The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1629: Stay with me tonight

"It sounds like you know women well? You are a woman, and you know women better than women?" Zheng Wan'er glanced at Li Zedao with a weird look, and couldn't help muttering in her heart, "Oh, forget, this super pervert He is surrounded by a large group of women, so he can really say that he knows women very well."

Qi Xiaojuan didn't know what his mood was right now, listening to the waiting voice of "beep..." from the microphone. Disappointment, resentment, nostalgia, self-blame...There are all kinds of negative emotions.

Of course, there is still a little expectation.

"Perhaps, I just want to hear him say'I'm sorry', right?" She said in a voice that only she could hear.

Then, my heart shook slightly, because the phone had already been picked up, and then Ming Hao's somber and gloomy voice came over: "Smelly bitch, are you calling me... beg for mercy?" "

Qi Xiaojuan stunned, then laughed, a very bright smile, the last trace of expectation has disappeared, and said lightly: "I don't want to beg for mercy, I just want to tell you clearly, from now on At first, there was no relationship between you and me."

"Why, want to break up?" Ming Hao's tone was even worse, "Qi Xiaojuan, I tell you, I want to break up, but there is no door! You don't want to think about how much money I spent on you for more than a year. How many gifts do you have, I'm afraid you have three hundred and four hundred thousand?"

"It is true, but you have slept with your old lady so many times, and you can't sleep for nothing? Add to the humiliation and beating of your old lady the other day...So, it's even." Qi Xiaojuan said, the tone was flat and right as if you were talking about The passer-by who didn't know her talked, and one could imagine that she did let go of everything about this man, including past love and current resentment.

When Ming Hao heard this, he was even more furious: "Qi Xiaojuan, I tell you very clearly that if you want to break up, there is no way! Don't want to leave Laozi in your life! Also, you are limited to roll back to the hotel within an hour, otherwise ..."

Qi Xiaojuan directly interrupted Ming Hao's words: "Otherwise? Ming Hao, I'm going to your mother! The old lady cursed you for choking when eating and drinking water and being hit by a car when you go out! Nor is there!"

After speaking in one breath, regardless of the other party’s reaction, he hung up the phone and simply pulled the phone number into the blacklist again, looked up at the blue sky, and exhaled heavily, with a smile on his face. The portrait seemed to have completely thrown away the invisible shackles, and became relaxed and cheerful.

Turned around, walked to Li Zedao, smiled slightly and said, "Zedao, although I really want to do it myself,'s disgusting, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat after doing it, so I will trouble you."

"Sure?" Li Zedao smiled and nodded and asked.

"Yes." Qi Xiaojuan said with no hesitation, and said with certainty, "Ten times worse than me."

I don't hate the scum, but Qi Xiaojuan is still willing to see the tragic end of the scum, and it is best to completely abolish his saving and go to harm other girls.

Li Zedao looked at this woman who had completely walked out of the shadows and was indistinguishable from the hot flight attendant he had seen before, and grinned: "I didn't want to return to China so soon, right?"

"Hong Dong generously gave half a month off. Now there are still seven or eight days of vacation. He stays in the island country and heals his injuries. I believe that after a few days, the scars will disappear? Go shopping, of course, don’t worry, I don’t like being a light bulb." Qi Xiaojuan said with a smile, "However, don’t forget the things you promised to invite me to eat. I have to figure out where I’m going to eat. Doesn’t that look down on your domineering president?"

Before, Qi Xiaojuan felt that if Zheng Wan'er wanted to **** Li Zedao from the female passenger, the only possibility was that Li Zedao was blind enough. Now it seems that she is indeed blind enough.

However, Qi Xiaojuan is very happy for Zheng Wan'er. Having such a boyfriend is undoubtedly a sense of security and envy a lot of women.

Li Zedao nodded dumbfoundingly and said: "You have chosen a good place and tell me that I will basically have time in the next few days."

Qi Xiaojuan yawned and said, "Well, help me take out the luggage. I'll go back and sleep well before talking...Oh, yes, remember to send me his tragic situation then."

Li Zedao smiled and nodded his head to indicate that there was no problem.

At the moment, Zheng Waner sent Qi Xiaojuan back to the apartment, who had recovered his emotions, and then returned to the car, intending to go to Kajiki Island with Li Zedao where they wanted to go today.

At this time, Li Zedao had already finished the phone call with He Xiaoyue, and asked her to arrange Qingyun’s people to find Minghao’s troubles. This kind of thing is not suitable for Qingyun’s people to come forward. After all, they are professional for this kind of thing. That Minghao fell into their hands, and he would not die, but he would definitely regret why he was still alive.

