The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1643: Research corpse

"Oh, it's okay, just take a break, but don't worry, I have arranged it. The first phase of the transformation is ready to begin. If nothing else, after about a week, the transformation can be successful... Now that the two of you are here, go in and take a look?" Akai sent out an invitation.

"Oh, no, Mr. Akai, you'd better go back and rest quickly, your health is important." General Moore said quickly. They were here to care about it, and they didn't really want to go into that ghost place.

Akai breathed a sigh of relief. If this guy said he would go in and see something like that, then he would cry.

"Mr. Akai, is this?" Wade pointed to the corpse bag carried on the shoulder of the black man in Akai's hand. His eyes scanned the one with sunglasses and lowered his head, and the light was not very bright, so some The man who couldn't see the face took a few glances, and inexplicably felt that this man was familiar.

Then, I couldn't help but sneered at myself. After all, it was the security staff here. I'm afraid I had swept a few glances before, so it was normal to feel familiar.

Therefore, Wade quickly threw the security personnel aside, looking at the corpse bag with some curiosity.

"Oh, here is a corpse. The previous failed experiment. After the corpse was de-planed by me, some organs have undergone different mutations. I plan to take it back to my room. If I can't sleep, I will study it." Akai He smiled, "You know, people get less sleep when they reach a certain age."

"Uh..." General Moore is okay. After all, this kind of thing has happened many times before, but the corners of Wade's mouth twitched slightly.

"You two are interested? To study together tonight?" Akai invited sincerely, "I think you will be very interested."

"I think hot springs are more suitable for me." General Moore wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, this pervert, why do you always send out such an invitation?

"Oh, I think hot springs are more suitable for me." Wade also wiped his sweat.

"It's a pity, I thought you would be very interested." Akai said with regret.

General Moore and Wade twitched the corners of their mouths, thinking that we would be interested. Then hell, the two laughed at the moment and said that Mr. Akai's body was unwell, so he should go up first. Then a group of four people and a dead person walked up the steps and returned to the exquisite courtyard.

"Mr. Akai, please take a good rest, after all, you are very important to our skull organization." General Moore said sincerely.

"Oh, thank you General Moore for your concern, I will." Akai nodded.

General Moore and Wade didn't say anything, they left first before talking. They were really afraid that the crazy old man would invite them to study the corpse again and again. Should they go or not? I'm afraid I won't be able to eat in the next few days, right? If you don't go, you won't give the old man face, and it's not good.

After the latter watched the two guys leave, he exhaled heavily and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. In the short span of less than three minutes, Akai felt like a year. After all, once Wade and General Moore find out that something is wrong, he must be the first to die.

"Good job." The devil's voice came from behind.

Li Zedao thought that this old man would make some small act of asking for help. It seemed that he was more afraid of death than he thought.

Akai hurriedly turned his head, looked at the dark figure surrounded by darkness, and whispered: "Next, let's go out?" After all, there are many good hands hidden around this family hotel. Once someone does not say hello. If I try to leave here, I will probably lose my life.

"If I want to force it, then when I was just below, that General Moore and that Wade had already become corpses." Li Zedao said coldly.


"You can shut up." Li Zedao said coldly, "From now on, if you dare to make any noise, I will kill you!"

"..." Akai's expression was astonished, and he quickly closed his mouth, and didn't dare to make any noise anymore.

Then, he almost let out an unbearable exclamation, because he found that his whole body was actually vacated...He was simply carried by the devil on his other shoulder.

"Remember, don't make any noises, otherwise, I will really kill you!" Li Zedao reminded again.

Akai, who was already dizzy on his shoulders, didn't know what the devil wanted to do, but he knew that he would really kill, so he hurriedly closed his mouth harder. In any case, he couldn't make any noise. When he came out, he took off his glasses in a hurry and held them tightly in his hands, for fear that they would fall off in a while.

At this moment, Li Zedao's figure flashed, and quickly rushed toward one of the courtyard walls. Under the cover of night, it was like a ghost, even hard to find its trace with the naked eye.

