The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1641: Maggot System

After a while, Li Zedao's heart gradually calmed down, and the blood red in his eyes disappeared little by little. Then he raised his head and watched his body shaking constantly. He was desperately swallowing saliva, even his hips. Akai was all wet underneath.

At this time, everyone in this laboratory, except this old man, was simply killed by Li Zedao.

"So you are afraid too?" Li Zedao looked at the old man and said lightly, "I originally thought that the person who died in your hands has at least three digits? So you are not afraid anymore."

Li Zedao thought for a while, it seems that two sentences are quite reasonable. The first is that the older you are, the more you are afraid of death. This old man is a typical example.

The second sentence is that if a person is afraid of death, it has nothing to do with how many people he has killed. People who despise the lives of others often value their own lives.

"Don't... don't kill me..." A panicked and trembling voice rolled out from Akai's throat. At this moment, his old face seemed to have been splashed with water, full of sweat. The lenses were blurred, and he was still wearing a pair of underwear on his head, so it seemed funny.

"Don't worry, if you want to kill you, do you think you can still stand there now?" Li Zedao said lightly, "but I hope you can honestly answer a few of my questions, which makes me satisfied. I will not kill you. You will even guarantee your safety, otherwise don't blame the knife in my hand for slashing your throat."

"Only... as long as you don't kill me, no matter what question, as long as I know, I will answer truthfully." Akai said quickly, he was really frightened by this young man's harsh methods.

Just now, he saw this terrible person entering one room after another from the corner of his eye, so he didn't need to think about it, and he killed all the people in the dozen or so rooms.

But he couldn't hear any screams or fighting sounds, so you can imagine how terrifying and ruthless this young man's methods are. Killing them is like cutting vegetables. the difference.

What made him even more frightened was that the neck of the person standing around him turned into a fountain, and a lot of blood was sprayed directly on his back. Now they are all lying on the ground. Now, his eyes are wide, and he can't die anymore.

Akai saw a lot of dead people, and no fewer than a hundred people died in his hands, but at this time, he actually felt that the dead were so terrifying.

"This is the experimental base of skulls?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes...yes." Akai did not dare to conceal anything, and quickly nodded.

"How many other research rooms are there?" Li Zedao's eyes fell on the torn corpse not far away, and blood fog began to appear in his eyes again.

"On this one, nothing else." Akai quickly replied, "This laboratory is only responsible for the research on genetic superhumans, and other research is not involved."

"Is there a kind of explosive device installed in every genetic superhuman body? That kind of device can not only be controlled from far away, but it can also be located and eavesdropped, right?" Li Zedao asked again .

"Yes, it is true. We call that set of * system ‘maggots’." Akai said.

"Maggot? Like a maggot attached to bones like a shadow to follow you?" Li Zedao frowned slightly and nodded. The person who wanted to take the name was quite literate. Now he asked again, "What kind of system is also placed in your body? Where are the people here?"

"Not everyone has that system in their body. On the one hand, the cost of the system is extremely expensive, and it takes a lot of trouble to install it in the human body. There is even the possibility of failure. If it fails, it will endanger it. Life. On the other hand, it mainly plays a role of surveillance and injury to the enemy."

Akai said simply and explained: "So, generally, only those members who are sent out to perform various tasks will be placed in the system, such as us, scientific researchers who cannot leave here and these security personnel guarding this place. , There is no need to be installed on that kind of system."

"It turns out." Li Zedao looked at the old man who answered his questions honestly and nodded. This is probably consistent with his own guess. Li Zedao didn't think that all the members of the skull and crossbones were placed in the body.

"Where is the terminal that overrides that system?" Li Zedao asked again.

"The terminal is in the Skull Castle. That is the headquarters of Skull Head. The specific location is on a secret island named Skull Head in the Arctic Ocean that is not even found on the map. As for the specific location, I I don't know." Akai really didn't hide anything, and said everything he knew.

"Arctic Ocean? Skull Head Island? Skull Head Castle?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart after hearing the words, it seems that it was secretly formed by the US?

