The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1635: Biao acting

"Yes, I asked for a business card when I went last time." Zheng Wan'er said, and then she found the wallet from her backpack.

Li Zedao glanced and saw that there were various cards in her wallet, such as bank cards, fitness cards, discount cards, and a dozen business cards.

"Found it." Zheng Wan'er took out one of the business cards with bright eyes and handed it to Li Zedao, and said with a little shyness, "You can decide."

Li Zedao looked at the shy girl, smiled and stretched out his hand to take the business card, and glanced at it. It was a simple but exquisite bronzed business card with the name and address of the hotel written in island Mandarin. The bottom row is contact information.

And judging from the address left above, it is quite close to where they eat sushi now. Li Zedao is still familiar with the city of DJ. By estimation, it will take only five minutes to drive there.

At the moment, Li Zedao took out his cell phone and dialed a call according to the phone number on it.

The phone was answered quickly and sounded, and then the sweet and warm voice of the waiter came.

Li Zedao responded in the island’s Mandarin, saying that he needed to book a more comfortable room for two people, and said that he would be there later.

After exchanging a few sentences and hung up the phone, Li Zedao looked at Zheng Wan'er and said, “I’m very lucky. There is one room that has already been booked, but only for two hours. If you don’t check in within two hours, the order will be Will be cancelled."

"Then we have to eat quickly." Zheng Wan'er nodded and said.

"Don't worry, that place is not far away, and it will only take five minutes to drive." Li Zedao smiled ambiguously, if pointedly, "Dear Miss Wan'er, why do I think you can't wait so much?"

"Oh, yes, I can't wait to bite you!" At the same time there was a voice deep in her heart, Zheng Wan'er gave Li Zedao a shy face and said, "Where is there... ...You hate it."

Li Zedao laughed, picking up a piece of sushi and putting it in her bowl: "Eat more, it will take a while to gain strength."

"Ah, you hate it to death, why are you so erotic..."

In an extremely ambiguous atmosphere, the two enjoyed a delicious sushi meal. Then, holding hands, they walked out of this well-known shop and returned to the car, and then drove to the house named Ming. House of the big hotel.

As Li Zedao had predicted, he arrived here in about five minutes.

After getting out of the car, Li Zedao vaguely glanced at the hotel, which was decorated with many neon lights, and found nothing unusual. It was not much different from the big hotel. Of course, he didn't feel it. Any unusual look.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't believe that there was nothing tricky in this hotel, otherwise how could this woman choose this place? It can't really be because you think this place is good and suitable for rolling sheets, right?

Holding hands like a young couple in love, the two walked into the hotel and first checked in at the front desk with their respective IDs. After paying for the room, Li Zedao picked them up from the beautiful front desk lady. Passed the room card.

"Dear Sir, the room you booked is on the seventh floor, Room 711. Go straight on the left and there is an elevator to the seventh floor. When you reach the seventh floor, a waiter will take you to the room you reserved." Said politely.

"Thank you." Li Zedao nodded in response.

"In addition, this is a gift from the hotel." The beauty waiter said with a signature smile on her face, and then passed a small box of things over.

Sent? Li Zedao didn't think too much and took a look, then her eyes widened slightly, and Zheng Wan'er on the side took a curious look, then her cheeks were instantly flushed, and her eyes quickly left.

This is a set of boxes, and looking at the pictures printed on the box, it's still fun.

"This handsome guy has no life with this kind of thing." Li Zedao was full of emotion in his heart, very sad, this **** safety button is almost going to kill him, and the set is completely for him. It has lost its true function and meaning. In Li Zedao's eyes, it is a better quality balloon.

He put the set in his pocket and walked slowly towards the elevator entrance with Zheng Wan'er, who was so shy. At the same time, he clearly felt that the woman's heartbeat had been speeding up. He was looking at her picture. With a small face, he was shy and nervous, and his eyes didn't know where to look.

Therefore, Li Zedao had to admire this woman once again. He really used his soul to perform, showing the emotional expressions, reactions and actions that a girl should have when she opened a room with a boy she likes for the first time. .

The reaction of the strong and the weakest defense is undoubtedly when they are going to bed with a woman. This is why, from ancient times to the present, there are many outstanding killer agents who are all women, and they are all beautiful women.