Suddenly, he came to the courtyard wall, and then his legs seemed to be using no force. The body had already jumped up, and the person who passed the wall in an instant came to the outside, but the movement was extremely slight, even OK. Say no.

Li Zedao's pace didn't mean to slow down, he continued to transform into an afterimage that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and ran forward under the cover of the night.

In the darkness, two dark figures leaned against a big tree, their figures blended into the night perfectly, and they were hard to find with the naked eye.

At this moment, there was a flash in front of them, as if something was drifting in front of them, and even a gust of wind blew.

"Did you see anything? It seems that something is drifting by." One of the dark shadows narrowed their eyes and asked in a low voice, then looked around and looked around, but there was no slight movement.

"I just feel... as if there was a gust of wind. Isn't it normal to have a gust of wind? You see now another gust of wind has passed." Another person whispered, thinking this guy was too fussy.


"Okay, don't be suspicious, how long have we been in this place, but usually we have never seen a ghost."

Another black shadow heard the words, and felt that he might have some hallucinations, so he didn't think much about it right now.

Ten minutes later, on a road far away from the family hotel, a figure suddenly jumped out of the grass on the side of the road. Under the shining of the street lamp, you could clearly see that this was a man in black. What was surprising was that the man was carrying a person on his left shoulder, and he was carrying a big bag on his right shoulder.

This person is naturally Li Zedao.

When he was in the courtyard, he simply carried Akai on his shoulders, and then maximized his speed. He first left the courtyard, and then fled the patrolled area of ​​the skull members, and came to this road.

Li Zedao almost exhaled a breath of sullenness, and at the same time threw the Akai on his shoulders to the ground. The latter made a muffled noise, and then the mouth that was originally closed couldn't help it. The ground opened, and the whole person vomited with exhaustion.

Of course, because I had already vomited severely once before, although the vomiting was exaggerated this time, it just vomited some acid.

Looking at his old face, his eyes were dull, his eyes were dull, his head was dizzy, and he was half dead.

Looking up very hard, those old eyes glanced at the devil standing aside, his eyes were already full of horror. Akai knew that the devil was cruel, but he didn't even think about it that he would be so cruel and inhuman. The speed at which he rushed was so terrifying, so fast that even the security personnel around the hotel couldn't find him, so fast that he, an old man who would occasionally go racing, was so scared to throw up.

I am afraid that the fastest sports car in the world does not seem to run as fast as he does, right?

"Take it out?" Li Zedao asked coldly.

"Poor... almost." Akai said very hard. He got up trembling and felt that his whole body was sore and weak. His stomach was twisted and uncomfortable. His heartbeat was so fast that he was about to jump out. The roar was so loud...Akai was a bit wronged, this devil really didn't know how to respect the old and love the young.

"Wait a moment to see if there is a car, if any, stop one and leave here." Li Zedao said lightly.

Akai nodded, not daring to say anything.

Facts proved that Li Zedao's luck was good. In less than five minutes, a bunch of car lights had swept over, and the roar of the motor rang.

Li Zedao, carrying the body of He Xiaoyang, stepped forward decisively and stopped in the middle of the road. Then the more dazzling light tube swept over, making Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly. Then, he saw a white Toyota Prado. Screaming, extremely fast.

Soon, the body of this roaring car suddenly stopped. The car still slid forward with difficulty, and the engine made a harsh muffled noise. Obviously, the driver in the car was finding that someone was dying. I stood in the middle of the road and braked hard.

In the end, the car stopped two meters away from Li Zedao with great difficulty, and then the door was pushed abruptly. A young man with an ugly expression scared the car and shouted at Li Zedao: "Eight. Ga, do you want to die? Do you know who Lao Tzu is? Lao Tzu is a mountain pass..."

He had to do it while shouting. He didn't want to kill someone, but he wanted to beat someone to death.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Li Zedao simply punched it and smashed the guy in the face, so the guy fell to the ground without a grunt, and passed out directly.

Li Zedao walked over again and lightly picked his body, so his body rolled a few times on the ground, and finally rolled into the grass on the side.

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