The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1636: Miss Elena

However, Zheng Wan'er did not violently send out the fiercest attack as Li Zedao had imagined. Instead, her body was shaking gently and her breathing became more and more intense.

Then, her hand stretched out and placed it gently on Li Zedao's back, even as if flirting. Li Zedao's back with his fingers lightly painted something, the sound was like a mosquito and it was extremely shy. Said: "I want to take a bath... Do you want to be together?"

Li Zedao's body tightened instantly.


Room 909, this is the most luxurious and expensive suite in Mingwu Hotel. Its size and degree of luxury are no less than those of presidential suites.

At this time, the lights in the room were not turned on, but on the large comfortable sofa, two men in suits and leather shoes were sitting face to face, with fine Cuban cigars and fireworks in their mouths. When it was light and dark, their funny faces were reflected.

"Oh, dear General Moore, our dear Miss Elena took the initiative to invite that kid to take a bath. This is really incredible." One of the men said with a smile, with a strange expression.

"Oh?" General Moore slowly breathed out smoke, his expression was somewhat surprised, and he obviously couldn't believe that the woman would say such lewd words, and immediately smiled: "Mr. Wade, I think That lecherous kid will surely get a nosebleed after hearing such words?"

"Oh, I think so too... Dear Miss Wan'er, help me take off my clothes... Miss Zheng Wan'er, do you want me to take it off... Oh, God, this lascivious little fellow, he knows he is doing it. What? It’s so stupid to ask Miss Elena to help undress, and he will also help Miss Elena. I think Miss Elena must be full of murderous psychology at this time, right?" Wade said with a weird expression.

General Moore smiled: "Oh, that's not necessarily true. Maybe our dear Miss Elena would like to take this opportunity to taste the ecstasy, after all, she hasn't tasted it in hundreds of years. Right? And while savoring the taste of ecstasy, the best opportunity comes, right? That kid has the terrifying power that makes us all jealous. If there is no such opportunity, I really don’t think Elin Miss Na can completely suppress him."

"Oh, yes, it is true. So, what I want to say is that this guy is really lucky, so loved by God, that he can taste the taste of Miss Elena. That is the only one left in the world. Vampire, oh, I think I am jealous of him." Wade said jealously, but his tone was full of sourness.

"Haha, the exciting battle is about to begin, I don't want to miss such a good show." General Moore said with a smile, and then moved his hand to pick up a headset placed on the table, and put it into his ears. in.

After a rustling sound, they knew that it was after the sound of undressing. They clearly heard a shy and gentle voice coming over.

"You...really so big..."

"That is, and it's very long-lasting, otherwise how can you conquer so many women? You will know soon..."

"Ah, don't say, you hate it..."

"Ahem..." As if choked by the smoke, Wade couldn't help but cough a few times, with a somewhat weird expression. It turned out that Miss Elena, who had been so indifferent and noble before him, could have When it was so lustful.

Wade is sour, you can actually find me if you want to experience the ecstasy. But when I remembered what would happen after being bitten... Wade's mentality trembled a few times, and he thought it would be better to forget that kind of woman.

Then came a short period of sensuality and even lewdness, which made Wade and General Moore look at each other, both of them could see the slightly weird face of each other.

The feeling is as if they both have this hobby, and then they shamelessly hide in the dark, eavesdropping on a very loving couple in love having **** over there, how weird they think , Even they feel that their behavior is very despicable, and what's more speechless is that some part of the body actually starts to react.

"Oh, this Cuban cigar is very good." General Moore distracted a little.

"Oh, yes, it is really good, General Moore, you are trying this coffee, this is the most authentic cat feces coffee, I believe you will like it." Wade learned from General Moore to distract his attention.

General Moore curled his lips and didn't bother to say anything. This coffee looks like I served you out, OK?

Then, they heard the sound of the stream, and then bursts of gasps came over as if they were trying to suppress but extremely ecstasy.

"Oh, our Miss Elena is really in estrus, and she has completely turned into a bitch." General Moore looked at Wade and said.

