The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1630: This is murder

Zheng Wan'er stared at him with a daze, and quickly got up and followed.

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao glanced at the young island mother and asked in the island's Mandarin. She squatted down while speaking, grabbing the little girl's right hand with one hand, and putting his fingers on her pulse.

Of course, it was not only Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er who heard the sound, there were seven or eight other men and women who also surrounded him. When he saw Li Zedao making pulse movements, the corner of a man’s mouth twitched slightly. Muttered in a voice that only oneself could hear: "Take the pulse? It turned out to be the **** TCM doctor and Shinazhu."

"I, I... I don't know... I don't know..." The young mother was crying so hard, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, "My Yoko just was fine, and he was happy on the beach. Running, I took pictures for her, and then she suddenly said that she was dizzy, I held her, and then she fainted...Are you a doctor? Please help my daughter, please, then you guys ..."

"Does she have a heart attack?" Li Zedao's expression became a little serious.

"Huh? Yoko's body is always very good, even a common cold is rare... By the way, my husband died of heart disease last year. His family has a genetic history of heart disease. Could it be that my Yoko... "The woman's face turned pale, she was already full of guilt and self-blame. Why didn't you take Yoko to the hospital for a good examination after her husband passed away from a heart attack?

Li Zedao sighed slightly. By taking the pulse, he knew that the little girl’s condition was quite serious. Therefore, Li Zedao was not too sure. After all, although he has a hand in acupuncture and moxibustion, his clinical experience is not too rich, but he dare It was concluded that the girl would not be able to survive the ambulance without first aid.

After taking a deep breath, Li Zedao said, "Let her be flat on the beach, I will try." He didn't say that the girl's condition is very serious, otherwise it will only make the young mother even more flustered, and will not worry about it. He is a stranger to heal.

The young mother heard the words, and as if a drowning man caught a scarecrow, she hurriedly laid the little girl flat on the beach in accordance with the words.

"Keep away a little bit. The patient needs fresh air to circulate." Li Zedao raised his head and yelled at the people who were surrounding him. These people are surrounded like this, and the air is almost out of circulation. For this little girl, it is undoubtedly even worse. It's dangerous.

The onlookers heard the words and quickly dispersed a little.

Standing behind Li Zedao, Zheng Wan'er saw that Li Zedao was so busy saving people, there were already many abnormal glints in her eyes: "Oh, what a nosy fellow."

Then, her eyes widened slightly, and the reactions of other people were similar to hers, because they saw Li Zedao actually put their hands into their swimming trunks under the eyes of everyone.

"Oh, my God, what is this Huaxia guy doing?" someone exclaimed in a low voice, "Isn't he supposed to save people?"

"He is going to be in public*?"

"I guess he just happened to be itchy..."

Just when the onlookers wondered what this guy who was going to save people was going to do, Li Zedao quickly took out his hand from his swimming trunks. At the same time, there was something more in the palm of his hand. Needle box.

Zheng Wan'er looked at her, her mouth twitched slightly, her eyes widened, oh god, when did this guy hide this box in his swimming trunks? Is he not afraid that the needle inside will show up and pierce him? Even if you won’t be pierced by a needle, even if the box is not big, it’s not comfortable to put in those swimming trunks, right?

The others were the same, watching with stunned eyes that Li Zedao actually took out a small box from his swimming trunks and watched him quickly open the box.

Then something even more shocking happened to them, and saw that the guy took out a bright silver needle from the small box and was about to pierce a certain acupuncture point in the little girl's body.

"My God, what is he doing?" someone exclaimed.

Acupuncture is naturally extremely rare in the island country dj. Many people have never seen it or even heard it. So these onlookers are decisively dumbfounded.

When the young mother saw that the doctor tried to puncture her daughter's body with a needle, she was panicked. What is he going to do? Save your own daughter? But how can it be saved like that? I didn't know what to do right now.

"Wait, **** Shina pig, do you know what you are doing? You are murder, murder!" A man suddenly jumped out, pointing at Li Zedao and yelling, "If something happened to this little girl, You are the murderer!"

Li Zedao raised his head slightly, his eyes indifferently looked at the man who dared to speak out the name that insulted the entire Chinese nation in public, and said that he was a murderer, and asked coldly: "What did you say?"

