The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1642: General Skull

"Is the most perfect genetic superman researched out?" Li Zedao asked coldly.

Akai looked back at Li Zedao, not daring to conceal anything, and said: "Last week, two superhuman genes were successfully developed, but they are not the most perfect, but they are close to perfection."

Akai is naturally dissatisfied with achieving such results. After all, he is a person who pursues perfection. The experimental body originally sent this time hopes that he will create the most perfect genetic superman. Who wants it, the result? But it became like this, so Akai couldn't help but greeted General Moore and Wade's family women several times.

"Towards perfection?" Li Zedao raised his brows instantly. Doesn't that mean that the strength of the two genetic superhumans is already at a terrifying level? Even the one who is not careful will suffer even if he is against him?

"Where are the two genetic supermen now?" Li Zedao asked after taking a deep breath, his expression already full of solemnity.

Akai looked at Li Zedao's ugly expression, and said cautiously: "I don't know where they are. I'm only responsible for researching and manufacturing them..."

Looking at the other party’s increasingly cold expression, Akai quickly added in amazement, “But I think they should be in the Skeleton Castle now? Because when the two genetic supermen are created, General Skull can’t wait. I want to see their destructive power."

"General Skull?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"General Skull and Crossbones is the leader of the Skull and Crossbones organization. He is a tall old man. He always likes to wear a military uniform with various medals on his chest." Akai hurriedly said what he knew, no Dare to conceal the slightest.

After pondering for a while, Li Zedao waved his hand in a irritated mood and said, "Okay, you should pack it up quickly, and destroy what you can't take."

"I know." Akai said quickly, and then continued to pack up.

Looking back from the old man, and falling on the corpse on the bed not far away, Li Zedao's eyes were already blood red again.

In fact, after learning that He Xiaoyang had fallen into the hands of Skull and Crossbones, Li Zedao had already guessed that it would be such a result. How could Skull and Crossbones let go of this subject?

But even if he was psychologically prepared, He Xiaoyang’s body is there now, and the facts are in front of him. Li Zedao still can’t accept it. He can’t imagine how He Xiaoyue will react when he knows it, and I’m afraid he will hate him to death. Right?

Twenty minutes later, Akai finished packing, and he had put all the things he needed to take away into a large backpack. As for the rest, they were destroyed as required by Li Zedao.

Of course, there is no point in destroying it. After all, there are actually all the headquarters here. Destroying will not bring any loss to the Skeleton Organization. The only loss is that these things leaked out.

Akai picked up the backpack with some difficulty, looked at Li Zedao cautiously, and waited for his next instructions.

"Clean yourself up, you are too stinky." Li Zedao said disgustingly.

"..." Akai can only smile, this is vomiting and peeing his pants, can it not smell? I quickly put down the big backpack again, then took off my smelly kimono, and put on a white coat that I usually wear at work.

"Put the organs of the corpse back into the body of the deceased, and the wound will be sutured up. I will take him away." Li Ze pointed to He Xiaoyang's corpse and said, his tone was frighteningly cold.

Although he didn't know what the devil was doing to take the corpse away, Akai did not dare to disobey, and quickly put the organs taken out one by one back, and sutured the wound.

Judging from the speed and technique of his stitching, he is undoubtedly a very clever doctor. Unfortunately, what he did was the exact opposite of what the doctor did.

The doctor is saving the dying and healing the wounded, but he is reaping his life wantonly.

After Akai sutured the incision on the corpse, Li Zedao also found the body bag used to hold him before, carefully put He Xiaoyang's corpse in, closed the zipper, looked back at Akai and said, "Bring it on. Things, let's go."

"Except for me, other scientific researchers are not allowed to leave the laboratory, so I think you should change into the clothes of the security guard who brought you in just now, so that the people who were guarding outside when we went out also I don't doubt anything." Akai pointed to Li Zedao's careful opening.

"Go take his clothes off and give it to me." Li Zedao nodded and said.

Akai hurriedly entered the room and took off his clothes. When he saw that the few in the room were too dead to die, and there were security guards who had not had time to fade away on each face, Akai was sweating again, and even his stomach began to twist. I want to vomit again.