"It's hard to imagine that there is such a lewd soul hidden under her murderous appearance." Wade listened to the fascination from the earphone, and his body started to catch fire inexplicably, and felt it a pity. , Unfortunately, only the sound can be heard, there is no way to see the scene of such ecstasy, and there is no way to replace the hapless guy as the hero of the scene of ecstasy.

General Moore smiled and spit out a mouthful of smoke and smiled: "She is a woman first, then a vampire. A woman needs a man's nourishment. This is normal... I think it will shine during her enjoyment. Take out her fangs, and bite that kid's neck fiercely?"

"Oh, I think so too." Wade echoed with a smile. Apart from this ending, Wade can't think of a second ending.

After this ecstasy and enchanting voice lasted for ten minutes, suddenly, "Ah..." a sound that seemed extremely painful passed through the headset to the ears of General Moore and Wade, causing their eardrums to be severely damaged. The shock was severely uncomfortable.

Then, the two looked at each other, and their spirits were shocked. It seemed that what they were looking forward to most had happened.

Immediately afterwards, various messy sounds sounded, as if something had been smashed, and at the same time, there was a roar: "You... what did you do to me? Why do I have no strength... …"

"Oh, I just took a light bite on your neck... God, your blood is so delicious." Another cold voice sounded, with a very pure London accent.

When Wade and General Moore listened, they both had expressions of joy. Therefore, Miss Elena successfully took a bite on the neck of the man who caused them headaches and fears. They even more It is clear what it means to be bitten by Miss Elena.

"'re not Zheng Wan'er? Who are you?" This was a voice that was so shocking that it was full of incredible.

Immediately afterwards, something slammed on the water, and there was a muffled sound of "Puff!" After that, there was no other sound except the sound of gurgling water.

A few seconds later, an indifferent voice came from the headset: "I think you should have heard enough, right?"

Hearing this indifferent voice, General Moore shrugged his shoulders, then held up the already chilled coffee on the table in front of him, smiled at Wade and said, "Oh, man, this is a small victory, I Think we should celebrate."

"Oh, yes, we should celebrate and toast." Wade smiled, and also picked up the cold coffee. After slamming the cup with General Moore, the two men raised their heads and drank them, and then they both smiled. , Walked out of this luxurious suite one after another.

At this time, there were four men in black guarding at the entrance of the suite. Judging from the undisguised and terrifying aura emanating from their bodies, these four people are undoubtedly extremely terrifying characters, even if their strength is not as good as north Such a master, I am afraid not too weak.

When they saw General Moore and Wade coming out, the four of them nodded in unison, and then followed their hands in unison, and quickly passed the elevator to Room 711 on the seventh floor.

During this period, the waiters in the hotels on the ninth and seventh floors naturally saw these six people, but they didn't seem to see them, as if they were all transparent people.

At the moment, Jianjun Moore and Wade looked at each other. The latter reached out and knocked on the door with a faint smile on his mouth.

The door was quickly opened from the inside, and a woman who was surrounded by a white scarf barely covering the key parts of her body appeared there.

This is a beautiful foreign woman with blonde hair. Her golden hair is still wet and messed up on her strangely white shoulders, dripping from time to time.

And strangely, this woman’s eyes are scarlet, and there are two sharp fangs shining with cold light in her slightly open mouth. In addition, her nails are also very long, and they seem to be smeared. It's like red nail polish, and it's a bit strangely red.

"Good evening, Miss Elena." Wade looked at the woman who was licking her scarlet lips with such terrible eyes. It was a gentleman's greeting, although she didn't think that this woman would suddenly violently rush towards him. I took a bite on the neck, but my heart was still a little fuzzy.

Of course, I was also muttering in my heart. It seems that the hapless guy just couldn't satisfy this woman, or the woman just started doing it when she was not satisfied, so that her face was so ugly, this is simply The reaction of unsatisfied women

Of course, Wade tends to the former, he said that he didn't believe in how good that guy was doing.

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