"I said you were deliberately murdering." The man's voice became louder and his tone was determined, undoubtedly, causing the eyes of people around him to look at Li Zedao slightly changed.

The young mother looked ugly, and while looking at Li Zedao with alert eyes, she hugged the little girl lying on the beach in her arms.

"Murder? Are you sure?" Li Zedao's eyes were even colder. The hat he buttoned down was too heavy, which made Li Zedao very upset.

"Of course I am sure! Even if you have studied Chinese medicine and know the so-called acupuncture, but you are too young, what can you learn? Besides, I have never heard that acupuncture is effective for heart disease, and your needle is If you took it out of your crotch, there must be a lot of bacteria and germs stuck in it. You dare to use it to pierce people without disinfection. What if you get infected? What if you are not murder?" Man Questioned loudly.

"It seems that you are also a doctor?" Li Zedao asked. Of course, Li Zedao didn't think that this guy knew what illness he was sick with just by looking at the little girl's face. He must have heard what he said before.

"Of course, I am a student of DJ Medical University, and I am now an intern at Yenching First Hospital!" When the man said his identity, he was a little proud of his eyebrows. After all, DJ Medical University is famous all over the world. Yes, it is really not so easy to be admitted to this school.

In addition, DJ First Hospital is also the best and largest hospital in the entire island country. It is great to be able to work in that hospital, even for internships. Therefore, men do have arrogant capital.

The onlookers watched him self-reported such an identity, without exception, looked at him with strange eyes, making the man's expression even more proud, and he couldn't hide it.

When the young mother heard the words, she hugged her daughter tightly, glanced at her daughter's terribly pale face, her heart twitched, and then looked at the man hopefully, crying and begging: "I beg you, Save my daughter..."

"Madam, I've already helped call the emergency number, so An Xin waits for the ambulance to come over." The man nodded comfortingly. This kind of thing actually requires emergency medicine like Jiuxin Pill, except for people with heart disease. Besides, no one would put such drugs on his body in idle time, so the man was powerless. In his opinion, the only thing he could do was wait for the ambulance to come.

As he said that, he glanced at Li Zedao who was trying to murder, and said coldly: "And you, it's better to wait where you are, don't try to escape, I will call the police, and I will tell you when the police arrive. Crime facts."

"..." Li Zedao felt that his temper had become too good. If it had been in the past, he would have slapped it.

Standing on Li Zedao's skillful Zheng Wan'er's beautiful eyes always fell on Li Zedao's back, with an inexplicable gleam in the depths of the eyes: "Oh, I'm really curious, what will you do next? Beat that wretched guy. ? Then ignore the life and death of that little girl and turn around and leave? Oh, it must be like this."

Li Zedao ignored the guy, but looked at the young mother and said seriously: "I think you should not believe me? But I still have to say that your daughter's situation is very dangerous, and she will definitely not be able to survive. There may be a glimmer of hope if the car is coming, and if there is no emergency treatment, let me help."

Zheng Wan'er listened, her eyes were full of surprises. She did not expect that Li Zedao even insisted on saving people, and listening to what he said, it seemed that he was not absolutely sure.

Damn, what is he thinking? Didn't he know that if he did not save the little girl's life, he would be murdered in public.

If that kind of thing happens, under the malicious instigation of certain forces, it will cause an uproar, and even cause a collision between the two countries.

"This..." The young mother started to hesitate again, really anxious, not knowing who to listen to, the whole person was like an ant on a hot pot.

"Madam, if you listen to her, your daughter will really die." The man warned seriously, then stared at Li Zedao with bad eyes and asked: "What is your grudge against this lovely girl? Why do you have to provoke her? To death?"

"I bought a watch last year!" Li Zedao watched the man speak such a Chinese language.

"Baga, what are you talking about?" The man was shocked.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound. Li Zedao suddenly punched out and smashed the man's ridiculous face full of cynicism.

The latter's body lay neatly on the sofa, and blood kept coming out of his mouth, and even a few teeth came out with the blood.

This guy had just spoken badly, and dared to say those three words in front of him, so Li Zedao made a decisive move.


"This damned Chinese man killed someone, call the police..."

The people around were shocked by Li Zedao’s sudden injury. They backed and screamed. The noise was not small, which made the people around them look more and more curious. Yes, I trot over here to see what happened.

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