The basic routine is to find the opportunity to get close to the target person first, successfully lure the target person with his appearance and body, then roll the sheets, and then in the process of rolling the sheets, pain the killer.

Even Li Zedao heard the pervert who used to be a killer said that a certain underworld tycoon in Europe was killed by a killer posing as an innocent woman while he was rolling the sheets, and he lost too much blood and died...

Li Zedao suddenly felt like there was a gust of wind blowing under his crotch, and he was inexplicably cold. Even if he really rolled the sheets after a while, he couldn't play that kind of stuff. It was too dangerous and scary.

Li Zedao feels that he is facing such a situation now. He has been killed by a terrible assassin. Now it is the step of rolling the sheets. The only difference is that Li Zedao knows that she is a assassin...Of course, it is not so sure.

Although he is defensive, his psychology is actually extremely uneasy, because this woman is so terrible, even thinking about entering the room for a while, do you want to attack the killer first?

Still waiting? After all, Li Zedao is actually not 100% sure that this woman is acting. In case, there is no fake Zheng Wan'er at all. In case she is not acting, she has nothing to do with skulls, although she is awesome. Experts, but now you are purely attracted by yourself and then come to bed with yourself?

If this is done, wouldn't it completely anger a master who could have been devoted to himself? Who will cry?

After a lot of thoughts, Li Zedao finally decided not to take the initiative to attack, intending to act on the occasion. Although I think this woman's skill is not much worse than that of him, but he is not a vegetarian after all, and he is also prepared, so he I don't think this woman can take advantage of herself after showing her fangs.

The elevator quickly stopped on the seventh floor. After going out, a waiter with a signature smile came over and brought Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er to the room 711 they had reserved.

This is the only high-end suite left in this hotel tonight. The area is about 70 or 80 square meters. The decoration inside is luxurious and warm. Needless to say, the standard thing like the bathroom is even a separate kitchenette. Yes, of course, the price per night is naturally much higher than that of an ordinary room.

After entering the room, Zheng Wan'er didn't dare to face Li Zedao in her eyes. She looked seriously at everything in the room. Of course, her small face was flushed, and her brows were full of shyness and tension.

Li Zedao was also looking at everything in this room, except for him and Zheng Wan'er, he didn't notice the existence of the third breath.

"The environment is pretty good, what do you think?" Li Zedao looked at Zheng Wan'er with a smile. At the same time, a silver needle for acupuncture was hidden between his right index finger and middle finger. In this way, even this woman Now that the murderous aura suddenly broke out, Li Zedao could also respond instantly and even give her the most fatal blow.

"Well, I think it's pretty good too." Zheng Wan'er responded softly, her face flushed even more, her heart was inexplicably tense when she smelled the hot man's breath of the other party, and there was a trace of abnormal emotions in her heart. So, her reaction at this time is really not all about acting.

"Oh, damn, why didn't I calm down? I really look forward to it? Oh, damn, really damn!" A shocked voice sounded deep inside.

"I'm hungry, I want to eat you now..." Li Zedao said something like a beast, and then he looked at her eyes first, and then moved down little by little.

At the same time he said this sentence, Li Zedao was also racing his acting skills. For example, his breathing began to thicken, and his eyes were so hot, like torches.

There is no doubt that Li Zedao is taking the initiative to attack. He intends to use this method to force this woman to show up as soon as possible. It is best to show up now. If she shows up after she rolls the bed for a while, it will undoubtedly increase a lot of risk factor.

At the same time, the other party's eye nerves passed through every part of her body, Zheng Wan'er clearly felt that place was ignited, and it started to get hot, hot, and then gradually accumulated into desire.

"Oh, damn, I actually reacted to him? How could this be?" A startled voice appeared in the deepest part of Zheng Wan'er's heart.

Of course, at this time, her performance is so shy and so expectant, Qiao Sheng stood there, looking like Renjun tasting, as if asking rhetorically, didn’t you say you want to eat me? Why can't it come?

It still doesn't show up yet? Li Zedao decided to enlarge the move! He took a step forward and stretched out his hand, then put one hand on Zheng Wan'er's chest and the other on her hip, and then grabbed something. At the same time, the heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, because, once such a move came out, this woman might burst out the most fierce attack.

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