After pondering for a while, he asked: "You helped install that kind of system..." Without finishing a sentence, Li Zedao already felt that he was an idiot, he was talking nonsense. After all, that kind of system is the standard configuration of Superman, this guy How could it not be installed?

So before Akai could answer anything, Li Zedao changed his mouth and asked, "I mean, since you can install such a system into the body of Superman, can you also successfully take it out?"

Akai glanced at Li Zedao, Xiao Xiao said cautiously: " depends on the situation, because the maggot system is made of special materials. If time goes on, it will transform into a part of your heart, just like you An extra piece of meat has grown out of your heart. If you forcefully take it out at that time, you will have a knife in your heart and it will be difficult to survive."

Then, his eyes were so horrified, he was afraid that his answer would make this murderous devil dissatisfied, when the scalpel wiped his neck...

"How long is it long? Twenty days is too long?" Li Zedao asked lightly, without even looking at Akai, but he picked up the one that harvested more than fifty lives in just a few minutes. Scalpel.

Once again, a lot of cold sweat broke out on Akai's forehead, and while he was secretly relieved, he hurriedly said: "Twenty days are okay. Fortunately, it can be taken out relatively easily."

"It's better to be so, otherwise..." Li Zedao said word by word, and then fiercely stabbed the scalpel in his hand into the forehead of the corpse on the side, and the handle of the corpse was still trembling slightly. With.


Akai watched, his heart contracted, and then, under his crotch, he couldn't help but feel hot again, and he was scared to urinate again. This kid was really too cruel. For a long time, they thought that they were butchers and demons. There was no more cruel person in this world, but now compared with this kid, they are simply too cute little angels.

"I want to leave this place without disturbing anyone, oh, of course, you have to leave with me, otherwise how can I guarantee your safety? Can you do it?" Li Zedao grinned at Akai, showing a gloomy grin Sen's teeth, "If I can't do it, I can figure it out by myself. Of course, you don't have to live anymore."

"But...Yes, of course..." Akai said quickly. He can do this kind of thing easily. After all, unlike other researchers, he can freely enter and exit the laboratory at any time, but he just wants to leave it. For a family hotel, you need to get the permission of General Moore, the person in charge here, and someone must follow along. It is protection in name but surveillance in reality.

Of course, his scope of activities is limited to djs, and the maximum time to go out is twenty-four hours. If the area and time are exceeded, then he will be severely punished by the organization.

The Skull and Crossbones organization clearly understands this truth. Loyalty is because the bargaining chip for betrayal is not enough, so they are still worried that this extremely important scientific researcher for the organization chooses to betray because he has obtained some kind of benefit that he cannot refuse. , Their methods have always been extremely harsh.

So he quickly explained the situation to the devil, saying that he could leave the laboratory, but he couldn't leave the family hotel. In addition, there were many secret guards outside the hotel. It was basically impossible if they didn't disturb them to escape here.

"Get out of this place first, and I will naturally be able to take you out of the hotel later." Li Zedao lightly responded.

Akai nodded, saying nothing.

"In addition, I think you should take something to leave, such as the painstaking effort you worked out, what do you think?" Li Zedao said again.

"I think so too." Akai swallowed and said. If you don't know what this guy wants to do, then he is really a big idiot. I'm afraid he wants to bring this research back to China, right? Of course, no matter if this kid wants to bring these research materials back to China, or where he takes them, or even destroys them, Akai doesn't matter. He just wants to save his own life.

It’s just that if the Skulls and Crossbones know about it, I’m afraid it will be furious, right? Because they absolutely do not allow such important information to leak out.

"If that's the case, then start to clean up, oh, yes, don't play tricks with me, such as sounding the alarm, otherwise, believe me, you will die ugly." Li Zedao said gloomily.

Facts have proved that Akai, a scientific madman, is indeed very afraid of death, so when Li Zedao helped him untie the blocked acupuncture point on his body, he hurriedly took off the ring on his finger that was used to sound the alarm. Next, he threw it away cautiously, afraid that he would accidentally touch him and his life would be gone.

Watching coldly as Akai was turning over the drawer over there, he took out a copy after another, and there were also various unknown liquids installed in large and small bottles or syringes, Li Zedao The weird green liquid I've seen before is in it.

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