Even after being tossed for a while, he might become delirious, of course, he is responsible for all this, and he can't blame others.

He Xiaoyue's tone on the other end of the phone was still soft and perfunctory, or that he was already impatient. After saying a few words, he said that there was still an important matter to deal with, and then hung up.

Li Zedao could only smile wryly again, and there were many apologies in his heart. After all, he was too deserving of himself and too foolish, and this has fallen into such a scene.

Sitting in the co-pilot position, Zheng Wan'er swept Li Zedao's side face with the corner of her eyes. There was ambiguous and shy expression in her eyes, but there was a touch of coldness in her eyes that made people palpitating.

"It's the last day, then, let's have a good day in love." Deep down, a voice sounded.

"I want to ask you a question." Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao and smiled while thinking.

Li Zedao glanced at her and smiled ambiguously: "Ask me what color swimming trunks are? I didn't bring them. You can just buy one after you arrive. Of course, you have to buy it for me and choose the one you like."

"...Not swimming trunks." Zheng Waner couldn't laugh or cry, her pretty face flushed.

"What's the problem?"

"I want to ask you..." Zheng Wan'er blushed even more, her eyes didn't dare to look at Li Zedao's eyes, she looked ashamed and hesitant, and then under Li Zedao's surprised eyes, she almost gasped. The voice said, "I want to ask you, tonight...Can you stay with me?"

After speaking, her face was already red as if it were a red apple, and she slapped her face with her little hands, breathing quickly.

It is really embarrassing for a girl to say such a thing.

"Huh?" Li Ze was stunned. He was extremely clever, and he never expected that Zheng Wan'er would throw such a problem. At the same time, the heart was slightly shrunk, so this woman was planning. Do it tonight?

While his thoughts were surging, Li Zedao stretched out his hand, holding a strand of blue silk between Zheng Wan'er with his fingers, sliding down slowly, smiling and saying, "Of course!"

"Yeah." Zheng Wan'er snorted softly. She was silent for a while, her eyes fell on Li Zedao's side and said with a little nervousness, "I, I had a boyfriend in college, you...wouldn't you mind? "

"I, there are several women around me now, you...wouldn't you mind?" Li Zedao said in Zheng Wan'er's tone with a smile on his face, and winked at her.

"Ah, you really hate it." Zheng Waner snorted and patted Li Zedao on the shoulder. The anxiety still disappeared without a trace.


The night is about to fall, and the afterglow of the setting sun covers this open beach. The whole picture looks very peaceful and beautiful, giving people a kind of dream in a fairy tale.

"It's beautiful," Zheng Wan'er said softly, her face full of drunkenness and comfort.

At this moment she was sitting on the beach with her head resting on the shoulder of Li Zedao sitting aside. She was wearing a pink three-point swimsuit with white flowers embroidered on it, which looked cute and sexy.

Of course, at this time, there are bikini beauties coming and going on the beach. There are even a few courageous foreign girls who have taken off their underwear and lie on the sand, so they don’t look abrupt in dressing like this. Compared with the foreign girl, she is too conservative.

Li Zedao looked at the setting sun with a smile and said, "It's quite beautiful."

Then she looked at the spring light on Zheng Wan'er's chest with the corner of her eye, and repeated: "It's really beautiful."

"Hate, where do you look?" Zheng Wan'er's face showed a blush, like the red sunset.

At this time, Li Zedao was wearing a pair of close-fitting swimming trunks all over his body. His skin was tender and tender, without any blemishes like a baby. It didn't make people feel skinny or clumsy. From neck to toe, every muscle and bone are perfectly matched, as if they were carefully calculated by the most demanding mathematician.

Zheng Wan'er looked at his figure and couldn't help sighing in her heart. This guy's figure is too perfect, especially his skin, which is really enviable and jealous.

Li Zedao smiled, his gaze fell on the sunset again, feeling that this scene, such a conversation seemed familiar, and then, a girl in black leather clothes and leather pants appeared in his mind.

Can't help but smile in my heart, why do you always think of her?

At this moment, a woman not far away came with such a stern cry: "Help, is there a doctor here? Help..."

Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er looked back when they heard the call for help. They saw a young mother in a black swimsuit sitting on the beach with a four or five year old girl in her arms. She was crying for help with tears on her face. She was in a coma in her arms, her face was as white as paper, without a trace of blood, it seemed that the situation was very bad.

"I'll take a look." Li Zedao frowned and said to Zheng Wan'er on the side, then got up and walked over quickly.

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