The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1626: Poor woman

"Wan'er, really don't need it. I'll just call to the airport in a while." On the other end of the call, Qi Xiaojuan declined after being silent.

"It's better to give it away, you are good sisters." Zheng Waner insisted.

Qi Xiaojuan was silent for a while, and then came a choking voice: "Wan'er, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"It's all over, isn't it?" Zheng Wan'er comforted softly, "Then you can get down after you have cleaned up. Ze Dao and I are here at the door... Still need to go up and help you take your luggage?"

"No, no need, nothing, just a suitcase, it's not sinking." Qi Xiaojuan choked and said, "Then you wait for me to get down, I will get down."

A few minutes later, Qi Xiaojuan dragged a suitcase and walked out of the apartment. Li Zedao glanced at the woman and found that she had not seen each other in just a few days. She seemed to be a different person. She was sexy, beautiful and bold. The dress is gone, replaced by a completely different long-sleeved dress, a pair of loose black pants, the whole person looks a little bloated, and now the weather is still hot, this dress is undoubtedly strange and abrupt, or it may be a little spiritual It’s not normal to wear it like this.

Looking at her face, the previously seemingly coquettish and generous expression was replaced by a look of exhaustion and gloom, and even a little weird when walking, as if the waist couldn't stand up.

Her red and swollen eyes were looking down instead of looking forward as before, full of charming confidence.

The most striking thing is that there is a visible bruise and redness on her right cheek, and there are also scars on the corner of her mouth. It is obvious that she was slapped severely, otherwise the scars would not be so obvious. .

"Waner..." When he came to the front, Qi Xiaojuan whispered, then glanced at Li Zedao with a slightly horrified look, nodded slightly, and then moved away. It is conceivable that Li Zedao was in the Toyotomi Casino that day. The method directly left an indelible shadow on this woman.

Zheng Wan'er looked at the scar on her face and sighed slightly, feeling a little distressed. She quickly took the suitcase in her hand and said, "Are you okay? The scars on her face...have you applied the medicine?"

She originally wanted to ask if it was Minghao who fought him, but she didn’t ask about it after all. As she understood it with Xiaojuan, she wouldn’t say even if she asked it. Besides, asking such a question was undoubtedly sprinkling salt on someone’s wound. .

Qi Xiaojuan shook her head and said softly: "'s okay..."

Then the nose began to a little bit sore, and the ninja quickly stopped crying.

"If there is anything that can't be solved, just tell me, we are good sisters, aren't we?" Zheng Wan'er gently grabbed her hand, looked at her red and swollen eyes, softly comforted, and then she could see clearly , Qi Xiaojuan's originally white hand had a few more shocking scars, which were the scars left by being struck by something like a whip.

"Well, it's okay, I just want to... go back to China and miss my parents." Qi Xiaojuan choked a few times and shook her head. She quickly retracted her hand. She felt that Zheng Wan'er saw such a scar. Embarrassing.

Once, she told her good sisters, including Zheng Wan'er, how good the boyfriend she was looking for, how much she loved her and loved her, it was like holding it in the palm of her hand for fear of losing it in her mouth. , But now... this is undoubtedly ironic.

"Then... get in the car first." Zheng Wan'er sighed softly and didn't say anything more. It seemed that the injury she suffered was much more serious than she thought.

At that moment, Li Zedao opened the trunk, lifted the trunk and drove in.

"Thank you." Qi Xiaojuan looked at Li Zedao and said softly.

Li Zedao waved his hand and said, "You are Wan'er's good sister, that's my sister, so you don't have to be so polite... You can just call me Zedao in the future, I'll just call you Sister Xiaojuan."

Although I don’t like this woman, I think about it, it’s natural to have such a reaction in the casino. After all, no one can safely hand over his safety to someone who has only met once. Out of sympathy for this woman, Li Zedao's attitude is still very good.

"Good sister?" Qi Xiaojuan smiled bitterly, she didn't seem to be worthy, let alone be the sister of this man with terrifying background and methods.

Although Zheng Wan'er made it clear that she had forgotten that matter, Qi Xiaojuan still couldn't let go.

"Besides, you are still my matchmaker with Wan'er. If it weren't for you, I couldn't find such a good girlfriend." Li Zedao continued with a smile, and then looked at Zheng Wan'er with an ambiguous look. The latter responded with an ambiguous look. A shy smile.

As soon as he said this, Qi Xiaojuan's mood improved a little bit, and he recovered a little bit of the humbling like before. He chuckled and said, "That is, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to be together. When I was on the plane, I was done, chasing Wan'er and invited me to a big meal..."

The voice became lower and lower, and his expression turned into fear and embarrassment, obviously thinking of the other party's horrible means and origin.

Li Zedao smiled and said: "You must ask for a meal. Find a time to make an appointment."