Although I knew that everyone here was dead except him, but now that he saw this scene, the **** impact still made him unbearable. Once again, I thought in my heart that compared with that devil, they could indeed say Is a cute little angel.

Forcing himself not to vomit, Akai quickly stripped off the man's clothes and shoes, left the room and sent it to Li Zedao, then turned around consciously.

Li Zedao watched this old man's actions, thinking that the old man still had eyesight. Of course, if he didn't have eyesight, I'm afraid he would have wiped his neck just like everyone else.

At the moment Li Zedao quickly put on the uniform on his body, his figure is undoubtedly a size smaller than those of the men, so the clothes look a bit big, but it doesn't matter if the belt is tightened.

There was also a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses in the pocket of this dress. Li Zedao took them out and put them on his face, covering most of his face. Then he said to the old man, "Give me the backpack, and then we can go."

If the old man is allowed to carry that backpack, who knows if the people guarding outside will see any clues?

Akai hurriedly handed the backpack over, the latter carried it on his body, and then carried the bag containing He Xiaoyang's body on his shoulder, and said coldly: "Let's go."

Akai nodded, and while walking towards the gate made of special materials, he secretly took a deep breath, letting his performance be the same as usual.

"Friendly reminder again, don't play tricks." The devil's cold voice came from behind.

Akai turned around and smiled bitterly: "Don't worry, I really don't want to die."

After coming to the front, Fujii took out the card, swiped it on the door, and then passed the retinal scan. Then, the iron door moved quickly to the sides, and the technological metal channel appeared. In front of them, Fujii walked over as if nothing happened.

Li Zedao, carrying a backpack and a corpse bag on his shoulders, followed closely behind him with a cold expression on his face.

On both sides of the aisle, there were more than 20 people with live ammunition guarding them. Of course, they did not find any abnormalities. After all, the alarm did not sound. Moreover, the situation of Akai carrying a person carrying a body bag happened many times before. Get used to it.

Therefore, Akai and Li Zedao quickly came to another door. Akai made the same method, swiping the card, and scanned the retina. Then the door was opened again, and the two left the passage smoothly.

Just as the door closed behind him, a muffled sound came, and there was a sound of heavy footsteps. It was obvious that someone had removed the stone tower blocking the entrance and came down.

Akai's heart shrank suddenly, and there was a way to pass the verification to open the stone tower and go down to this place. There were only two people, one was himself, and the other was General Moore, the person in charge here.

Therefore, at this time, it is clear that General Moore is here! At the moment Akai really wants to yell at him, Paga, isn't your Western dog hate coming to this place? Why is it here now?

If General Moore finds something wrong, the devil behind him can't kill him?

After Li Zedao heard the movement, the brows hidden under the sunglasses also picked up, and his figure moved slightly to the left, making his face in the dark, and his head was slightly lowered to hide himself as much as possible. At the same time At the same time, the hand was already clenched without a trace, and he was already ready to kill.

Sure enough, General Moore came down, and Wade was there.

"Oh, dear General Moore, Mr. Wade, it's hard to imagine that you are actually interested in coming here." Akai cursed these two **** viciously in his heart and smiled at the two people who came down. Li Wenxin said.

At the same time, there was a chill behind him. He knew very well that once the two men were shown something, he would really be the first to die.

Of course, he dared not ask for help from these two people, otherwise he would only die faster.

"Mr. Akai, why did you come out?" General Moore said with a bit of surprise. He also glanced at the security guard with sunglasses and head down standing behind Akai. Of course, he didn't take a closer look. For these security guards, he has always I don't even look at it more.

General Moore and Wade originally planned to go to the hot springs. After thinking about it, they decided to come to the laboratory first. At least let Akai know that they attached great importance to this research on genetic superman.

But I didn't expect that after I got down, I saw Akai who hadn't waited to start before came out.

"Oh, suddenly my stomach feels a little uncomfortable, so I can only come out and plan to take a rest." Akai smiled bitterly and pointed to his stomach. "I ate a lot of salmon for dinner, I guess I broke my stomach..."

"It's nothing serious, right?" Wade quickly expressed his concern.

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