zedao didn't do that. He didn't stay in Qingyun Building. On the one hand, he had to deal with Zheng Wan'er, a terrifying woman. Perhaps he wanted to rescue He Xiaoyang and pull out the skull. He really had to pass her. On the other hand, Li Zedao actually didn't want to comfort He Xiaoyue seriously.

It’s just because he knows very clearly that after this matter is over, He Xiaoyue will leave him reluctantly, and even if something happens to He Xiaoyang, He Xiaoyue will resolutely stay in Qingyun and will not follow He returned to China. That being the case, leave her with a not-so-good impression at the end, so that maybe she can be more relaxed and calm when she leaves herself.

Zheng Wan'er glanced at Li Zedao, who didn't know what she was thinking, with the corner of her eye, and then waited for the call to be answered. At the same time, she gently shook her lips, and a certain voice rang in her heart.

"Oh, damn, I was kissed by this pervert... Why didn't I just kill him? Because it's not yet the best time to do it? Can't let him go to **** in an instant? Or... Oh, **** it. , How is this possible? It is absolutely impossible..."

Qi Xiaojuan's voice came over, thinking about Zheng Wan'er's thoughts: "What's wrong with Wan'er, didn't you go diving with that Li Zedao?"

"Ze Dao and I are still at the door of the apartment, I still want to see you off." Zheng Wan'er glanced at Li Zedao and said softly.

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