Qi Xiaojuan reluctantly smiled, not saying anything.

At the moment Zheng Waner helped Qi Xiaojuan open the rear door. Qi Xiaojuan stiffened slightly and got into the car. Li Zedao clearly saw that when she bent onto the car, her expression suddenly stiffened, and there were many things between her eyebrows. Of pain.

"Are you...really okay?" Zheng Wan'er asked with a worried expression, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Qi Xiaojuan's situation was not very good at this time.

Qi Xiaojuan shook her head, and grudgingly gave a smile, indicating that she was okay.

"Okay, Sister Xiaojuan, there are no outsiders here, so don't try to behave. I'm afraid your waist is injured when you look at it?" Li Zedao looked at the woman and shook his head slightly. Sure enough, how kind of my heart is. , I really don't see others bad.

"I... it's okay." Qi Xiaojuan's eyes flashed panic, and she shook her head to deny.

"Wan'er, help her, take her clothes off, and then help her to lie on the seat." Li Ze said.

Seeing the two women staring at themselves with very weird eyes with their eyes wide open, Li Zedao was helpless and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Where did you want to go? I learned a little bit of acupuncture and moxibustion. Help Sister Xiaojuan get a few needles. A massage can ease your pain. If you return to China with such a stiff, I am afraid you will not even be able to sit."

"You know how to acupuncture?" Zheng Waner's eyes widened, a little surprised, with an expression that you can do everything.

Qi Xiaojuan was even more stunned. She looked at Li Zedao as if she was looking at a freak. To be honest, she didn't doubt Li Zedao's words at all, but she felt terrified just because she didn't doubt it! God, how old is he? How can everything? The key is to look so handsome and so rich, this is simply the most perfect Prince Charming.

Once, she thought that Ming Hao was Prince Charming, but now she took a look at Li Zedao, it was more tofu than tofu.

"What do you say? If I want to, I can easily become a master of Chinese medicine." Li Zedao smiled and reached into his pocket and took out the small box of silver needles.

"Uh...Is the silver needle carried with me?" After Zheng Waner was shocked, she knew that Li Zedao was not talking big, but really had a hand. He looked at Qi Xiaojuan and said, "Xiaojuan, hurry up, let Zedao. I'll treat you."

", I'm really fine." Qi Xiaojuan grinned reluctantly, but refused, "It hurts a bit, but it really doesn't get in the way."

"Don't think so complicated, you can just treat me as a doctor, doctors are genderless." Li Zedao said such a deceitful remark.

"Ah? No... I really don't get in the way, so I don't have to trouble." Qi Xiaojuan smiled embarrassedly. It was a bit embarrassing to take off the clothes in front of the boy, but the embarrassment was not the main reason.

Li Zedao sighed softly and said, "It seems that the scars on your body are more terrifying than we thought? Otherwise, why don't you want to be seen by me and Wan'er? Your boyfriend is really a beast. Hands."

Zheng Wan'er opened her eyes slightly and looked at Qi Xiaojuan. The latter also opened her eyes wide. She was stunned for a while, and then "Wow..." she cried very aggrievedly.

"He... is not a human being, he is a devil." Qi Xiaojuan cried and said.

It turned out that after two days from the Toyotomi Casino and separated from Zheng Wan'er and Li Zedao, Qi Xiaojuan hurriedly helped Minghao, who was unable to stand still and was really embarrassed, and returned to the hotel where he was staying.

Afterwards, it seemed as if he was severely irritated. After taking a shower, Ming Hao, who was originally graceful and polite, completely became another person. His temper became abnormal and unreasonable. He accused Qi Xiaojuan of being a plague and a broom star. Asking her not to go to the casino and just want to follow her, which made him almost unlucky.

Qi Xiaojuan had a hot temper, and she retorted a few words, saying that you had long persuaded you not to go to the casino. Is it because you have to go to the casino, OK? Even if you go, you can still pay a lot of money? Even if you are a laoqian, you were arrested? If I hadn't asked Wan'er for help, my old lady would have to be unlucky and would have to be caught and filmed.

So the two quarreled fiercely in the room, of course, that time Ming Hao was able to restrain himself and didn't do anything.

Qi Xiaojuan left the hotel angrily after leaving a sentence "I want to break up with you", intending to calm down for two days before speaking.

In the next three or four days, Ming Hao made countless calls to Qi Xiaojuan, but Qi Xiaojuan did not answer. During this period, Ming Hao also came to the bachelor’s apartment and tried to find Qi Xiaojuan, but was stopped by the guard. According to the regulations, the guard would not let Ming Hao enter the apartment when the residents did not agree to see outsiders. He even warned that he would call the police before leaving.

The door guard looked like Dang Minghao was a gangster trying to harass the residents.

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